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On Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, the Companions and great interpreters of the law and Imams of the Family of the Prophet said: “The reality of things is constant;” Almighty God has a manifestation through all His names in actuality. Through His creativity, all things have an accidental existence. For sure, in relation to the Necessarily Existent’s existence their existence is an extremely weak and unstable shadow, but it is not imagination, it is not f..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, the sovereignty of divinity necessitates in actuality numerous sacred names like All-Merciful, Provider, Bestower, Creator, Doer, Munificent, and Compassionate. And those true and actual names require actual mirrors. Now, since the followers of the Unity of Existence say: “There is no existent but He,” they downgrade the reality of beings to the level of imagination. Almighty God’s names of Necessary Existent, Existent, One, and Single have..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, the Companions and great interpreters of the law and Imams of the Family of the Prophet said: “The reality of things is constant;” Almighty God has a manifestation through all His names in actuality. Through His creativity, all things have an accidental existence. For sure, in relation to the Necessarily Existent’s existence their existence is an extremely weak and unstable shadow, but it is not imagination, it is not f..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
53. satır: 53. satır:
Thus, the sovereignty of divinity necessitates in actuality numerous sacred names like All-Merciful, Provider, Bestower, Creator, Doer, Munificent, and Compassionate. And those true and actual names require actual mirrors. Now, since the followers of the Unity of Existence say: “There is no existent but He,” they downgrade the reality of beings to the level of imagination. Almighty God’s names of Necessary Existent, Existent, One, and Single have  true manifestations and spheres of application. For sure, if their mirrors and spheres of application were not real and were imaginary and non-existent,  it  would  not  harm  them.  And  perhaps  if  there  were  no  colour  of existence in the mirror of true existence, they would be purer and more brilliant, but the manifestations of such names as Merciful,  Provider, Subduer, Compeller, and Creator would not be real, they would be hypothetical.  However, those names are realities like the name of Existent, they cannot be shadows; they  are essential, not secondary.
Thus, the sovereignty of divinity necessitates in actuality numerous sacred names like All-Merciful, Provider, Bestower, Creator, Doer, Munificent, and Compassionate. And those true and actual names require actual mirrors. Now, since the followers of the Unity of Existence say: “There is no existent but He,” they downgrade the reality of beings to the level of imagination. Almighty God’s names of Necessary Existent, Existent, One, and Single have  true manifestations and spheres of application. For sure, if their mirrors and spheres of application were not real and were imaginary and non-existent,  it  would  not  harm  them.  And  perhaps  if  there  were  no  colour  of existence in the mirror of true existence, they would be purer and more brilliant, but the manifestations of such names as Merciful,  Provider, Subduer, Compeller, and Creator would not be real, they would be hypothetical.  However, those names are realities like the name of Existent, they cannot be shadows; they  are essential, not secondary.

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Thus, the Companions and great interpreters of the law and Imams of the Family of  the  Prophet  said:  “The  reality  of things is constant;”  Almighty  God  has  a manifestation  through all His names in actuality. Through His creativity, all things have  an  accidental  existence. For  sure, in  relation  to  the  Necessarily Existent’s existence their existence is  an  extremely weak and unstable shadow, but it is not imagination, it  is not fancy. Almighty  God  gives existence  through His  name of Creator and He continues that existence.
İşte sahabe ve asfiya-i müçtehidîn ve Eimme-i Ehl-i Beyt حَقَائِقُ ال۟اَش۟يَاءِ ثَابِتَةٌ derler ki '''Cenab-ı Hakk’ın bütün esmasıyla hakiki bir surette tecelliyatı var. Bütün eşyanın onun icadıyla bir vücud-u ârızîsi vardır. Ve o vücud çendan Vâcibü’l-vücud’un vücuduna nisbeten gayet zayıf ve kararsız bir zıll, bir gölgedir fakat hayal değil, vehim değildir. Cenab-ı Hak, Hallak ismiyle vücud veriyor ve o vücudu idame ediyor.'''

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