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28 Ekim 2024

  • güncelönceki 13.3613.36, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.417 bayt −21 "Thus, the beautiful beings of this world appearing for a moment then disappearing, and following on one after the other in succession, appear to be factories and workshops manufacturing the vistas of eternity. For example, in order to give fleeting situations a permanence and leave souvenirs for the people of the future, the people of present-day civilization record the images of beautiful or strange happenings and present..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.3613.36, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.438 bayt −15 "In just the same way, the All-Wise Maker of the beings of spring and this world records the aims of their brief lives, which look to the World of Eternity, in that world. He records in everlasting scenes in the Eternal Realm the vital duties and the divine miracles they have performed throughout the stages of their lives, as required by His names of All-Wise, All-Compassionate, and Loving." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.3513.35, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.453 bayt −160 "Consequently, as the verse,[Joyfully] facing each other on thrones [of dignity] (15:47; 37:44)indicates, in Paradise, the realm of delight and happiness, worldly adventures and scenes of worldly happenings will be recalled, amid everlasting panoramas." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.3513.35, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.613 bayt +75 "===THIRD INDICATION===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.3413.34, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.538 bayt +19 "For example, a flower passes from existence, but together with leaving behind its essential nature in its hundreds of seeds, it leaves thousands of its forms on small Preserved Tablets and in memories, which are small samples of the Preserved Tablets. And throughout the stages of its life it causes conscious beings to study the embroideries of the divine names and the dominical glorifications it expresses; then it departs." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
  • güncelönceki 13.3313.33, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.519 bayt −112 "Secondly, and producing truths pertaining to the World of the Unseen and the weavings of the Preserved Tablet." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.3013.30, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.631 bayt −21 "===SECOND INDICATION===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.3013.30, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.652 bayt −41 "'''Firstly:'''through the changing of their relative determinations, and by preserving their beautiful meanings and their identities in the World of Similitudes. This section expresses the following: although a being apparently disappears into non-existence after departing from [external] existence, the meanings it has expressed are preserved and perpetuated. Its identity, form, and essential nature also are preserved in the World of Similitud..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.2913.29, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.693 bayt −22 "===FIRST INDICATION===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.2513.25, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.715 bayt −119 " * Fourthly, and proclaiming dominical glorifications and making known what the divine names necessitate;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.2313.23, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 71.834 bayt −270 "* Firstly, and by preserving their beautiful meanings and their identities in the World of Similitudes;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.2313.23, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.104 bayt −231 "* Secondly, and producing truths pertaining to the World of the Unseen and the weavings of the Preserved Tablet;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.2313.23, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.335 bayt −294 "These glorious beings are flowing places of manifestation and roving mirrors for the renewal of the manifestations of the lights of His creativity – Glory be unto Him! – through the changing of their relative determinations," içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.1913.19, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.629 bayt −91 "As is described in the Tenth Truth of the Tenth Word, however many flowers and fruits there are on a tree, each of them has aims, purposes, and instances of wisdom to that number. These instances of wisdom are of three sorts:One sort looks to the Maker and displays the embroideries of His names.Another sort looks to intelligent and conscious beings, and in their view, things are valuable missives and meaningful words. Another sort looks to the being itse..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.1513.15, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.720 bayt +1 "Thus, most of the comparisons in the Words show through small examples the tips of laws like these, and by doing so, point to the existence of the same law in the matter claimed. Since the existence of the law is demonstrated through a comparison, it proves the assertion as categorically as a logical proof. That is to say, most of the comparisons in the Words should be considered categorical proofs and certain arguments." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.1313.13, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.719 bayt −36 "Consider the immensity of these laws within dominical activity; note carefully their breadth and see the meaning of unity within them. Understand that each law is a proof of divine unity. Yes, since all these numerous and immense laws are the manifestations of knowledge and will, and since they are both the same and all-encompassing, they offer certain proof for the Maker’s unity, knowledge, and will." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.1313.13, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.755 bayt +23 "For example, the meanings of pleasure, joy, and gratification known by us cannot express the sacred attributes; each rather indicates an observatory and is an aid to reflective thought. Also, by showing in a small example the tip of an encompassing, mighty law of dominicality, each proves the reality of the law present in the attributes of dominicality. For example, it is said that a flower departs from existence leaving thousands of existences behind..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
  • güncelönceki 13.1213.12, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.732 bayt −83 "Yes, through whichever law the All-Compassionate Creator changes and renews the feathered dress of a bird, through the same law that All-Wise Maker renews the dress of the globe of the earth every year. Through the same law, He transforms the shape of the world every century. And through the same law, He will change the form of the universe at the resurrection of the dead." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
  • güncelönceki 13.1113.11, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.815 bayt −5 "In each of the following five Indications is a comparison, written in the form of a dull, short-ranged telescope with which to observe the attributes of dominicality. The comparisons cannot contain the realit y of those attributes; they cannot encompass them and be the measure of them, but they can assist in looking at them. Any phrases or expressions in the comparisons, or in the previous Signs, unfitting for the attributes of the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.1013.10, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.820 bayt −25 "The Second Station consists of an Introduction and five Indications." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.0613.06, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.845 bayt −13 "Whereas if there is no such relation or it is not known, the being or person manifests infinite separations and deaths. For in the face of every being with which he could have been connected, he is exposed to a separation, a parting, a death. That is, he burdens his personal existence with endless instances of non-existence and separation. If he were to remain in existence for a million years even (without connection), it would not be equal to living for..