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Yirminci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"===First Comparison:===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Question:'''You have said in many places that in divine unity there is an infinite facility and in multiplicity and associating partners with God, endless difficulties; that there is such ease in divine unity that it is necessary and such difficulty in associating partners with God that it is impossible. Whereas, the difficulties and impossibilities that you demonstrate are also present with unity. For example, you sa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("===First Comparison:===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
686. satır: 686. satır:
'''Question:'''You have said in many places that in divine unity there is an infinite  facility  and  in  multiplicity  and  associating  partners  with  God,  endless difficulties;  that  there  is  such ease  in  divine  unity that  it  is  necessary and  such difficulty  in  associating  partners  with  God  that  it  is  impossible.  Whereas,  the difficulties and impossibilities that  you demonstrate are also present with unity. For example, you say that if particles were not officials, it would be necessary for either all-encompassing knowledge or absolute power or innumerable immaterial machines and printing-presses to  be present in every particle. This  of course is completely impossible. Even if those particles were divine officials, it would still be necessary for them to bear the same qualities so that they would be able to accomplish their endless orderly duties. Could you unravel this problem for me?
'''Question:'''You have said in many places that in divine unity there is an infinite  facility  and  in  multiplicity  and  associating  partners  with  God,  endless difficulties;  that  there  is  such ease  in  divine  unity that  it  is  necessary and  such difficulty  in  associating  partners  with  God  that  it  is  impossible.  Whereas,  the difficulties and impossibilities that  you demonstrate are also present with unity. For example, you say that if particles were not officials, it would be necessary for either all-encompassing knowledge or absolute power or innumerable immaterial machines and printing-presses to  be present in every particle. This  of course is completely impossible. Even if those particles were divine officials, it would still be necessary for them to bear the same qualities so that they would be able to accomplish their endless orderly duties. Could you unravel this problem for me?

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'''The Answer:'''We have expounded and proved in many Words that if all beings are attributed to a single Maker, they become as easy and effortless as a single being. If they are attributed to numerous causes and to nature, a single fly becomes as difficult and arduous as the heavens, a flower as the spring, a fruit as a garden. Since this mattter has been proved in  other  Words, we refer you to them and here only explain three comparisons, by means of three indications, which will reassure the soul and set the mind at rest in the face of that truth.
'''Elcevap:''' Çok Sözlerde izah ve ispat etmişiz ki: Bütün mevcudat bir tek Sâni’e verilse bir tek mevcud gibi kolay ve suhuletli olur. Eğer müteaddid esbaba ve tabiata isnad edilse bir tek sinek, semavat kadar; bir çiçek, bir bahar kadar; bir meyve, bir bahçe kadar müşkülatlı ve suubetli olur. Madem şu mesele başka Sözlerde izah ve ispat edilmiş, onlara havale edip şurada yalnız üç işaret ile o hakikate karşı nefsin itminanını temin edecek üç temsil beyan edeceğiz:

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=== Birinci Temsil: ===
===First Comparison:===

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