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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The Mahdi’s luminous community will repair the destruction of the innovative regime of the secret society of the Sufyan, and will restore the Prophet’s (UWBP) glorious Sunna. That is to say, the secret society of the Sufyan will try to destroy the Shari‘a of Muhammad (UWBP) in the World of Islam with the intention of denying his messengership, and will be killed and routed by the miraculous immaterial sword of the Mahdi’s community." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise!(2:32)" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The Mahdi’s luminous community will repair the destruction of the innovative regime of the secret society of the Sufyan, and will restore the Prophet’s (UWBP) glorious Sunna. That is to say, the secret society of the Sufyan will try to destroy the Shari‘a of Muhammad (UWBP) in the World of Islam with the intention of denying his messengership, and will be killed and routed by the miraculous immaterial sword of the Mahdi’s community." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
876. satır: 876. satır:
===The Second Sign, that is, the SIXTH SIGN===
===The Second Sign, that is, the SIXTH SIGN===

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The Mahdi’s luminous community will repair the destruction of the innovative regime  of  the secret society of the Sufyan, and will restore the Prophet’s (UWBP) glorious Sunna. That is to say, the secret society of the Sufyan will try to destroy the Shari‘a of Muhammad (UWBP) in the World of Islam with the intention of denying his messengership, and will be killed and routed by the miraculous immaterial sword of the Mahdi’s community.
Hazret-i Mehdi’nin cemiyet-i nuraniyesi, Süfyan komitesinin tahribatçı rejim-i bid’akâranesini tamir edecek, sünnet-i seniyeyi ihya edecek; yani âlem-i İslâmiyet’te risalet-i Ahmediyeyi (asm) inkâr niyetiyle şeriat-ı Ahmediyeyi (asm) tahribe çalışan Süfyan komitesi, Hazret-i Mehdi cemiyetinin mu’cizekâr manevî kılıncıyla öldürülecek ve dağıtılacak.

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Moreover, in the world of humanity, the secret society of the Dajjal will overturn civilization and subvert all mankind’s sacred matters, with the intention of denying the Godhead. A zealous, self-sacrificing community known as a Christian communit y but worthy of being called “Muslim Christians,” will work to unite the true religion of Jesus (Upon whom be  peace) with the reality of Islam and will kill and rout that society of the Dajjal under the leadership of Jesus (UWP), thus saving humanity from atheism.
Hem âlem-i insaniyette inkâr-ı uluhiyet niyetiyle medeniyet ve mukaddesat-ı beşeriyeyi zîr ü zeber eden Deccal komitesini, Hazret-i İsa aleyhisselâmın din-i hakikisini İslâmiyet’in hakikatiyle birleştirmeye çalışan hamiyetkâr ve fedakâr bir İsevî cemaati namı altında ve “Müslüman İsevîleri” unvanına lâyık bir cemiyet, o Deccal komitesini, Hazret-i İsa aleyhisselâmın riyaseti altında öldürecek ve dağıtacak; beşeri, inkâr-ı uluhiyetten kurtaracak.

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This important mystery is very lengthy. Since we have discussed it briefly in other places, here we make do with this indication.
Şu mühim sır pek uzundur. Başka yerlerde bir nebze bahsettiğimizden burada bu kısa işaretle iktifa ediyoruz.

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