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Yirmi Dördüncü Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Similarly, “And God’s is the highest similitude,”(16:60) as necessitated by mercy, wisdom, and lovingness, the Wise, Compassionate, and Loving Creator causes the factory of the universe to work. He makes all transient existences the seeds of numerous perpetual existences; He makes them the means for the fulfilment of the dominical aims; He makes them manifest the divine attributes; He makes them the ink for the pen of divine determining a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Furthermore, beings depart leaving behind them the stages and states they have undergone throughout their lives – a detailed existence which represents their external existence – on the Preserved Tablet, and in the Clear Book and Clear Record, and other spheres of existence like these that pertain to divine knowledge. This means that every transitory being abandons one existence and gains thousands of permanent existences." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Similarly, “And God’s is the highest similitude,”(16:60) as necessitated by mercy, wisdom, and lovingness, the Wise, Compassionate, and Loving Creator causes the factory of the universe to work. He makes all transient existences the seeds of numerous perpetual existences; He makes them the means for the fulfilment of the dominical aims; He makes them manifest the divine attributes; He makes them the ink for the pen of divine determining a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
226. satır: 226. satır:
Furthermore, beings depart leaving behind them the stages and states they have undergone throughout their lives – a detailed existence which represents their external existence – on the Preserved Tablet, and in the Clear Book and Clear Record, and other spheres of existence like these that pertain to divine knowledge. This means that every transitory being  abandons  one existence and  gains  thousands of permanent existences.
Furthermore, beings depart leaving behind them the stages and states they have undergone throughout their lives – a detailed existence which represents their external existence – on the Preserved Tablet, and in the Clear Book and Clear Record, and other spheres of existence like these that pertain to divine knowledge. This means that every transitory being  abandons  one existence and  gains  thousands of permanent existences.

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For  example, a  number of  common  substances  are  thrown  into  a  wondrous machine in a factory; they burn up inside it and are apparently destroyed, but in those vats valuable chemical substances are precipitated. Also, through its force and steam, the factory’s machinery works: in one area of it textiles are woven, in another books are printed, while in another sweets and other rare confections are manufactured; and so on; it produces these. That  is to  say, thousands of things come into existence through the burning of those common substances and their apparent destruction. One common existence departs but leaves a legacy of numerous elevated existences. Can one therefore feel sorry for the common substance? Can one complain about the factory owner because he did not pity it and burnt it, destroying  those affectionate substances?
Mesela, nasıl ki hârikulâde bir fabrika makinesine âdi bazı maddeler atılır; içinde yanarlar, zâhiren mahvolur fakat o fabrikanın imbiklerinde çok kıymettar kimya maddeleri ve edviyeler teressüb eder. Hem onun kuvvetiyle ve buharıyla o fabrikanın çarkları döner; bir taraftan kumaşları dokumasına, bir kısmı kitap tabına, bir kısmı da şeker gibi başka kıymettar şeyleri imal etmesine medar oluyor ve hâkeza… Demek o âdi maddelerin yanmasıyla ve zâhiren mahvolmasıyla binler şeyler vücud buluyor. Demek âdi bir vücud gider, âlî çok vücudları irsiyet bırakır. İşte şu halde, o âdi maddeye yazık oldu denilir mi? Fabrika sahibi neden ona acımadı, yandırdı; o sevimli maddeleri mahvetti, şikâyet edilir mi?

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Similarly, “And  God’s  is  the  highest  similitude,”(16:60)  as  necessitated  by mercy, wisdom, and lovingness, the Wise, Compassionate, and Loving Creator causes the factory of  the universe to work. He makes all transient existences the seeds of numerous perpetual existences; He makes them the means for the fulfilment of the dominical aims; He makes them manifest the divine attributes; He makes them the ink for the pen of divine determining and shuttles for the weaving of divine power; and for many elevated aims and favours that we do not yet know, through the activity of His power He causes the activity of the universe; He causes particles to spin, beings to travel, animals to flow, and the planets to rotate;
Aynen öyle de وَلِلّٰهِ ال۟مَثَلُ ال۟اَع۟لٰى Hâlık-ı Hakîm ve Rahîm ve Vedud, mukteza-yı rahmet ve hikmet ve vedudiyet olarak kâinat fabrikasına hareket veriyor; her bir vücud-u fâniyi çok bâki vücudlara çekirdek yapar, makasıd-ı Rabbaniyesine medar eder, şuunat-ı Sübhaniyesine mazhar kılar, kalem-i kaderine mürekkep ittihaz eder ve kudretin dokumasına bir mekik yapar ve daha bilmediğimiz pek çok gayat-ı gâliye ve makasıd-ı âliye için kendi faaliyet-i kudretiyle kâinatı faaliyete getirir. Zerratı cevelana, mevcudatı seyerana, hayvanatı seyelana, seyyaratı deverana getirir, kâinatı konuşturur; âyâtını ona sessiz söylettirir ve ona yazdırır. Ve mahlukat-ı arzıyeyi rububiyeti noktasında, havayı emir ve iradesine bir nevi arş ve nur unsurunu ilim ve hikmetine diğer bir arş ve suyu ihsan ve rahmetine başka bir arş ve toprağı hıfz ve ihyasına bir çeşit arş yapmış. O arşlardan üçünü, mahlukat-ı arzıye üstünde gezdiriyor.

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He  makes  the universe speak, causing it to silently recite His verses, His signs, and to inscribe them. And of the creatures of the earth – with regard to His dominicality – He makes the air a throne for His command and will; the element of light  a throne for His knowledge and wisdom;  water  a  throne  for  His  bounty  and  mercy;  and  earth  a  throne  for  His preservation and giving of life; and three of these thrones He rests on the creatures of the earth.
Kat’iyen bil ki bu beş remizde ve beş işarette gösterilen parlak hakikat-i âliye, nur-u Kur’an ile görünür ve imanın kuvvetiyle sahip olunabilir. Yoksa o hakikat-i bâkiye yerine, gayet müthiş bir zulümat geçer. Ehl-i dalalet için dünya, firaklar ve zevaller ile dolu ve ademler ile mâlâmâldir. Kâinat, onun için manevî bir cehennem hükmüne geçer. Her şey onun için âni bir vücud ile hadsiz bir adem ihata ediyor. Bütün mazi ve müstakbel, zulümat-ı ademle memlûdür; yalnız kısacık bir zaman-ı halde, bir hazîn nur-u vücud bulabilir. Fakat sırr-ı Kur’an ve nur-u iman ile ezelden ebede kadar bir nur-u vücud görünür, ona alâkadar olur ve onunla saadet-i ebediyesini temin eder.
Know certainly that the shining truth demonstrated in these five Signs and five Indications is to be seen through the light of the Qur’an and may be laid claim to through the strength of belief. Otherwise a terrifying dark ness takes the place of this enduring truth. For the people of misguidance, the world is full to overflowing with deaths, separations, and non-existence; for them, the universe is a sort of Hell. Everything has only a flash of existence and is surrounded by never- ending  non-being. The  past  and  the  future  are  filled  with  the  darkness  of  non- existence;  they  may  find  a  sad  light  of  existence  only  in  the  fleeting  present. However,  through  the  mystery  of  the  Qur’an  and  the  light  of  belief,  a  light  of existence becomes apparent which shines from pre-eternity to post-eternity; believers are connected with that, and through it secure eternal happiness.

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==== Elhasıl: ====
====In Short:====

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