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    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("Since the appointed hour is secret, and death may come any time and cut off his head, and it does not differentiate between young and old, perpetually having such an awesome and serious matter before him, unhappy man will surely search for the means to deliver himself from that eternal extinction, that infinite, endless solitary confinement; the means to transform the door of the grave into a door opening on to an everlasting world, eternal happiness,..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
    Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
    ("------ <center> The Twelfth Word ⇐ | The Words | ⇒ The Twelfth Word </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
    Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
    (Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 102 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
    68. satır: 68. satır:
    Since the appointed hour is secret, and death may come any time and cut off his head, and it  does not differentiate between young and old, perpetually having such an awesome and serious matter before him, unhappy man will surely search for the means to deliver himself from that eternal extinction,  that infinite, endless solitary confinement; the means to transform the door of the grave into a door opening on to an everlasting world, eternal happiness, and a world of light. It will be a question for him that looms as large as the world.
    Since the appointed hour is secret, and death may come any time and cut off his head, and it  does not differentiate between young and old, perpetually having such an awesome and serious matter before him, unhappy man will surely search for the means to deliver himself from that eternal extinction,  that infinite, endless solitary confinement; the means to transform the door of the grave into a door opening on to an everlasting world, eternal happiness, and a world of light. It will be a question for him that looms as large as the world.

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    The certain fact of death, then, can only be approached in these three ways, and one hundred and twenty-four thousand veracious messengers –the prophets, in whose hands are  miracles  as  signs  of  confirmation–  have  announced  that  the  three  ways  are  as described  above.  And, relying  on  their  illuminations  and  visions, one  hundred  and twenty-four  million saints  have  confirmed  and  set  their  signatures on the  prophets’ tidings. And innumerable exact scholars have proved it rationally with their categorical proofs at the level of ‘certainty at the degree of knowledge.’(*<ref>*One of these is the Risale-i Nur. And it is there for all to see.</ref>) They have all unanimously declared it to be a ninety-nine per cent certain probability, saying: “The only way to be saved  from  extinction  and  eternal  imprisonment,  and  be  directed  towards  eternal happiness, is through belief in God and obedience to Him.”
    Bu kat’î hakikat, bu üç yol ile bulunduğunda ve bu üç yolun da mezkûr üç hakikat ile olacağını ihbar eden yüz yirmi dört bin muhbir-i sadık, ellerinde nişane-i tasdik olan mu’cizeler bulunan enbiyalar ve o enbiyaların haber verdikleri aynı haberleri, keşif ve zevk ve şuhud ile tasdik eden ve imza basan yüz yirmi dört milyon evliyanın aynı hakikate şehadetleri ve hadd ü hesaba gelmeyen muhakkiklerin kat’î delilleriyle o enbiya ve evliyanın verdikleri aynı haberleri aklen, ilmelyakîn derecesinde '''(*<ref>(∗) Onlardan birisi Risale-i Nur'dur. Meydândadır.</ref>)''' ispat ettikleri ve yüzde doksan dokuz ihtimal-i kat’î ile “İdam ve zindan-ı ebedîden kurtulmak ve o yolu saadet-i ebediyeye çevirmek, yalnız iman ve itaat iledir.” diye ittifaken haber veriyorlar.

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    If a person considers but does not heed the word of a single messenger not to take a dangerous road  on which there is a one per cent danger of perishing, and takes it, the anxiety at perishing he suffers will destroy even his appetite for food. Thus hundreds of thousands of veracious and verified messengers announced that there is a one hundred per cent probability that misguidance and vice lead to the gallows of the grave, ever before the eyes, and eternal solitary confinement, and that there is a one hundred per cent probability that belief and worship remove those gallows, close the solitary prison, and transform the ever-apparent grave into a door opening onto an everlasting treasury and palace of felicity; and they have pointed out signs and traces of these. Confronted as he is, then, with this strange, awesome, terrifying matter, if wretched man –especially if he
    Acaba yüzde bir ihtimal-i helâket bulunan bir tehlike yolunda gitmemek için bir tek muhbirin sözü nazara alınsa ve onun sözünü dinlemeyip o yolda giden adamın, endişe-i helâketten gelen elem-i manevî, onun yemek iştihasını kaçırdığı halde; böyle yüz binler sadık ve musaddak muhbirlerin yüzde yüz ihtimal ile dalalet ve sefahet göz önündeki kabir darağacına ve ebedî haps-i münferidine kat’î sebep olduğunu ve iman, ubudiyet yüzde yüz ihtimal ile o darağacını kaldırıp o haps-i münferidi kapatıp şu göz önündeki kabri, bir hazine-i ebediyeye, bir saray-ı saadete açılan bir kapıya çeviriyor diye ihbar eden ve emarelerini ve âsârlarını gösterdikleri halde, bu acib ve garib ve dehşetli ve azametli mesele karşısında bulunan bîçare insan ve bâhusus Müslüman eğer iman ve ubudiyeti olmazsa, bütün dünya saltanatı ve lezzeti bir tek insana verilse; acaba o göz önündeki, her vakit oraya çağrılmasına nöbetini bekleyen bir insana verdiği o endişeden gelen elîm elemi kaldırabilir mi? Sizden soruyorum.
    is a Muslim– does not believe and worship, is he able to banish the grievous pain arising from the anxiety he suffers as he all the time awaits his turn to be summoned to those
    gallows, ever-present before his eyes, even if he is given rule over the whole world together with all its pleasures? I ask you.

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    Since old-age, illness, disaster, and on all sides death open up the frightful pain and are a reminder, even if the people of misguidance and vice enjoy a hundred thousand pleasures and delights, they most certainly experience a sort of hell in their hearts, but a profound stupor of heedlessness temporarily makes them insensible to it.
    Madem ihtiyarlık, hastalık, musibet ve her tarafta vefiyatlar o dehşetli elemi deşiyorlar ve ihtar ediyorlar. Elbette o ehl-i dalalet ve sefahet, yüz bin lezzeti ve zevki alsa da yine o manevî bir cehennem kalbinde yaşar ve yakar. Fakat pek kalın gaflet sersemliği muvakkaten hissettirmez.

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    Since for the people of belief and worship the grave, ever before their eyes, is the door to an everlasting treasury and eternal happiness, and since, by reason of the ‘belief coupon’, a ticket from the pre-eternal lottery of Divine Determining for millions upon millions of poundsworth of gold and diamonds has come up for each of them, they all the time await the word, “Come and collect your ticket” with a truly profound pleasure and real spiritual delight. This pleasure is such that if it materialized and the seed became a tree, it would be like a private paradise. However, one who abandons the delight and great pleasure due to the drives of youth, and chooses in a dissolute and licentious manner temporary illicit pleasures, which resemble poisonous honey polluted with those innumerable pains, falls to a degree a hundred times lower than an animal.
    Madem ehl-i iman ve taat, göz önünde gördüğü kabri bir hazine-i ebediyeye, bir saadet-i lâyezalîye kendisi hakkında bir kapı olduğunu ve o ezelî mukadderat piyangosundan milyarlar altın ve elmasları kazandıracak bir bilet dahi iman vesikasıyla ona çıkmış. Her vakit “Gel biletini al!” diye beklemesinden derin, esaslı, hakiki lezzet ve zevk-i manevî öyle bir lezzettir ki eğer tecessüm etse ve o çekirdek bir ağaç olsa o adama hususi bir cennet hükmüne geçtiği halde; o zevk ve lezzet-i azîmeyi terk edip gençlik sâikasıyla, o hadsiz elemler ile âlûde zehirli bir bala benzeyen sefihane ve heveskârane muvakkat bir lezzet-i gayr-ı meşruayı ihtiyar eden, hayvandan yüz derece aşağı düşer.

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    Furthermore, such a person will not be like unbelieving Europeans, for if they deny the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), they may recognize the other prophets. And if they do not know God, they may possess some good qualities which are the means to certain perfections. But a Muslim knows both the prophets, and his Sustainer, and all perfection by means of Muhammad the Arabian (PBUH). If one of them abandons the Prophet’s instruction and puts himself outside his fold, he will not recognize  any other prophet, neither will he recognize God. Nor will he know any of the fundamentals within his spirit which will preserve  his  perfections. For,  since  Muhammad  (PBUH)  is  the  last  and greatest of the prophets, and his religion and summons are for the whole of mankind, and since he is superior to all with regard to his miracles and religion, and acts as teacher to all mankind in all matters concerning reality, and has proved this in a brilliant manner for fourteen centuries, and  is the cause of pride  for  mankind, a Muslim who  abandons Muhammad (PBUH)’s essential training and the principles of his  religion will most certainly be unable to find any light, or achieve any perfection. He will be condemned to absolute decline.
    Ecnebi dinsizleri gibi de olamaz. Çünkü onlar, peygamberi inkâr etseler diğerlerini tanıyabilirler. Peygamberleri bilmeseler de Allah’ı tanıyabilirler. Allah’ı bilmeseler de kemalâta medar olacak bazı güzel hasletler bulunabilir. Fakat bir Müslüman hem enbiyayı hem Rabb’ini hem bütün kemalâtı Muhammed-i Arabî aleyhissalâtü vesselâm vasıtasıyla biliyor. Onun terbiyesini bırakan ve zincirinden çıkan daha hiçbir peygamberi tanımaz ve Allah’ı da tanımaz. Ve ruhunda kemalâtı muhafaza edecek hiçbir esasatı bilemez. Çünkü peygamberlerin en âhiri ve en büyükleri ve dini ve daveti umum nev-i beşere baktığı için ve mu’cizatça ve dince umuma faik ve bütün nev-i beşere bütün hakaikte üstadlık edip on dört asırda parlak bir surette ispat eden ve nev-i beşerin medar-ı iftiharı bir zatın terbiye-i esasiyelerini ve usûl-ü dinini terk eden, elbette hiçbir cihette bir nur, bir kemal bulamaz. Sukut-u mutlaka mahkûmdur.

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    And so, you unfortunates who are addicted to the pleasures of the life of this world, and with anxiety at the future, struggle to secure it and your lives! If you want pleasure, delight, happiness, and ease in this world, make do with what is licit. That is sufficient for your enjoyment. You will surely have  understood from other parts of the Risale-i Nur that in each pleasure which is outside this and is illicit, lies a thousand pains.
    İşte ey hayat-ı dünyeviyenin zevkine müptela ve endişe-i istikbal ile istikbalini ve hayatını temin için çabalayan bîçareler! Dünyanın lezzetini, zevkini, saadetini, rahatını isterseniz meşru dairedeki keyfe iktifa ediniz. O, keyfinize kâfidir. Haricinde ve gayr-ı meşru dairedeki bir lezzetin içinde bin elem olduğunu sâbık beyanatta elbette anladınız.

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    If the events of the future –for example, of fifty years hence– were shown in the cinema in the same way that they show at the present time the events of the past, those who indulge in vice would weep filled with horror and disgust at those things which now amuse them.
    Eğer mazi, yani geçmiş zamanın hâdisatını, sinema ile halihazırda gösterdikleri gibi istikbaldeki ahval dahi mesela elli sene sonraki halleri bir sinema ile gösterilse idi, ehl-i sefahet şimdiki güldüklerine yüz binlerce nefrin ve nefret edip ağlayacaktılar.

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    Those who wish to be permanently, eternally happy in this world and the next should take as their guide the instruction of Muhammad (PBUH) within the bounds of belief.
    Dünya ve âhirette ebedî ve daimî süruru isteyen, iman dairesindeki terbiye-i Muhammediyeyi (asm) kendine rehber etmek gerektir.

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    <span id="Birkaç_Bîçare_Gençlere_Verilen_Bir_Tenbih,_Bir_Ders,_Bir_İhtardır"></span>
    === Birkaç Bîçare Gençlere Verilen Bir Tenbih, Bir Ders, Bir İhtardır ===
    ===A Warning, Lesson and Reminder Given to a Number of Unhappy Youths===

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    One day a number of bright youths came to me, seeking an effective deterrent in order to guard themselves against the dangers arising from life, youth, and the lusts of the soul. I said to these youths as I  had to those who had previously sought help from the Risale-i Nur:
    Bir gün yanıma parlak birkaç genç geldiler. Hayat ve gençlik ve hevesat cihetinden gelen tehlikelerden sakınmak için tesirli bir ihtar almak isteyen bu gençlere, ben de eskiden Risale-i Nur’dan meded isteyen gençlere dediğim gibi dedim ki:

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    Your youth will definitely leave you, and if you do not remain within the bounds of the licit, it will be lost, and rather than its pleasures, it will bring you calamities and suffering in this world, in the grave, and in the hereafter. But if, through Islamic training, you spend the bounty of your youth as thanks honourably, in uprightness and obedience, it will in effect remain perpetually and will be the cause of gaining eternal youth.
    '''Sizdeki gençlik kat’iyen gidecek.''' Eğer siz daire-i meşruada kalmazsanız o gençlik zayi olup başınıza hem dünyada hem kabirde hem âhirette kendi lezzetinden çok ziyade belalar ve elemler getirecek. Eğer terbiye-i İslâmiye ile o gençlik nimetine karşı bir şükür olarak iffet ve namusluluk ve taatte sarf etseniz o gençlik manen bâki kalacak ve ebedî bir gençlik kazanmasına sebep olacak.

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    As for life, if it is without belief, or because of rebelliousness belief is ineffective, it will produce pains, sorrows and grief far exceeding the superficial, fleeting enjoyment it brings. Because, since, contrary to the animals, man possesses a mind and he thinks, he is connected to both the present time, and to the past and the future. He can obtain both pain and pleasure from them. Whereas, since the animals do  not think, the sorrows arising from the past and the fears and anxieties arising from the future do  not  spoil their pleasure of the present. Especially if the pleasure is illicit; then it is like an altogether poisonous honey. That is to say, from the point of view of the pleasure of life, man falls to a level a hundred times  lower than the animals.
    Hayat ise eğer iman olmazsa veyahut isyan ile o iman tesir etmezse hayat, zâhirî ve kısacık bir zevk ve lezzetle beraber, binler derece o zevk ve lezzetten ziyade elemler, hüzünler, kederler verir. Çünkü insanda akıl ve fikir olduğu için hayvanın aksine olarak hazır zamanla beraber geçmiş ve gelecek zamanlarla da fıtraten alâkadardır. O zamanlardan dahi hem elem hem lezzet alabilir. Hayvan ise fikri olmadığı için hazır lezzetini, geçmişten gelen hüzünler ve gelecekten gelen korkular, endişeler bozmuyor. İnsan ise eğer dalalet ve gaflete düşmüş ise hazır lezzetine geçmişten gelen hüzünler ve gelecekten gelen endişeler o cüz’î lezzeti cidden acılaştırıyor, bozuyor. Hususan gayr-ı meşru ise bütün bütün zehirli bir bal hükmündedir. Demek hayvandan yüz derece, lezzet-i hayat noktasında aşağı düşer.

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    In fact, life for the people of misguidance and heedlessness, and indeed their existence, rather their world, is the day in which they find themselves. From the point of view of their misguidance, all the time and universes of the past are non-existent, are dead. So their intellects, which connect them to the past and the future, produce darkness, blackness for them. Due to their lack of belief, the future is also non-existent. Furthermore, because they think, the eternal separations resulting from this non-existence continuously produce darkness for their lives.
    Belki ehl-i dalaletin ve gafletin hayatı belki vücudu belki kâinatı, bulunduğu gündür. Bütün geçmiş zaman ve kâinatlar, onun dalaleti noktasında ma’dumdur, ölmüştür. Akıl alâkadarlığı ile ona zulmetler, karanlıklar veriyor. Gelecek zamanlar ise itikadsızlığı cihetiyle yine ma’dumdur. Ve ademle hasıl olan ebedî firaklar, mütemadiyen onun fikir yoluyla hayatına zulmetler veriyorlar.

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    But if belief gives life to life, through its light  both the past and the future are illuminated and find existence. Like present time, it produces elevated, spiritual pleasures and lights of existence for the spirit and heart – in respect of belief. There is an explanation of this truth in the ‘Seventh Hope’ in The Treatise for the Elderly. You may refer to that.
    Eğer iman, hayata hayat olsa o vakit hem geçmiş hem gelecek zamanlar imanın nuruyla ışıklanır ve vücud bulur. Zaman-ı hazır gibi ruh ve kalbine iman noktasında ulvi ve manevî ezvakı ve envar-ı vücudiyeyi veriyor. Bu hakikatin İhtiyar Risalesi’nde Yedinci Rica’da izahı var, ona bakmalısınız.

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    Life is thus. If you want the pleasure and enjoyment of life, give life to your life through belief, and adorn it with religious duties, and preserve it by abstaining from sins.
    İşte hayat böyledir. '''Hayatın lezzetini ve zevkini isterseniz hayatınızı iman ile hayatlandırınız ve feraizle ziynetlendiriniz ve günahlardan çekinmekle muhafaza ediniz.'''

