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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''“Fourthly:'''Also, if the Qur’an is imagined to be man’s word, it necessitates fancying that the Qur’an, which is a sacred commander of the community of Muhammad, mankind’s largest and most powerful army, is – God forbid – a powerless, valueless, baseless forgery. Whereas, self-evidently, through its powerful laws, sound principles, and penetrating commands, it has equipped that huge army both materially, and morally and spir..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("“It is as impossible as permanently seeing a fly as a peacock, and all the time seeing the peacocks’s attributes in the fly. Only someone lacking all intelligence could imagine it to be possible." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''“Fourthly:'''Also, if the Qur’an is imagined to be man’s word, it necessitates fancying that the Qur’an, which is a sacred commander of the community of Muhammad, mankind’s largest and most powerful army, is – God forbid – a powerless, valueless, baseless forgery. Whereas, self-evidently, through its powerful laws, sound principles, and penetrating commands, it has equipped that huge army both materially, and morally and spir..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
89. satır: 89. satır:
“It is as impossible as permanently seeing a fly as a peacock, and all the time seeing  the  peacocks’s  attributes in the fly.  Only  someone lacking all  intelligence could imagine it to be possible.
“It is as impossible as permanently seeing a fly as a peacock, and all the time seeing  the  peacocks’s  attributes in the fly.  Only  someone lacking all  intelligence could imagine it to be possible.

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'''“Fourthly:'''Also, if the Qur’an is imagined to be man’s word, it necessitates fancying  that  the  Qur’an,  which  is  a  sacred  commander  of  the  community  of Muhammad, mankind’s largest and most powerful army, is – God forbid – a powerless, valueless, baseless forgery. Whereas, self-evidently, through its powerful laws, sound principles, and penetrating commands, it has equipped that huge army both materially, and morally and spiritually, has imposed on it such an order, regularity, and discipline that it has conquered both this world and the next, and has instructed the minds of people each according to his degree, and trained their hearts, conquered their spirits, purified  their consciences, and employed and utilized their limbs  and  members.  To  imagine  it  to  be  a  counterfeit  necessitates  accepting  a hundredfold impossibility.
'''Râbian:''' Hem Kur’an’ı kelâm-ı beşer farz etmek lâzım gelir ki benî-Âdem’in en büyük ve muhteşem ordusu olan ümmet-i Muhammediyenin (asm) mukaddes bir kumandanı olan Kur’an, bilmüşahede kuvvetli kanunlarıyla, esaslı düsturlarıyla, nâfiz emirleriyle o pek büyük orduyu, iki cihanı fethedecek bir derecede bir intizam verdiği ve bir inzibat altına aldığı ve maddî ve manevî teçhiz ettiği ve umum efradın derecatına göre akıllarını talim ve kalplerini terbiye ve ruhlarını teshir ve vicdanlarını tathir, aza ve cevarihlerini istimal ve istihdam ettiği halde –hâşâ, yüz bin hâşâ– kuvvetsiz, kıymetsiz, asılsız bir düzme farz edip yüz derece muhali kabul etmek lâzım gelmekle beraber…

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