Translations:Yirmi Sekizinci Lem'a/124/en

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden

    As for Paradise being seen from very close despite its great distance and being part of the World of Eternity, and sometimes fruits being plucked from it, this transient world and Manifest Realm is a veil to the World of the Unseen and Everlasting Realm as may be understood from the above two comparisons. Paradise may be seen everywhere by means of the mirror of the World of Similitudes, despite the distance of its supreme centre. So too, where there is belief at the degree of ‘absolute certainty’, Paradise may have sorts of colonies and ministries in this transient world – if there is no mistake in the comparison – and by means of the telephone of the heart, may communicate with elevated spirits, and its gifts may come to them.