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    Concerning the fearsome reality of death, which is demonstrated by deaths every day, everywhere, at all times, I shall explain it to you with a comparison, in the same way that I told the other youths.
    Her gün ve her yerde ve her vakit vefiyatların gösterdikleri dehşetli hakikat-i mevt ise size –başka gençlere söylediğim gibi– bir temsil ile beyan ediyorum:

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    For example, a gallows has been erected here in front of your eyes. Beside it is a lottery office, but one which gives tickets for truly huge prizes. We people here are ten people, whether  we  like  it  or  not, we  shall  be  summoned  there; there  is  no  other alternative. They will call us, and since the time is secret, any minute they may say either: “Come and collect the ticket for your execution! Mount the gallows!” Or: “A ticket to win a prize of millions of dollars’ worth of gold has come up for you. Come and collect it!” While waiting for them to say this, two people suddenly appear at the door.
    Mesela, burada gözünüz önünde bir darağacı dikilmiş. Onun yanında bir piyango –fakat pek büyük bir ikramiye biletleri veren– dairesi var. Biz buradaki on kişi alâküllihal, ister istemez, hiç başka çare yok, oraya davet edileceğiz, bizi çağıracaklar. Ve çağırma zamanı gizli olmasından her dakika, ya “Gel, idam biletini al, darağacına çık!” veyahut “Gel, milyonlar altın kazandıran bir ikramiye bileti sana çıkmış gel, al!” demelerini beklerken birden kapıya iki adam geldi.

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    One of them  is  a  scantily  dressed  woman, beautiful  and  deceiving.  In  her  hand  is  some apparently extremely delicious, but in fact poisonous, candy, which she has brought wanting us to eat  it.
    Biri yarı çıplak, güzel ve aldatıcı bir kadın, elinde zâhiren gayet tatlı fakat zehirli bir helva getirip yedirmek istiyor.

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    The other is an undeceiving and undeceivable serious person. He enters behind the woman, and says: “I have brought you a talisman, a lesson. If you study it, and if you do not eat that candy, you will  be saved from the gallows. With this talisman, you will receive your ticket for the matchless prize. Look, you see with your own eyes that those who eat the honey mount those gallows, and until that time they suffer dreadful stomach pains from the poison of the candy. And who it is that will receive the ticket for the large prize is not apparent; it seems that they too mount the gallows. But there are millions of witnesses who testify that they can enter the prize arena easily. So, look from the windows! The highest officials and the high-ranking persons concerned with this business proclaim with loud voices: ‘Just as you see with the clear certainty of your own eyes those mounting the gallows, so  be certain as daylight, with  no  doubt  or misgiving, that  those with the talisman receive the ticket for the prize.’”
    Diğer biri de aldatmaz ve aldanmaz ciddi bir adam, o kadının arkasından girdi. Dedi ki: “Size bir tılsım, bir ders getirdim. Bunu okusanız o helvayı yemezseniz o darağacından kurtulursunuz. Bu tılsım ile o emsalsiz ikramiye biletini alırsınız. İşte bu darağacında zaten gözünüzle görüyorsunuz ki bal yiyenler oraya giriyorlar ve oraya girinceye kadar o helvanın zehirinden dehşetli karın sancısı çekiyorlar ve o büyük ikramiye biletini alanlar çendan görünmüyorlar ve zâhiren onlar da o darağacına çıktıkları görünüyor. Fakat onlar asılmadıklarını, belki oradan kolayca ikramiye dairesine girmek için basamak yaptıklarını milyonlar şahitler var, haber veriyorlar. İşte pencerelerden bakınız. En büyük memurlar ve bu işle alâkadar büyük zatlar, yüksek sesle ilan ediyorlar ve haber veriyorlar ki o darağacına gidenleri aynelyakîn gözünüz ile gördüğünüz gibi bu ikramiye biletini tılsımcılar aldıklarını hiç şek ve şüphesiz, gündüz gibi kat’î biliniz.” dedi.

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    Thus, like the comparison, since the dissolute pleasures of youth in the sphere of the illicit, which are like poisonous honey, lose belief, which is the ticket for an eternal treasury and the  passport  for  everlasting  happiness, a person who  indulges  in them descends to death, which is like the gallows, and to the tribulations of the grave, which is like  the  door  to  eternal  darkness. And  since  the  appointed  hour  is  unknown,  its executioner, not differentiating between young and old, may come at any time to cut off your head.
    İşte bu temsil gibi zehirli bir bal hükmünde olan gayr-ı meşru dairedeki gençliğin sefahetkârane zevkleri, hazine-i ebediyenin ve saadet-i sermediyenin bileti ve vesikası olan imanı kaybettiği için darağacı hükmünde olan ölüm ve ebedî zulümat kapısı olan kabrin musibetine, aynen zâhiren göründüğü gibi düşer. Ve ecel gizli olduğu için genç, ihtiyar fark etmeyerek her vakit ecel celladı, başını kesmek için gelebilir.

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    If you give up illicit desires, which are like the poisonous honey, and acquire belief and perform the religious duties, which are the Qur’anic talisman, one hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets (Peace be upon them) together with innumerable saints and people of truth have unanimously announced that you shall receive  the  ticket  for  the  treasury  of  eternal  happiness  which  comes  up  from  the extraordinary lottery of human destiny. And they have pointed to traces of it.
    Eğer o zehirli bal hükmünde olan hevesat-ı gayr-ı meşruayı terk edip tılsım-ı Kur’anî olan iman ve feraizi elde etmekle ve fevkalâde mukadderat-ı beşer piyangosundan çıkan saadet-i ebediye hazinesi biletini alacağına, yüz yirmi dört bin enbiya aleyhimüsselâm ile beraber hadd ü hesaba gelmeyen ehl-i velayet ve ehl-i hakikat, müttefikan haber veriyorlar ve âsârını gösteriyorlar.

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    '''In Short:''' Youth will go. And if it goes being squandered, it results in thousands of calamities and pains both in this world and in the next. If you want to understand how the majority of such youths end up in hospitals with imagined diseases arising from misspent youth and prodigality, and in prisons or hostels for the destitute through their excesses, and in bars due to the distress arising from their pain and suffering, then go and ask at the hospitals, prisons and graveyards.
    '''Elhasıl:''' Gençlik gidecek. Sefahette gitmiş ise hem dünyada hem âhirette, binler bela ve elemler netice verdiğini ve öyle gençler ekseriyetle sû-i istimal ile israfat ile gelen evhamlı hastalıkla hastahanelere ve taşkınlıklarıyla hapishanelere veya sefalethanelere ve manevî elemlerden gelen sıkıntılarla meyhanelere düşeceklerini anlamak isterseniz; hastahanelerden ve hapishanelerden ve kabristanlardan sorunuz.

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    For sure, just as you will hear from most of the hospitals the moans and groans of those ill from dissipation and debauchery resulting from the drives of youth, so will you hear from the prisons the regretful sighs of unhappy youths who are being punished for illicit deeds mostly resulting  from the excesses of youth. And you will understand that most  of  the  torments  of  the  grave  –  that  Intermediate  Realm  the  doors  of  which continuously open and shut for those who enter it – are the result of misspent youth, as is testified to by those who have divined the life of the grave, and is affirmed by the people of reality.
    Elbette hastahanelerin ekseriyetle lisan-ı halinden, gençlik sâikasıyla israfat ve sû-i istimalden gelen hastalıktan enînler, eyvahlar işittiğiniz gibi; hapishanelerden dahi ekseriyetle gençliğin taşkınlık sâikasıyla gayr-ı meşru dairedeki harekâtın tokatlarını yiyen bedbaht gençlerin teessüflerini işiteceksiniz. Ve kabristanda ve mütemadiyen oraya girenler için kapıları açılıp kapanan o âlem-i berzahta –ehl-i keşfe’l-kuburun müşahedatıyla ve bütün ehl-i hakikatin tasdikiyle ve şehadetiyle– ekser azaplar, gençlik sû-i istimalatının neticesi olduğunu bileceksiniz.

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    Also, ask the elderly and the sick, who form the majority of mankind. Certainly, the great majority of them will say with sorrow and regret: “Alas! We wasted our youth on passion and  fancy; indeed, harmfully. Be careful, do not do as we did!Because, as a consequence of the illicit pleasures of five to ten years’ youth, a person suffers years of grief and sorrow in this world, torment  and harm in the Intermediate Realm, and the calamities of Hell in the hereafter. And although such a  person is in a most pitiable situation, he in no way deserves pity. For those who freely consent to indulge in harmful actions may not be pitied. They are not worthy of it.
    Hem nev-i insanın ekseriyetini teşkil eden ihtiyarlardan ve hastalardan sorunuz. Elbette ekseriyet-i mutlaka ile esefler, hasretler ile “Eyvah gençliğimizi bâd-i heva, belki zararlı zayi ettik. Sakın bizim gibi yapmayınız.” diyecekler. Çünkü beş on senelik gençliğin gayr-ı meşru zevki için dünyada çok seneler gam ve keder ve berzahta azap ve zarar ve âhirette cehennem ve sakar belasını çeken adam, en acınacak bir halde olduğu halde اَلرَّاضٖى بِالضَّرَرِ لَا يُن۟ظَرُ لَهُ sırrıyla hiç acınmaya müstahak olamaz. Çünkü zarara rızasıyla girene merhamet edilmez ve lâyık değildir.

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    May Almighty God save us and you from the alluring temptations of this time, and preserve us from them. Amen.
    Cenab-ı Hak bizi ve sizi, bu zamanın cazibedar fitnesinden kurtarsın ve muhafaza eylesin, âmin!

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    <span id="Risale-i_Nur_Mizanlarından_On_Üçüncü_Söz’ün_İkinci_Makamı’nın_Hâşiyesidir"></span>
    === Risale-i Nur Mizanlarından On Üçüncü Söz’ün İkinci Makamı’nın Hâşiyesidir ===
    ===A Footnote to the Second Station of the Thirteenth Word===

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    In His name, be He glorified!
    بِاس۟مِهٖ سُب۟حَانَهُ

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    Those  in  prison  are  in  great  need  of  the  true  consolation  of  the  Risale-i  Nur. Particularly those who having suffered the blows of youth, are passing their sweet, young lives in prison; they need the Risale-i Nur as much as they need bread.
    Risale-i Nur’daki hakiki teselliye mahpuslar çok muhtaçtırlar. Hususan gençlik darbesini yiyip taze ve şirin ömrünü hapiste geçirenlerin Nurlara ekmek kadar ihtiyaçları var.

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    Indeed, youth heeds the emotions rather than reason, and emotions and desires are blind; they do  not  consider the consequences. They prefer one ounce of immediate pleasure to tons of future pleasure. They kill for the one minute pleasure of revenge, then suffer for eighty thousand hours the pain of prison. And one hour’s dissolute pleasure in questions of honour may result in life’s enjoyment being utterly destroyed due to distress at the fear of both prison and enemies.
    Evet gençlik damarı, akıldan ziyade hissiyatı dinler. His ve heves ise kördür, âkıbeti görmez. Bir dirhem hazır lezzeti, ileride bir batman lezzete tercih eder. Bir dakika intikam lezzeti ile katleder, seksen bin saat hapis elemlerini çeker. Ve bir saat sefahet keyfiyle bir namus meselesinde, binler gün hem hapsin hem düşmanın endişesinden sıkıntılarla ömrünün saadeti mahvolur.

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    There are many other examples, many pitfalls for the unfortunate young because of which they transform their sweet lives into  the most bitter and pitiable lives.
    Bunlara kıyasen bîçare gençlerin çok vartaları var ki en tatlı hayatını, en acı ve acınacak bir hayata çeviriyorlar.

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    Consider a vast state to the north;(*<ref>*Russia. [Tr.]</ref>) it has gained possession of the passions of its young people and is shaking this century with its storms. For it has made lawful for its youths the  pleasing daughters and wives of upright people, and these youths act only according to their feelings, which are blind to all consequences. By permitting men and women to go together to the public baths, they are even encouraging immorality. And they consider it lawful for vagabonds and the poor to plunder the property of the rich. All mankind trembles in the face of this calamity.
    Ve bilhassa şimalde koca bir devlet, gençlik hevesatını elde ederek bu asrı fırtınalarıyla sarsıyor. Çünkü âkıbeti görmeyen kör hissiyatla hareket eden gençlere, ehl-i namusun güzel kızlarını ve karılarını ibahe eder. Belki hamamlarında erkek kadın beraber çıplak olarak girmelerine izin vermeleri cihetinde bu fuhşiyatı teşvik eder. Hem serseri ve fakir olanlara, zenginlerin mallarını helâl eder ki bütün beşer bu musibete karşı titriyor.

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    It is therefore most necessary in this century for all Muslim youths to act heroically, and to respond to this two-pronged attack with keen swords like the Fruits of Belief and the Guide For Youth from the  Risale-i Nur. Otherwise those unfortunate youths will destroy utterly both their  futures  in this  world,  and  their  agreeable  lives,  and  their happiness in the hereafter, and their eternal lives, and transform them into torment and suffering. And through their abuses and dissoluteness, they will end up in hospitals, and through their excesses in life, in prisons. In their old age, they will weep copiously with a thousand regrets.
    İşte bu asırda İslâm ve Türk gençleri, kahramanane davranıp iki cihetten hücum eden bu tehlikeye karşı Risale-i Nur’un Meyve ve Gençlik Rehberi gibi keskin kılınçlarıyla mukabele etmeleri elzemdir. Yoksa o bîçare genç, hem dünya istikbalini hem mesud hayatını hem âhiretteki saadetini ve hayat-ı bâkiyesini azaplara, elemlere çevirip mahveder ve sû-i istimal ve sefahetle hastahanelere ve hissiyatın taşkınlıklarıyla hapishanelere düşer. Eyvahlar, esefler ile ihtiyarlığında çok ağlayacak.

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    If, on the other hand, they protect themselves with Qur’anic training and with the truths of the Risale-i Nur, they will become truly heroic youths, perfect human beings, successful Muslims, and in  some ways rulers over animate beings and the rest of the animal kingdom.
    Eğer terbiye-i Kur’aniye ve Nur’un hakikatleriyle kendini muhafaza eylese tam bir kahraman genç ve mükemmel bir insan ve mesud bir Müslüman ve sair zîhayatlara, hayvanlara bir nevi sultan olur.

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    When a youth in prison spends one hour out of the twenty-four each day on the five obligatory prayers, and repents for the mistakes that were the cause of his disaster, and abstains from other harmful, painful sins, this will be of great benefit for both his life, and his future, and his country, and his nation, and his relatives, and he will also gain with his fleeting youth of ten to fifteen years an eternal, brilliant youth. Foremost the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, and all the revealed scriptures, have given this certain good news.
    Evet bir genç, hapiste yirmi dört saat her günkü ömründen tek bir saatini beş farz namazına sarf etse ve ekser günahlardan hapis mani olduğu gibi o musibete sebebiyet veren hatadan dahi tövbe edip sair zararlı, elemli günahlardan çekilse hem hayatına hem istikbaline hem vatanına hem milletine hem akrabasına büyük bir faydası olması gibi o on, on beş senelik fâni gençlikle ebedî parlak bir gençliği kazanacağını başta Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan, bütün kütüb ve suhuf-u semaviye kat’î haber verip müjde ediyorlar.

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    If such a youth demonstrates through moderation and obedience, his gratitude for the pleasing, delightful bounty of youth, it will both increase it, and make it eternal, and make it a pleasure. Otherwise it will be both calamitous, and become painful, grievous, and a nightmare, and then it will  depart. It will cause him to become like a vagrant, harmful for both his relatives, and his country, and his nation.
    Evet o şirin, güzel gençlik nimetine istikametle, taatle şükretse hem ziyadeleşir hem bâkileşir hem lezzetlenir. Yoksa hem belalı olur hem elemli, gamlı, kâbuslu olur, gider. Hem akrabasına hem vatanına hem milletine muzır bir serseri hükmüne geçirmeye sebebiyet verir.

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    If the prisoner has been sentenced unjustly, on condition he performs the obligatory prayers, each hour will be the equivalent of a day’s worship, and the prison will be like a recluse’s cell. He will be counted among the pious hermits of olden times who retired to caves in order to devote themselves to worship.
    Eğer mahpus, zulmen mahkûm olmuş ise farz namazını kılmak şartıyla her bir saati, bir gün ibadet olduğu gibi o hapis onun hakkında bir çilehane-i uzlet olup eski zamanda mağaralara girerek ibadet eden münzevi salihlerden sayılabilirler.

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    If he is poor, aged, and ill, and desirous of the truths of belief, on condition he performs the obligatory prayers and repents, each hour will become the equivalent of twenty hours’ worship, and prison will become like a rest-house for him, and because of his friends there who regard  him with affection, a place of love, training, and education. He will probably be happier staying in prison than being free, for outside he is confused and subject to the assaults of sins from all sides. He may receive  a complete education from prison. On being released, it will not be as a murderer, or  thirsting  for  revenge, but  as  someone  penitent, proven  by  trial,  well- behaved, and  beneficial  for  his  nation.
    Eğer fakir ve ihtiyar ve hasta ve iman hakikatlerine müştak ise farzını yapmak ve tövbe etmek şartıyla her bir saatleri yirmişer saat ibadet olup hapis ona bir istirahathane ve merhametkârane ona bakan dostlar için bir muhabbethane, bir terbiyehane, bir dershane hükmüne geçer. O hapiste durmakla hariçteki müşevveş, her taraftaki günahların hücumuna maruz serbestiyetten daha ziyade hoşlanabilir. Hapisten tam terbiye alır. Çıktığı zaman bir kātil, bir müntakim olarak değil, belki tövbekâr, tecrübeli, terbiyeli, millete menfaatli bir adam çıkar.

