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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Also, whenever the people of Islam have adhered in earnest to their religion, they have advanced proportionately, achieving significant progress. Witness to this is the greatest master of Europe, the Islamic state of Andalusia." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Moreover, the appearance of most of the prophets in Asia, and the emergence of the majority of philosophers in Europe is a sign, an indication, of pre-eternal divine determining that what will arouse the Asian peoples and cause them to progress and to govern, are religion and the heart. As for philosophy, it should assist religion and the heart, not take its place." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Also, whenever the people of Islam have adhered in earnest to their religion, they have advanced proportionately, achieving significant progress. Witness to this is the greatest master of Europe, the Islamic state of Andalusia." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
279. satır: 279. satır:
But whenever the Islamic community has been slack in religion, it has sunk into wretchedness, and declined.
But whenever the Islamic community has been slack in religion, it has sunk into wretchedness, and declined.

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Furthermore, Islam  has  protected  the  poor  and  the  common  people  with compassionate measures such as enjoining the payment of zakat and prohibiting usury and interest. And in accordance with phrases like, “So will they not think,”(36:68) * “So will they not reason,”(6:50) * “So will they not ponder on it,”(4:82) it has called on the intelligence and  encouraged reason and knowledge and protected scholars. Islam has therefore always been the stronghold and place of recourse of the poor and the people of learning. They have no  reason to be vexed at Islam.
Hem İslâmiyet, vücub-u zekât ve hurmet-i riba gibi binler şefkat-perverane mesail ile fukarayı ve avamı himaye ettiği اَفَلَا يَع۟قِلُونَ ۝ اَفَلَا يَتَفَكَّرُونَ ۝ اَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ gibi kelimatıyla aklı ve ilmi istişhad ve ikaz ettiği ve ehl-i ilmi himaye ettiği cihetle daima İslâmiyet, fukaraların ve ehl-i ilmin kalesi ve melcei olmuştur. Onun için İslâmiyet’e karşı küsmeye hiçbir sebep yoktur.

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