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"==YOUR FIRST QUESTION==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Your suffering difficulties in respect of worldly life saddened me a little, for your sake. But since this world is not eternal and good may come of disasters, it occurred to me to say on your behalf: “This too will pass.” I thought of the Hadith: “True life is the life of the hereafter.”(*<ref>*Bukhari, Riqaq, 1; Jihad, 33, 110; Manaqib al-Athar, 9; Maghazi, 29; Muslim, Jihad, 126, 129;Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 55; Ibn Maja, Masajid, 3; Musnad, ii,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("==YOUR FIRST QUESTION==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
12. satır: 12. satır:
Your suffering difficulties in respect of worldly life  saddened me a little, for your sake. But since this world is not eternal and good may come of disasters, it occurred to me to say on your behalf: “This too will pass.” I thought of the Hadith: “True life is the  life of the  hereafter.”(*<ref>*Bukhari, Riqaq, 1; Jihad, 33, 110; Manaqib al-Athar, 9; Maghazi, 29; Muslim, Jihad, 126, 129;Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 55; Ibn Maja, Masajid, 3; Musnad, ii, 381; iii, 172, 180, 216, 276; v, 332.</ref>)I recited  the  verse: “God  is  with those who  patiently persevere.”(2:253) I said: “To God do we belong, and to Him is our return.”(2:156) And I found consolation in place of you. If Almighty God loves one of His servants, He makes him feel disgust at the world and shows it to be ugly.(*<ref>*Tirmidhi, Tibb, 1; Musnad, v, 427; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, iv, 207; al-Haythami, Majma’ al- Zawa’id, x, 285; al-Suyuti, Kanz al-‘Ummal, iii, 204.</ref>)God willing,  you  belong  to  that  class  of  His  loved  ones.
Your suffering difficulties in respect of worldly life  saddened me a little, for your sake. But since this world is not eternal and good may come of disasters, it occurred to me to say on your behalf: “This too will pass.” I thought of the Hadith: “True life is the  life of the  hereafter.”(*<ref>*Bukhari, Riqaq, 1; Jihad, 33, 110; Manaqib al-Athar, 9; Maghazi, 29; Muslim, Jihad, 126, 129;Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 55; Ibn Maja, Masajid, 3; Musnad, ii, 381; iii, 172, 180, 216, 276; v, 332.</ref>)I recited  the  verse: “God  is  with those who  patiently persevere.”(2:253) I said: “To God do we belong, and to Him is our return.”(2:156) And I found consolation in place of you. If Almighty God loves one of His servants, He makes him feel disgust at the world and shows it to be ugly.(*<ref>*Tirmidhi, Tibb, 1; Musnad, v, 427; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, iv, 207; al-Haythami, Majma’ al- Zawa’id, x, 285; al-Suyuti, Kanz al-‘Ummal, iii, 204.</ref>)God willing,  you  belong  to  that  class  of  His  loved  ones.

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Do  not  let  the  increased difficulties preventing the spreading of the Words upset you. God willing, when the amount you have distributed comes to manifest divine mercy, those light-filled seeds will open a profusion of flowers.
Sözler’in neşrine manilerin çoğalması sizi müteessir etmesin. İnşâallah neşrettiğin miktar bir rahmete mazhar olduğu zaman, pek bereketli bir surette o nurlu çekirdekler, kesretli çiçekler açacaklar.

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You asked a number of questions. My dear brother! The majority of the Words and  Letters that have been written occurred to my heart instantaneously without the exercise of will; and they turned out very well. If I reply to you relying on my will and strength of  knowledge and thought like the Old Said, the answers will turn out dull and deficient. For some time now my heart has received no inspirations and the whip of my memory been broken; so I shall reply extremely briefly to each of them, so as not to deprive you of an answer.
Bazı sualler soruyorsunuz. Aziz kardeşim, yazılan galip Sözler ve Mektuplar; ihtiyarsız, def’î ve âni bir surette kalbe geliyordu, güzel oluyordu. Eğer ihtiyar ile Eski Said gibi kuvve-i ilmiye ile düşünüp cevap versem sönük düşer, noksan olur. Bir miktardır ki tulûat-ı kalbiye tevakkuf etmiş, hâfıza kamçısı kırılmış fakat cevapsız kalmamak için gayet muhtasar birer cevap yazacağız:

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== Birinci Sualiniz: ==

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