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    In  fact,  the  Denizli  prisoners  became  so extraordinarily well-behaved after studying the Risale-i Nur  for  only a short time that some of those concerned said: “Studying the Risale-i Nur for fifteen weeks  is more effective at reforming them than putting them in prison for fifteen years.”
    Hattâ Denizli hapsindeki zatların az zamanda Nurlardan fevkalâde hüsn-ü ahlâk dersini alanlarını gören bazı alâkadar zatlar demişler ki: “Terbiye için on beş sene hapse atmaktan ise on beş hafta Risale-i Nur dersini alsalar daha ziyade onları ıslah eder.”

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    Since death does not die, and the appointed hour is unknown, it may come at any time; and since the grave cannot be closed, and troop after troop enter it and are lost; and since it has been shown through the truths of the Qur’an that for those who believe death is transformed into the discharge papers releasing them from eternal annihilation, while for the corrupt and the dissolute it is disappearing for ever into eternal annihilation,
    Madem ölüm ölmüyor ve ecel gizlidir, her vakit gelebilir. Ve madem kabir kapanmıyor, kafile kafile arkasında gelenler oraya girip kayboluyorlar. Ve madem ölüm, ehl-i iman hakkında idam-ı ebedîden terhis tezkeresine çevrildiği, hakikat-i Kur’aniye ile gösterilmiş ve ehl-i dalalet ve sefahet hakkında göz ile göründüğü gibi bir idam-ı ebedîdir; bütün mahbubatından ve mevcudattan bir firak-ı lâyezalîdir.

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    and is unending separation from their loved ones and all beings, most certainly and with no doubt at all, the most fortunate person is he who with patience and thanks fully benefits from his time in prison, and studying the Risale-i Nur works to serve  the  Qur’an and his belief on the straight path.
    Elbette ve elbette hiç şüphe kalmaz ki en bahtiyar odur ki sabır içinde şükretmek ve hapis müddetinden tam istifade ederek Nurların dersini alarak istikamet dairesinde, imanına ve Kur’an’a hizmete çalışmaktır.

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    O man who is addicted to enjoyment and pleasure! I am seventy-five years old,
    Ey zevk ve lezzete müptela insan! Ben yetmiş beş yaşımda binler tecrübelerle ve hüccetlerle ve hâdiselerle aynelyakîn bildim ki:

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    and I know with utter certainty from thousands of experiences, proofs, and events that true enjoyment, pain-free pleasure, grief-free joy, and life’s happiness are only to be found in belief and in the sphere of the truths of belief. While a single worldly pleasure yields numerous pains; as though dealing ten slaps for a single grape, it drives away all life’s pleasure.
    '''Hakiki zevk ve elemsiz lezzet ve kedersiz sevinç ve hayattaki saadet yalnız imandadır ve iman hakikatleri dairesinde bulunur. Yoksa dünyevî bir lezzette çok elemler var. Bir üzüm tanesini yedirir, on tokat vurur gibi hayatın lezzetini kaçırır.'''

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    O you unfortunate people who are experiencing the misfortune of prison! Since your world is weeping and your life is bitter, strive so that your hereafter will not also weep, and your eternal  life will smile and be sweet! Benefit from prison! Just as sometimes under severe conditions in the face of the enemy, an hour’s watch may be equivalent to a year’s worship, so in the severe conditions you are  experiencing, the hardship of each hour spent as worship becomes the equivalent of many hours, it transforms that hardship into mercy.
    Ey hapis musibetine düşen bîçareler! Madem dünyanız ağlıyor ve hayatınız acılaştı; çalışınız, âhiretiniz dahi ağlamasın ve hayat-ı bâkiyeniz gülsün, tatlılaşsın, hapisten istifade ediniz. Nasıl bazen ağır şerait altında düşman karşısında bir saat nöbet, bir sene ibadet hükmüne geçebilir. Öyle de sizin bu ağır şerait altında her bir saat ibadet zahmeti, çok saatler olup o zahmetleri rahmetlere çevirir.

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    In His Name, be He glorified!
    بِاس۟مِهٖ سُب۟حَانَهُ

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    God's mercy and abundance be with you.
    اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَي۟كُم۟ وَ رَح۟مَةُ اللّٰهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُهُ

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    My dear and loyal brothers!
    '''Aziz, sıddık kardeşlerim!'''

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    I shall explain in three ‘Points’ an effective solace for those who are experiencing the calamity of prison, and for those who kindly help them and faithfully supervise their food, which comes from outside.
    Hapis musibetine düşenlere ve onlara merhametkârane, sadakatle hariçten gelen erzaklarına nezaret ve yardım edenlere kuvvetli bir teselliyi üç noktada beyan edeceğim.

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    '''First Point:''' Each day spent in prison may gain as much as ten days’ worship, and, with regards to their fruits, may transform those transient hours into enduring hours, and through five or ten years’ punishment may be the means of saving a person from millions of years of eternal imprisonment.
    '''Birinci Nokta:''' Hapiste geçen ömür günleri, her bir gün on gün kadar bir ibadet kazandırabilir ve fâni saatleri, meyveleri cihetiyle manen bâki saatlere çevirebilir ve beş on sene ceza ile milyonlar sene haps-i ebedîden kurtulmaya vesile olabilir.

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    For the believers, the condition for gaining this most significant and valuable advantage is to perform the obligatory prayers, repent for the sins that were the cause of their imprisonment, and offer thanks in patience. For sure, prison is an obstacle to many sins; it does not provide the opportunity for them.
    İşte ehl-i iman için bu pek büyük ve çok kıymettar kazanç şartı, farz namazını kılmak ve hapse sebebiyet veren günahlardan tövbe etmek ve sabır içinde şükretmektir. Zaten hapis çok günahlara manidir, meydan vermiyor.

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    '''Second Point:''' Just as the cessation of pleasure causes pain, so does the cessation of pain give pleasure. Yes, on thinking of past happy, enjoyable days, everyone feels a pang of regret and longing, and says: “Alas!”, and recalling calamitous, unhappy days of the past, experiences a sort of pleasure since they are passed, and says: “Praise and thanks be to God, that calamity has left its reward  and departed.” He breathes a sigh of relief. That is to say, an hour’s temporary  pain  and  sorrow  leave  behind  a  sort  of  pleasure  in  the  spirit, while  a pleasurable hour leaves a pain.
    '''İkinci Nokta:''' Zeval-i lezzet elem olduğu gibi zeval-i elem dahi lezzettir. Evet, herkes geçmiş lezzetli, safalı günlerini düşünse teessüf ve tahassür elem-i manevîsini hissedip “Eyvah!” der. Ve geçmiş musibetli, elemli günlerini tahattur etse zevalinden bir manevî lezzet hisseder ki: “Elhamdülillah şükür, o bela sevabını bıraktı, gitti.” der. Ferah ile teneffüs eder. Demek bir saat muvakkat elem, ruhta bir manevî lezzet bırakır ve lezzetli saat, bilakis elem bırakır.

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    Since the reality is thus; and since past calamitous hours together with their pains are no longer existent, and future distressing days are at the present time non-existent, and there  is  no  pain  from  nothing, to  continually  eat  bread  and  drink  water  today, for example, because of the possibility of being hungry and thirsty in several days’ time, is most foolish.
    Madem hakikat budur ve madem geçmiş musibet saatleri, elemleri ile beraber ma’dum ve yok olmuş ve gelecek bela günleri, şimdi ma’dum ve yoktur ve yoktan elem yok ve ma’dumdan elem gelmez. Mesela, birkaç gün sonra aç ve susuz olmak ihtimalinden, bugün o niyetle mütemadiyen ekmek yese ve su içse ne derece divaneliktir.

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    In just the same way, to think now of the past and future unhappy hours, which simply do not exist, and to display impatience, and ignoring one’s faulty self, to moan as though complaining about God is also most foolish. So long as the power of patience is not scattered to left and right, that is, to the past and future, and is held firm in the face of the present of hour and day, it is sufficient. The distress is reduced from ten to one.
    Aynen öyle de geçmiş ve gelecek elemli saatleri –ki hiç ve ma’dum ve yok olmuşlar– şimdi düşünüp sabırsızlık göstermek ve kusurlu nefsini bırakıp Allah’tan şekva etmek gibi “Of, of!” etmek divaneliktir. Eğer sağa sola yani geçmiş ve geleceklere sabır kuvvetini dağıtmazsa ve hazır saate ve güne karşı tutsa tam kâfi gelir. Sıkıntı ondan bire iner.

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    In fact, but let it not be complaining, Divine favour pointed out the above fact to me while, during a  few days of material and spiritual affliction, illness and trial the like of which I had never before experienced in my life, I was being crushed in particular by the despair and distress of the heart and spirit which resulted from my being unable to serve the Qur’an and belief with the Risale-i Nur. I was then content with my distressing illness and imprisonment. For, saying: “It is great profit for an unfortunate like myself who waits at the door of the grave to make one hour which might be passed in heedlessness ten hours’ worth of worship,” I gave thanks.
    Hattâ şekva olmasın, ben bu üçüncü Medrese-i Yusufiyede, birkaç gün zarfında, hiç ömrümde görmediğim maddî ve manevî sıkıntılı, hastalıklı musibetimde, hususan Nur’un hizmetinden mahrumiyetimden gelen meyusiyet ve kalbî ve ruhî sıkıntılar beni ezdiği sırada, inayet-i İlahiye bu mezkûr hakikati gösterdi. Ben de sıkıntılı hastalığımdan ve hapsimden razı oldum. Çünkü benim gibi kabir kapısında bir bîçareye, gafletle geçebilir bir saatini, on adet ibadet saatleri yapmak büyük kârdır diye şükreyledim.

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    '''Third Point:''' There is great gain in compassionately aiding and assisting prisoners, in giving them  the sustenance they need, and in soothing their spiritual wounds with consolation. Giving them their food which comes from outside is like alms-giving which, exactly to the amount of the food, is written in the book of good deeds of those, outside and inside, who do this, together with the warders concerned. Especially if the unhappy prisoner is old, ill, poor, or a stranger, then the reward of this alms-giving increases many times over.
    '''Üçüncü Nokta:''' Mahpuslara şefkatkârane hizmetle yardım etmek ve muhtaç oldukları rızıklarını ellerine vermek ve manevî yaralarına tesellilerle merhem sürmekte, az bir amel ile büyük bir kazanç var ve dışarıdan gelen yemeklerini onlara vermek, aynı o yemek kadar o gardiyan ve gardiyan ile beraber dâhilde ve hariçte çalışanların –bir sadaka hükmünde– defter-i hasenatına yazılır. Hususan musibetzede, ihtiyar veya hasta veya fakir veya garib olsa o sadaka-i maneviyenin sevabı çok ziyadeleşir.

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    The condition of this high profit is to perform the obligatory prayers so that such service is for God’s sake. Another condition is to hasten to their assistance with sincerity, compassion and joy, and in such a way as to not make them feel obliged.
    İşte bu kıymetli kazancın şartı, farz namazını kılmaktır. Tâ ki o hizmeti, lillah için olsun. Hem bir şartı da sadakat ve şefkat ve sevinç ile ve minnet etmemek tarzda yardımlarına koşmaktır.

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    In His Name, be He glorified! And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.
    بِاس۟مِهٖ سُب۟حَانَهُ وَ اِن۟ مِن۟ شَى۟ءٍ اِلَّا يُسَبِّحُ بِحَم۟دِهٖ

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    God's mercy and abundance be with you.
    اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَي۟كُم۟ وَ رَح۟مَةُ اللّٰهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُهُ اَبَدًا دَائِمًا

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    My friends in prison and brothers in religion!
    '''Ey hapis arkadaşlarım ve din kardeşlerim!'''

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    It occurred to me to explain a truth to you which will save you from both worldly torment and the torment of the hereafter. It is as follows:
    Size hem dünya azabından hem âhiret azabından kurtaracak bir hakikati beyan etmek, kalbime ihtar edildi. O da şudur:

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    For example, a person killed someone’s brother or one of his relatives. A murder which yields one minute’s pleasure of revenge causes millions of minutes of both distress for the heart and the anguish of prison. And the fear of revenge by the murdered man’s relatives, and anxiety of finding himself face to face with his enemy drives away all his pleasure in life. He suffers the torment of both fear and anger. There is only one solution for this, and that is reconciliation, which the Qur’an commands, and truth, reality, benefit, humanity, and Islam require and encourage.
    Mesela, birisi birinin kardeşini veya bir akrabasını öldürmüş. Bir dakika intikam lezzetiyle bir katl, milyonlar dakika hem kalbî sıkıntı hem hapis azabını çektirir ve maktûlün akrabası dahi intikam endişesiyle ve karşısında düşmanını düşünmesiyle hayatının lezzetini ve ömrünün zevkini kaçırır. Hem korku hem hiddet azabını çekiyor. Bunun tek bir çaresi var. O da Kur’an’ın emrettiği ve hak ve hakikat ve maslahat ve insaniyet ve İslâmiyet iktiza ve teşvik ettikleri olan, barışmak ve musalaha etmektir.

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    Certainly, what is required in reality is peace, because the appointed hour is set, it does not  change. Since his appointed hour had come, in any event the murdered man would have stayed no  longer. As for the murderer, he was the means of God’s decree being carried out. So long as there is no reconciliation, both sides perpetually suffer the torments of fear and revenge. It is because of this that Islam commands that “one believer should not be vexed with another believer for more than three days.”(*<ref>*Muslim, Birr, 25.</ref>) If the murder was not the result of a vindictive grudge and enmity, and a two-faced trouble-maker instigated the discord, it is essential to make peace quickly. Otherwise, that minor disaster becomes a large one, and continues. If  they make peace, and the murderer repents and prays continuously for the man he killed, then both  sides will gain much and become like brothers. In place of one departed brother, he will gain several religious brothers. He will be resigned to Divine Decree and Determining and forgive his enemy.
    Evet, hakikat ve maslahat sulhtur. Çünkü ecel birdir, değişmez. O maktûl, herhalde ecel geldiğinden daha ziyade kalmayacaktı. O kātil ise o kaza-i İlahiyeye vasıta olmuş. Eğer barışmak olmazsa iki taraf da daima korku ve intikam azabını çekerler. Onun içindir ki “Üç günden fazla bir mü’min diğer bir mü’mine küsmemek” İslâmiyet emrediyor. Eğer o katl, bir adâvetten ve bir kinli garazdan gelmemişse ve bir münafık o fitneye vesile olmuş ise çabuk barışmak elzemdir. Yoksa o cüz’î musibet büyük olur, devam eder. Eğer barışsalar ve öldüren tövbe etse ve maktûle her vakit dua etse o halde her iki taraf çok kazanırlar ve kardeş gibi olurlar. Bir gitmiş kardeşe bedel, birkaç dindar kardeşleri kazanır. Kaza ve kader-i İlahîye teslim olup düşmanını affeder.

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    Especially since they heed the lessons of the Risale-i Nur, both individual and public peace and well- being, and the brotherhood that there is in the sphere of the Risale-i Nur, require that they put aside all the hard feelings that exist between them.
    Ve bilhassa madem Risale-i Nur dersini dinlemişler, elbette mabeynlerinde bulunan bütün küsmekleri bırakmaya hem maslahat ve istirahat-i şahsiye ve umumiye hem Nur dairesindeki uhuvvet iktiza ediyor.

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    It was thus in Denizli Prison; all the prisoners who were enemies became brothers through the lessons of the Risale-i Nur. It was one reason for our acquittal, and caused even the irreligious and ungodly to say about those prisoners: “Masha’llah! Barakallah!” And it was an utter  relief for those prisoners. I myself have seen here a hundred men suffer inconvenience on account of one man and not go out to take exercise together. It is oppression towards them. A manly believer of sound conscience will not cause hundreds of other believers harm because of some insignificant and minor error or benefit. If he makes  a mistake and does cause harm, he should repent immediately.
    Nasıl ki Denizli hapsinde birbirine düşman bütün mahpuslar, Nurlar dersiyle birbirlerine kardeş oldular ve bizim beraetimize bir sebep olup hattâ dinsizlere, serserilere de o mahpuslar hakkında “Mâşâallah, bârekellah” dedirttiler ve o mahpuslar tam teneffüs ettiler. Ben burada gördüm ki bir tek adamın yüzünden yüz adam sıkıntı çekip beraber teneffüse çıkmıyorlar. Onlara zulüm olur. Mert ve vicdanlı bir mü’min, küçük ve cüz’î bir hata veya menfaatle, yüzer zararı ehl-i imana vermez. Eğer hata etse verse çabuk tövbe etmek lâzımdır.

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    In His Name, be He glorified!
    بِاس۟مِهٖ سُب۟حَانَهُ وَ اِن۟ مِن۟ شَى۟ءٍ اِلَّا يُسَبِّحُ بِحَم۟دِهٖ

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    My loyal new brothers and old prisoners!
    '''Aziz yeni kardeşlerim ve eski mahpuslar!'''

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    I have formed the firm conclusion that, in respect of Divine favour, you are an important cause in our entering here. That is to say, with its consolation and the truths of belief, the Risale-i Nur is to save both you from the distress of this calamity of prison and from much worldly harm,  and your life from passing profitlessly and in vain through grief and sorrow and being wasted on the  winds of fancy, and your hereafter from weeping like your world is weeping now; it is to provide you with true solace.
    Benim kat’î kanaatim gelmiş ki buraya girmemizin inayet-i İlahiye cihetinde bir ehemmiyetli sebebi sizsiniz. Yani, Nurlar tesellileriyle ve imanın hakikatleriyle sizi bu hapis musibetinin sıkıntılarından ve dünyevî çok zararlarından ve boşu boşuna gam ve hüzün ile giden hayatınızı faydasızlıktan, bâd-i heva zayi olmasından ve dünyanızın ağlaması gibi âhiretinizi ağlamaktan kurtarıp tam bir teselli size vermektir.

