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Yirminci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Everyone may understand just how forlorn and baffled is man among the aimless human race in this bewildering fleeting world if he does not know his Owner, if he does not discover his Master." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The person who knows and loves God Almighty may receive endless bounties, happiness, lights, and mysteries." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Everyone may understand just how forlorn and baffled is man among the aimless human race in this bewildering fleeting world if he does not know his Owner, if he does not discover his Master." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
30. satır: 30. satır:
The person who knows and loves God Almighty may receive endless bounties, happiness, lights, and mysteries.
The person who knows and loves God Almighty may receive endless bounties, happiness, lights, and mysteries.

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While the one who does not truly know and love him is afflicted spiritually and materially b y endless misery, pain, and fears.
Onu hakiki tanımayan, sevmeyen nihayetsiz şakavete, âlâma ve evhama manen ve maddeten müptela olur.

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Even if such an impotent, miserable person owned the whole world, it would be worth nothing for him, for it  would seem to him that he was living a fruitless life among the vagrant human  race  in  a  wretched  world  without  owner  or  protector.
Evet, şu perişan dünyada, âvâre nev-i beşer içinde, semeresiz bir hayatta; sahipsiz, hâmisiz bir surette; âciz, miskin bir insan, bütün dünyanın sultanı da olsa kaç para eder.

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Everyone  may understand just how forlorn and baffled is man among the aimless human race in this bewildering fleeting world if he does not know his Owner, if he does not discover his Master.
İşte bu âvâre nev-i beşer içinde, bu perişan, fâni dünyada; insan, sahibini tanımazsa mâlikini bulmazsa ne kadar bîçare, sergerdan olduğunu herkes anlar.

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But if he does discover and know Him, he will seek refuge in His mercy and will rely on His power. The desolate world will  turn into a place of recreation and pleasure, it will become a place of trade for the hereafter.
Eğer sahibini bulsa mâlikini tanısa o vakit rahmetine iltica eder, kudretine istinad eder. O vahşetgâh dünya, bir tenezzühgâha döner ve bir ticaretgâh olur.

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