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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"However, the conciseness of the verses from Sura Qaf are particularly wonderful and miraculous. For they each point out the truly dreadful future of the unbelievers when each endless day will last fifty thousand years, and the dire things that will happen to them in the awesome revolutions of the future. It flashes them over the mind like lightning, depicting that long, long period of time to the mind’s eye as a single present page. Referring the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And for example:And remember Zun-Nun, when he departed in wrath: he imagined that We had no power over him. But he cried through the depths of darkness: “There is no god but You; glory be unto You; I was indeed among the wrongdoers.”(21:87)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("However, the conciseness of the verses from Sura Qaf are particularly wonderful and miraculous. For they each point out the truly dreadful future of the unbelievers when each endless day will last fifty thousand years, and the dire things that will happen to them in the awesome revolutions of the future. It flashes them over the mind like lightning, depicting that long, long period of time to the mind’s eye as a single present page. Referring the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
151. satır: 151. satır:
There are a great many instances of this sort of miraculous conciseness in the Qur’an, and they are very beautiful indeed.
There are a great many instances of this sort of miraculous conciseness in the Qur’an, and they are very beautiful indeed.

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However, the conciseness of the verses from Sura Qaf are particularly wonderful and  miraculous. For they each point out the truly dreadful future of the unbelievers when each  endless day will last fifty thousand years, and the dire things that will happen to them in  the  awesome revolutions of the future. It flashes them over the mind like lightning, depicting  that long, long period of time to the mind’s eye as a single present page. Referring the events that are not mentioned to the imagination, it evokes them with truly elevated fluency and smoothness of style.
Amma Sure-i Kaf’ın âyeti ise ondaki îcaz pek acib ve mu’cizanedir. Çünkü kâfirin pek müthiş ve çok uzun ve bir günü elli bin sene olan istikbaline ve o istikbalin dehşetli inkılabatında kâfirin başına gelecek elîm ve mühim hâdisata birer birer parmak basıyor. Şimşek gibi fikri, onlar üstünde gezdiriyor. O pek çok uzun zamanı, hazır bir sahife gibi nazara gösterir. Zikredilmeyen hâdisatı hayale havale edip ulvi bir selasetle beyan eder.

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When the Qur’an is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace: that you may receive mercy.(7:204)
وَاِذَا قُرِئَ ال۟قُر۟اٰنُ فَاس۟تَمِعُوا لَهُ وَاَن۟صِتُوا لَعَلَّكُم۟ تُر۟حَمُونَ

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And now if you have anything to say, O Satan, say it!
İşte ey şeytan! Şimdi bir sözün daha varsa söyle…

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Satan replied: “I cannot oppose what you say, nor defend myself. But there are many foolish people who listen to me; and many devils in human form who assist me; and many pharaohs among philosophers who learn things from me which flatter their egos, and prevent the publication of works like yours. Therefore I shall not lay down my arms before you!
Şeytan der: Bunlara karşı gelemem, müdafaa edemem. Fakat çok ahmaklar var, beni dinliyorlar ve insan suretinde çok şeytanlar var, bana yardım ediyorlar ve feylesoflardan çok firavunlar var, enaniyetlerini okşayan meseleleri benden ders alıyorlar. Senin bu gibi sözlerin neşrine set çekerler. Bunun için sana teslim-i silah etmem!

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