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    Since the reality of the matter is this, of course you must be brothers to one another, like the Denizli prisoners and Students of the Risale-i Nur. You can see that they examine all your possessions, food, bread, and soup which come from outside so that a knife does not get in among you  and  you do not attack one another. The warders who faithfully serve you suffer much trouble. Also, you do not go out to exercise together, as though you were going to attack one another like wild beasts.
    Madem hakikat budur. Elbette siz dahi Denizli mahpusları ve Nur talebeleri gibi birbirinize kardeş olmanız lâzımdır. Görüyorsunuz ki bir bıçak içinize girmemek ve birbirinize tecavüz etmemek için dışarıdan gelen bütün eşyanız ve yemek ve ekmeğinizi ve çorbanızı karıştırıyorlar. Size sadakatle hizmet eden gardiyanlar çok zahmet çekiyorlar. Hem siz, beraber teneffüse çıkmıyorsunuz. Güya canavar ve vahşi gibi birbirinize saldıracaksınız.

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    And so, new friends, who are by nature bold and courageous, with great moral courage you should say to the group at this time:
    İşte şimdi sizin gibi fıtrî kahramanlık damarını taşıyan yeni arkadaşlar, bu zamanda manevî büyük bir kahramanlık ile heyete deyiniz ki: “Değil elimize bıçak, belki mavzer ve rovelver de verilse hem emir de verilse biz bu bîçare ve bizim gibi musibetzede arkadaşlarımıza dokunmayacağız. Eskiden yüz düşmanlık ve adâvetimiz dahi olsa da onları helâl edip hatırlarını kırmamaya çalışacağımıza, Kur’an’ın ve imanın ve uhuvvet-i İslâmiyenin ve maslahatımızın emriyle ve irşadıyla karar verdik.” diyerek bu hapsi bir mübarek dershaneye çeviriniz.
    “If not knives, but Mausers and revolvers were given us, and the order to fire as well, we would not hurt our friends who are unfortunate and suffering this calamity like ourselves. Through the guidance and at the command of the Qur’an, and belief, and Islamic brotherhood, and our interests, we have decided to forgive them and to try not to offend them, even if formerly there were a hundred reasons for our enmity and hostility.” And so transform this prison into an auspicious place of study.

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    <span id="Leyle-i_Kadirde_İhtar_Edilen_Bir_Mesele-i_Mühimme"></span>
    === Leyle-i Kadirde İhtar Edilen Bir Mesele-i Mühimme ===
    ===AN IMPORTANT MATTER which occurred to my heart on the Night of Power===

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    <span id="On_Üçüncü_Söz’ün_İkinci_Makamı’nın_Zeyli"></span>
    === On Üçüncü Söz’ün İkinci Makamı’nın Zeyli ===
    ===(The Addendum to the Second Station of the Thirteenth Word)===

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    I shall allude briefly to a most extensive and lengthy truth which occurred to my heart on the Night of Power.
    Leyle-i Kadirde kalbe gelen pek geniş ve uzun bir hakikate, pek kısaca bir işaret edeceğiz. Şöyle ki:

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    Because  of the  extreme  tyranny and  despotism  of this  last  World  War  and  its merciless destruction, and hundreds of innocents being scattered and ruined on account of a single enemy, and the awesome despair of the defeated, and the fearsome alarm of the victors and their ghastly pangs of conscience arising from the supremacy they are unable to maintain and the destruction they are unable to repair, and the utter transitoriness and ephemerality of the life of this world and the deceptive, opiate nature of the fantasies of civilization becoming apparent to all, and the exalted abilities lodged in human  nature and the human essence being wounded in a universal and awesome manner, and man’s innate love and desire for immortality being aroused and awakened, and heedlessness and misguidance  and  deaf,  lifeless  nature  being  smashed  by the  diamond  sword  of the Qur’an, and the exceedingly ugly, exceedingly cruel true face of world politics becoming apparent, which is the widest and most suffocating and deceptive cover for heedlessness and misguidance, most certainly
    Nev-i beşer, bu son Harb-i Umumî’nin eşedd-i zulüm ve eşedd-i istibdadı ile ve merhametsiz tahribatı ile ve bir tek düşmanın yüzünden yüzer masumu perişan etmesiyle ve mağlupların dehşetli meyusiyetleriyle ve galiblerin dehşetli telaş ve hâkimiyetlerini muhafaza ve büyük tahribatlarını tamir edememelerinden gelen dehşetli vicdan azaplarıyla ve dünya hayatının bütün bütün fâni ve muvakkat olması ve medeniyet fanteziyelerinin aldatıcı ve uyutucu olduğu umuma görünmesiyle ve fıtrat-ı beşeriyedeki yüksek istidadatın ve mahiyet-i insaniyesinin umumî bir surette dehşetli yaralanmasıyla ve gaflet ve dalaletin, sert ve sağır olan tabiatın, Kur’an’ın elmas kılıncı altında parçalanmasıyla ve gaflet ve dalaletin en boğucu, aldatıcı en geniş perdesi olan siyaset-i rûy-i zeminin pek çirkin, pek gaddarane hakiki sureti görünmesiyle elbette ve elbette hiç şüphe yok ki:

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    and without any shadow of a doubt, since the life of this world –which is the metaphorical beloved of mankind– is thus ugly and transient, man’s true nature will search with all its strength for eternal life, which it truly loves and yearns for, just as there are signs of this occurring in the North, the West, and in America.
    Şimal’de, Garp’ta, Amerika’da emareleri göründüğüne binaen nev-i beşerin maşuk-u mecazîsi olan hayat-ı dünyeviye, böyle çirkin ve geçici olmasından fıtrat-ı beşerin hakiki sevdiği, aradığı hayat-ı bâkiyeyi bütün kuvvetiyle arayacak.

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    there is no doubt
    Ve elbette hiç şüphe yok ki:

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    Most certainly there is also no doubt that since the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which each century for one thousand three hundred and sixty years has had three hundred and fifty million students,  and  sets the seal on each of its pronouncements and claims through the affirmation of millions of profound, veracious scholars, and each minute has been present with its sacredness in the hearts of millions of hafiz’s and given instruction to mankind through their tongues, and which in a way  unmatched by any other book conveys the good news of eternal life and everlasting happiness to mankind and heals all their wounds, –since the Qur’an has given this certain good news of eternal life and happiness with thousands of its insistent, powerful and repeated verses, and with its certain unshakeable proofs and innumerable indubitable arguments which invite and give news explicitly and implicitly tens of thousands of times, so long as human kind does not altogether lose its mind and a  material or immaterial doomsday does not erupt over its head, the
    Bin üç yüz altmış senede, her asırda üç yüz elli milyon şakirdi bulunan ve her hükmüne ve davasına milyonlar ehl-i hakikat tasdik ile imza basan ve her dakikada milyonlar hâfızların kalbinde kudsiyet ile bulunup lisanlarıyla beşere ders veren ve hiçbir kitapta emsali bulunmayan bir tarzda, beşer için hayat-ı bâkiyeyi ve saadet-i ebediyeyi müjde veren ve bütün beşerin yaralarını tedavi eden Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın şiddetli, kuvvetli ve tekrarlı binler âyâtıyla, belki sarîhan ve işareten on binler defa dava edip haber veren ve sarsılmaz kat’î delillerle şüphe getirmez hadsiz hüccetleriyle hayat-ı bâkiyeyi kat’iyetle müjde ve saadet-i ebediyeyi ders vermesi, elbette nev-i beşer bütün bütün aklını kaybetmezse, maddî veya manevî bir kıyamet başlarına kopmazsa; İsveç, Norveç, Finlandiya ve İngiltere’nin Kur’an’ı kabul etmeye çalışan meşhur hatipleri ve Amerika’nın din-i hakkı arayan ehemmiyetli cemiyeti gibi rûy-i zeminin geniş kıtaları ve büyük hükûmetleri Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ı arayacaklar ve hakikatlerini anladıktan sonra bütün ruh u canlarıyla sarılacaklar.
    broad masses and great states in the world will search out the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, and having grasped its truths, will embrace it with all their lives and spirits, just as there are [now]  famous  preachers in Sweden, Norway, Finland and England working  to  have  the  Qur’an accepted, and  the  important  community of America  is searching for the true religion.

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    Because in view of this fact, the Qur’an by no means has – nor can have – any equal. Absolutely nothing can take the place of this greatest miracle.
    Çünkü bu hakikat noktasında kat’iyen Kur’an’ın misli yoktur ve olamaz ve hiçbir şey bu mu’cize-i ekberin yerini tutamaz.

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    SECONDLY: Since the Risale-i Nur has performed the service of a diamond sword in the hand of this greatest miracle and compelled its stubborn enemies to submit, and acts as a herald to the treasures  of the Qur’an in a fashion that illuminates and heals completely both the heart, and the spirit, and the emotions, and has no source or authority other than the Qur’an and is its miracle, it performs that duty perfectly. Furthermore  it  has  completely  routed  the  obstinate  atheists  and  their  fearsome
    '''Sâniyen:''' Madem Risale-i Nur, bu mu’cize-i kübranın elinde bir elmas kılınç hükmünde hizmetini göstermiş ve muannid düşmanlarını teslime mecbur etmiş. Hem kalbi hem ruhu hem hissiyatı tam tenvir edecek ve ilaçlarını verecek bir tarzda hazine-i Kur’aniyenin dellâllığını yapan ve ondan başka me’hazi ve mercii olmayan ve bir mu’cize-i maneviyesi bulunan Risale-i Nur, o vazifeyi tam yapıyor ve aleyhindeki dehşetli propagandalara ve gayet muannid zındıklara tam galebe çalmış ve dalaletin en sert kuvvetli kalesi olan tabiatı, Tabiat Risalesi’yle parça parça etmiş ve gafletin en kalın ve boğucu ve geniş daire-i âfakında ve fennin en geniş perdelerinde Asâ-yı Musa’daki Meyve’nin Altıncı Meselesi ve Birinci, İkinci, Üçüncü, Sekizinci Hüccetleriyle gayet parlak bir tarzda gafleti dağıtıp nur-u tevhidi göstermiş.
    propaganda against it, and smashed to pieces with the treatise Nature: Cause or Effect nature, which is the most impregnable bastion of misguidance, and, with the Sixth Topic of the treatise Fruits of Belief together with the First, Second, Third and Eighth Proofs all of which are included in the book The Staff  of  Moses, has banished heedlessness in a most brilliant fashion in its most dense, suffocating and extensive form beneath the wide- reaching veils of science and has demonstrated the light of Divine unity.
    For sure, since religious instruction is now officially permitted and permission has been given to  open private places of study, it is necessary for us and essential for the nation that, as far as is possible, Students of the Risale-i Nur should open a small ‘Risale- i Nur Study Centre’ in every place. Although everyone would benefit to some extent, not everyone  would  understand  every  matter  completely.  But  since  these  matters  are explanations of the truths of belief, they are both learning, and knowledge of God, and lead to a sense of God’s presence, and are worship. God willing, these Risale-i Nur ‘Medreses’ will secure in five to ten weeks the results that the former medreses produced in five to ten years –and they have been so doing for twenty years.
    Also, it is essential that the Government does not interfere with these flashes of the Qur’an, the Risale-i Nur, which is the Qur’an’s herald and is beneficial in many ways for the worldly and political life of this nation and country, and for its life in the hereafter. Indeed, it should  work for its total spread and acceptance, so that it may atone for the grievous sins of the past, and form a barrier to the severe trials and anarchy of the future.

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    <span id="Meyve_Risalesi’nden_Altıncı_Mesele"></span>
    == Meyve Risalesi’nden Altıncı Mesele ==

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    [This consists of a single, brief proof of the pillar of belief, ‘Belief in God,’ for which there are numerous decisive proofs and explanations in the Risale-i Nur.]
    Risale-i Nur’un çok yerlerinde izahı ve kat’î hadsiz hüccetleri bulunan iman-ı billah rüknünün binler küllî bürhanlarından bir tek bürhana kısaca bir işarettir.

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    In Kastamonu a group of high-school students came to me, saying: “Tell us about our Creator, our teachers do not speak of God.”
    Kastamonu’da lise talebelerinden bir kısmı yanıma geldiler. “Bize Hâlık’ımızı tanıttır, muallimlerimiz Allah’tan bahsetmiyorlar.” dediler.

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    I said to them: “All t he sciences you study continuously speak  of God  and  make  known the  Creator, each with  its  own particular tongue. Do not listen to your teachers; listen to them.
    Ben dedim: Sizin okuduğunuz fenlerden her fen, kendi lisan-ı mahsusuyla mütemadiyen Allah’tan bahsedip Hâlık’ı tanıttırıyorlar. Muallimleri değil, onları dinleyiniz.

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    “For example, a well-equipped pharmacy with life-giving potions and cures in every jar weighed out in precise and wondrous measures doubtless shows an extremely skilful, practised, and wise pharmacist.
    Mesela, nasıl ki mükemmel bir eczahane ki her kavanozunda hârika ve hassas mizanlarla alınmış hayattar macunlar ve tiryaklar var. Şüphesiz gayet maharetli ve kimyager ve hakîm bir eczacıyı gösterir.

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    In the same way, to the extent that it is bigger and more perfect and better stocked than the pharmacy in  the market-place, the pharmacy of the globe of the earth with its living potions and medicaments in the jars which are the four hundred thousand species of plants and animals shows and makes known to eyes that are blind even – by means of the measure or scale of the science of medicine that you study – the All-Wise One of Glory, Who is the Pharmacist of the mighty pharmacy of the earth.
    Öyle de küre-i arz eczahanesinde bulunan dört yüz bin çeşit nebatat ve hayvanat kavanozlarındaki zîhayat macunlar ve tiryaklar cihetiyle, bu çarşıdaki eczahaneden ne derece ziyade mükemmel ve büyük olması nisbetinde, okuduğunuz '''fenn-i tıp''' mikyasıyla küre-i arz eczahane-i kübrasının eczacısı olan Hakîm-i Zülcelal’i hattâ kör gözlere de gösterir, tanıttırır.

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    “To take another example; a wondrous factory which weaves thousands of sorts of cloth  from  a  simple  material  doubtless  makes  known  a  manufacturer  and  skilful mechanic.
    Hem mesela, nasıl bir hârika fabrika ki binler çeşit çeşit kumaşları basit bir maddeden dokuyor. Şeksiz, bir fabrikatörü ve maharetli bir makinisti tanıttırır.

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    In the same way, to  whatever extent it is larger and more perfect than the human factory, this travelling dominical machine known as the globe of the earth with its hundreds of thousands of heads, in each of which are hundreds of thousands of factories, shows and makes known –by means of the measure or scale of the science of engineering which you study– its Manufacturer and Owner.
    Öyle de küre-i arz denilen yüz binler başlı, her başında yüz binler mükemmel fabrika bulunan bu seyyar makine-i Rabbaniye, ne derece bu insan fabrikasından büyükse, mükemmelse o derecede okuduğunuz '''fenn-i makine''' mikyasıyla küre-i arzın ustasını ve sahibini bildirir ve tanıttırır.

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    “And, for example, a depot, store, or shop in which has been brought together and stored up in regular and orderly fashion a thousand and one varieties of provisions undoubtedly makes known a wondrous owner, proprietor, and overseer of provisions and foodstuffs.
    Hem mesela, nasıl ki gayet mükemmel bin bir çeşit erzak etrafından celbedip içinde muntazaman istif ve ihzar edilmiş depo ve iaşe ambarı ve dükkân; şeksiz, bir fevkalâde iaşe ve erzak mâlikini ve sahibini ve memurunu bildirir.

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    In just the same  way, to whatever degree it is vaster and more perfect than such a store or factory, this foodstore of the Most Merciful One known as the globe of the earth, this Divine ship, this dominical depot and shop holding goods, equipment, and conserved food, which in one year travels regularly an orbit of twenty-four thousand years, and  carrying groups of beings requiring different foods and passing through the seasons on its journey and filling the spring with thousands of different provisions like a huge waggon, brings them to the wretched animate creatures whose sustenance has been exhausted in winter, – by means of the measure or scale  of the science of economics which you study – this depot of the earth makes known and makes loved  its Manager, Organizer, and Owner.
    Öyle de bir senede yirmi dört bin senelik bir dairede muntazaman seyahat eden ve yüz binler ve ayrı ayrı erzak isteyen taifeleri içine alan ve seyahatiyle mevsimlere uğrayıp baharı bir büyük vagon gibi binler ayrı ayrı taamlarla doldurarak kışta erzakı tükenen bîçare zîhayatlara getiren ve küre-i arz denilen bu Rahmanî iaşe ambarı ve bir sefine-i Sübhaniye ve bin bir çeşit cihazatı ve malları ve konserve paketleri taşıyan bu depo ve dükkân-ı Rabbanî, ne derece o fabrikadan büyük ve mükemmel ise okuduğunuz ve okuyacağınız '''fenn-i iaşe''' mikyasıyla o kat’iyette ve o derecede küre-i arz deposunun sahibini, mutasarrıfını, müdebbirini bildirir, tanıttırır, sevdirir.

