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1 Ekim 2024

  • güncelönceki 10.4510.45, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 213.758 bayt +36 "Our contemplative traveller came forth from the classroom, ardently desiring to see the lights that are to be observed in the continuous strengthening and development of faith, and in advancing from the degree of the knowledge of certainty to that of the vision of certainty. He then found himself summoned by thousands or millions of spiritual guides who were striving toward the truth and attaining the vision of certainty in the shade of the highway of M..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.4410.44, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 213.722 bayt −224 "In brief allusion to the lesson learned by the traveller in this classroom we said in the Ninth Degree of the First Station: There is no god but God, to Whose Necessary Existence in Unity points the agreement of all of the purified scholars, with the power of their resplendent, certain and unanimous proofs." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.4210.42, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 213.946 bayt +106 "Entering their classroom, he saw thousands of geniuses and hundreds of thousands of exact and exalted scholars proving all the affirmative matters connected with faith, headed by the necessity of God’s existence and His unity, with such profound demonstrations as to leave not the least room for doubt. Indeed, the fact that they are agreed in the principles and pillars of belief, despite their differences in capacity and outlook, and that each of the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.3910.39, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 213.840 bayt −28 "That questing traveller, having derived a lofty taste of truth from the power of belief, found himself invited, while coming from the assembly of the prophets (Peace be upon them) to the classroom of those profound, original, exacting scholars who affirm the claims of the prophets (Peace be upon them) with the most decisive and powerful proofs and who are known as the purified and most veracious ones." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.3510.35, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 213.868 bayt −14 "Our traveller understood further that inclusion of belief in all the prophets (Peace be upon them) among the pillars of belief, represents another great source of strength. Thus he derived great benefit of faith from their lessons, in expression of which we said in the Eighth Degree of the First Station: There is no god but God, to the Necessity of Whose Existence in Unity points the unanimity of all the prophets, through the power of their luminous mira..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.3310.33, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 213.882 bayt −163 "Yes, the infinite miracles bestowed by God on the prophets (Peace be upon them) each one being like a confirmation of their mission; the heavenly blows dealt to their opponents, each being like a proof of their truthfulness; their individual perfections, each one being like an indication of their righteousness; their veracious teachings; the strength of their faith, a witness to their honesty; their supreme seriousness and readiness to self-sacrifice;..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.2910.29, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 214.045 bayt +55 "He saw that in the hand of each of those teachers, the most exalted and renowned of all celebrated human beings, there were numerous miracles, bestowed on them by the Creator of All Being as a sign confirming their mission. Further, a large group of men, a whole community, had confirmed their claims and come to belief at their hands; a truth assented to and confirmed by these hundreds of thousands of serious and veracious individuals, unanimously and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.2610.26, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 213.990 bayt +51 "Looking first at the stopping-place of the past, he saw that all of the prophets (Peace and blessings be upon him), the most luminous and perfect of human kind, were reciting in chorus, “No god but He,” and making remembrance of God. With the power of their brilliant, well-attested and innumerable miracles, they were proclaiming God’s unity, and in order to advance man from the animal state to angelic degree, they were instructing men and summ..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.2610.26, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 213.939 bayt −104 "That meditative voyager, in order to advance farther in the infinite degrees and countless luminous stages of knowledge of God, then wished to enter the world of men, the realm of humanity. Humanity, headed by the prophets, invited him, and he accepted the invitation." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.2410.24, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 214.043 bayt −819 "By the consensus of these three truths, all the species of animals are engaged together in testifying that “There is no god but He.” It is as if the whole earth, like a great man, were saying “There is no god but He” in a manner befitting its vastness, and conveying its testimony to the dwellers of the heaven. The traveller saw this and understood it perfectly. In expression of these truths, we said in the Seventh Degree of the First Station: The..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.2110.21, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 214.862 bayt +5 "'''The Third:''' The emergence and unfolding of those countless creatures, in their hundreds of thousands of different shapes and forms, each of which is a miracle of wisdom, their emergence from eggs and drops of water called sperm that are identical with each other or closely resemble each other, and are limited and finite in number, all this in the most orderly, symmetrical and unfailing fashion, is so brilliant a truth as to be illumined with proofs..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 10.2110.21, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 214.857 bayt +159 "'''The Second:''' There appears from the distinction made among those infinite beings and from their adornment and decoration in a fashion by which their features are different, their shapes adorned, their proportions measured and symmetrical, and their forms well-ordered — there appears from this a truth so vast and powerful that none other than the One Powerful over all things, the One Knowledgeable of all things, could lay claim to it, this comp..