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Yirmi Dördüncü Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In His Name, be He glorified!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Answer:'''As is explained in others of the Words, supplication is worship. By means of it, God’s servant proclaims his powerlessness and want. The apparent purposes mark the times of the supplication and the supplicatory worship; they are not really the purpose. The purpose of worship and its benefits look to the hereafter. If its worldly aims are not obtained, it should not be said that the supplication was not accepted, but that..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In His Name, be He glorified!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
326. satır: 326. satır:
'''The Answer:'''As is explained in others of the Words, supplication is worship.  By means of it, God’s servant proclaims his powerlessness and want. The apparent purposes mark the times of the supplication and the supplicatory worship; they are not really the purpose. The purpose of worship and its benefits look to the hereafter.  If  its  worldly  aims  are  not  obtained,  it  should  not  be  said  that  the supplication was not accepted, but that the time for it has not yet ended.
'''The Answer:'''As is explained in others of the Words, supplication is worship.  By means of it, God’s servant proclaims his powerlessness and want. The apparent purposes mark the times of the supplication and the supplicatory worship; they are not really the purpose. The purpose of worship and its benefits look to the hereafter.  If  its  worldly  aims  are  not  obtained,  it  should  not  be  said  that  the supplication was not accepted, but that the time for it has not yet ended.

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Also, is it at all possible that eternal happiness, which all the believers have asked for at all times, continuously, with complete sincerity and  yearning and entreaty, should not be given to them, and that the Absolutely Generous One, the Absolutely Compassionate One, who according to the testimony  of  the  universe  possesses  boundless  mercy,  should  not  accept  their supplications and that eternal happiness should not exist?
Hem hiç mümkün müdür ki bütün ehl-i imanın, bütün zamanlarda, mütemadiyen kemal-i hulus ve iştiyak ve dua ile istedikleri saadet-i ebediye, onlara verilmesin ve bütün kâinatın şehadetiyle hadsiz rahmeti bulunan o Kerîm-i Mutlak, o Rahîm-i Mutlak; bütün onların o duasını kabul etmesin ve saadet-i ebediye vücud bulmasın?

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===Third Point===

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There are two ways in which voluntary supplication by word is acceptable. It is either accepted exactly as desired or what is better is granted.
Dua-yı kavlî-i ihtiyarînin makbuliyeti, iki cihetledir. Ya aynı matlubu ile makbul olur veyahut daha evlâsı verilir.

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