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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''A Noteworthy Situation:'''The Turks are the most numerous of the Islamic peoples, and wherever they are found, they are Muslims. They have not divided into Muslims and non-Muslims like other peoples. Wherever there are Turks, they are Muslims. Turks who have abandoned Islam or who are not Muslims are no longer Turkish, like the Hungarians. But even small races consist of both Muslims and non- Muslims." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The idea of positive nationalism should serve Islam and be its citadel and armour; it should not take its place. For within the brotherhood of Islam is a hundredfold brotherhood that persists in the Intermediate Realm and World of Eternity. So whatever its extent, national brotherhood may be an element of it. But to plant it in place of Islamic brotherhood is a foolish crime like replacing the treasure of diamonds within the citadel with the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''A Noteworthy Situation:'''The Turks are the most numerous of the Islamic peoples, and wherever they are found, they are Muslims. They have not divided into Muslims and non-Muslims like other peoples. Wherever there are Turks, they are Muslims. Turks who have abandoned Islam or who are not Muslims are no longer Turkish, like the Hungarians. But even small races consist of both Muslims and non- Muslims." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
263. satır: 263. satır:
The  peoples  awakening  in  Asia  are  embracing  the  idea  of  nationalism  and imitating Europe precisely in every respect, and on the way are sacrificing many of the things they  hold sacred. However, every nation requires a dress suitable to its particular stature. Even if the material is the same [for all nations], the styles have to be different. A woman cannot be dressed in a gendarme’s uniform, nor can an elderly hoja be clothed in a tango-dancer’s outfit. Moreover, blind imitation very often makes people into laughing-stocks. This is so for the following reasons:
The  peoples  awakening  in  Asia  are  embracing  the  idea  of  nationalism  and imitating Europe precisely in every respect, and on the way are sacrificing many of the things they  hold sacred. However, every nation requires a dress suitable to its particular stature. Even if the material is the same [for all nations], the styles have to be different. A woman cannot be dressed in a gendarme’s uniform, nor can an elderly hoja be clothed in a tango-dancer’s outfit. Moreover, blind imitation very often makes people into laughing-stocks. This is so for the following reasons:

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'''Firstly:'''If Europe is a shop, a barracks, Asia is an arable field and a mosque.A shopkeeper can go to the ball, but a peasant cannot. The situation of a barracks and that of a mosque cannot be the same.
'''Evvela:''' Avrupa bir dükkân, bir kışla ise Asya bir mezraa, bir cami hükmündedir. Bir dükkâncı dansa gider, bir çiftçi gidemez. Kışla vaziyeti ile mescid vaziyeti bir olmaz.

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Moreover, the appearance of most of the prophets in Asia, and the emergence of the majority of philosophers in Europe is a sign, an indication, of pre-eternal divine determining that what will arouse the Asian peoples and cause them to progress and to govern, are religion and the heart. As for philosophy, it should assist religion and the heart, not take its place.
Hem ekser enbiyanın Asya’da zuhuru, ağleb-i hükemanın Avrupa’da gelmesi, kader-i ezelînin bir remzi, bir işaretidir ki Asya akvamını intibaha getirecek, terakki ettirecek, idare ettirecek; din ve kalptir. Felsefe ve hikmet ise din ve kalbe yardım etmeli, yerine geçmemeli.

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