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On Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The Eighth Reason for my not applying: According to the rule, “The result of illicit love is merciless torment,” divine determining, which is just, torments me through the tyrannous hand of the worldly, because I incline towards them and they are not worthy of it. So saying, “I deserve this torment,” I remain silent." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The Old Said no longer exists and the New Said considers it meaningless to talk with the worldly. Let their world be the end of them! They can do what they like. He is silent, saying, we shall be judged together with them at the Last Judgement." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The Eighth Reason for my not applying: According to the rule, “The result of illicit love is merciless torment,” divine determining, which is just, torments me through the tyrannous hand of the worldly, because I incline towards them and they are not worthy of it. So saying, “I deserve this torment,” I remain silent." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
279. satır: 279. satır:
The Old Said no longer exists and the New Said considers it meaningless to talk with the worldly. Let their world be the end of them! They can do what they like. He is silent, saying, we shall be judged together with them at the Last Judgement.
The Old Said no longer exists and the New Said considers it meaningless to talk with the worldly. Let their world be the end of them! They can do what they like. He is silent, saying, we shall be judged together with them at the Last Judgement.

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The Eighth Reason for my not applying: According to the rule, “The result of illicit love is merciless  torment,” divine  determining, which is just, torments  me through the tyrannous hand of the worldly, because I incline towards them and they are not worthy of it. So saying, “I deserve this torment,” I remain silent.
'''Adem-i müracaatımın sebeplerinden sekizincisi:''' “Gayr-ı meşru bir muhabbetin neticesi, merhametsiz bir adâvet olduğu” kaidesince, âdil olan kader-i İlahî, lâyık olmadıkları halde meylettiğim şu ehl-i dünyanın zalim eliyle beni tazip ediyor. Ben de bu azaba müstahakım deyip sükût ediyorum.

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For in the Great War I fought as the  commander of a volunteer regiment. Applauded by the Commander-in-Chief of the army and Enver Pafla, I sacrificed my valuable students and  friends. I was  wounded  and  taken  prisoner. Returning  from  captivit y,  I cast myself into danger through such works as The Seven Steps, aiming them at the heads of the British, who had occupied Istanbul. I assisted those who now hold me without reason in this torturous captivity. As for them, they punish  me in this way for that help. Those friends here cause me in three months the hardship and distress I suffered in three years as a prisoner-of-war in Russia.
Çünkü Harb-i Umumî’de Gönüllü Alay Kumandanı olarak iki sene çalıştım, çarpıştım. Ordu Kumandanı ve Enver Paşa takdiratı altında kıymettar talebelerimi, dostlarımı feda ettim. Yaralanıp esir düştüm. Esaretten geldikten sonra Hutuvat-ı Sitte gibi eserlerimle kendimi tehlikeye atıp İngilizlerin İstanbul’a tasallutu altında, İngilizlerin başlarına vurdum. Şu beni işkenceli ve sebepsiz esaret altına alanlara yardım ettim. İşte onlar da bana, o yardım cezasını böyle veriyorlar. Üç sene Rusya’da esaretimde çektiğim zahmet ve sıkıntıyı, burada bu dostlarım bana üç ayda çektirdiler.

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