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Yirmi Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"At the time nothing occurred to me. Then later this was imparted to my heart: “It was a sign for you. Watch out!” I thought it was like one of the snakes I used to see at night. That is, whenever an official visited me with a malicious intention, I would see him in the form of a snake. In fact, one time I said to the District Officer: “Whenever you come intending evil, I see you as a snake. Be careful!” I saw his predecessor many times like that." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("He said: “No, I didn’t see it and I can’t see it.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("At the time nothing occurred to me. Then later this was imparted to my heart: “It was a sign for you. Watch out!” I thought it was like one of the snakes I used to see at night. That is, whenever an official visited me with a malicious intention, I would see him in the form of a snake. In fact, one time I said to the District Officer: “Whenever you come intending evil, I see you as a snake. Be careful!” I saw his predecessor many times like that." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
286. satır: 286. satır:
At the time nothing occurred to me. Then later this was imparted to my heart: “It was a sign for you. Watch out!” I thought it was like one of the snakes I used to see at night. That is, whenever an official visited me with a malicious intention, I would see him in the form of a snake. In fact, one time I said to the District Officer: “Whenever you come intending evil, I see you as a snake. Be careful!” I saw his predecessor many times like that.
At the time nothing occurred to me. Then later this was imparted to my heart: “It was a sign for you. Watch out!” I thought it was like one of the snakes I used to see at night. That is, whenever an official visited me with a malicious intention, I would see him in the form of a snake. In fact, one time I said to the District Officer: “Whenever you come intending evil, I see you as a snake. Be careful!” I saw his predecessor many times like that.

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It means that the snake I saw clearly was a  sign that their treachery would not only remain intentional but would take the form of  actual  aggression. For sure, this time their aggression was apparently minor and they wanted  to minimize it, but encouraged and joined by an unscrupulous teacher, the District Officer ordered the gendarmes: “Bring the visitors here!” We were reciting the tesbihat following the prayers in the mosque. Anyway their intention was to make me angry so that I would react in the vein of the Old Said and drive them out in the face of such unlawful, purely arbitrary treatment. But the wretch did not know that Said would not defend himself with the broken  piece of wood in his hand while on his tongue he had a diamond sword from the workbench of the Qur’an, indeed, he would have used the sword like that. But the gendarmes were sensible, and since  no state, no government at all, disturbs people in the mosque during prayer while performing their religious duties, they waited till the prayers and tesbihat were finished. The  Officer was angry at this and sent the rural watchman after them saying: “The gendarmes don’t pay any attention to me.” But Almighty God did not force me to struggle with them.
Demek, şu zâhiren gördüğüm yılan ise işarettir ki hıyanetleri bu defa yalnız niyette kalmayacak, belki bilfiil bir tecavüz suretini alacak. Bu defaki tecavüz –çendan– zâhiren küçük imiş ve küçültülmek isteniliyor. Fakat vicdansız bir muallimin teşvikiyle ve iştirakiyle o memurun verdiği emir; cami içinde, namazın tesbihatında iken “O misafirleri getiriniz!” diye jandarmalara emretmiş. Maksat da beni kızdırmak. Eski Said damarıyla bu fevka’l-kanun, sırf keyfî muameleye karşı kovmak ile mukabele etmekti. Halbuki o bedbaht bilmedi ki Said’in lisanında Kur’an’ın tezgâhından gelen bir elmas kılınç varken, elindeki kırık odun parçasıyla müdafaa etmez; belki o kılıncı böyle istimal edecektir. Fakat jandarmaların akılları başlarında olduğu için hiçbir devlet, hiçbir hükûmet namazda, camide, vazife-i diniye bitmeden ilişmediği için namaz ve tesbihatın hitamına kadar beklediler. Memur bundan kızmış “Jandarmalar beni dinlemiyorlar.” diye kır bekçisini arkasından göndermiş.

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So I make this recommendation to my brothers: so long as there is no absolute necessity,  don’t bother yourselves with them. In keeping with the saying: “The best answer for the stupid is silence,” do not stoop to speak with them.
Fakat Cenab-ı Hak beni böyle yılanlarla uğraşmaya mecbur etmiyor. İhvanlarıma da tavsiyem budur ki: Zaruret-i kat’iye olmadan bunlarla uğraşmayınız. “Cevabü’l-ahmaki’s-sükût” nevinden, tenezzül edip onlarla konuşmayınız.

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