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 09.5909.59, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 214.698 bayt +77 "'''The First:''' Their being brought into existence with wisdom and purpose and their creation full of art in a fashion that in no way can be attributed to chance, to blind force or inanimate nature; their being created and composed in purposive and knowledgeable manner; their animation and being given life in a way that displays in twenty aspects the manifestation of knowledge, wisdom, and will — all of this is a truth that bears witness to the Nec..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 09.5809.58, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 214.621 bayt −15 "Entering, he saw that a splendid and well-adorned assembly for the proclamation of God’s unity and a circle for the mentioning of His Names and the offering of thanks to Him, had been drawn up. He understood for the very appearance of all trees and plants that their different species were proclaiming unanimously, “There is no god but He.” For he perceived three great and general truths indicating and proving that all fruit- giving trees and plants..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 09.5509.55, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 214.636 bayt −79 "As this traveller through the cosmos proceeded on his meditative journey, with increased eagerness and a bouquet of gnosis and faith, itself like a spring, gathered from the garden of the spring, there opened before his truth-perceiving intellect, his cognitive reason, the gate to the animal and bird realm. With hundreds of thousands of different voices and various tongues, he was invited to enter." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 09.5409.54, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 214.715 bayt −737 "'''The Third:''' The opening and unfolding of all the separate members of the hundred thousand species of that infinite realm, each in its own distinct fashion and shape, in the utmost order, equilibrium and beauty, from well-defined, limited, simple and solid seeds and grains, identical to each other or nearly so — their emerging from those seeds in distinct and separate form, with utter equilibrium, vitality and wise purpose without the least error..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 09.5109.51, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 215.452 bayt −102 "'''The Second:''' The wise and purposive distinction and differentiation, one that cannot in any way be attributed to chance, the deliberate and merciful adornment and giving of form — all this is to be seen as clearly as daylight in the infinite varieties and species; they show themselves to be the works and embroideries of an All-Wise Maker." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 09.4809.48, 1 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 215.554 bayt −32 "Then, while that traveller was travelling in his mind through the mountains and plains, the gate to the arboreal and vegetable realm was opened before him. He was summoned inside: “Come,” they said, “Inspect our realm and read our incriptions.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu

30 Eylül 2024

  • güncelönceki 17.4917.49, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 215.586 bayt −613 "Then, too, there are stored up and preserved in the mountains all kinds of springs, waters, minerals and other materials needed by animate beings, in so wise, skilful, generous and foreseeing a fashion that they prove that they are the storehouses and warehouses and servants of One possessing infinite power, One possessing infinite wisdom." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 17.3417.34, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 216.199 bayt +50 "Then the traveller is summoned, on his meditative journey, by the mountains and the plains. “Read too our pages,” they say. Looking he sees that the universal function and duty of mountains is of such grandeur and wisdom as to stupefy the intelligence." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 17.1117.11, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 216.149 bayt +156 "For example, the blessed Nile, that turns the sandy land of Egypt into a paradise, flows from the Mountains of the Moon in the south without ever being exhausted, as if it were a small sea. If the water that flowed down the river in six months were gathered together in the form of a mountain and then frozen, it would be larger than those mountains. But the place in the mountains where the water is lodged and stored is less than a sixth of their mas..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 17.1117.11, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 215.993 bayt +122 "The traveller then looks at the rivers and sees that the benefits inherent in them, the functions they perform, and their continual replenishment, are inspired by such wisdom and mercy as indisputably to prove that all rivers, springs, streams and great waterways flow forth from the treasury of mercy of the Compassionate One, the Lord of Glory and Generosity. They are preserved and dispensed, indeed, in so extraordinary a fashion that it is said “Four..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 17.0717.07, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 215.871 bayt +5 "Then looking to the depths of the sea, the traveller saw that apart from the most beautiful, well-adorned and symmetrical jewels, there were thousands of different kinds of animal, sustained and ordered, brought to life and caused to die, in so disciplined a fashion, their provision coming from mere sand and salt water, that it established irresistibly the existence of a Powerful and Glorious, a Merciful and Beauteous Being administering and giving life..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 17.0617.06, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 215.866 bayt −486 "He looks and sees that the globe, like an ecstatic Mevlevi dervish with its twofold motion, is tracing out around the field of the Supreme Gathering a circle that determines the succession of days, years, and seasons. It is a most magnificent dominical ship, loaded with the hundreds of thousands of different forms of food and equipment needed for all animate beings, floating with the utmost equilibrium in the ocean of space and circling the sun." