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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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("In the same way, “All praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds” encompasses numerous truths. The people of illumination and of reality interpret them differently according to the meanings they uncover." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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In  the  same  way,  “All  praise  be  to  God,  the  Sustainer  of  All  the  Worlds” encompasses numerous truths.  The people  of illumination and of reality interpret them differently according to the meanings they uncover.
In  the  same  way,  “All  praise  be  to  God,  the  Sustainer  of  All  the  Worlds” encompasses numerous truths.  The people  of illumination and of reality interpret them differently according to the meanings they uncover.

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Personally, I think that the heavens consist of thousands of worlds; some of the stars may each be worlds. On the earth too, every sort of creature is a world. Each human being  is  a small world. As for the term, “Sustainer of All the Worlds,” it means  that every  world is administered, sustained, and governed directly through Almighty God’s dominicality (rubûbiyet).
Ben de böyle fehmederim ki: Semavatta binler âlem var. Yıldızların bir kısmı her biri birer âlem olabilir. Yerde de her bir cins mahlukat, birer âlemdir. Hattâ her bir insan dahi küçük bir âlemdir. رَبِّ ال۟عَالَمٖينَ tabiri ise '''“Doğrudan doğruya her âlem, Cenab-ı Hakk’ın rububiyetiyle idare ve terbiye ve tedbir edilir.''' demektir.

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