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.0413.04, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.858 bayt −110 "====Second Point:====" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.0113.01, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.968 bayt −36 "====First Point:====" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.0013.00, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.004 bayt +88 "Its letters and words, too, are of number infinite;" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 13.0013.00, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.916 bayt +54 "Since Almighty God exists, everything exists. Since they have a relation with Almighty God, all things exist for everything. For through the myster y of unity, through their relation with the Necessarily Existent One, all beings become connected with all other beings. This means that through the mystery of unity, every being that knows its relation with the Necessarily Existent One, or whose relation is known, becomes connected to all beings since they a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.5912.59, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.862 bayt −87 "Study the lines of the universe; for they are missives to you from the Sublime Assembly." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.5612.56, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.949 bayt −328 "An embodied meaningful word, is each being in the world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.5512.55, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.277 bayt −6 "===FOURTH SIGN===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.5412.54, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.283 bayt +114 "Thus, through the light of the Qur’an and mystery of belief, all believers – in accordance with their degree – may be happy at the happiness of other beings, and at their continued existence and being saved from nothingness and their being valuable dominical missives; they may gain a light as extensive as the world. Everyone may profit from this light according to his degree. As for the people of misguidance, in addition to their own pains they ar..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.5412.54, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.169 bayt +83 "'''In Short:'''Since the All-Glorious Maker exists and He is Eternal, and since His attributes and names are perpetual and everlasting; certainly His names’ manifestations and impresses are renewed, affording them a sort of perpetualness; they are not destroyed and do not just disappear; they are not ephemeral and despatched to non-being. It is clear that by reason of his humanity, man is connected with most other beings; he receives pleas..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.5112.51, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.086 bayt +40 "For beings with spirits but no intellect, death is not a departure for extinction, a vanishing into non-existence; it is to be saved from physical existence and the turbulent duties of life. The beings make over the fruits of the duties they have performed to their spirits. Relying on a divine name, their immortal spirits persist; indeed, they attain a happiness worthy of them." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.4912.49, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.046 bayt −26 "The beauty of beings with no spirits pertain directly to the divine names; the honour is theirs; praise is due to them; the beauty is theirs; love goes to them; they suffer no harm on those mirrors changing." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.4812.48, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.072 bayt +187 Değişiklik özeti yok
  • güncelönceki 12.4712.47, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.885 bayt −73 "That is, the motion and decline arising from activity is speech glorifying God. The activit y in the universe is the universe’s silent speech and that of the varieties of its beings; their being made to speak." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.4712.47, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.958 bayt +79 "then the miracles of in the universe and the constant flood of beings are so meaningful that through them the All-Wise Maker causes all the realms of beings in thdivine power and attributes of dominicality (şuûnât-ı rubûbiyet) in the extreme ly swift changes and transformations within the astonishing activity in the art and creation of things became apparent. The former aim too began to appear insufficient." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.4412.44, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.879 bayt −11 "Then the wonders in the art of beings were unfolded to me, and the former aim began to seem deficient. Another, much greater aim became apparent, which was that the main aims of creatures look to their Maker. I understood that it consists of creatures’ presenting to His gaze the perfections of His art, the embroideries of His names, the embellishments of His wisdom, and the gifts of His mercy; it is their being mirrors to His beauty and perfections. Th..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.4312.43, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.890 bayt −118 "Activity and motion in creatures arise from an appetite, a desire, a pleasure, a love. It may be said that there is a sort of pleasure in all activity; or that activity is a sort of pleasure, even. Pleasure too is turned towards a perfection; indeed, it is a sort of perfection." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.4212.42, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.008 bayt −107 "As is stated at the end of the last matter of the Eighteenth Letter, one instance of wisdom in the All-Glorious Creator’s constantly changing and renewing beings in an astonishing and awesome way through the activity of His dominicality is as follows:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.4112.41, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.115 bayt −27 "===SECOND SIGN===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.4112.41, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.142 bayt +118 "O ungrateful one! Where did you win the right not to offer thanks in return for the degrees of existence Almighty God has given you as a pure bounty? How is it that because exalted bounties that are contingencies and non-existent and that you do not deserve have not been given you, you complain about Almighty God with meaningless greed, and are ungrateful for the bounties you have received? If a man rises to an elevated position, such as c..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.3712.37, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.024 bayt +25 "In exactly the same way, in order to display the perfections of His art through the embroideries of His names, the All-Glorious Maker takes the essential nature of beings as a model, then He clothes them all and especially living creatures in the garment of a body bejewelled with senses, and inscribes it with the pen of divine decree and determining, thus displaying the manifestation of His names. In addition, He gives to each one of them a perfec..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.3712.37, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 72.999 bayt −10 "Beings have no rights before the Necessarily Existent One, nor can they claim them. What falls to them is, by offering thanks and praise, to carry out what is required by the degree of existence He has given them. For the degrees of existence that are given are occurrences, and each requires a cause. Degrees that are not given are possibilities, and possibilities are non-existent as well as being infinite. As for instances of non-..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.3712.37, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.009 bayt −160 "As is described at the end of the Twenty-Sixth Word, when making a precious garment, ornamented with jewels and embroidery, a skilful craftsman employs a poor man in return for a commensurate wage. In order to display his skill and art, he dresses the man in the garment, then measures and cuts it, and lengthens and shortens it; making the man sit down and stand up, he gives it various forms. Does the wretched man have the right to say to..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.3212.32, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.169 bayt +138 "God does what He wishes, and decrees what He wills." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
  • güncelönceki 12.3112.31, 28 Ekim 2024Ferhat mesaj katkılar 73.031 bayt +73.031 "In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
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