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 17.0017.00, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 216.352 bayt −169 "In expression of the meaning beheld by the traveller through the brief testimony of one of the twenty aspects of a single page out of the more than twenty pages of the globe, it was said in the Third Degree of the First Station:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.5816.58, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 216.521 bayt −73 "He then looks at the pages of the earth and sees that each page of each of its chapters proclaims the Sustainer of the Earth in thousands of verses. Being unable to read the whole of it, he looks at the page dealing with the creation and deployment of animate beings in the spring, and observes the following:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.5316.53, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 216.594 bayt −41 "Next the globe addresses that thoughtful traveller, now growing accustomed to his reflective journey: “Why are you wandering through the heavens, through space and the sky? Come, I will make known to you what you are seeking. Look at the functions that I perform and read my pages!”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.5016.50, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 216.635 bayt −673 "The wondering traveller hears then the lofty and manifest testimony to the truth that is composed of the disposition of the winds, the descent of the rains and the administration of the events of the atmosphere, and says: “I believe in God.” That which was stated in the Second Degree of the First Station expresses the observations of the traveller concerning the atmosphere:There is no god but God, the Necessary Being, to Whose Necessary Existence..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.4816.48, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.308 bayt +25 "Yes, this sudden utterance of a miraculous sound by the atmosphere; the filling of the dark sky with the flash and fire of lightning; the setting alight of the clouds that resemble mountains of cotton or pipes bursting with water and snow — these and similar phenomena are like a blow struck on the head of the negligent man whose gaze is directed down at the earth. They tell him:“Lift up your head, look at the miraculous deeds of the most active an..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.4316.43, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.283 bayt −7 "The traveller next listens to the thunder and watches the lightning. He understands that these two wondrous events in the atmosphere are like a material demonstration of the verse,The thunder glorifies His praise,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 13:13.</ref>)The brilliance of His lightning almost robs them of their sight.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 24:43.</ref>)They also announce the coming of rain, and thus give glad tidings to the needy." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.4116.41, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.290 bayt −41 "Then he looks at the rain and sees that within it are contained benefits as numerous as the raindrops, and dominical manifestations as multiple as the particles of rain, and instances of wisdom as plentiful as its atoms. Those sweet, delicate and blessed drops are moreover created in so beautiful and ordered a fashion, that particularly the rain sent in the summertime, is despatched and caused to fall with such balance and regularity that not even sto..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.3816.38, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.331 bayt +99 "“As the verse makes clear, And the disposition of the winds and the clouds, held in disciplined order between the heavens and the earth,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:164.</ref>) the one who through the disposition of the winds employs them in countless dominical functions, who through the ordering of the clouds uses them in infinite tasks of mercy, and who creates the air in this fashion — such a one can only be the Possessor of Necessary Existence, the One..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.3716.37, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.232 bayt +20 "It is as if each particle were aware of every single task, like a soldier understanding and hearkening to every order of its commander, for it hears and obeys every dominical command that courses through the air. It aids all animals to breathe and to live, all plants to pollinate and grow, and cultivates all the matter necessary for their survival.It directs and administers the clouds, makes possible the voyaging of sailing ships, and enables sounds to..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.3316.33, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.212 bayt −60 "That wondering traveller then tells his own intellect: “These hundreds of thousands of wise, merciful and ingenious tasks and acts of generosity and mercy that arise from the veil and outer form of this inanimate, lifeless, unconscious, volatile, unstable, stormy, unsettled, and inconstant air, clearly establish that this diligent wind, this tireless servant, never acts of itself, but rather in accordance with the orders of a most powerful and knowing..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.3016.30, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.272 bayt +132 "Then taking his eyes off these, he looks to his own intellect and says: “The inanimate, lifeless cloud that resembles carded cotton has of course no knowledge of us; when it comes to our aid, it is not because it takes pity on us. It cannot appear and disappear without receiving orders. Rather it acts in accordance with the orders of a most powerful and compassionate commander. First it diasppears without leaving a trace, then suddenly reappears in..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.2916.29, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.140 bayt −52 "Next the traveller looks at the lightning and listens to the thunder and ses that both of these, too, are employed in wondrous tasks." