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On Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The latter is also of two kinds: the first includes those concerning which the consensus is implied by silence. For example, if a man in a community relates an incident in front of his people and those listening do not contradict him, that is, they respond to him by keeping silent, this implies their acceptance of the report. In particular, if that communit y is such as will not accept any error, will consider any lie reprehensible, is ready to critici..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("If there is a consensus of opinion concerning any related tradition (Turk. tevatür; Ar. tawatur),(*<ref>*Tawatur is the kind of report that is transmitted by numerous authorities and about which there is no room for doubt, that is, a report concerning which there is a consensus of opinion. (Tr.)</ref>)it is indisputable. There are two kinds of this sort of report: one is those reports about which there is ‘a clear, unambiguous consensus (sarih tevat..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The latter is also of two kinds: the first includes those concerning which the consensus is implied by silence. For example, if a man in a community relates an incident in front of his people and those listening do not contradict him, that is, they respond to him by keeping silent, this implies their acceptance of the report. In particular, if that communit y is such as will not accept any error, will consider any lie reprehensible, is ready to critici..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
122. satır: 122. satır:
other is ‘consensus in meaning (manevî tevatür).’
other is ‘consensus in meaning (manevî tevatür).’

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The latter is also of two kinds: the first  includes  those concerning which the consensus is implied by silence. For example, if a man in a community relates an incident in front of his people and those listening do not contradict him, that is, they respond to him by keeping silent, this implies their acceptance of the report. In particular, if that communit y is such as will not accept any error, will consider any lie reprehensible, is ready to criticize and, in addition, shows an interest in the reported incident, its silence testifies strongly to the incident having occurred.
Manevî tevatür de iki kısımdır. Biri sükûtîdir. Yani, sükût ile kabul gösterilmiş. Mesela, bir cemaat içinde bir adam, o cemaatin nazarı altında bir hâdiseyi haber verse cemaat onu tekzip etmezse sükût ile mukabele etse kabul etmiş gibi olur. Hususan haber verdiği hâdisede cemaat onunla alâkadar olsa hem tenkide müheyya ve hatayı kabul etmez ve yalanı çok çirkin görür bir cemaat olsa elbette onun sükûtu o hâdisenin vukuuna kuvvetli delâlet eder.

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