Translations:On Yedinci Lem'a/113/en
Of the thousands of merits of worship, consider only the following: the Prophet (UWBP) unites the hearts of the affirmers of divine unity in the prayers of the Festivals and of Friday, and worship performed in congregation. He brings together their tongues in a single phrase so that one man responds to the sublime address of the Pre-Eternal Worshipped One with the voices, supplications, and invocations uttered by innumerable hearts and tongues. Strengthening one other, assisting one other and uniting, those voices, supplications, and invocations display so expansive a worship before the Godhead of the Pre-Eternal All-Worshipped One that the globe of the earth as though recites the invocations, offers the supplications, and performs the prayers with its regions, and conforms with its climes to the command of And be steadfast in prayer,(2:43, etc.) which was revealed with glory and tremendousness from beyond the heavens. Through this mystery of unity, man, a miniscule, powerless creature in the universe like a particle, by virtue of the vastness of worship becomes a beloved servant of the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, vicegerent of the earth, the earth’s ruler and chief of the animals, and the result and aim of the universe’s creation.