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.2916.29, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.192 bayt 0 "The traveller then looks at the rain and sees that within those delicate, glistening sweet drops, sent from a hidden treasury of mercy, there are so many compassionate gifts and functions contained that it is as if mercy itself were assuming shape and flowing forth from the dominical treasury in the form of drops. It is for this reason that rain has been called “mercy.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.2816.28, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.192 bayt −155 "Next the traveller looks at the wind in the atmosphere and sees that the air is employed wisely and generously in such numerous tasks that it is as if each of the inanimate atoms of that unconscious air were hearing and noting the orders coming from that monarch of the universe; without neglecting a single one of them, it performs them in ordered fashion and through the power of the monarch. Thereby it gives breath to all beings and conveys to all livin..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.2616.26, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.347 bayt +1 "The clouds, suspended between the sky and the earth, water the garden of the world in the most wise and merciful fashion, furnish the inhabitants of the earth with the water of life, modify the natural heat of life, and hasten to bestow aid wherever it is needed. In addition to fulfilling these and other duties, the vast clouds, capable of filling the heavens sometimes hide themselves, with their parts retiring to rest so that not a trace can be seen..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.2616.26, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.346 bayt −18 "Then that wondrous place of gathering known as space or the atmosphere begins thunderously to proclaim to that traveller come as a guest to the world, “Look at me! You can discover and find through me the object of your search, the one who sent you here!” The traveller looks at the sour but kind face of the atmosphere, and listening to the awesome but joyous thunderclaps perceives the following." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.2516.25, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.364 bayt −234 "According to the meaning of this mighty verse, the purpose for the sending of man to this world and the wisdom implicit in it, consists of recognizing the Creator of all beings and believing in Him and worshipping Him. The primordial duty of man and the obligation incumbent upon him are to know God and believe in Him, to assent to His Being and unity in submission and perfect certainty." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.2216.22, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.598 bayt +23 "Thus, all the truths of belief and Islam, basing their matters on the grandeur and sublimity which are their requirement, deliver themselves from the awesome absurdities, the fearsome superstitions, and the tenebrous ignorance of unbelief that confront them, and take up their place in sound hearts and straight intellects, through utmost submission and assent." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 16.1716.17, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.575 bayt −557 "O You Whose Attributes exceed the bounds of all understanding; O You Whose Grandeur is beyond the reach of all thought;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.5913.59, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 218.132 bayt −46 "On matters sacred and spiritual and concerning the Divine unity, there is total accord among the hundreds of thousands of the People of Truth, such as Shaykh Gilani (May his mystery be sanctified), who beheld God’s Sublime Throne while still on the earth, who spent ninety years ad-vancing in spiritual work, and who unveiled the truths of belief in all three stations of certainty. This being the case what value have the words of philosophers, who throu..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.5613.56, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 218.178 bayt −47 "The means for salvation from the first abyss" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
  • güncelönceki 13.5213.52, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 218.225 bayt +256 "They cannot form part of the learned consensus of the science. For example, the judgement of a great engineer on the diagnosis and cure of a disease does not have the same value as that of the lowliest physician. In particular, the words of denial of a philosopher who is absorbed in the material sphere, who becomes continually more remote from the non-material or spiritual and cruder and more insensitive to light, whose intelligence is restricted to w..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.4913.49, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.969 bayt +168 "The Seventh Ray" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.4713.47, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.801 bayt +195 "Since those who negate and deny do not regard the matter as it is but judge rather in the light of their own souls, and their own intelligence and vision, they can in no way strengthen and support each other. For the veils and causes that prevent them from seeing and knowing are various. Anyone can say, “I do not see it; therefore, in my opinion and belief, it does not exist.” But none can say, “It does not exist in actuality.” If someone..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.4013.40, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.606 bayt −343 "'''The Fourth:''' Since most of the matters contained in the book have numerous proofs and evidences, the discussion sometimes becomes prolix through the inclusion of ten or twenty proofs by way of demonstration. Limited intelligences cannot understand this." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.2613.26, 30 Eylül 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 217.949 bayt +217.949 "'''The Third:''' Since each matter constitutes a great and extensive truth, a single sentence will sometimes stretch out over a whole page or more, in order not to fracture the truth in question. A single proof requires copious preliminaries." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
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