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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Said Nursî'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The person who does not understand the true meaning of co-operation is more lifeless than a stone. For some stones arch themselves to co-operate with their brothers. Such a stone, despite being a stone, leans towards his brother in the dome when he leaves the builder’s hand and bows his head so it touches his brother’s head, and so they keep from falling." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Said Nursî'''" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
932. satır: 932. satır:
'''Firstly:'''I congratulate you with all my heart on all the festivals and holy nights, both those of the past and future, and the material ones and the spiritual ones, and entreat Divine mercy that your prayers and worship are acceptable, and say “Amen” to them.
'''Firstly:'''I congratulate you with all my heart on all the festivals and holy nights, both those of the past and future, and the material ones and the spiritual ones, and entreat Divine mercy that your prayers and worship are acceptable, and say “Amen” to them.

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'''Secondly:'''I am compelled to answer privately two of your questions which in many ways are important, and you have frequently asked in meaning:
'''Sâniyen:''' Hem çok defa manevî hem çok cihetlerden ehemmiyetli iki suallerine mahremce cevap vermeye mecbur oldum.

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'''Your First Question:'''Why was it that in the early Second Constitutional Period you were passionately involved in politics, yet for nearly forty years now you have given it up completely?
'''Birinci Sualleri:''' Ne için eskide hürriyetin başında siyasetle hararetli meşgul oluyordun? Bu kırk seneye yakındır ki bütün bütün terk ettin?

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