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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"My dear brother, that Topic holds great importance, because Satan is the atheists’master. Only when he is silenced will his imitators cease to be deceived. The fact that the All-Wise Qur’an mentions the unbelievers’ vile expressions gave me courage. In order to demonstrate the complete worthlessness of that diabolical way, trembling and by way of supposing the impossible, I used the ridiculous expressions the members of Satan’s Party are compelle..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("===Sixth Matter===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("My dear brother, that Topic holds great importance, because Satan is the atheists’master. Only when he is silenced will his imitators cease to be deceived. The fact that the All-Wise Qur’an mentions the unbelievers’ vile expressions gave me courage. In order to demonstrate the complete worthlessness of that diabolical way, trembling and by way of supposing the impossible, I used the ridiculous expressions the members of Satan’s Party are compelle..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
465. satır: 465. satır:
'''Thirdly:'''Some of the terms used in the First Topic, which is about Satan’s way and  is called Dispute With the Devil, were very vehement, although they were modified  with  expressions  like  “God  forbid!  God  forbid!”  and  “to  suppose  the impossible.” They still make me tremble. There were a few small modifications in the piece that was later sent to you; have you been able to correct your copy accordingly? It’s up to you to do what you think; you  can skip any of the expressions you think unnecessary.
'''Thirdly:'''Some of the terms used in the First Topic, which is about Satan’s way and  is called Dispute With the Devil, were very vehement, although they were modified  with  expressions  like  “God  forbid!  God  forbid!”  and  “to  suppose  the impossible.” They still make me tremble. There were a few small modifications in the piece that was later sent to you; have you been able to correct your copy accordingly? It’s up to you to do what you think; you  can skip any of the expressions you think unnecessary.

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My dear brother, that Topic holds great importance, because Satan is the atheists’master. Only when he is silenced will his imitators cease to be deceived. The fact that the All-Wise Qur’an mentions the unbelievers’ vile expressions gave me courage. In order to demonstrate the complete worthlessness of that diabolical way, trembling and by way of supposing the impossible, I used the ridiculous expressions the members of Satan’s Party are compelled by their way to accept and which willy nilly they utter through its tongue. And by using them, we cornered them at the bottom of the well and took possession of the whole  field on account of the Qur’an; we exposed their frauds. Consider the victory through the following comparison:
Aziz kardeşim, o mebhas çok mühimdir. Çünkü ehl-i zındıkanın üstadı, şeytandır. Şeytan ilzam edilmezse onun mukallidleri kanmazlar. Kur’an-ı Hakîm, kâfirlerin galiz tabirlerini reddetmek için zikrettiğinden bana bir cesaret verildi ki bu şeytanî olan mesleğin bütün bütün çürüklüğünü göstermek için –farz-ı muhal suretinde– hizbü’ş-şeytanın efradı, mesleklerinin iktizasıyla kabul etmeye mecbur oldukları ve ister istemez manen meslek diliyle diyecekleri ahmakane tabiratlarını titreyerek istimal ettim. Fakat o istimal ile onları kuyu dibine sıkıştırıp meydanı baştan başa Kur’an hesabına zapt ettik, onların foyalarını meydana çıkardık.

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