İçeriğe atla

Yirminci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Human beings are sent to this world, the realm of trial and examination, with the important duties of trading and acting as officials. After they have concluded their transactions, accomplished their duties, and completed their service, they will return and meet once more with their Generous Master and Glorious Creator who sent them forth in the first place. Leaving this transient realm, they will be honoured and elevated to the presence of grandeur..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("===THE ELEVENTH PHRASE:===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Human beings are sent to this world, the realm of trial and examination, with the important duties of trading and acting as officials. After they have concluded their transactions, accomplished their duties, and completed their service, they will return and meet once more with their Generous Master and Glorious Creator who sent them forth in the first place. Leaving this transient realm, they will be honoured and elevated to the presence of grandeur..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
166. satır: 166. satır:
“And with Him all things have their end”
“And with Him all things have their end”

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Human beings are sent to this world, the realm of trial and examination, with the important  duties of trading and acting as officials. After they have concluded their transactions, accomplished their duties, and completed their service, they will return and meet once more with their Generous Master and Glorious Creator who sent them forth in the first place. Leaving  this  transient  realm, they will be  honoured and elevated to the presence of grandeur in the realm of permanence. That is to say, being delivered from the turbulence of causes and from the obscure veils of intermediaries, they will meet with their Merciful Sustainer without veil at the seat of His eternal majesty. Everyone will find his Creator, True Object of Worship, Sustainer, Lord, and Owner and will know Him directly.
Yani, ticaret ve memuriyet için mühim vazifelerle bu dâr-ı imtihan olan dünyaya gönderilen insanlar, ticaretlerini yapıp vazifelerini bitirip ve hizmetlerini itmam ettikten sonra, yine onları gönderen Hâlık-ı Zülcelal’ine dönecekler ve Mevla-yı Kerîm’lerine kavuşacaklar. Yani, bu dâr-ı fâniden gidip dâr-ı bâkide huzur-u kibriyaya müşerref olacaklar. Yani, esbab dağdağasından ve vesaitin karanlık perdelerinden kurtulup Rabb-i Rahîm’lerine makarr-ı saltanat-ı ebedîsinde perdesiz kavuşacaklar. Doğrudan doğruya herkes, kendi Hâlık’ı ve Mabud’u ve Rabb’i ve Seyyid’i ve Mâlik’i kim olduğunu bilecek ve bulacaklar.

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Thus, this phrase proclaims the following joyful news, which is greater than all the rest:
İşte şu kelime bütün müjdelerin fevkinde şöyle müjde eder ve der ki:

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