Translations:Onuncu Söz/351/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("Furthermore, all the evidences proving the pillar of “belief in Divine Determining,” included in the Treatise on Divine Determining, the Twenty-Sixth Word, prove indirectly the resurrection of the dead, the balancing of deeds on the supreme scales, and the publishing of the pages of deeds. For the recording before our eyes of the appointed courses of all things on the tablets of order and balance, and the inscribing of the life-stories of all living..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    Furthermore, all the evidences proving the pillar of “belief in Divine Determining,” included in the Treatise on Divine Determining, the Twenty-Sixth Word, prove indirectly the resurrection of the dead, the balancing of deeds on the supreme scales, and the publishing of the pages of deeds. For the recording before our eyes of the appointed courses of all things on the tablets of order and balance, and the inscribing of the life-stories of all living beings in their faculties of memory, and the transcribing of the notebooks of deeds of all beings with spirits, and especially men, on the Preserved Tablet, such a comprehensive determining and wise apportioning and precise recording and preserving inscription could surely only be the result of a general judgement in a supreme tribunal set up to mete out permanent reward and punishment. That  comprehensive  and  precise  recording  and  preservation  would  otherwise  be completely meaningless and purposeless, and contrary to wisdom and reality.
    Furthermore, all the evidences proving the pillar of “belief in Divine Determining,” included in the Treatise on Divine Determining, the Twenty-Sixth Word, prove indirectly the resurrection of the dead, the balancing of deeds on the supreme scales, and the publishing of the pages of deeds. For the recording before our eyes of the appointed courses of all things on the tablets of order and balance, and the inscribing of the life-stories of all living beings in their faculties of memory, and the transcribing of the notebooks of deeds of all beings with spirits, and especially men, on the Preserved Tablet, such a comprehensive determining and wise apportioning and precise recording and preserving inscription could surely only be the result of a general judgement in a supreme tribunal set up to mete out permanent reward and punishment. That  comprehensive  and  precise  recording  and  preservation  would  otherwise  be completely meaningless and purposeless, and contrary to wisdom and reality. Also,  if  there  was  no  resurrection,  all  the  certain  meanings  of the  book of the universe, written with the pen of Divine Determining, would  be  nullified, which is completely impossible. It is as impossible as denying the universe’s existence, indeed, is a delirium.

    16.49, 30 Temmuz 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

    İleti hakkında bilgi (katkıda bulun)
    Bu iletide belge yok. Bu iletinin nerede veya nasıl kullanıldığını biliyorsanız, bu iletiyi belge ekleyerek diğer çevirmenlere yardımcı olabilirsiniz.
    İleti tanımı (Onuncu Söz)
    Hem Yirmi Altıncı Söz olan Risale-i Kader’de “iman-ı bi’l-kader” rüknünü ispat eden bütün deliller, dolayısıyla haşre ve neşr-i suhufa ve mizan-ı ekberdeki muvazene-i a’male delâlet ederler. Çünkü her şeyin mukadderatını gözümüz önünde nizam ve mizan levhalarında kaydetmek ve her zîhayatın sergüzeşt-i hayatiyelerini kuvve-i hâfızalarında ve çekirdeklerinde ve sair elvah-ı misaliyede yazmak ve her zîruhun, hususan insanların defter-i a’mallerini elvah-ı mahfuzada tesbit etmek, geçirmek; elbette öyle muhit bir kader ve hakîmane bir takdir ve müdakkikane bir kayıt ve hafîzane bir kitabet, ancak mahkeme-i kübrada umumî bir muhakeme neticesinde daimî bir mükâfat ve mücazat için olabilir. Yoksa o ihatalı ve inceden ince olan kayıt ve muhafaza, bütün bütün manasız, faydasız kalır; hikmete ve hakikate münafî olur. Hem haşir gelmezse kader kalemiyle yazılan bu kitab-ı kâinatın bütün muhakkak manaları bozulur ki hiçbir cihet-i imkânı olamaz ve o ihtimal, bu kâinatın vücudunu inkâr gibi bir muhal belki bir hezeyan olur.

    Furthermore, all the evidences proving the pillar of “belief in Divine Determining,” included in the Treatise on Divine Determining, the Twenty-Sixth Word, prove indirectly the resurrection of the dead, the balancing of deeds on the supreme scales, and the publishing of the pages of deeds. For the recording before our eyes of the appointed courses of all things on the tablets of order and balance, and the inscribing of the life-stories of all living beings in their faculties of memory, and the transcribing of the notebooks of deeds of all beings with spirits, and especially men, on the Preserved Tablet, such a comprehensive determining and wise apportioning and precise recording and preserving inscription could surely only be the result of a general judgement in a supreme tribunal set up to mete out permanent reward and punishment. That comprehensive and precise recording and preservation would otherwise be completely meaningless and purposeless, and contrary to wisdom and reality. Also, if there was no resurrection, all the certain meanings of the book of the universe, written with the pen of Divine Determining, would be nullified, which is completely impossible. It is as impossible as denying the universe’s existence, indeed, is a delirium.