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    “And, for example, let us imagine an army which consists of four hundred thousand nations, and each nation requires different provisions, uses different weapons, wears different uniforms, undergoes different drill, and is discharged from its duties differently. If this army and camp has a miracle-working commander who on his own provides all those  different  nations  with  all  their  different  provisions, weapons, uniforms, and equipment without forgetting or confusing any of them, then surely the army and camp show the commander and make him loved appreciatively.
    Hem nasıl ki dört yüz bin millet içinde bulunan ve her milletin istediği erzakı ayrı ve istimal ettiği silahı ayrı ve giydiği elbisesi ayrı ve talimatı ayrı ve terhisatı ayrı olan bir ordunun mu’cizekâr bir kumandanı, tek başıyla bütün o ayrı ayrı milletlerin ayrı ayrı erzaklarını ve çeşit çeşit eslihalarını ve elbiselerini ve cihazatlarını, hiçbirini unutmayarak ve şaşırmayarak verdiği o acib ordu ve ordugâh, şüphesiz bedahetle o hârika kumandanı gösterir, takdirkârane sevdirir.

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    In just the  same way, the spring camp of the face of the earth in which every spring a newly recruited Divine army of  the  four  hundred thousand species of plants and animals  are given their  varying uniforms, rations,  weapons, training, and demobilizations in utterly perfect and regular fashion by a single Commander-in-Chief Who forgets or confuses not one of them – to whatever extent the spring camp of the face of the earth is vaster and more perfect than that human army, – by means of the measure or  scale of the military science that you study – it makes known to the attentive and sensible, its Ruler, Sustainer, Administrator, and Most Holy Commander, causing wonderment and acclaim, and makes Him loved and praised and glorified.
    Aynen öyle de zemin yüzünün ordugâhında ve her baharda yeniden silah altına alınmış bir yeni ordu-yu Sübhanîde, nebatat ve hayvanat milletlerinden dört yüz bin nev’in çeşit çeşit elbise, erzak, esliha, talim, terhisleri gayet mükemmel ve muntazam ve hiçbirini unutmayarak ve şaşırmayarak bir tek kumandan-ı a’zam tarafından verilen küre-i arzın bahar ordugâhı, ne derece mezkûr insan ordu ve ordugâhından büyük ve mükemmel ise sizin okuyacağınız '''fenn-i askerî''' mikyasıyla dikkatli ve aklı başında olanlara o derece küre-i arzın hâkimini ve Rabb’ini ve müdebbirini ve Kumandan-ı Akdes’ini hayretler ve takdislerle bildirir ve tahmid ve tesbihle sevdirir.

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    “Another  example:  millions  of  electric  lights  that  move  and  travel  through  a wondrous city, their fuel and power source never being exhausted, self-evidently make known a wonder-working craftsman and extraordinarily talented electrician who manages the electricity, makes the  moving lamps, sets up the power source, and brings the fuel; they cause others to congratulate and applaud him, and to love him.
    Hem nasıl ki bir hârika şehirde milyonlar elektrik lambaları hareket ederek her yeri gezerler, yanmak maddeleri tükenmiyor bir tarzdaki elektrik lambaları ve fabrikası; şeksiz, bedahetle elektriği idare eden ve seyyar lambaları yapan ve fabrikayı kuran ve iştial maddelerini getiren bir mu’cizekâr ustayı ve fevkalâde kudretli bir elektrikçiyi hayretler ve tebriklerle tanıttırır, yaşasınlar ile sevdirir.

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    In just the same way, although some of the lamps of the stars in the roof of the palace of the world in the city of the universe –if they are considered in the way that astronomy says– are a thousand times larger than the earth and move seventy times faster than a cannon-ball, they do not spoil their order, nor collide with one another, nor become extinguished, nor is their fuel exhausted.
    Aynen öyle de bu âlem şehrinde dünya sarayının damındaki yıldız lambaları, bir kısmı –kozmoğrafyanın dediğine bakılsa– küre-i arzdan bin defa büyük ve top güllesinden yetmiş defa süratli hareket ettikleri halde intizamını bozmuyor, birbirine çarpmıyor, sönmüyor, yanmak maddeleri tükenmiyor.

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    According to astronomy, which you study, for our sun to continue burning, which is a million times larger than the earth and a million times older and is a lamp and stove in one guest-house of the Most Merciful One, as much oil as the seas of the earth and as much coal as its mountains or as many logs  and much wood as ten earths are necessary for it not to be extinguished.
    Okuduğunuz kozmoğrafyanın dediğine göre, küre-i arzdan bir milyon defadan ziyade büyük ve bir milyon seneden ziyade yaşayan ve bir misafirhane-i Rahmaniyede bir lamba ve soba olan güneşimizin yanmasının devamı için her gün, küre-i arzın denizleri kadar gaz yağı ve dağları kadar kömür veya bin arz kadar odun yığınları lâzımdır ki sönmesin.

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    And however much greater and more perfect than this example are the electric lamps of the palace of the world in the majestic city of the universe, which point with their fingers of light to an infinite power and sovereignty which illuminates the sun and other lofty stars like it without oil, wood, or coal, not allowing them to be  extinguished or to collide with one another, though travelling together at speed, to that degree – by means of the measure of the science of electricity which you either study or will study – they testify to  and make known the Monarch, Illuminator, Director, and Maker of the mighty exhibition of the universe; they make Him loved, glorified, and worshipped.
    Ve onu ve onun gibi ulvi yıldızları gaz yağsız, odunsuz, kömürsüz yandıran ve söndürmeyen ve beraber çabuk gezdiren ve birbirine çarptırmayan bir nihayetsiz kudreti ve saltanatı, ışık parmaklarıyla gösteren bu kâinat şehr-i muhteşemindeki dünya sarayının elektrik lambaları ve idareleri ne derece o misalden daha büyük daha mükemmeldir. O derecede sizin okuduğunuz veya okuyacağınız '''fenn-i elektrik''' mikyasıyla bu meşher-i a’zam-ı kâinatın sultanını, münevvirini, müdebbirini, sâni’ini, o nurani yıldızları şahit göstererek tanıttırır. Tesbihatla, takdisatla sevdirir, perestiş ettirir.

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    “And, for example, take a book in every line of which a whole book is finely written, and in every word of which a sura of the Qur’an is inscribed with a fine pen. Being most meaningful with all of its matters corroborating one another, and a wondrous collection showing its writer and author to be  extraordinarily skilful and capable, it undoubtedly shows  its  writer  and  author  together  with all  his  perfections  and  arts  as  clearly as daylight, and makes him known. It makes him appreciated with  phrases like, “What wonders God has willed!” and, “Blessed be God!”
    Hem mesela, nasıl ki bir kitap bulunsa ki bir satırında bir kitap ince yazılmış ve her bir kelimesinde ince kalemle bir sure-i Kur’aniye yazılmış, gayet manidar ve bütün meseleleri birbirini teyid eder ve kâtibini ve müellifini fevkalâde maharetli ve iktidarlı gösteren bir acib mecmua; şeksiz, gündüz gibi kâtip ve musannifini kemalâtıyla, hünerleriyle bildirir, tanıttırır. “Mâşâallah, bârekellah” cümleleriyle takdir ettirir.

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    Just the same is the mighty book of the universe; we see with our eyes a pen at work which writes on the face of the earth, which is a single of its pages, and on the spring, which is a single folio, the three hundred thousand plant  and animal  species,  which are  like three  hundred thousand different books, all together, one within the other, without fault or error, without mixing them up or confusing them, perfectly and with complete order, and sometimes writes an ode in a word like a tree, and the complete index of a book in a point like a seed. However much vaster and more perfect and meaningful than the book in the example mentioned above is this compendium of the universe and mighty embodied Qur’an of the world, which is infinitely full of meaning and in every word of which are numerous instances of wisdom, to that degree –in accordance  with the extensive measure and far-seeing vision of the natural science that you study and the sciences  of reading and writing that you have practised at school– it makes known the Inscriber and Author of the book of the universe together with His infinite perfections. Proclaiming ‘God is Most Great!’, it makes Him known. Uttering words like ‘Glory be to God!’, it describes Him. Uttering praises like
    Aynen öyle de bu kâinat kitab-ı kebiri ki bir tek sahifesi olan zemin yüzünde ve bir tek forması olan baharda, üç yüz bin ayrı ayrı kitaplar hükmündeki üç yüz bin nebatî ve hayvanî taifeleri beraber, birbiri içinde, yanlışsız, hatasız, karıştırmayarak, şaşırmayarak; mükemmel, muntazam ve bazen ağaç gibi bir kelimede bir kasideyi ve çekirdek gibi bir noktada bir kitabın tamam fihristesini yazan bir kalem işlediğini gözümüzle gördüğümüz bu nihayetsiz manidar ve her kelimesinde çok hikmetler bulunan şu mecmua-i kâinat ve bu mücessem Kur’an-ı Ekber-i Âlem, mezkûr misaldeki kitaptan ne derece büyük ve mükemmel ve manidar ise o derecede sizin okuduğunuz fenn-i hikmetü’l-eşya ve mektepte bilfiil mübaşeret ettiğiniz fenn-i kıraat ve fenn-i kitabet, geniş mikyaslarıyla ve dürbün gözleriyle bu kitab-ı kâinatın nakkaşını, kâtibini hadsiz kemalâtıyla tanıttırır. “Allahu ekber” cümlesiyle bildirir, “Sübhanallah” takdisiyle tarif eder, “Elhamdülillah” senalarıyla sevdirir.
    ‘All praise be to God!’, it makes Him loved.

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    “Thus, hundreds of other sciences like these make known the Glorious Creator of the universe together with His Names, each through its broad measure or scale, its particular mirror, its far-seeing  eyes,  and searching gaze; they make known His attributes and perfections.
    İşte bu fenlere kıyasen, yüzer fünundan her bir fen, geniş mikyasıyla ve hususi âyinesiyle ve dürbünlü gözüyle ve ibretli nazarlarıyla bu kâinatın Hâlık-ı Zülcelal’ini esmasıyla bildirir; sıfâtını, kemalâtını tanıttırır.

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    “It is in order to give instruction in this matter, which is a brilliant and magnificent proof of Divine  unity, that the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposit ion teaches us about our Creator most often with the verses, Sustainer of the Heavens and the Earth,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 6:1.</ref>) and, He created the Heavens and Earth.”(*<ref>*Qur’an, 13:16.</ref>)  I said this to the schoolboys, and they accepted it completely, affirming it by saying: “Endless thanks be to God, for we have received an absolutely true and sacred lesson. May God be pleased with you!” And I said:
    İşte bu muhteşem ve parlak bir bürhan-ı vahdaniyet olan mezkûr hücceti ders vermek içindir ki Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan çok tekrar ile en ziyade رَبُّ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَال۟اَر۟ضِ ۝ خَلَقَ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَال۟اَر۟ضَ âyetleriyle Hâlık’ımızı bize tanıttırıyor, diye o mektepli gençlere dedim. Onlar dahi tamamıyla kabul edip tasdik ederek: “Hadsiz şükür olsun Rabb’imize ki tam kudsî ve ayn-ı hakikat bir ders aldık. Allah senden razı olsun.” dediler. Ben de dedim:

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    “Man is a living machine who is grieved with thousands of different sorrows and receives  pleasure  in thousands of different ways; and despite his utter impotence has innumerable  enemies,   physical  and  spiritual;  and  despite  his  infinite  poverty, has countless needs, external and inner; and is a wretched creature continuously suffering the blows of death and separation. Yet, through belief and  worship, he at once becomes connected to a Monarch so Glorious he finds a point of support against all his enemies and a source of help for all his needs, and like everyone takes pride at the honour and rank of the lord to whom he is attached, you can compare for yourselves how pleased and grateful and thankful and full of pride man becomes at being connected through belief to an infinitely Powerful and  Compassionate Monarch, at  entering His  service through worship, and  transforming  for  himself  the  announcement  of  the  execution  of  the appointed hour into the papers releasing him from duty.”
    “İnsan, binler çeşit elemler ile müteellim ve binler nevi lezzetler ile mütelezziz olacak bir zîhayat makine ve gayet derece acziyle beraber hadsiz maddî, manevî düşmanları ve nihayetsiz fakrıyla beraber hadsiz zâhirî ve bâtınî ihtiyaçları bulunan ve mütemadiyen zeval ve firak tokatlarını yiyen bir bîçare mahluk iken, birden iman ve ubudiyetle böyle bir Padişah-ı Zülcelal’e intisap edip bütün düşmanlarına karşı bir nokta-i istinad ve bütün hâcatına medar bir nokta-i istimdad bularak herkes mensup olduğu efendisinin şerefiyle, makamıyla iftihar ettiği gibi; o da böyle nihayetsiz Kadîr ve Rahîm bir Padişah’a iman ile intisap etse ve ubudiyetle hizmetine girse ve ecelin idam ilanını kendi hakkında terhis tezkeresine çevirse ne kadar memnun ve minnettar ve ne kadar müteşekkirane iftihar edebilir, kıyas ediniz.”

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    I repeat to the calamity-stricken prisoners what I said to the schoolboys: “One who recognizes Him and obeys Him is fortunate even if he is in prison. While one who forgets Him is wretched and a prisoner even if he resides in a palace.” Even, one wronged but fortunate man said to the wretched tyrants who  were executing him: “I am not being executed but being demobilized and departing for where I shall find happiness. But I see that  you are being condemned to  eternal execution and am therefore taking  perfect revenge on you.” And declaring: “There is no god but God!”, he happily surrendered his spirit.
    O mektepli gençlere dediğim gibi musibetzede mahpuslara da tekrar ile derim: '''Onu tanıyan ve itaat eden zindanda dahi olsa bahtiyardır. Onu unutan saraylarda da olsa zindandadır, bedbahttır.''' Hattâ bir bahtiyar mazlum, idam olunurken bedbaht zalimlere demiş: “Ben idam olmuyorum. Belki terhis ile saadete gidiyorum. Fakat ben de sizi idam-ı ebedî ile mahkûm gördüğümden sizden tam intikamımı alıyorum.” لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ diyerek sürur ile teslim-i ruh eder.

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    Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:32.</ref>)
    سُب۟حَانَكَ لَا عِل۟مَ لَنَٓا اِلَّا مَا عَلَّم۟تَنَٓا اِنَّكَ اَن۟تَ ال۟عَلٖيمُ ال۟حَكٖيمُ

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    <span id="Hüve_Nüktesi"></span>
    == Hüve Nüktesi ==
    ==THE AIR:==
    '''A Window onto Divine Unity'''

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    In His Name, be He glorified! And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.
    بِاس۟مِهٖ سُب۟حَانَهُ وَ اِن۟ مِن۟ شَى۟ءٍ اِلَّا يُسَبِّحُ بِحَم۟دِهٖ

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    God's mercy and abundance be with you
    اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَي۟كُم۟ وَ رَح۟مَةُ اللّٰهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُهُ اَبَدًا دَائِمًا

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    My very dear and loyal brothers!
    Çok aziz ve sıddık kardeşlerim!

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    My brothers, I observed in a subtle point concerning God’s unit y, which suddenly became clear while studying the page of the air on a journey of the imagination and mind, that is, in the word HE (HU) in the phrases THERE IS NO GOD BUT HE, and, SAY HE IS GOD, (and that was only in its material aspect) that the way of belief is infinitely easy, easy to the point of being necessary, and that the way of  misguidance and associating partners with God is infinitely difficult, so difficult as to be impossible. I shall explain that long and extensive point with an extremely brief indication.
    Kardeşlerim, لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ ve قُل۟ هُوَ اللّٰهُ daki هُوَ lafzında, yalnız maddî cihette bir seyahat-i hayaliye-i fikriyede hava sahifesinin mütalaasıyla âni bir surette görünen bir zarif nükte-i tevhidde, meslek-i imaniyenin hadsiz derece kolay ve vücub derecesinde suhuletli bulunmasını ve şirk ve dalaletin mesleğinde hadsiz derecede müşkülatlı, mümteni binler muhal bulunduğunu müşahede ettim. Gayet kısa bir işaretle o geniş ve uzun nükteyi beyan edeceğim.

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    Yes, if soil, one handful of which can act as a flower-pot for hundreds of plants in turn, is attributed to nature or causes, it becomes necessary either for there to be present in such a handful hundreds of immaterial machines, indeed, machines and factories to the number of the plants, or for each particle of that small amount of soil to know how to make all those different plants together with their  different characteristics and living organs; quite simply, each would have to possess infinite knowledge and limitless power like a god.
    Evet, nasıl ki bir avuç toprak, yüzer çiçeklere nöbetle saksılık eden kabında eğer tabiata, esbaba havale edilse lâzım gelir ki ya o kapta küçük mikyasta yüzer, belki çiçekler adedince manevî makineler, fabrikalar bulunsun veyahut o parçacık topraktaki her bir zerre, bütün o ayrı ayrı çiçekleri, muhtelif hâsiyetleriyle ve hayattar cihazatıyla yapmalarını bilsin; âdeta bir ilah gibi hadsiz ilmi ve nihayetsiz iktidarı bulunsun.

