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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For it is the true and rightful owner of this glorious," içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The Second: They have compared Istanbul to Europe. But if a man dresses in a garment deemed suitable to women, he becomes ridiculous and the object of scorn." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For it is the true and rightful owner of this glorious," içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
597. satır: 597. satır:
We have been members of the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (The Muhammadan Union) (Upon whom be blessings and peace) since man undertook the trust in pre-eternity.(*<ref>*. "Qalu bala." See, Qur'an, 7:172. [Tr.]</ref>)The reason for our unity is Divine Unity; our oath and pledge is belief; we are united because we affirm Divine Unity. All believers are charged with upholding the Word of God, and at this time the most effective means of doing this is material progress. For the Europeans are crushing us under their tyranny with the weapons of science and industry. We shall therefore wage jihad with the weapons of science and industry on ignorance, poverty, and conflicting ideas, the worst enemies of upholding the Word of God.
We have been members of the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (The Muhammadan Union) (Upon whom be blessings and peace) since man undertook the trust in pre-eternity.(*<ref>*. "Qalu bala." See, Qur'an, 7:172. [Tr.]</ref>)The reason for our unity is Divine Unity; our oath and pledge is belief; we are united because we affirm Divine Unity. All believers are charged with upholding the Word of God, and at this time the most effective means of doing this is material progress. For the Europeans are crushing us under their tyranny with the weapons of science and industry. We shall therefore wage jihad with the weapons of science and industry on ignorance, poverty, and conflicting ideas, the worst enemies of upholding the Word of God.

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As for external jihad, we shall refer it to the decisive proofs of the Illustrious Shari‘a. For conquering the civilized is through persuasion, not through force as though they were savages who understand nothing. We are devotees of love, we do not have time for enmity. Republicanism(*<ref>*At that time it was 'constitutionalism,' now it is 'republicanism.'</ref>)consists of justice, mutual consultation, and the restriction of power to the law. The Illustrious Shari‘a was founded thirteen centuries ago, so to go begging to Europe in the question of laws is a great crime towards the religion of Islam. It is like facing the north while praying. Power must reside in the law, otherwise arbitrary rule spreads. The saying “It is Allah Who is the Strong, the Most Firm” must govern the conscience. That is possible through general education and widespread civilization, or in the name of the religion of Islam. Otherwise absolutism will always prevail.
Amma cihad-ı haricîyi şeriat-ı garranın berahin-i kātıasının elmas kılınçlarına havale edeceğiz. Zira medenilere galebe çalmak ikna iledir, söz anlamayan vahşiler gibi icbar ile değildir. Biz muhabbet fedaileriyiz, husumete vaktimiz yoktur. Cumhuriyet ki '''(Hâşiye'''<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' O zaman “meşrutiyet”, şimdi o kelime yerine “cumhuriyet” konulmuş.</ref>''')''' adalet ve meşveret ve kanunda inhisar-ı kuvvetten ibarettir. On üç asır evvel şeriat-ı garra teessüs ettiğinden, ahkâmda Avrupa’ya dilencilik etmek, din-i İslâm’a büyük bir cinayettir ve şimale müteveccihen namaz kılmak gibidir. Kuvvet kanunda olmalı. Yoksa istibdat tevzi olunmuş olur. اِنَّ اللّٰهَ هُوَ ال۟قَوِىُّ ال۟مَتٖينُ hâkim ve âmir-i vicdanî olmalı. O da marifet-i tam ve medeniyet-i âmm veyahut din-i İslâm namıyla olmalı. Yoksa istibdat daima hüküm-ferma olacaktır.

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Unity may be achieved through Divine Guidance, not through personal whims and desires.
İttifak hüdadadır, heva ve heveste değil.

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People are free, but they are still slaves of God. Everything is free now; the Shari‘a is free, constitutionalism is free. We shall not give the matters of the Shari‘a as a bribe. One may not make the faults of others the basis of and excuse for one’s own faults.
İnsanlar hür oldular amma yine abdullahtırlar. Her şey hür oldu, şeriat da hürdür, meşrutiyet de. Mesail-i şeriatı rüşvet vermeyeceğiz. Başkasının kusuru, insanın kusuruna senet ve özür olamaz.

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Despair is an obstacle to all achievement. The saying: “What is it to me, let other’s think” is a souvenir of absolutism.
Yeis, mani-i herkemaldir. “Neme lâzım, başkası düşünsün.” istibdadın yadigârıdır.

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I do not know what should be interposed to tie together these sentences since I do not know Turkish, and leave it for the readers to work it out.
Bu cümlelerin mabeynini rabtedecek olan mukaddimatı, Türkçe bilmediğim için mütaliînin fikirlerine havale ediyorum.

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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<span id="Sadâ-yı_Hakikat"></span>
== Sadâ-yı Hakikat ==
==The Voice of Truth==

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5 Rebîülevvel 1327/ 14 Mart 1325/ 27 March 1909
27 Mart 1909

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The way of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) is free of all doubts and trickery, and therefore does not condescend to concealing things, which is suggestive of doubt and trickery. Anyway, such a mighty, extensive, all-embracing truth could in no way be hidden, especially from the people of this time. How could an ocean be concealed in a pitcher?
Tarîk-i Muhammedî aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, şüphe ve hileden münezzeh olduğundan, şüphe ve hileyi îma eden gizlemekten de müstağnidir. Hem o derece azîm ve geniş ve muhit bir hakikat, bâhusus bu zaman ehline karşı hiçbir cihetle saklanmaz. Bahr-i umman nasıl bir testide saklanacak?

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I repeat: the means of unity of the İttihad-ı Muham-medî (Muhammadan Union), which in reality is Islamic Unity, is Divine Unity. Its oath and pledge is belief. Its associations and councils are the mosques, religious schools, and Sufi meeting-places. Its membership consists of all believers. It code of rules are the practices of the Prophet (PBUH). Its laws are the commands and prohibitions of the Shari‘a. This Union consists not of numbers but of worship.
Tekraren söylüyorum ki: İttihad-ı İslâm hakikatinde olan İttihad-ı Muhammedî’nin (aleyhissalâtü vesselâm) cihet-i vahdeti tevhid-i İlahîdir. Peyman ve yemini de imandır. Encümen ve cemiyetleri, mesacid ve medaris ve zevayadır. Müntesibîni umum mü’minlerdir. Nizamnamesi sünen-i Ahmediyedir aleyhissalâtü vesselâm. Kanunu, evamir ve nevahi-i şer’iyedir. Bu ittihat, âdetten değil, ibadettir.

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