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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"That is to say, modern civilization greatly impoverishes man. Because of the needs, it drives man to wrongdoing and illicit gain. It perpetually encourages the wretched lower classes to challenge the upper classes. It has abandoned the Qur’an’s sacred fundamental law making the payment of zakat obligatory and prohibiting usury and interest, which ensured that the lower classes were obedient towards the upper classes and the upper classes were sympath..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Firstly:'''I congratulate you with all my heart on all the festivals and holy nights, both those of the past and future, and the material ones and the spiritual ones, and entreat Divine mercy that your prayers and worship are acceptable, and say “Amen” to them." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("That is to say, modern civilization greatly impoverishes man. Because of the needs, it drives man to wrongdoing and illicit gain. It perpetually encourages the wretched lower classes to challenge the upper classes. It has abandoned the Qur’an’s sacred fundamental law making the payment of zakat obligatory and prohibiting usury and interest, which ensured that the lower classes were obedient towards the upper classes and the upper classes were sympath..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
959. satır: 959. satır:
'''Second Point:'''Since the wonders of modern civilization are each a dominical bounty, they require real thanks and to be utililized for the benefit of mankind. But now we see that since they have encouraged a significant number of people to be lazy and indulge in vice, and have given them the wish to heed their desires in ease and comfort; they have destroyed these people’s eagerness for effort and endeavour. And by way of dissatisfaction and extravagance, they have driven them to dissipation, wastefulness, tyranny, and what is unlawful.
'''Second Point:'''Since the wonders of modern civilization are each a dominical bounty, they require real thanks and to be utililized for the benefit of mankind. But now we see that since they have encouraged a significant number of people to be lazy and indulge in vice, and have given them the wish to heed their desires in ease and comfort; they have destroyed these people’s eagerness for effort and endeavour. And by way of dissatisfaction and extravagance, they have driven them to dissipation, wastefulness, tyranny, and what is unlawful.

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For example, as it says in A Key to the World of the Risale-i Nur, although the radio is a great bounty and demands thanks in the form of being used for the good of mankind, since four fifths of it are used on unnecessary, meaningless trivia, it has encouraged idleness and depravity, and destroyed the eagerness for work. I myself even have seen that of a number of most beneficial marvels, which should be used for endeavour and work and man’s true benefits and needs, eight out of ten are urging man to indulge in pleasure and amusement, to satisfy his desires, and to be lazy, and only one of two of them being spent on essential needs. There are thousands of examples like these two small ones.
Mesela, Risale-i Nur’daki “Nur Anahtarı”nın dediği gibi: Radyo; büyük bir nimet iken maslahat-ı beşeriyeye sarf edilmek ile bir manevî şükür iktiza ettiği halde, beşte dördü hevesata, lüzumsuz malayani şeylere sarf edildiğinden tembelliğe, radyo dinlemekle heveslenmeye sevk edip sa’yin şevkini kırıyor. Vazife-i hakikiyesini bırakıyor. Hattâ çok menfaatli olan bir kısım hârika vesait, sa’y ve amel ve hakiki maslahat-ı ihtiyacat-ı beşeriyeye istimali lâzım gelirken ben kendim gördüm; ondan bir ikisi zarurî ihtiyacata sarf edilmeye mukabil, ondan sekizi keyif, hevesat, tenezzüh, tembelliğe mecbur ediyor. Bu iki cüz’î misale binler misaller var.

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