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Yirmi Üçüncü Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"It is like this: a couple of days ago, aQur’an reciter read part of Sura Yusuf as far as,Take my soul [at death] as one submitting to Your will [as a Muslim], and unite me with the righteous.(12:101)This point occurred to me in a flash: everything concerning the Qur’an and belief is valuable; however insignificant a point appears to be, it has great value. Nothing that helps to win eternal happiness is insignificant. In which case, it may not be said..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("==I am adding an eighth to your seven matters.==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("It is like this: a couple of days ago, aQur’an reciter read part of Sura Yusuf as far as,Take my soul [at death] as one submitting to Your will [as a Muslim], and unite me with the righteous.(12:101)This point occurred to me in a flash: everything concerning the Qur’an and belief is valuable; however insignificant a point appears to be, it has great value. Nothing that helps to win eternal happiness is insignificant. In which case, it may not be said..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
102. satır: 102. satır:
==I am adding an eighth to your seven matters.==
==I am adding an eighth to your seven matters.==

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It is like this: a couple of days ago, aQur’an reciter read part of Sura Yusuf as far as,Take my soul [at death] as one submitting to Your will [as a Muslim], and unite me with the righteous.(12:101)This point occurred to me in a flash: everything concerning the Qur’an and belief is valuable; however insignificant a point appears to be, it has great value. Nothing that helps to win eternal happiness is insignificant. In which case, it may not be said that this is only a small point and not worth explaining or being given importance. And certainly, the first student and person  addressed  in matters  of  this  kind,  who  appreciates  the  fine  points  of  the Qur’an, Ibrahim Hulûsi, wants to hear this point! In which case, listen to it:
Şöyle ki: Bir iki gün evvel bir hâfız, Sure-i Yusuf’tan bir aşr, tâ تَوَفَّنٖى مُس۟لِمًا وَ اَل۟حِق۟نٖى بِالصَّالِحٖينَ e kadar okudu. Birden âni bir surette bir nükte kalbe geldi:
'''Kur’an’a ve imana ait her şey kıymetlidir, zâhiren ne kadar küçük olursa olsun kıymetçe büyüktür. Evet, saadet-i ebediyeye yardım eden küçük değildir.''' Öyle ise “Şu küçük bir nüktedir, şu izaha ve ehemmiyete değmez.” denilmez. Elbette şu çeşit mesailde en birinci talebe ve muhatap olan ve nüket-i Kur’aniyeyi takdir eden İbrahim Hulusi, o nükteyi işitmek ister. Öyle ise dinle:

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