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    The same is true for the air, which is a place of maximum manifestation of the Divine will and  command; either there would have to be present on a minute scale in each of its molecules, in each  waft of wind, each breath, and in the tiny amount air expended with the word HE, the innumerable different exchanges, centres, receivers and transmitters of all the telephones, telegraphs and radios in the world so that each could perform those innumerable acts at the same time; or else, each particle of each molecule of air exhaled with HE, and indeed of the element air, would have to possess abilities and personalities to the number of all the different telephone users, telegraphers, and those who speak on the radio, and know all their different languages, and broadcast them to the other particles at the same time. For such a situation is actually apparent, and every bit of air possesses that ability.
    Aynen öyle de emir ve iradenin bir arşı olan havanın, rüzgârın her bir parçası ve bir nefes ve tırnak kadar olan هُوَ lafzındaki havada; küçücük mikyasta, bütün dünyada mevcud telefonların, telgrafların, radyoların ve hadsiz ve muhtelif konuşmaların merkezleri, santralları, âhize ve nâkileleri bulunsun ve o hadsiz işleri beraber ve bir anda yapabilsin. Veyahut o هُوَ deki havanın belki unsur-u havanın her bir parçasının her bir zerresi, bütün telefoncular ve ayrı ayrı umum telgrafçılar ve radyo ile konuşanlar kadar manevî şahsiyetleri ve kabiliyetleri bulunsun ve onların umum dillerini bilsin ve aynı zamanda başka zerrelere de bildirsin, neşretsin. Çünkü bilfiil o vaziyet kısmen görünüyor ve havanın bütün eczasında o kabiliyet var.

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    Thus, in the ways  of the unbelievers, Naturalists, and  Materialists not  one  impossibility,  but impossibilities and difficulties are clearly apparent to the number of molecules of air.
    İşte ehl-i küfrün ve tabiiyyun ve maddiyyunların mesleklerinde değil bir muhal, belki zerreler adedince muhaller ve imtinalar ve müşkülatlar aşikâre görünüyor.

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    If attributed to the All-Glorious Maker, however, the air together with all its particles becomes a  soldier under His command. With its Creator’s permission and through His power, and through being connected to its Creator and relying on Him, and through the manifestation of its Maker’s Power, in an instant with the speed of lightning, and with the ease of uttering the word HE and the movement of the air in waves, its innumerable universal duties are performed as easily as an orderly, single duty of a single particle. That is to say, the air becomes a page for the endless, wonderful, and orderly writings of the pen of power, and its particles become the nibs of the pen, and their duties the points
    Eğer Sâni’-i Zülcelal’e verilse hava bütün zerratıyla onun emirber neferi olur. Bir tek zerrenin muntazam bir tek vazifesi kadar kolayca, hadsiz küllî vazifelerini Hâlık’ının izniyle ve kuvvetiyle ve Hâlık’a intisap ve istinad ile ve Sâni’inin cilve-i kudreti ile bir anda şimşek süratinde ve هُوَ telaffuzu ve havanın temevvücü suhuletinde yapılır. Yani, kalem-i kudretin hadsiz ve hârika ve muntazam yazılarına bir sahife olur ve zerreleri, o kalemin uçları ve zerrelerin vazifeleri dahi kalem-i kaderin noktaları bulunur. Bir tek zerrenin hareketi derecesinde kolay çalışır.
    inscribed by it. The air functions as easily as the movement of a single particle.

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    Thus, while on my journey of contemplation prompted by the phrases THERE IS NO GOD BUT HE, and, SAY, HE IS GOD, and while observing the world of the air and studying the  page of that element, I witnessed this brief truth with utter certainty and clarity, and in detail. And I understood with ‘knowledge of certainty’ that it was because there is in the word HE, in the air of its  utterance, such a brilliant proof and flash of Divine unity, and also in its meaning and allusions such a  luminous manifestation of Divine oneness and powerful proof of Divine unity, and in that proof an indication that since the pronoun HE is unconditional and indefinite, it suggests the question, “Who does it  refer to?” that both the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition and those who constantly recite the Divine Names frequently repeat this sacred word in the station of unity.
    İşte ben لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ ve قُل۟ هُوَ اللّٰهُ daki hareket-i fikriye ile seyahatimde hava âlemini temaşa ve o unsurun sahifesini mütalaa ederken bu mücmel hakikati, tam vâzıh ve mufassal aynelyakîn müşahede ettim. Ve هُوَ nin lafzında, havasında böyle parlak bir bürhan ve bir lem’a-yı vâhidiyet bulunduğu gibi manasında ve işaretinde gayet nurani bir cilve-i ehadiyet ve çok kuvvetli bir hüccet-i tevhid ve هُوَ zamirinin mutlak ve mübhem işareti hangi zata bakıyor işaretine bir karine-i taayyün o hüccette bulunması içindir ki hem Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan hem ehl-i zikir makam-ı tevhidde bu kudsî kelimeyi çok tekrar ederler diye ilmelyakîn ile bildim.

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    If, for example, there is one point on a piece of white paper and two or three other points are jumbled around with it and then someone who already has numerous jobs tries to distinguish  them, he will be confused; and if many burdens are loaded on a small creature, it will be crushed; and if numerous words issue from one tongue and enter one ear altogether at the same time, their order will be broken and they will be a muddle.Despite this being the case, I saw with complete certainty that with the key and compass of HE,
    Evet mesela, bir nokta beyaz kâğıtta, iki üç nokta konulsa karıştığı ve bir adam, muhtelif çok vazifeleri beraber yapmasıyla şaşıracağı ve bir küçük zîhayata, çok yükler yüklenmesiyle altında ezildiği ve bir lisan ve bir kulak, aynı anda müteaddid kelimelerin beraber çıkması ve girmesi intizamını bozup karışacağı halde; aynelyakîn gördüm ki:

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    although thousands of different points, letters and words had been put in each molecule –and even in each particle– of the element air, through which I journeyed in my mind, neither did they become  mixed up  nor did they spoil their order; and although they performed a great many different duties, these were  carried out without being confused in any way; and although very heavy loads were laid on each molecule and particle, they bore them in order without lagging or displaying any weakness at all. And I saw that thousands of different words of all different sorts enter and issue with perfect order from what is in effect those minute ears and tongues without being mixed up and spoilt in any way, they enter those minute ears and issue from those tiny  tongues, and  by  performing  these  extraordinary  duties, each  particle  and  each molecule declares through the enraptured tongue of its being and its perfect freedom, and through the testimony and tongue of the above truth: THERE IS NO GOD BUT HE, and: SAY, HE IS GOD, THE ONE, and travels among air-clashing  waves like storms and lightning and thunder without in any way spoiling their order or confusing their duties. One duty is not an obstacle to another duty. I observed this and was utterly certain.
    هُوَ nin anahtarı ile ve pusulasıyla fikren seyahat ettiğim hava unsurunda, her bir parçası hattâ her bir zerresi içine muhtelif binler noktalar, harfler, kelimeler konulduğu veya konulabileceği halde, karışmadığını ve intizamını bozmadığını hem ayrı ayrı pek çok vazifeler yaptığı halde, hiç şaşırmadan yapıldığını ve o parçaya ve zerreye pek çok ağır yükler yüklendiği halde hiç zaaf göstermeyerek, geri kalmayarak intizam ile taşıdığını hem binler ayrı ayrı kelime, ayrı ayrı tarzda, manada o küçücük kulak ve lisanlara kemal-i intizamla gelip çıkıp, hiç karışmayarak bozulmayarak o küçücük kulaklara girip, o gayet incecik lisanlardan çıktığı ve o her zerre ve her parçacık, bu acib vazifeleri görmekle beraber kemal-i serbestiyet ile cezbedarane hal dili ile ve mezkûr hakikatin şehadeti ve lisanıyla لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ ve قُل۟ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌ deyip gezer ve fırtınaların ve şimşek ve berk ve gök gürültüsü gibi havayı çarpıştırıcı dalgalar içerisinde intizamını ve vazifelerini hiç bozmuyor ve şaşırmıyor ve bir iş diğer bir işe mani olmuyor. Ben aynelyakîn müşahede ettim.

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    That  is to say, either every particle and piece  of the air  has to possess infinite wisdom, knowledge, will, and power, and the qualities for being absolutely dominant over all the other particles so that it can be the means of those functions being carried out,
    Demek, ya her bir zerre ve her bir parça havada nihayetsiz bir hikmet ve nihayetsiz bir ilmi, iradesi ve nihayetsiz bir kuvveti, kudreti ve bütün zerrata hâkim-i mutlak bir hâssaları bulunmak lâzımdır ki bu işlere medar olabilsin. Bu ise zerreler adedince muhal ve bâtıldır. Hiçbir şeytan dahi bunu hatıra getiremez.

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    which is absurd and impossible to the  number of particles, and no devil even could imagine it, or else, and it is self-evident to the degree of ‘knowledge of certainty,’ ‘vision of certainty,’ and ‘absolute certainty’ that the page of the air  functions through the boundless, infinite knowledge and wisdom of the All-Glorious One, and is the changing page for the pen of Divine Power and Determining, and like a signboard for writing and erasing, known as a Tablet of Appearance and Dissolution, which has the function of the Preserved Tablet in the world of transformation and change.
    Öyle ise bu sahife-i havanın hakkalyakîn, aynelyakîn, ilmelyakîn derecesinde bedahetle Zat-ı Zülcelal’in hadsiz gayr-ı mütenahî ilmi ve hikmetle çalıştırdığı kalem-i kudret ve kaderin mütebeddil sahifesi ve bir levh-i mahfuzun âlem-i tagayyürde ve mütebeddil şuunatında bir “levh-i mahv ispat” namında yazar bozar tahtası hükmündedir.

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    Thus, just as the element of air demonstrates the above-mentioned wonders and manifestation of  Divine unity in only the duty of transmitting sound and shows the impossibilities of misguidance, so does it perform other important duties with order and without confusing them, such as transmitting  subtle  forces and energy, like electricity, light, and the forces of attraction and repulsion. At the same  time as conveying these, with perfect order, it carries out duties essential for the lives of plants and animals, such as respiration and pollination. It proves in decisive fashion that it is a place of maximum manifestation of the Divine will and command.
    İşte hava unsurunun yalnız nakl-i asvat vazifesinde mezkûr cilve-i vahdaniyeti ve mezkûr acayibi gösterdiği ve dalaletin hadsiz muhaliyetini izhar ettiği gibi unsur-u havaînin sair ehemmiyetli vazifelerinden biri de elektrik, cazibe, dâfia, ziya gibi sair letaifin naklinde şaşırmadan muntazaman, asvat naklindeki vazifeyi gördüğü aynı zamanda, bu vazifeleri dahi gördüğü aynı zamanında, bütün nebatat ve hayvanata teneffüs ve telkîh gibi hayata lüzumu bulunan levazımatı kemal-i intizam ile yetiştiriyor. Emir ve irade-i İlahiyenin bir arşı olduğunu kat’î bir surette ispat ediyor.

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    I came to the firm conclusion that it proves that in no way is there any possibility of vagrant chance, blind force, deaf nature, confused and aimless causes, and powerless, lifeless, unknowing matter interfering in the writing and duties of the page of the air. And I understood that every particle and part of it says with the tongue of its being: SAY, HE IS GOD, THE ONE, and: THERE IS NO GOD BUT HE. Just as with the key of HE I saw these wonders in the material aspect of the air, so also, as a HE, did the element of air become a key to the World of Similitudes and the World of Meaning.
    Ve serseri tesadüf ve kör kuvvet ve sağır tabiat ve karışık, hedefsiz esbab ve âciz, camid, cahil maddeler bu sahife-i havaiyenin kitabetine ve vazifelerine karışması hiçbir cihetle ihtimal ve imkânı bulunmadığını aynelyakîn derecesinde ispat ettiğini kat’î kanaat getirdim. Ve her bir zerre ve her bir parça lisan-ı hal ile لَٓا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ ve قُل۟ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌ dediklerini bildim. Ve bu هُوَ anahtarı ile havanın maddî cihetindeki bu acayibi gördüğüm gibi hava unsuru da bir هُوَ olarak âlem-i misal ve âlem-i manaya bir anahtar oldu.

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    The remaining parts were not writed.
    Mütebâkisi şimdilik yazdırılmadı.

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    thousands of greetings
    Umuma binler selâm…

    <div lang="tr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    <center> [[On İkinci Söz]] ⇐ | [[Sözler]] | ⇒ [[On Dördüncü Söz]] </center>
    <center> [[On İkinci Söz/en|The Twelfth Word]] ⇐ | [[Sözler/en|The Words]] | ⇒ [[On Dördüncü Söz/en|The Twelfth Word]] </center>

    23.36, 31 Temmuz 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

    And We send down [stage by stage] in the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe.(*[1]) * We have not instructed [the Prophet] in poetry, nor is it meet for him.(*[2])

    If you want to compare the results yielded by the wisdom of the All-Wise Qur’an and of the sciences of philosophy, and their instruction and teaching and the degrees in their knowledge, then listen carefully to the following words:

    With its acute expositions, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition rends the veil of familiarity and the habitual cast over all the beings in the universe, which are known as ordinary things but are all extraordinary and miracles of Divine power, and reveals those astonishing wonders to conscious beings. It attracts their gazes and opens up before their minds an inexhaustible treasury of knowledge.

    As for philosophy, it conceals within veils of the commonplace all the miracles of power, which are extraordinary, and passes over them in an ignorant and indifferent fashion. It only puts forward to be noted freaks, which have fallen from being extraordinary and deviated from the order of creation, and sheered away from the perfections of their true natures; it offers them to conscious beings as objects of wise instruction.

    For example, it says that man’s creation is ordinary, despite its being a comprehensive miracle of power, and looks on it indifferently. But then with cries of astonishment, it points out as an object of instruction a person who has diverged from the perfection of creation, and has three legs or two heads.

    And for example, it considers ordinary the regular sustenance of infants and young, bestowed from the treasury of mercy, which is a most delicate and general miracle of mercy, and draws a veil of ingratitude over it. Whereas, on spotting an insect under the sea which is an exception from the general order and is alone and isolated from its fellows, being fed with green sea-weed, it wants to make the fishermen weep for it, because of the Divine favour and munificence manifested on it.(*[3])

    So see the wealth and riches of the Holy Qur’an in regard to knowledge, wisdom, and knowledge of God, and the poverty and bankruptcy of philosophy regarding learning, instruction, and knowledge of the Maker! See them, and take a lesson!

    It is because of this, because the All-Wise Qur’an contains infinite brilliant, elevated truths, that it is free of the fancies of poetry. Another reason the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition is not in verse, despite the perfection of its word-order and orderedness and

    its expounding with its well-ordered styles the order and art of the book of the universe, is that by not entering under the restrictions of metre, each star of its verses can be a sort of centre to the most of the other verses, and be a brother to them, and each can form a connecting line with the verses within the sphere encompassing it in order to be a bond in the relationships which exist between them. It is as if each independent verse has an eye which looks to most of the other verses, and a face turned towards them. Thousands of Qur’ans are present within the Qur’an, each of which it offers to followers of the different paths. As is described in the Twenty-Fifth Word, in Sura al-Ikhlas is a treasury of knowledge about Divine unity comprising thirty-six Sura al-Ikhlas’s, formed of a compound of six phrases, each winged. Indeed, like with the stars in the sky which are apparently without order, each is unrestricted and as a sort of centre extends a line of connection to all the stars in the area surrounding it, indicating a hidden relation between beings. It is as if, like the stars of verses, each single star has an eye which looks to all stars and a face which is turned to them.

    See then the perfect order within the apparent lack of order, and take a lesson!

    Understand one meaning of the verse, We have not instructed [the Prophet] in poetry, nor is it meet for him!(*[4])

    Understand also from it that the mark of poetry is to adorn insignificant and dull facts with big and shining images and fancies, and make them attractive. Whereas the truths of the Qur’an are so great, elevated, shining and brilliant, that even the greatest and most brilliant imaginings are dull and insignificant in comparison with them. Innumerable truths like the following verses testify to this. For example: The Day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books [completed].(*[5]) * He draws the night as a veil over the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession.(*[6]) * It will be no more than a single blast, when lo! they will all be brought up before Us!(*[7])

    If you want to see and appreciate how, like shining stars, each of the Qur’an’s verses scatters the darkness of unbelief by spreading the light of miraculousness and guidance, imagine yourself in the age of ignorance and desert of savagery where everything was enveloped in veils of lifelessness and nature amid the darkness of ignorance and heedlessness. Then suddenly from the elevated tongue of the Qur’an, you hear verses like: Whatever is in the heavens and earth declares the praises and glory of God, the Sovereign, the Most Holy One, the Mighty, the Wise.(*[8]) See how those dead or sleeping creatures of the world spring to life at the sound of declares the praises and glory in the minds of those listening, how they awake, spring up, and mention God’s Names! And at the sound of, The seven heavens and the earth and all within them extol and glorify Him,(*[9]) the stars in those black skies, all lifeless pieces of fire, and the wretched creatures on the face of the earth, present the following view to those listening: the sky appears as a mouth and the stars each as wisdom-displaying words and truth-uttering lights. The earth appears as a head, the land and sea as tongues, and all animals and plants as words of glorification. Otherwise you will not appreciate the fine points and pleasure at looking from this time to that.

