İçeriğe atla

Yirmi Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"[A short, private letter that may be added as a supplement to the Third Matter of the Twent y-Eighth Letter.]" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("There is no need to have recourse to candlelight while the sun shines. Since I am showing the sun, it is meaningless and unnecessary to seek candlelight from me, especially since I have none. Others should rather assist me with prayers, spiritual assistance, and even saintly influence. It is my right to seek help and assistance from them, while it is incumbent on them to be content with the effulgence they receive from the lights of the Risa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("[A short, private letter that may be added as a supplement to the Third Matter of the Twent y-Eighth Letter.]" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
246. satır: 246. satır:
'''The First'''is  the  extraordinary ease  and  speed  in their  writing.  The Nineteenth Letter was written in two or three days working for three or four hours each day making a total of twelve hours, without any other book, in the mountains and orchards. The Thirtieth Word was written in five or six hours at a time of illness. The Twenty-Eighth Word, the discussion on Paradise, was written in one or two hours in Süleyman’s garden in the valley.  Tevfik, Süleyman and I were astonished at this speed. And so on.
'''The First'''is  the  extraordinary ease  and  speed  in their  writing.  The Nineteenth Letter was written in two or three days working for three or four hours each day making a total of twelve hours, without any other book, in the mountains and orchards. The Thirtieth Word was written in five or six hours at a time of illness. The Twenty-Eighth Word, the discussion on Paradise, was written in one or two hours in Süleyman’s garden in the valley.  Tevfik, Süleyman and I were astonished at this speed. And so on.

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And just as there is this wonder of the Qur’an in their composition
Telifinde bu keramet-i Kur’aniye olduğu gibi…

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'''The Second,'''… so too in their being written out and copied there is an extraordinary facility, enthusiasm, and lack of boredom. One of these Words appears, and  suddenly, although there are many things at this time to weary the mind and spirit, people in many places start to write it out with total enthusiasm. They prefer it to anything else despite other pressing occupations. And so on.
'''İkincisi:''' Yazmasında dahi fevkalâde bir suhulet, bir iştiyak ve usanmamak var. Şu zamanda ruhlara, akıllara usanç veren çok esbab içinde, bu Sözlerden biri çıkar, birden çok yerlerde kemal-i iştiyakla yazılmaya başlanıyor. Mühim meşgaleler içinde, onlar her şeye tercih ediliyor ve hâkeza…

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