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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"“In just the same way, if the Qur’an is supposed to be man’s word, then it has to be supposed, God forbid, that that Perspicuous Book – which is clearly a brilliant star; indeed, a sun of perfections perpetually scattering the lights of truth in the heavens of the world of Islam – is like a firefly, a spurious sham made up by a counterfeiting human; and those who are closest to it and study it most carefully do not realize this, and consider i..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("I replied:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("“In just the same way, if the Qur’an is supposed to be man’s word, then it has to be supposed, God forbid, that that Perspicuous Book – which is clearly a brilliant star; indeed, a sun of perfections perpetually scattering the lights of truth in the heavens of the world of Islam – is like a firefly, a spurious sham made up by a counterfeiting human; and those who are closest to it and study it most carefully do not realize this, and consider i..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
84. satır: 84. satır:
“This is completely impossible, an idea so nonsensical as to shame the Devil himself,  like dreaming up an utterly impossible situation. For it entails supposing a person who  throughout  his  life  demonstrated  and  taught trust, belief,  confidence, sincerity, seriousness,  and integrity through all his conduct, words, and actions, and raised eminently truthful and  sincere followers, and was accepted as possessing the highest,  most  shining  virtues,  to  be  the  most  untrustworthy,  insincere,  and unbelieving.
“This is completely impossible, an idea so nonsensical as to shame the Devil himself,  like dreaming up an utterly impossible situation. For it entails supposing a person who  throughout  his  life  demonstrated  and  taught trust, belief,  confidence, sincerity, seriousness,  and integrity through all his conduct, words, and actions, and raised eminently truthful and  sincere followers, and was accepted as possessing the highest,  most  shining  virtues,  to  be  the  most  untrustworthy,  insincere,  and unbelieving.

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For in this question there is no point between the two.
Çünkü şu meselenin ortası yoktur. Zira farz-ı muhal olarak Kur’an, kelâmullah olmazsa arştan ferşe düşer gibi sukut eder. Ortada kalmaz. Mecma-ı hakaik iken, menba-ı hurafat olur. Ve o hârika fermanı gösteren zat, hâşâ sümme hâşâ eğer Resulullah olmazsa a’lâ-yı illiyyînden esfel-i safilîne sukut etmek ve menba-ı kemalât derecesinden maden-i desais makamına düşmek lâzım gelir. Ortada kalamaz. Zira Allah namına iftira eden, yalan söyleyen en edna bir dereceye düşer.
“If, to suppose the impossible, the Qur’an were not the Word of God, it would fall from  the divine throne to the ground; it would not remain somewhere between. While being the meeting-point of truths, it would become a source of superstition and myth. And if, God  forbid, the one who proclaimed that wonderful decree was not God’s Messenger, it would necessitate his descending from the highest of the high to the lowest of the low, and from the degree of being the source of accomplishments and perfections to the level of being a mine  of trickery and intrigue; he could not remain between the two. For one who lies and  fabricates in God’s name falls to the very lowest of degrees.

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