    For if when you consider its verses, you see them as having scattered their light since that time, and become like universally accepted knowledge with the passage of time, and as shining with the other lights of Islam, and taking their colour from the sun of the Qur’an, or if you look at them through a superficial and simple veil of familiarity, you will not truly see the darkness each verse scatters or how sweet is the recital of its miraculousness, and you will not appreciate this sort of miraculousness among its many varieties.

    If you want to understand one of the highest degrees of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition’s miraculousness, listen to the following comparison:

    Let us imagine an extremely strange and vast and spreading tree which is concealed beneath a veil of the unseen and hidden in a level of concealment. It is clear that there has to be a relationship, harmony, and balance between a tree and all its members like its branches, fruits, leaves, and blossom, the same as between man’s members. Each of its parts takes on a form and is given a shape in accordance with the nature of the tree. So if someone appears and traces a picture on top of the veil corresponding to the members of the tree, which has never been seen, then delimits each member, and from the branches to the fruit, and the fruit to the leaves draws a form proportionately, and fills the space between its source and extremities, which are an infinite distance from one another, with drawings showing exactly the shape and form of its members, certainly no doubt will remain that the artist sees the concealed tree with an eye that penetrates and encompasses the unseen, then he depicts it.

    In just the same way, the discriminating statements of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition concerning the reality of contingent beings (that is, concerning the reality of the tree of creation which stretches from the beginning of the world to the farthest limits of the hereafter, and spreads from the earth to the Divine Throne and from minute particles to the sun) have preserved the proportion between the members to such a degree and have given all the members and fruits a form so suitable that all investigative scholars have declared when they have concluded their researches into its depictions: “What wonders God has willed! How great are God’s blessings!” They have said: “It is only you who solves and unravels the talisman of the universe and riddle of creation, O All-Wise Qur’an!”

    “And God’s is the highest similitude”(*[10]) –and there is no error in the comparison– let us represent the Divine Names and attributes, and dominical acts and deeds as a Tuba- tree of light, the extent of whose grandeur stretches from pre-eternity to post-eternity, and the limits of whose vastness spread through infinite, endless space, and encompass it, and the compass of whose deeds extend from, It is God Who splits the seed-grain and date-stone,(*[11]) and, Comes between man and his heart,(*[12]) and, It is He Who shapes you in the wombs as He wishes,(*[13]) to, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days,(*[14]) and, And the heavens rolled up in His right hand,(*[15]) and, He has subjected the sun and the moon.(*[16]) The All-Wise Qur’an has described that luminous reality, the truths of those Names and attributes, and acts and deeds, together with all their branches and twigs and aims and fruits in a way so harmonious, so fitting for one another, so appropriate for one another, without marring one another or spoiling the decree of one other, or their being remote from one another, that all those who have discerned the reality of things and penetrated the mysteries, and all the wise and the sage who have journeyed in the realm of the inner dimension of things, have declared: “Glory be to God!” in the face of that Discriminating Exposition, and have affirmed it, saying: “How right, how conformable with reality, how fine, how worthy!”

    Take, for example, the six pillars of belief, which resemble a single branch of those two mighty trees which look to the entire sphere of contingency and sphere of necessity: it depicts all the branches and boughs of those pillars –even the farthest fruits and flowers– observing such a harmony and proportion between them, and describes them in a manner so balanced, and illustrates them a way so symmetrical that the human mind is powerless to perceive it and stands astonished at its beauty.

    And the proof that a beauty of proportion and perfect relation and complete balance have been preserved between the five pillars of Islam, which are like one twig of the branch of belief, down to the finest details, smallest point of conduct, furthest aims, most profound wisdom, and most insignificant fruits, is the perfect order and balance and beauty of proportion and soundness of the Greater Shari’a of Islam, which has emerged from the decisive statements, senses, indications, and allusions of the comprehensive Qur’an; they form an irrefutable and decisive proof and just witness that cannot be doubted.

    This means that the expositions of the Qur’an cannot be attributed to man’s partial knowledge, and particularly to the knowledge of someone unlettered. They rest rather on a comprehensive knowledge and are the word of One able to see all things together and observe in one moment all truths between pre-eternity and post-eternity.

    The verse:Praise be to God, Who has revealed to His servant the Book, and has allowed no crookedness therein.(*[17]) concerns this fact.

    O God! O Revealer of the Qur’an! For the sake of the Qur’an and for the sake of the one to whom You revealed the Qur’an, illuminate our hearts and our graves with the light of belief and the Qur’an. Amen. O One from Whom help is sought!

    The Second Station of the Thirteenth Word

    [A conversation held with some young people who, though surrounded by temptation, had not yet lost their power of reason.]

    Being assaulted by the deceptive, seductive amusements of the present time, a group of young people were asking: “How can we save our lives in the hereafter?”, and they sought help from the Risale-i Nur. So I said the following to them in the name of the Risale-i Nur:

    The grave is there and no one can deny it. Whether they want to or not, everyone must enter it. And apart from the following three ‘Ways’, there is no other way it can be approached:

    First Way: For those who believe, the grave is the door to a world far better than this world.

    Second Way: For those who believe in the hereafter, but who approach it on the path of dissipation and misguidance, it is the door to a prison of solitary confinement, an eternal dungeon, where they will be separated from all their loved ones.

    Third Way:For the unbelievers and the misguided who do not believe in the hereafter, it is the door to eternal extinction. That is to say, it is the gallows on which both themselves and all those they love will be executed. Since they think it is thus, that is exactly how they shall experience it: as punishment. These last two Ways are self-evident, they do not require proof, they are plain for all to see.

    Since the appointed hour is secret, and death may come any time and cut off his head, and it does not differentiate between young and old, perpetually having such an awesome and serious matter before him, unhappy man will surely search for the means to deliver himself from that eternal extinction, that infinite, endless solitary confinement; the means to transform the door of the grave into a door opening on to an everlasting world, eternal happiness, and a world of light. It will be a question for him that looms as large as the world.

    The certain fact of death, then, can only be approached in these three ways, and one hundred and twenty-four thousand veracious messengers –the prophets, in whose hands are miracles as signs of confirmation– have announced that the three ways are as described above. And, relying on their illuminations and visions, one hundred and twenty-four million saints have confirmed and set their signatures on the prophets’ tidings. And innumerable exact scholars have proved it rationally with their categorical proofs at the level of ‘certainty at the degree of knowledge.’(*[18]) They have all unanimously declared it to be a ninety-nine per cent certain probability, saying: “The only way to be saved from extinction and eternal imprisonment, and be directed towards eternal happiness, is through belief in God and obedience to Him.”

    If a person considers but does not heed the word of a single messenger not to take a dangerous road on which there is a one per cent danger of perishing, and takes it, the anxiety at perishing he suffers will destroy even his appetite for food. Thus hundreds of thousands of veracious and verified messengers announced that there is a one hundred per cent probability that misguidance and vice lead to the gallows of the grave, ever before the eyes, and eternal solitary confinement, and that there is a one hundred per cent probability that belief and worship remove those gallows, close the solitary prison, and transform the ever-apparent grave into a door opening onto an everlasting treasury and palace of felicity; and they have pointed out signs and traces of these. Confronted as he is, then, with this strange, awesome, terrifying matter, if wretched man –especially if he is a Muslim– does not believe and worship, is he able to banish the grievous pain arising from the anxiety he suffers as he all the time awaits his turn to be summoned to those gallows, ever-present before his eyes, even if he is given rule over the whole world together with all its pleasures? I ask you.

    Since old-age, illness, disaster, and on all sides death open up the frightful pain and are a reminder, even if the people of misguidance and vice enjoy a hundred thousand pleasures and delights, they most certainly experience a sort of hell in their hearts, but a profound stupor of heedlessness temporarily makes them insensible to it.

    Since for the people of belief and worship the grave, ever before their eyes, is the door to an everlasting treasury and eternal happiness, and since, by reason of the ‘belief coupon’, a ticket from the pre-eternal lottery of Divine Determining for millions upon millions of poundsworth of gold and diamonds has come up for each of them, they all the time await the word, “Come and collect your ticket” with a truly profound pleasure and real spiritual delight. This pleasure is such that if it materialized and the seed became a tree, it would be like a private paradise. However, one who abandons the delight and great pleasure due to the drives of youth, and chooses in a dissolute and licentious manner temporary illicit pleasures, which resemble poisonous honey polluted with those innumerable pains, falls to a degree a hundred times lower than an animal.

    Furthermore, such a person will not be like unbelieving Europeans, for if they deny the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), they may recognize the other prophets. And if they do not know God, they may possess some good qualities which are the means to certain perfections. But a Muslim knows both the prophets, and his Sustainer, and all perfection by means of Muhammad the Arabian (PBUH). If one of them abandons the Prophet’s instruction and puts himself outside his fold, he will not recognize any other prophet, neither will he recognize God. Nor will he know any of the fundamentals within his spirit which will preserve his perfections. For, since Muhammad (PBUH) is the last and greatest of the prophets, and his religion and summons are for the whole of mankind, and since he is superior to all with regard to his miracles and religion, and acts as teacher to all mankind in all matters concerning reality, and has proved this in a brilliant manner for fourteen centuries, and is the cause of pride for mankind, a Muslim who abandons Muhammad (PBUH)’s essential training and the principles of his religion will most certainly be unable to find any light, or achieve any perfection. He will be condemned to absolute decline.

    And so, you unfortunates who are addicted to the pleasures of the life of this world, and with anxiety at the future, struggle to secure it and your lives! If you want pleasure, delight, happiness, and ease in this world, make do with what is licit. That is sufficient for your enjoyment. You will surely have understood from other parts of the Risale-i Nur that in each pleasure which is outside this and is illicit, lies a thousand pains.

    If the events of the future –for example, of fifty years hence– were shown in the cinema in the same way that they show at the present time the events of the past, those who indulge in vice would weep filled with horror and disgust at those things which now amuse them.

    Those who wish to be permanently, eternally happy in this world and the next should take as their guide the instruction of Muhammad (PBUH) within the bounds of belief.

    A Warning, Lesson and Reminder Given to a Number of Unhappy Youths

    One day a number of bright youths came to me, seeking an effective deterrent in order to guard themselves against the dangers arising from life, youth, and the lusts of the soul. I said to these youths as I had to those who had previously sought help from the Risale-i Nur:

    Your youth will definitely leave you, and if you do not remain within the bounds of the licit, it will be lost, and rather than its pleasures, it will bring you calamities and suffering in this world, in the grave, and in the hereafter. But if, through Islamic training, you spend the bounty of your youth as thanks honourably, in uprightness and obedience, it will in effect remain perpetually and will be the cause of gaining eternal youth.

    As for life, if it is without belief, or because of rebelliousness belief is ineffective, it will produce pains, sorrows and grief far exceeding the superficial, fleeting enjoyment it brings. Because, since, contrary to the animals, man possesses a mind and he thinks, he is connected to both the present time, and to the past and the future. He can obtain both pain and pleasure from them. Whereas, since the animals do not think, the sorrows arising from the past and the fears and anxieties arising from the future do not spoil their pleasure of the present. Especially if the pleasure is illicit; then it is like an altogether poisonous honey. That is to say, from the point of view of the pleasure of life, man falls to a level a hundred times lower than the animals.

    In fact, life for the people of misguidance and heedlessness, and indeed their existence, rather their world, is the day in which they find themselves. From the point of view of their misguidance, all the time and universes of the past are non-existent, are dead. So their intellects, which connect them to the past and the future, produce darkness, blackness for them. Due to their lack of belief, the future is also non-existent. Furthermore, because they think, the eternal separations resulting from this non-existence continuously produce darkness for their lives.

    But if belief gives life to life, through its light both the past and the future are illuminated and find existence. Like present time, it produces elevated, spiritual pleasures and lights of existence for the spirit and heart – in respect of belief. There is an explanation of this truth in the ‘Seventh Hope’ in The Treatise for the Elderly. You may refer to that.

    Life is thus. If you want the pleasure and enjoyment of life, give life to your life through belief, and adorn it with religious duties, and preserve it by abstaining from sins.

    Concerning the fearsome reality of death, which is demonstrated by deaths every day, everywhere, at all times, I shall explain it to you with a comparison, in the same way that I told the other youths.

    For example, a gallows has been erected here in front of your eyes. Beside it is a lottery office, but one which gives tickets for truly huge prizes. We people here are ten people, whether we like it or not, we shall be summoned there; there is no other alternative. They will call us, and since the time is secret, any minute they may say either: “Come and collect the ticket for your execution! Mount the gallows!” Or: “A ticket to win a prize of millions of dollars’ worth of gold has come up for you. Come and collect it!” While waiting for them to say this, two people suddenly appear at the door.

    One of them is a scantily dressed woman, beautiful and deceiving. In her hand is some apparently extremely delicious, but in fact poisonous, candy, which she has brought wanting us to eat it.

    The other is an undeceiving and undeceivable serious person. He enters behind the woman, and says: “I have brought you a talisman, a lesson. If you study it, and if you do not eat that candy, you will be saved from the gallows. With this talisman, you will receive your ticket for the matchless prize. Look, you see with your own eyes that those who eat the honey mount those gallows, and until that time they suffer dreadful stomach pains from the poison of the candy. And who it is that will receive the ticket for the large prize is not apparent; it seems that they too mount the gallows. But there are millions of witnesses who testify that they can enter the prize arena easily. So, look from the windows! The highest officials and the high-ranking persons concerned with this business proclaim with loud voices: ‘Just as you see with the clear certainty of your own eyes those mounting the gallows, so be certain as daylight, with no doubt or misgiving, that those with the talisman receive the ticket for the prize.’”

    Thus, like the comparison, since the dissolute pleasures of youth in the sphere of the illicit, which are like poisonous honey, lose belief, which is the ticket for an eternal treasury and the passport for everlasting happiness, a person who indulges in them descends to death, which is like the gallows, and to the tribulations of the grave, which is like the door to eternal darkness. And since the appointed hour is unknown, its executioner, not differentiating between young and old, may come at any time to cut off your head.

    If you give up illicit desires, which are like the poisonous honey, and acquire belief and perform the religious duties, which are the Qur’anic talisman, one hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets (Peace be upon them) together with innumerable saints and people of truth have unanimously announced that you shall receive the ticket for the treasury of eternal happiness which comes up from the extraordinary lottery of human destiny. And they have pointed to traces of it.

    In Short: Youth will go. And if it goes being squandered, it results in thousands of calamities and pains both in this world and in the next. If you want to understand how the majority of such youths end up in hospitals with imagined diseases arising from misspent youth and prodigality, and in prisons or hostels for the destitute through their excesses, and in bars due to the distress arising from their pain and suffering, then go and ask at the hospitals, prisons and graveyards.

    For sure, just as you will hear from most of the hospitals the moans and groans of those ill from dissipation and debauchery resulting from the drives of youth, so will you hear from the prisons the regretful sighs of unhappy youths who are being punished for illicit deeds mostly resulting from the excesses of youth. And you will understand that most of the torments of the grave – that Intermediate Realm the doors of which continuously open and shut for those who enter it – are the result of misspent youth, as is testified to by those who have divined the life of the grave, and is affirmed by the people of reality.

    Also, ask the elderly and the sick, who form the majority of mankind. Certainly, the great majority of them will say with sorrow and regret: “Alas! We wasted our youth on passion and fancy; indeed, harmfully. Be careful, do not do as we did!” Because, as a consequence of the illicit pleasures of five to ten years’ youth, a person suffers years of grief and sorrow in this world, torment and harm in the Intermediate Realm, and the calamities of Hell in the hereafter. And although such a person is in a most pitiable situation, he in no way deserves pity. For those who freely consent to indulge in harmful actions may not be pitied. They are not worthy of it.

    May Almighty God save us and you from the alluring temptations of this time, and preserve us from them. Amen.

    A Footnote to the Second Station of the Thirteenth Word

    In His name, be He glorified!

    Those in prison are in great need of the true consolation of the Risale-i Nur. Particularly those who having suffered the blows of youth, are passing their sweet, young lives in prison; they need the Risale-i Nur as much as they need bread.

    Indeed, youth heeds the emotions rather than reason, and emotions and desires are blind; they do not consider the consequences. They prefer one ounce of immediate pleasure to tons of future pleasure. They kill for the one minute pleasure of revenge, then suffer for eighty thousand hours the pain of prison. And one hour’s dissolute pleasure in questions of honour may result in life’s enjoyment being utterly destroyed due to distress at the fear of both prison and enemies.

    There are many other examples, many pitfalls for the unfortunate young because of which they transform their sweet lives into the most bitter and pitiable lives.

    Consider a vast state to the north;(*[19]) it has gained possession of the passions of its young people and is shaking this century with its storms. For it has made lawful for its youths the pleasing daughters and wives of upright people, and these youths act only according to their feelings, which are blind to all consequences. By permitting men and women to go together to the public baths, they are even encouraging immorality. And they consider it lawful for vagabonds and the poor to plunder the property of the rich. All mankind trembles in the face of this calamity.

    It is therefore most necessary in this century for all Muslim youths to act heroically, and to respond to this two-pronged attack with keen swords like the Fruits of Belief and the Guide For Youth from the Risale-i Nur. Otherwise those unfortunate youths will destroy utterly both their futures in this world, and their agreeable lives, and their happiness in the hereafter, and their eternal lives, and transform them into torment and suffering. And through their abuses and dissoluteness, they will end up in hospitals, and through their excesses in life, in prisons. In their old age, they will weep copiously with a thousand regrets.

