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On Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Question:'''The Unity of Existence is considered by many people to be the most elevated station, but there was no explicit sign of it among the Companions and foremost the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs, who were at the level of the greatest sainthood, or among the Imams of the Prophet’s Family and foremost the five People of the Cloak, or the great interpreters of the law and the generation following the Companions and foremost the founders of the fo..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("==SECOND IMPORTANT MATTER==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Question:'''The Unity of Existence is considered by many people to be the most elevated station, but there was no explicit sign of it among the Companions and foremost the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs, who were at the level of the greatest sainthood, or among the Imams of the Prophet’s Family and foremost the five People of the Cloak, or the great interpreters of the law and the generation following the Companions and foremost the founders of the fo..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
35. satır: 35. satır:

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'''Question:'''The Unity of Existence is considered by many people to be the most elevated station, but there was no explicit sign of it among the Companions and foremost the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs, who were at the level of the greatest sainthood, or among the Imams of the Prophet’s Family and foremost  the five People of the Cloak, or the great interpreters of the law and the generation following the Companions and foremost the founders of the four schools of law. So did those who lived later advance further than them? Did they find a better highway on which to proceed?
'''Sual:''' Vahdetü’l-vücud meselesi, çoklar tarafından en yüksek makam telakki ediliyor. Halbuki velayet-i kübrada bulunan başta Hulefa-yı Erbaa olmak üzere sahabeler ve hem başta Hamse-i Âl-i Abâ olarak Eimme-i Ehl-i Beyt ve hem başta Eimme-i Erbaa olarak müçtehidîn ve tabiînden bu çeşit vahdetü’l-vücud meşrebi sarîhan görülmemiş. Acaba onlardan sonra çıkanlar daha ileri mi gitmişler, daha mükemmel bir cadde-i kübra mı bulmuşlar?

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