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Yirmi Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Yes, it is a most powerful, brilliant piece for gaining knowledge of God and belief in God. Only, the first Windows are very concise and abbreviated, while the subsequent ones gradually unfold and shine more brilliantly. Contrarily to other writings, most of the Words start off concisely and gradually expand and illuminate." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And just as there is this wonder of the Qur’an in their composition" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Yes, it is a most powerful, brilliant piece for gaining knowledge of God and belief in God. Only, the first Windows are very concise and abbreviated, while the subsequent ones gradually unfold and shine more brilliantly. Contrarily to other writings, most of the Words start off concisely and gradually expand and illuminate." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
252. satır: 252. satır:
'''The Third Qur’anic Wonder:'''The reading of the Words does not cause boredom either. Especially when one feels the need for them; the more one reads them, the more pleasure one receives, feeling no weariness.
'''The Third Qur’anic Wonder:'''The reading of the Words does not cause boredom either. Especially when one feels the need for them; the more one reads them, the more pleasure one receives, feeling no weariness.

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Now you have proved a fourth Qur’anic wonder. A brother like Husrev who was lazy and although for five years he had heard about the Words, did not start writing them seriously, in  one month wrote out fourteen books beautifully and carefully, which  was  doubtless  the  fourth  wonder  of  the  Qur’an’s  mysteries.  He  perfectly appreciated the value of the  Thirty-Three Windows in particular, the Thirty-Third Letter,  since  it was written out  most  beautifully and  carefully.
İşte siz dahi dördüncü bir keramet-i Kur’aniyeyi ispat ettiniz: Hüsrev gibi kendine tembel diyen ve beş senedir Sözler’i işittiği halde yazmaya cidden tembellik edip başlamayan bir kardeşimiz, bir ayda on dört kitabı güzel ve dikkatli yazması, şüphesiz dördüncü bir keramet-i esrar-ı Kur’aniyedir. Hususan Otuz Üçüncü Mektup olan otuz üç pencerelerin kıymeti tamamen takdir edilmiş ki gayet dikkatle ve güzel yazılmış.

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Yes, it  is a  most powerful, brilliant piece for gaining knowledge of God and belief in God. Only, the first Windows are very concise and abbreviated, while the subsequent ones gradually unfold and shine more brilliantly. Contrarily to other writings, most of the Words start off concisely and gradually expand and illuminate.
Evet o risale, marifetullah ve iman-ı billah için en kuvvetli ve en parlak bir risaledir. Yalnız baştaki pencereler gayet icmal ve ihtisar ile gidilmiştir. Fakat gittikçe inkişaf eder, daha ziyade parlar. Zaten sair telifata muhalif olarak ekser Sözler’in başları mücmel başlar, gittikçe genişlenir, tenevvür eder.

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== Dördüncü Risale Olan Dördüncü Mesele ==
==The Fourth Matter, which is the Fourth Part==

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In His Name!And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.(17:44)
بِاس۟مِهٖ وَ اِن۟ مِن۟ شَى۟ءٍ اِلَّا يُسَبِّحُ بِحَم۟دِهٖ

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[The answer  written  for  my brothers  to  a  question  about  a  minor, though alerting, incident.]
İhvanlarıma medar-ı intibah bir hâdise-i cüz’iyeye dair bir suale cevaptır.

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Dear Brothers!
Aziz kardeşlerim!

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