İçeriğe atla

Yirminci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"We have demonstrated to an extent in our explanations above, the infinite ease, utmost speed, extreme swiftnesss of actions, and boundless facility apparent in the creation of beings, together with the mysteries and instances of wisdom in their creation." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("====The Fifth====" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("We have demonstrated to an extent in our explanations above, the infinite ease, utmost speed, extreme swiftnesss of actions, and boundless facility apparent in the creation of beings, together with the mysteries and instances of wisdom in their creation." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
635. satır: 635. satır:
====The Fifth====
====The Fifth====

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We have demonstrated to an extent in our explanations above, the infinite ease, utmost  speed, extreme swiftnesss of actions, and boundless facility apparent in the creation of  beings, together with the mysteries  and  instances of wisdom  in their creation.
Sâbık beyanatımızda, icad-ı mahlukatta görünen hadsiz kolaylık, gayet derecede çabukluk, nihayetsiz sürat-i ef’al, nihayetsiz suhuletle icad-ı eşyanın sırlarını, hikmetlerini bir derece gösterdik. İşte şu nihayetsiz sürat ve hadsiz suhuletle vücud-u eşya, ehl-i hidayete şöyle kat’î bir kanaat verir ki:

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The existence of things with this utmost speed and utter facility, therefore, has given the people of guidance the following firm conviction, that in relation to the power of the One who creates beings, Paradises are as easy as the spring, the spring as easy as gardens, and gardens as easy as flowers.
Mahlukatı icad eden zatın kudretine nisbeten; cennetler baharlar kadar, baharlar bahçeler kadar, bahçeler çiçekler kadar kolay gelir.

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