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"'''Fourthly:'''It is required by the name of All-Wise that at the Great Gathering and resurrection of the dead, having been stripped of artificial clothes, Almighty God will clothe men in natural garments, just as He now clothes beings with spirits, other than man, in natural garments. In this world, the wisdom in artificial clothes is not restricted to protection against heat and cold, adornment, and covering the private parts; another i..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
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Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("'''Fourthly:'''It is required by the name of All-Wise that at the Great Gathering and resurrection of the dead, having been stripped of artificial clothes, Almighty God will clothe men in natural garments, just as He now clothes beings with spirits, other than man, in natural garments. In this world, the wisdom in artificial clothes is not restricted to protection against heat and cold, adornment, and covering the private parts; another i..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
910. satır: 910. satır:
'''Thirdly:'''As for meeting with people, it is proved conclusively in the Sixteenth, Thirty-First,  and  Thirty-Second  Words  that  through  the  mystery  of  luminosity a person may be present in thousands of places at the same instant, and may meet with millions of people.
'''Thirdly:'''As for meeting with people, it is proved conclusively in the Sixteenth, Thirty-First,  and  Thirty-Second  Words  that  through  the  mystery  of  luminosity a person may be present in thousands of places at the same instant, and may meet with millions of people.

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'''Fourthly:'''It is required by the name of All-Wise that at the Great Gathering and resurrection of the dead, having been stripped of artificial clothes, Almighty God will clothe men in natural garments, just as He now clothes beings with spirits, other than man, in  natural  garments. In  this  world,  the  wisdom  in  artificial  clothes  is  not restricted to protection  against heat and cold, adornment, and covering the private parts; another  important  instance  of wisdom  is  their  resembling an  index  or  list indicating  man’s  power  of  disposal  over  the  other  species  of  beings, and  his relationship with them, and commandership over them. He might otherwise have been clothed in cheap and easy natural dress. For if it had not been for this wisdom, man would have draped himself in various rags, becoming the laughing-stock of conscious animals  and  a  buffoon  in their  eyes;  he would  have  make  them  laugh. At the resurrection of the dead this relation will not be present, nor will the instance of wisdom, so neither should the list be present.
'''Râbian:''' Cenab-ı Hak, insandan başka zîruh mahlukatına fıtrî birer libas giydirdiği gibi; meydan-ı haşirde sun’î libaslardan üryan olarak fakat fıtrî bir libas giydirmesi, ism-i Hakîm muktezasıdır. Dünyada sun’î libasın hikmeti, yalnız soğuk ve sıcaktan muhafaza ve ziynet ve setr-i avrete münhasır değildir; belki mühim bir hikmeti, insanın sair nevilerdeki tasarruf ve münasebetine ve kumandanlığına işaret eden bir fihriste ve bir liste hükmündedir. Yoksa kolay ve ucuz, fıtrî bir libas giydirebilirdi. Çünkü bu hikmet olmazsa muhtelif paçavraları vücuduna sarıp giyen insan, şuurlu hayvanatın nazarında ve onlara nisbeten bir maskara olur, manen onları güldürür. Meydan-ı haşirde, o hikmet ve münasebet yok. O liste de olmaması lâzım gelir.

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