İçeriğe atla

Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The instinctual soul wants to be free and independent, and considers itself to be thus. According to the dictates of its nature, it even desires an imaginary dominicalit y and to act as it pleases. It does not want to admit that it is being sustained and trained through innumerable bounties. Especially if it possesses worldly wealth and power, and if heedlessness also encourages it, it will devour God’s bounties like a usurping, thieving animal." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("===Third Point===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The instinctual soul wants to be free and independent, and considers itself to be thus. According to the dictates of its nature, it even desires an imaginary dominicalit y and to act as it pleases. It does not want to admit that it is being sustained and trained through innumerable bounties. Especially if it possesses worldly wealth and power, and if heedlessness also encourages it, it will devour God’s bounties like a usurping, thieving animal." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
227. satır: 227. satır:
One of the many instances of wisdom in fasting from the point of view of man’s social life is as follows:
One of the many instances of wisdom in fasting from the point of view of man’s social life is as follows:

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Human beings have been created differently with regard to their livelihoods. In consequence of this, God Almighty invites the rich to assist the poor, so that through the  hunger  experienced in fasting, they can truly understand the pains and hunger which the  poor suffer. If there were no fasting, many self-indulgent rich would be unable to  perceive  just  how grievous  are hunger  and  poverty and  how needy of compassion are those who suffer them. Compassion  for  one’s  fellow  men  is  an  essential  part  of  true  thankfulness. Whoever  a person is, there will always be someone poorer than himself  in some respect. He is  enjoined to be compassionate towards such a person.
İnsanlar, maişet cihetinde muhtelif bir surette halk edilmişler. Cenab-ı Hak o ihtilafa binaen, zenginleri fukaraların muavenetine davet ediyor. Halbuki zenginler, fukaranın acınacak acı hallerini ve açlıklarını, oruçtaki açlıkla tam hissedebilirler. Eğer oruç olmazsa nefis-perest çok zenginler bulunabilir ki açlık ve fakirlik ne kadar elîm ve onlar şefkate ne kadar muhtaç olduğunu idrak edemez. Bu cihette insaniyetteki hemcinsine şefkat ise şükr-ü hakikinin bir esasıdır. Hangi fert olursa olsun, kendinden bir cihette daha fakiri bulabilir. Ona karşı şefkate mükelleftir.

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If he were not himself compelled to  suffer hunger, he would be unable give the person – through compassion – the help and assistance he is obliged to offer. And even if he were able, it would be deficient, for he would not have truly experienced hunger himself.
Eğer nefsine açlık çektirmek mecburiyeti olmazsa şefkat vasıtasıyla muavenete mükellef olduğu ihsanı ve yardımı yapamaz, yapsa da tam olamaz. Çünkü hakiki o haleti kendi nefsinde hissetmiyor.

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<span id="Dördüncü_Nükte"></span>
=== Dördüncü Nükte ===
===Fourth Point===

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One  instance  of wisdom  in  fasting  in  Ramadan  with  respect  to  training  the instinctual soul is as follows:
Ramazan-ı şerifteki oruç, '''nefsin terbiyesine baktığı cihetindeki''' çok hikmetlerinden bir hikmeti şudur ki:

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The instinctual soul wants to be free and independent, and considers itself to be thus. According to the dictates of its nature, it even desires an imaginary dominicalit y and to act as it pleases. It does not want to admit that it is being sustained and trained through innumerable bounties. Especially if it possesses worldly wealth and power, and if heedlessness also encourages it, it will devour God’s bounties like a usurping, thieving animal.
Nefis, kendini hür ve serbest ister ve öyle telakki eder. Hattâ mevhum bir rububiyet ve keyfe-mâyeşa hareketi, fıtrî olarak arzu eder. Hadsiz nimetlerle terbiye olunduğunu düşünmek istemiyor. Hususan dünyada servet ve iktidarı da varsa, gaflet dahi yardım etmiş ise bütün bütün gasıbane, hırsızcasına nimet-i İlahiyeyi hayvan gibi yutar.

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Thus, in the month of Ramadan, the instinctual soul of everyone, from the richest to the poorest, may understand that it does not own itself but is totally owned; that it is not free, but is a slave. It understands that if it receives no command, it may not do the  simplest  and  easiest  thing;  it  cannot  even  stretch out  its  hand  for  water.  Its imaginary dominicalit y is  therefore  shattered; it performs its worship and begins to offer thanks, its true duty.
İşte ramazan-ı şerifte en zenginden en fakire kadar herkesin nefsi anlar ki kendisi mâlik değil, memlûktür; hür değil, abddir. Emir olunmazsa en âdi ve en rahat şeyi de yapamaz, elini suya uzatamaz diye mevhum rububiyeti kırılır, ubudiyeti takınır, hakiki vazifesi olan şükre girer.

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<span id="Beşinci_Nükte"></span>
=== Beşinci Nükte ===
===Fifth Point===

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