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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"But if his ego is secretly set on acquiring rank and position, and if he defeated by it and leaves off thanks and becomes proud, from there he will gradually fall into arrogance, or descend to the depths of madness, or deviate from the path of truth. For he reckons the great saints to be like himself and his good opinion of them is spoiled, for however arrogant a soul is, it still perceives its own faults. Comparing those great saints with himself, he..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Among the ways of sainthood, the finest, straightest, richest, and most brilliant is following the practices (Sunna) of the Prophet (UWBP). That is, to think of the practices in one’s actions and deeds, and to follow and imitate them. In conduct and dealings with others, it is to think of the rulings of the Shari‘a and take them as one’s guide." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("But if his ego is secretly set on acquiring rank and position, and if he defeated by it and leaves off thanks and becomes proud, from there he will gradually fall into arrogance, or descend to the depths of madness, or deviate from the path of truth. For he reckons the great saints to be like himself and his good opinion of them is spoiled, for however arrogant a soul is, it still perceives its own faults. Comparing those great saints with himself, he..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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1.064. satır: 1.064. satır:
The Shari‘a is directly, without shadow or veil, the result of the  divine  address,  through the  mystery of divine oneness  in respect  of absolute dominicalitY. The highest degrees of the Sufi path and of reality are like parts of the Shari‘a. Or they are always like its means, introduction, and servant. Their results are the incontrovertible matters of the Shari‘a.
The Shari‘a is directly, without shadow or veil, the result of the  divine  address,  through the  mystery of divine oneness  in respect  of absolute dominicalitY. The highest degrees of the Sufi path and of reality are like parts of the Shari‘a. Or they are always like its means, introduction, and servant. Their results are the incontrovertible matters of the Shari‘a.

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That is to say, the ways of the Sufi orders and of reality are like means, servants, and steps for reaching the truths of the Shari‘a, till at the highest level they are transformed into the meaning of reality and essence of the Sufi way, which are at the heart of the Shari‘a. So then they become parts of the Greater Shari‘a.
Yani hakaik-i şeriata yetişmek için tarîkat ve hakikat meslekleri, vesile ve hâdim ve basamaklar hükmündedir. Gitgide en yüksek mertebede, nefs-i şeriatta bulunan mana-yı hakikat ve sırr-ı tarîkata inkılab ederler. O vakit, şeriat-ı kübranın cüzleri oluyorlar.

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It is not right to think of the Shari‘a as an outer shell and reality as its inner part and result and aim, as some Sufis do.
Yoksa bazı ehl-i tasavvufun zannettikleri gibi şeriatı zâhirî bir kışır, hakikati onun içi ve neticesi ve gayesi tasavvur etmek doğru değildir.

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Yes, the Shari‘a unfolds according to the levels of men. It is wrong to suppose that what the mass of people imagine is the external aspect of the Shari‘a is its reality, and to give the names of reality and Sufi path to the degrees of the Shari‘a that are disclosed to the elite. The Shari‘a has degrees which look to all classes.
Evet şeriatın, tabakat-ı nâsa göre inkişafatı ayrı ayrıdır. Avam-ı nâsa göre zâhir-i şeriatı, hakikat-i şeriat zannedip havassa münkeşif olan şeriatın mertebesine “hakikat ve tarîkat” namı vermek yanlıştır. Şeriatın umum tabakata bakacak meratibi var.

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It is in consequence of this that the further the Sufis and those who seek reality advance, their longing for the truths of the Shari‘a increases, as does their captivation by them  and  their  following them. They  consider  the  most  minor  aspect  of  the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices to be their greatest aim, and strive to follow them and imitate them. For however higher divine revelation is than inspiration, the conduct of the Shari‘a, which is the fruit of  revelation, is higher to the same degree than the conduct of the Sufi path, the fruit of inspiration. Therefore, following the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices is the basis and principal element of the Sufi path.
İşte bu sırra binaendir ki ehl-i tarîkat ve ashab-ı hakikat ileri gittikçe hakaik-i şeriata karşı incizabları, iştiyakları, ittibaları ziyadeleşiyor. En küçük bir sünnet-i seniyeyi, en büyük bir maksat gibi telakki edip onun ittibaına çalışıyorlar, onu taklit ediyorlar. Çünkü vahiy ne kadar ilhamdan yüksek ise semere-i vahiy olan âdab-ı şer’iye, o derece semere-i ilham olan âdab-ı tarîkattan yüksek ve ehemmiyetlidir. Onun için tarîkatın en mühim esası, sünnet-i seniyeye ittiba etmektir.

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