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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"However, nationalism is of two kinds: one is negative, inauspicious, and harmful; it is nourished by devouring others, persists through hostility to others, and is aware of what it is doing. It is the cause of enmity and disturbance. This is the reason the Hadith states that Islam has abrogated what preceded it and put an end to the tribalism of Ignorance.(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Ahkam, 4; ‘Imara, 36, 37; Abu Da’ud, Sunna, 5; Tirm..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("All these things being one and the same necessitates brotherhood, love, and unity. That is to say, being divided into groups and tribes should lead to mutual acquaintance and mutual assistance, not to antipathy and mutual hostility." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("However, nationalism is of two kinds: one is negative, inauspicious, and harmful; it is nourished by devouring others, persists through hostility to others, and is aware of what it is doing. It is the cause of enmity and disturbance. This is the reason the Hadith states that Islam has abrogated what preceded it and put an end to the tribalism of Ignorance.(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Ahkam, 4; ‘Imara, 36, 37; Abu Da’ud, Sunna, 5; Tirm..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
220. satır: 220. satır:
Furthermore, in the idea of nationalism is a thrill of the soul, a heedless pleasure, an inauspicious power. For this reason people involved in social life at this time cannot be told to give it up.
Furthermore, in the idea of nationalism is a thrill of the soul, a heedless pleasure, an inauspicious power. For this reason people involved in social life at this time cannot be told to give it up.

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However, nationalism is of two kinds: one is negative, inauspicious,  and  harmful;  it  is  nourished  by  devouring  others,  persists  through hostility to others, and is  aware of what it is doing. It is the cause of enmity and disturbance.  This  is  the  reason  the  Hadith  states  that  Islam  has  abrogated  what
Fakat fikr-i milliyet iki kısımdır. Bir kısmı menfîdir, şeametlidir, zararlıdır; başkasını yutmakla beslenir, diğerlerine adâvetle devam eder, müteyakkız davranır. Şu ise muhasamet ve keşmekeşe sebeptir. Onun içindir ki hadîs-i şerifte ferman etmiş:
preceded it and put an end to the tribalism of Ignorance.(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Ahkam, 4; ‘Imara, 36, 37; Abu Da’ud, Sunna, 5; Tirmidhi, Jihad, 28; ‘Ilm, 16; Nasa’i, Bay’a, 26; Ibn Maja, Jihad, 39; Musnad, iv, 69, 70, 199, 204, 205; v, 381; vi, 402, 403.</ref>)And the Qur’an decrees:

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