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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''“Secondly:''' It is in no way possible for a human being to be successful in doing such a thing on his own, in fact, it is completely impossible. People who resemble each other may imitate one another, people of the same nation look the same as one another, people who are close to one another in rank or status may impersonate one another and temporarily deceive people, but they cannot do so for ever. For in any event, the falseness and artificialit..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("To which I rejoined:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''“Secondly:''' It is in no way possible for a human being to be successful in doing such a thing on his own, in fact, it is completely impossible. People who resemble each other may imitate one another, people of the same nation look the same as one another, people who are close to one another in rank or status may impersonate one another and temporarily deceive people, but they cannot do so for ever. For in any event, the falseness and artificialit..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
68. satır: 68. satır:
'''“Firstly:'''Out of love of religion, someone who is religious may say: ‘The truth is this; in reality, the matter is thus; Almighty God commands such-and-such.’ But he would not make God speak to suit himself. Trembling at the verse,Who,  then  does  more  wrong  than  one  who  utters  a  lie  concerning God?(39:32),he would not overstep his mark to an infinite degree, imitate God, and speak on His behalf.
'''“Firstly:'''Out of love of religion, someone who is religious may say: ‘The truth is this; in reality, the matter is thus; Almighty God commands such-and-such.’ But he would not make God speak to suit himself. Trembling at the verse,Who,  then  does  more  wrong  than  one  who  utters  a  lie  concerning God?(39:32),he would not overstep his mark to an infinite degree, imitate God, and speak on His behalf.

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'''“Secondly:''' It is in no way possible for a human being to be successful in doing such a thing on his own, in fact, it is completely impossible. People who resemble each other may imitate one another, people of the same nation look the same as one another, people who are close to one another in rank or status may impersonate one another and temporarily deceive  people, but they cannot do so for ever. For in any event, the falseness and artificiality in their behaviour will show up their imposture to the observant, and their deception will not last.
'''Ve sâniyen:''' Bir beşer kendi başına böyle yapması ve muvaffak olması hiçbir cihetle mümkün değildir. Belki yüz derece muhaldir. Çünkü birbirine yakın zatlar birbirini taklit edebilirler. Bir cinsten olanlar, birbirinin suretine girebilirler. Mertebece birbirine yakın olanlar, birbirinin makamlarını taklit edebilirler. Muvakkaten insanları iğfal ederler fakat daimî iğfal edemezler. Çünkü ehl-i dikkat nazarında alâküllihal etvar ve ahvali içindeki tasannuatlar ve tekellüfatlar sahtekârlığını gösterecek, hilesi devam etmeyecek.

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