Translations:Otuzuncu Lem'a/257/en

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    Glory be to God! Could human beings be so ignorant as to attribute actions and works that can only be carried out by one who is both beyond space and present in such a way as to see, know, and direct all things in the creation of all things everywhere, to particles and their motion, which are tossed around in the storms of lifeless, blind, unconscious chance that lacks will and balance? Anyone who possesses even a jot of intelligence must see just what an ignorant and superstitious idea this is. Indeed, because those wretches have abandoned absolute unity, they have fallen into a limitless, endless absolute multiplicit y. That is, since they do not accept one single God, they are compelled to accept endless gods. Which means that since they are unable to squeeze into their corrupted minds the idea of one single Most Pure and Holy Essence and the pre-eternity and creativity that are necessary and essential to Him, they are compelled by their opinions to accept the pre-eternity, indeed the divinity, of those limitless, endless, lifeless particles.