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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Said Nursî'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("You know that thirty million could not bring about two such revolutions in a hundred years. The true strength resulting from your obedience made the whole Islamic nation grateful to you. This honour may be confirmed now through obedience to your officers. The honour of Islam is also dependent on that obedience. I know that you did not get mixed up with it in order to save your officers -who are like your kind fathers- from responsibility. But the matter..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Said Nursî'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
756. satır: 756. satır:
Sometimes, since it repels considerable harm politically, a matter you consider to be harmful is pure benefit; your officers see this due to their experience, and give you commands. It is not then permissible for you to be hesitant. Actions in personal life that are contrary to the Shari‘a do not negate skill and expertise in a craft, and do not make the craft abhorrent. The illicit private conduct of a skilful doctor or proficient engineer does not prevent their medicine and engineering being profited from. So do not fail in your obedience because of minor actions contrary to the Shari‘a of some of your officers who are experienced in the science of warfare, skilful in that art, and whose ideas are enlightened through their Islamic zeal. Because the science of warfare is an important art.
Sometimes, since it repels considerable harm politically, a matter you consider to be harmful is pure benefit; your officers see this due to their experience, and give you commands. It is not then permissible for you to be hesitant. Actions in personal life that are contrary to the Shari‘a do not negate skill and expertise in a craft, and do not make the craft abhorrent. The illicit private conduct of a skilful doctor or proficient engineer does not prevent their medicine and engineering being profited from. So do not fail in your obedience because of minor actions contrary to the Shari‘a of some of your officers who are experienced in the science of warfare, skilful in that art, and whose ideas are enlightened through their Islamic zeal. Because the science of warfare is an important art.

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Also, since your rebellion showed the Illustrious Shari‘a like the Shining Hand of Moses, you compelled those few unlawful actions to return to the fold of the Shari‘a. This licit union of yours swallowed up other societies which were the cause of division and confusion of ideas, like the Staff of Moses. It also compelled the magicians to prostrate. Your action in this revolution was like a medicine, but if excessive, it will turn into poison and head the life of Islam towards a serious illness. Also, through your endeavours the despotism with us has for the present
Hem de sizin kıyamınız; şeriat-ı garra, –yed-i beyza-i Musa gibi– sair sebeb-i tefrika ve teşettüt-ü efkâr olan cemiyetleri bel’ etti. Sahirleri de secdeye mecbur eyledi. Harekâtınız bu inkılabda ilaç gibi idi ki fazla olsa zehire münkalib olur. Ve hayat-ı İslâmiyeyi fena bir hastalığa hedef eder. Hem de himmetinizle bizdeki istibdat şimdilik mahvoldu. Lâkin terakkiler için Avrupa’nın istibdad-ı manevîsi altındayız. Nihayet derecede ihtiyat ve itidal lâzımdır.
been destroyed. But we are still oppressed by Europe in respect of progress. The utmost caution and moderation are needed.

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Long live the Illustrious Shari‘a! Long live the army!
Yaşasın şeriat-ı garra!.. Yaşasın askerler!..

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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A Important Warning to the Societies and Clubs
'''Cemiyetlere İhtar-ı Mühim'''

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Our society is now a constitutional government. The harm of having governments within the government has become apparent. The fact that there is not a uniform level of culture has resulted in enmity, bigotry, and partisanship between the parties. It has become a field favourable to those nurturing hatred, who by exploiting that natural force, meddle in politics and exercise arbitrary power -which is pleasurable- in the general administration. It is therefore extremely harmful for the groups and parties to continue in their present form, although it may be beneficial for members of a company, or intellectuals or unbiased people to criticize politics, or for people of learning to offer advice and counsel to one another. Our constitutional government now forms the society.
Şimdi cemiyetimiz bir hükûmet-i meşruta-i meşruadır. Hükûmet içinde hükûmetin zararı görüldü. Seviye-i irfan bir olmadığından fırkalarda husumet, taassup ve taraftarlık intac eder. Tabiî o kuvveti istimal ile siyasete karışacak ve umumî idarede herkesçe lezzetli olan tahakkümatı yapacak sahib-i ağraza müsait bir zemin olur. Binaenaleyh bizdeki fırkaların şimdiki hal ile devamı gayet muzırdır. Lâkin bir şirkette veya münevverü’l-fikir ve bîtaraf mabeyninde tenkidat-ı siyasetten veya ehl-i ilim mabeyninde nasihat ve irşaddan menfaat olabilir. Şimdi hükûmet-i meşruamız asıl büyük cemiyettir.

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Bediüzzaman '''Said Nursî'''
Bediüzzaman '''Said Nursî'''

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<span id="Hakikat_Çekirdekleri"></span>
== [[Hakikat Çekirdekleri]] ==
==Seeds of Reality==

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