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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The above Hadith and verse reject in definite terms negative nationalism and racialism. For positive, sacred Islamic nationhood leaves no need for them." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The idea of nationalism has greatly advanced this century. The cunning European tyrants in particular awaken this among Muslims in negative fashion so they may divide them up and devour them." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("The above Hadith and verse reject in definite terms negative nationalism and racialism. For positive, sacred Islamic nationhood leaves no need for them." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
233. satır: 233. satır:
What race has three hundred and fifty million members? Which racialism can gain for those who subscribe to it so many brothers – and eternal brothers at that – in place of Islam? Negative nationalism has caused untold harm in history.
What race has three hundred and fifty million members? Which racialism can gain for those who subscribe to it so many brothers – and eternal brothers at that – in place of Islam? Negative nationalism has caused untold harm in history.

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'''In Short:'''The Umayyads combined some nationalistic ideas with their politics, and vexed the World of Islam. They also brought down many calamities on themselves.
'''Ezcümle:''' Emevîler bir parça fikr-i milliyeti siyasetlerine karıştırdıkları için hem âlem-i İslâm’ı küstürdüler hem kendileri de çok felaketler çektiler.

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Also, the  European  nations  have  promoted  the  idea  of  racialism enormously this century; the ghastly events of the Great War demonstrated just how harmful negative nationalism is, in addition to the perpetual, ill-omened enmity of the French and Germans.
Hem Avrupa milletleri, şu asırda unsuriyet fikrini çok ileri sürdükleri için Fransız ve Alman’ın çok şeametli ebedî adâvetlerinden başka, Harb-i Umumî’deki hâdisat-ı müthişe dahi menfî milliyetin nev-i beşere ne kadar zararlı olduğunu gösterdi.

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And  with us, in the Second Constitutional Period, – like the myriad tongues at the destruction of the Tower of Babel, known as the “ramification of peoples,”and their resulting dispersal – various refugee societies called “clubs” were formed, chiefly by the Armenians and Greeks, because of their negative, nationalistic ideas, and these were the cause of division. From that time to now, the condition of those devoured by the Europeans due to those clubs, and of those made wretched by them, has again demonstrated the harm of negative nationalism.
Hem bizde iptida-i Hürriyet’te, –Babil Kale’sinin harabiyeti zamanında “tebelbül-ü akvam” tabir edilen “teşaub-u akvam” ve o teşaub sebebiyle dağılmaları gibi– menfî milliyet fikriyle, başta Rum ve Ermeni olarak pek çok “kulüpler” namında sebeb-i tefrika-i kulûb, muhtelif milletçiler cemiyetleri teşekkül etti. Ve onlardan şimdiye kadar, ecnebilerin boğazına gidenlerin ve perişan olanların halleri, menfî milliyetin zararını gösterdi.

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As for the present, when the peoples and tribes of Islam are most in need of one another,  and each is more oppressed and more poverty-stricken than the others, and they are crushed beneath European domination, to regard one another as strangers due to the idea of nationalism and look on each other as enemies, is such a calamity it is indescribable.
Şimdi ise en ziyade birbirine muhtaç ve birbirinden mazlum ve birbirinden fakir ve ecnebi tahakkümü altında ezilen anâsır ve kabail-i İslâmiye içinde, fikr-i milliyetle birbirine yabani bakmak ve birbirini düşman telakki etmek, öyle bir felakettir ki tarif edilmez.

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