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Yirmi Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''The Second Way:'''The archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Azra’il are like general supervisors. They have helpers that are similar to them in kind and resemble them, but are lesser than them. The assistants differ according to the sorts of creatures; those who take possession of the spirits of the righteous(*<ref>*In my native land, the Angel of Death charged with taking possession of the saints’ spirits came while a great saint well-known as Seyda..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Secondly:'''If the argument is about a Hadith, the categories of Hadiths have to be known, as well as the types of implicit revelation, and the varieties of prophetic speech. It is not permissible to discuss ambiguous Hadiths among the ordinary people, and to show off and justify oneself like a lawyer, and to rely on egotism to support ones arguments rather than on truth and right." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''The Second Way:'''The archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Azra’il are like general supervisors. They have helpers that are similar to them in kind and resemble them, but are lesser than them. The assistants differ according to the sorts of creatures; those who take possession of the spirits of the righteous(*<ref>*In my native land, the Angel of Death charged with taking possession of the saints’ spirits came while a great saint well-known as Seyda..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
118. satır: 118. satır:
who take possession of the spirits of the righteous(*<ref>*In my native land, the Angel of Death charged with taking possession of the saints’ spirits came while a great saint well-known as Seyda was in the throes of death. Seyda shouted out beseeching the divine court: “I love students of the religious sciences, so let the angel charged with taking possession of their souls take possession of mine!” Those who were present testified to this incident.  </ref>)are of one sort, while those who take possession of the spirits of the wicked are of another,(*<ref>*Nasa’i, Jana’iz, 9; Ibn Maja, Jihad, 10.</ref>)as the following verses point out:By the [angels] who tear out [the souls of the wicked] with violence; * By those who gently draw out [the souls of the blessed].(79:1-2)
who take possession of the spirits of the righteous(*<ref>*In my native land, the Angel of Death charged with taking possession of the saints’ spirits came while a great saint well-known as Seyda was in the throes of death. Seyda shouted out beseeching the divine court: “I love students of the religious sciences, so let the angel charged with taking possession of their souls take possession of mine!” Those who were present testified to this incident.  </ref>)are of one sort, while those who take possession of the spirits of the wicked are of another,(*<ref>*Nasa’i, Jana’iz, 9; Ibn Maja, Jihad, 10.</ref>)as the following verses point out:By the [angels] who tear out [the souls of the wicked] with violence; * By those who gently draw out [the souls of the blessed].(79:1-2)

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In view of this way, it is perfectly reasonable that, because he was naturally awe- inspiring and brave, and was an acceptable suppliant of God, Moses (Upon whom be peace) should  have  dealt a blow not at Azra’il (Upon whom be peace), but at the wraith-like  body of one of his helpers.(*<ref>*In my native land, even, a very bold man saw the Angel of Death while he was in the throes of death. He said: “You’re seizing me while I’m lying in my bed!” And he got up, mounted his horse and
Bu mesleğe göre; Hazret-i Musa aleyhisselâm, Hazret-i Azrail aleyhisselâma değil belki Azrail’in bir avenesinin misalî cesedine, fıtrî celaletine ve hulkî celadetine ve Cenab-ı Hakk’ın yanında nazdar olmasına binaen, ona bir tokat aşk etmek gayet makuldür. '''(Hâşiye<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Hattâ memleketimizde gayet cesur bir adam, sekerat vaktinde melekü’l-mevti görmüş. Demiş: “Beni yatak içinde yakalıyorsun!” Kalkmış atına binmiş, kılıncını eline almış, ona meydan okumuş. Merdane, at üstünde vefat etmiş.</ref>)'''
challenged him, taking his sword in his hand. He died on horseback, like a man.</ref>)

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