Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/123/en

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    Also, this splendid exposition of the Qur’an and vast heavenly mobilization indicate that there was nowhere the jinns and devils could interfere on the long way from the heart of Muhammad (UWBP) to the world of the heavens and the Sublime Throne, not that the jinns and satans possess some power which drove the inhabitants of the heavens to fight them and defend against them. The Qur’anic Revelation was a truth discussed by all the angels in the heavens; in order, the satans were compelled to rise to the heavens to draw close to it a little, but were not successful and were repulsed. This shows that the Revelation that came to the heart of Muhammad (UWBP), and Gabriel who came to his presence, and the truths of the Unseen which appeared to his gaze, were sound and straight and could be pierced by no doubts. The Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition tells this in miraculous fashion.