Translations:On Dokuzuncu Mektup/120/en

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    “Zayd has taken the banner and been struck; now Ibn Rawaha has taken the banner and been struck; now Ja‘far has taken the banner and been struck; now one of God’s swords [i.e. Khalid] has taken it.”(*[1])

    Two to three weeks later Ya‘la b. Munabbih returned from the battlefront. In his presence, the Noble Prophet described the  details  of the battle, and Ya‘la swore by God that what had taken place at the battle was exactly the same as the Bringer of Sure News (UWBP) had described.(*[2])
    1. *al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, iii, 298; Bukhari, Maghazi, 44.
    2. *al-Khafaji, Sharh al-Shifa’, iii, 210; Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawzi, Zad al-Ma’ad (Tahqiq: Arnavud), iii,385.