    If, on the other hand, they protect themselves with Qur’anic training and with the truths of the Risale-i Nur, they will become truly heroic youths, perfect human beings, successful Muslims, and in some ways rulers over animate beings and the rest of the animal kingdom.

    When a youth in prison spends one hour out of the twenty-four each day on the five obligatory prayers, and repents for the mistakes that were the cause of his disaster, and abstains from other harmful, painful sins, this will be of great benefit for both his life, and his future, and his country, and his nation, and his relatives, and he will also gain with his fleeting youth of ten to fifteen years an eternal, brilliant youth. Foremost the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, and all the revealed scriptures, have given this certain good news.

    If such a youth demonstrates through moderation and obedience, his gratitude for the pleasing, delightful bounty of youth, it will both increase it, and make it eternal, and make it a pleasure. Otherwise it will be both calamitous, and become painful, grievous, and a nightmare, and then it will depart. It will cause him to become like a vagrant, harmful for both his relatives, and his country, and his nation.

    If the prisoner has been sentenced unjustly, on condition he performs the obligatory prayers, each hour will be the equivalent of a day’s worship, and the prison will be like a recluse’s cell. He will be counted among the pious hermits of olden times who retired to caves in order to devote themselves to worship.

    If he is poor, aged, and ill, and desirous of the truths of belief, on condition he performs the obligatory prayers and repents, each hour will become the equivalent of twenty hours’ worship, and prison will become like a rest-house for him, and because of his friends there who regard him with affection, a place of love, training, and education. He will probably be happier staying in prison than being free, for outside he is confused and subject to the assaults of sins from all sides. He may receive a complete education from prison. On being released, it will not be as a murderer, or thirsting for revenge, but as someone penitent, proven by trial, well- behaved, and beneficial for his nation.

    In fact, the Denizli prisoners became so extraordinarily well-behaved after studying the Risale-i Nur for only a short time that some of those concerned said: “Studying the Risale-i Nur for fifteen weeks is more effective at reforming them than putting them in prison for fifteen years.”

    Since death does not die, and the appointed hour is unknown, it may come at any time; and since the grave cannot be closed, and troop after troop enter it and are lost; and since it has been shown through the truths of the Qur’an that for those who believe death is transformed into the discharge papers releasing them from eternal annihilation, while for the corrupt and the dissolute it is disappearing for ever into eternal annihilation,

    and is unending separation from their loved ones and all beings, most certainly and with no doubt at all, the most fortunate person is he who with patience and thanks fully benefits from his time in prison, and studying the Risale-i Nur works to serve the Qur’an and his belief on the straight path.

    O man who is addicted to enjoyment and pleasure! I am seventy-five years old,

    and I know with utter certainty from thousands of experiences, proofs, and events that true enjoyment, pain-free pleasure, grief-free joy, and life’s happiness are only to be found in belief and in the sphere of the truths of belief. While a single worldly pleasure yields numerous pains; as though dealing ten slaps for a single grape, it drives away all life’s pleasure.

    O you unfortunate people who are experiencing the misfortune of prison! Since your world is weeping and your life is bitter, strive so that your hereafter will not also weep, and your eternal life will smile and be sweet! Benefit from prison! Just as sometimes under severe conditions in the face of the enemy, an hour’s watch may be equivalent to a year’s worship, so in the severe conditions you are experiencing, the hardship of each hour spent as worship becomes the equivalent of many hours, it transforms that hardship into mercy.

    In His Name, be He glorified!

    God's mercy and abundance be with you.

    My dear and loyal brothers!

    I shall explain in three ‘Points’ an effective solace for those who are experiencing the calamity of prison, and for those who kindly help them and faithfully supervise their food, which comes from outside.

    First Point: Each day spent in prison may gain as much as ten days’ worship, and, with regards to their fruits, may transform those transient hours into enduring hours, and through five or ten years’ punishment may be the means of saving a person from millions of years of eternal imprisonment.

    For the believers, the condition for gaining this most significant and valuable advantage is to perform the obligatory prayers, repent for the sins that were the cause of their imprisonment, and offer thanks in patience. For sure, prison is an obstacle to many sins; it does not provide the opportunity for them.

    Second Point: Just as the cessation of pleasure causes pain, so does the cessation of pain give pleasure. Yes, on thinking of past happy, enjoyable days, everyone feels a pang of regret and longing, and says: “Alas!”, and recalling calamitous, unhappy days of the past, experiences a sort of pleasure since they are passed, and says: “Praise and thanks be to God, that calamity has left its reward and departed.” He breathes a sigh of relief. That is to say, an hour’s temporary pain and sorrow leave behind a sort of pleasure in the spirit, while a pleasurable hour leaves a pain.

    Since the reality is thus; and since past calamitous hours together with their pains are no longer existent, and future distressing days are at the present time non-existent, and there is no pain from nothing, to continually eat bread and drink water today, for example, because of the possibility of being hungry and thirsty in several days’ time, is most foolish.

    In just the same way, to think now of the past and future unhappy hours, which simply do not exist, and to display impatience, and ignoring one’s faulty self, to moan as though complaining about God is also most foolish. So long as the power of patience is not scattered to left and right, that is, to the past and future, and is held firm in the face of the present of hour and day, it is sufficient. The distress is reduced from ten to one.

    In fact, but let it not be complaining, Divine favour pointed out the above fact to me while, during a few days of material and spiritual affliction, illness and trial the like of which I had never before experienced in my life, I was being crushed in particular by the despair and distress of the heart and spirit which resulted from my being unable to serve the Qur’an and belief with the Risale-i Nur. I was then content with my distressing illness and imprisonment. For, saying: “It is great profit for an unfortunate like myself who waits at the door of the grave to make one hour which might be passed in heedlessness ten hours’ worth of worship,” I gave thanks.

    Third Point: There is great gain in compassionately aiding and assisting prisoners, in giving them the sustenance they need, and in soothing their spiritual wounds with consolation. Giving them their food which comes from outside is like alms-giving which, exactly to the amount of the food, is written in the book of good deeds of those, outside and inside, who do this, together with the warders concerned. Especially if the unhappy prisoner is old, ill, poor, or a stranger, then the reward of this alms-giving increases many times over.

    The condition of this high profit is to perform the obligatory prayers so that such service is for God’s sake. Another condition is to hasten to their assistance with sincerity, compassion and joy, and in such a way as to not make them feel obliged.

    In His Name, be He glorified! And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.

    God's mercy and abundance be with you.

    My friends in prison and brothers in religion!

    It occurred to me to explain a truth to you which will save you from both worldly torment and the torment of the hereafter. It is as follows:

    For example, a person killed someone’s brother or one of his relatives. A murder which yields one minute’s pleasure of revenge causes millions of minutes of both distress for the heart and the anguish of prison. And the fear of revenge by the murdered man’s relatives, and anxiety of finding himself face to face with his enemy drives away all his pleasure in life. He suffers the torment of both fear and anger. There is only one solution for this, and that is reconciliation, which the Qur’an commands, and truth, reality, benefit, humanity, and Islam require and encourage.

    Certainly, what is required in reality is peace, because the appointed hour is set, it does not change. Since his appointed hour had come, in any event the murdered man would have stayed no longer. As for the murderer, he was the means of God’s decree being carried out. So long as there is no reconciliation, both sides perpetually suffer the torments of fear and revenge. It is because of this that Islam commands that “one believer should not be vexed with another believer for more than three days.”(*[20]) If the murder was not the result of a vindictive grudge and enmity, and a two-faced trouble-maker instigated the discord, it is essential to make peace quickly. Otherwise, that minor disaster becomes a large one, and continues. If they make peace, and the murderer repents and prays continuously for the man he killed, then both sides will gain much and become like brothers. In place of one departed brother, he will gain several religious brothers. He will be resigned to Divine Decree and Determining and forgive his enemy.

    Especially since they heed the lessons of the Risale-i Nur, both individual and public peace and well- being, and the brotherhood that there is in the sphere of the Risale-i Nur, require that they put aside all the hard feelings that exist between them.

    It was thus in Denizli Prison; all the prisoners who were enemies became brothers through the lessons of the Risale-i Nur. It was one reason for our acquittal, and caused even the irreligious and ungodly to say about those prisoners: “Masha’llah! Barakallah!” And it was an utter relief for those prisoners. I myself have seen here a hundred men suffer inconvenience on account of one man and not go out to take exercise together. It is oppression towards them. A manly believer of sound conscience will not cause hundreds of other believers harm because of some insignificant and minor error or benefit. If he makes a mistake and does cause harm, he should repent immediately.

    In His Name, be He glorified!

    My loyal new brothers and old prisoners!

    I have formed the firm conclusion that, in respect of Divine favour, you are an important cause in our entering here. That is to say, with its consolation and the truths of belief, the Risale-i Nur is to save both you from the distress of this calamity of prison and from much worldly harm, and your life from passing profitlessly and in vain through grief and sorrow and being wasted on the winds of fancy, and your hereafter from weeping like your world is weeping now; it is to provide you with true solace.

    Since the reality of the matter is this, of course you must be brothers to one another, like the Denizli prisoners and Students of the Risale-i Nur. You can see that they examine all your possessions, food, bread, and soup which come from outside so that a knife does not get in among you and you do not attack one another. The warders who faithfully serve you suffer much trouble. Also, you do not go out to exercise together, as though you were going to attack one another like wild beasts.

    And so, new friends, who are by nature bold and courageous, with great moral courage you should say to the group at this time: “If not knives, but Mausers and revolvers were given us, and the order to fire as well, we would not hurt our friends who are unfortunate and suffering this calamity like ourselves. Through the guidance and at the command of the Qur’an, and belief, and Islamic brotherhood, and our interests, we have decided to forgive them and to try not to offend them, even if formerly there were a hundred reasons for our enmity and hostility.” And so transform this prison into an auspicious place of study.

    AN IMPORTANT MATTER which occurred to my heart on the Night of Power

    (The Addendum to the Second Station of the Thirteenth Word)

    I shall allude briefly to a most extensive and lengthy truth which occurred to my heart on the Night of Power.

    Because of the extreme tyranny and despotism of this last World War and its merciless destruction, and hundreds of innocents being scattered and ruined on account of a single enemy, and the awesome despair of the defeated, and the fearsome alarm of the victors and their ghastly pangs of conscience arising from the supremacy they are unable to maintain and the destruction they are unable to repair, and the utter transitoriness and ephemerality of the life of this world and the deceptive, opiate nature of the fantasies of civilization becoming apparent to all, and the exalted abilities lodged in human nature and the human essence being wounded in a universal and awesome manner, and man’s innate love and desire for immortality being aroused and awakened, and heedlessness and misguidance and deaf, lifeless nature being smashed by the diamond sword of the Qur’an, and the exceedingly ugly, exceedingly cruel true face of world politics becoming apparent, which is the widest and most suffocating and deceptive cover for heedlessness and misguidance, most certainly

    and without any shadow of a doubt, since the life of this world –which is the metaphorical beloved of mankind– is thus ugly and transient, man’s true nature will search with all its strength for eternal life, which it truly loves and yearns for, just as there are signs of this occurring in the North, the West, and in America.

    there is no doubt

    Most certainly there is also no doubt that since the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which each century for one thousand three hundred and sixty years has had three hundred and fifty million students, and sets the seal on each of its pronouncements and claims through the affirmation of millions of profound, veracious scholars, and each minute has been present with its sacredness in the hearts of millions of hafiz’s and given instruction to mankind through their tongues, and which in a way unmatched by any other book conveys the good news of eternal life and everlasting happiness to mankind and heals all their wounds, –since the Qur’an has given this certain good news of eternal life and happiness with thousands of its insistent, powerful and repeated verses, and with its certain unshakeable proofs and innumerable indubitable arguments which invite and give news explicitly and implicitly tens of thousands of times, so long as human kind does not altogether lose its mind and a material or immaterial doomsday does not erupt over its head, the broad masses and great states in the world will search out the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, and having grasped its truths, will embrace it with all their lives and spirits, just as there are [now] famous preachers in Sweden, Norway, Finland and England working to have the Qur’an accepted, and the important community of America is searching for the true religion.

    Because in view of this fact, the Qur’an by no means has – nor can have – any equal. Absolutely nothing can take the place of this greatest miracle.

    SECONDLY: Since the Risale-i Nur has performed the service of a diamond sword in the hand of this greatest miracle and compelled its stubborn enemies to submit, and acts as a herald to the treasures of the Qur’an in a fashion that illuminates and heals completely both the heart, and the spirit, and the emotions, and has no source or authority other than the Qur’an and is its miracle, it performs that duty perfectly. Furthermore it has completely routed the obstinate atheists and their fearsome propaganda against it, and smashed to pieces with the treatise Nature: Cause or Effect nature, which is the most impregnable bastion of misguidance, and, with the Sixth Topic of the treatise Fruits of Belief together with the First, Second, Third and Eighth Proofs all of which are included in the book The Staff of Moses, has banished heedlessness in a most brilliant fashion in its most dense, suffocating and extensive form beneath the wide- reaching veils of science and has demonstrated the light of Divine unity. For sure, since religious instruction is now officially permitted and permission has been given to open private places of study, it is necessary for us and essential for the nation that, as far as is possible, Students of the Risale-i Nur should open a small ‘Risale- i Nur Study Centre’ in every place. Although everyone would benefit to some extent, not everyone would understand every matter completely. But since these matters are explanations of the truths of belief, they are both learning, and knowledge of God, and lead to a sense of God’s presence, and are worship. God willing, these Risale-i Nur ‘Medreses’ will secure in five to ten weeks the results that the former medreses produced in five to ten years –and they have been so doing for twenty years. Also, it is essential that the Government does not interfere with these flashes of the Qur’an, the Risale-i Nur, which is the Qur’an’s herald and is beneficial in many ways for the worldly and political life of this nation and country, and for its life in the hereafter. Indeed, it should work for its total spread and acceptance, so that it may atone for the grievous sins of the past, and form a barrier to the severe trials and anarchy of the future.


    [This consists of a single, brief proof of the pillar of belief, ‘Belief in God,’ for which there are numerous decisive proofs and explanations in the Risale-i Nur.]

    In Kastamonu a group of high-school students came to me, saying: “Tell us about our Creator, our teachers do not speak of God.”

    I said to them: “All t he sciences you study continuously speak of God and make known the Creator, each with its own particular tongue. Do not listen to your teachers; listen to them.

    “For example, a well-equipped pharmacy with life-giving potions and cures in every jar weighed out in precise and wondrous measures doubtless shows an extremely skilful, practised, and wise pharmacist.

    In the same way, to the extent that it is bigger and more perfect and better stocked than the pharmacy in the market-place, the pharmacy of the globe of the earth with its living potions and medicaments in the jars which are the four hundred thousand species of plants and animals shows and makes known to eyes that are blind even – by means of the measure or scale of the science of medicine that you study – the All-Wise One of Glory, Who is the Pharmacist of the mighty pharmacy of the earth.

    “To take another example; a wondrous factory which weaves thousands of sorts of cloth from a simple material doubtless makes known a manufacturer and skilful mechanic.

    In the same way, to whatever extent it is larger and more perfect than the human factory, this travelling dominical machine known as the globe of the earth with its hundreds of thousands of heads, in each of which are hundreds of thousands of factories, shows and makes known –by means of the measure or scale of the science of engineering which you study– its Manufacturer and Owner.

    “And, for example, a depot, store, or shop in which has been brought together and stored up in regular and orderly fashion a thousand and one varieties of provisions undoubtedly makes known a wondrous owner, proprietor, and overseer of provisions and foodstuffs.

    In just the same way, to whatever degree it is vaster and more perfect than such a store or factory, this foodstore of the Most Merciful One known as the globe of the earth, this Divine ship, this dominical depot and shop holding goods, equipment, and conserved food, which in one year travels regularly an orbit of twenty-four thousand years, and carrying groups of beings requiring different foods and passing through the seasons on its journey and filling the spring with thousands of different provisions like a huge waggon, brings them to the wretched animate creatures whose sustenance has been exhausted in winter, – by means of the measure or scale of the science of economics which you study – this depot of the earth makes known and makes loved its Manager, Organizer, and Owner.

    “And, for example, let us imagine an army which consists of four hundred thousand nations, and each nation requires different provisions, uses different weapons, wears different uniforms, undergoes different drill, and is discharged from its duties differently. If this army and camp has a miracle-working commander who on his own provides all those different nations with all their different provisions, weapons, uniforms, and equipment without forgetting or confusing any of them, then surely the army and camp show the commander and make him loved appreciatively.

    In just the same way, the spring camp of the face of the earth in which every spring a newly recruited Divine army of the four hundred thousand species of plants and animals are given their varying uniforms, rations, weapons, training, and demobilizations in utterly perfect and regular fashion by a single Commander-in-Chief Who forgets or confuses not one of them – to whatever extent the spring camp of the face of the earth is vaster and more perfect than that human army, – by means of the measure or scale of the military science that you study – it makes known to the attentive and sensible, its Ruler, Sustainer, Administrator, and Most Holy Commander, causing wonderment and acclaim, and makes Him loved and praised and glorified.

    “Another example: millions of electric lights that move and travel through a wondrous city, their fuel and power source never being exhausted, self-evidently make known a wonder-working craftsman and extraordinarily talented electrician who manages the electricity, makes the moving lamps, sets up the power source, and brings the fuel; they cause others to congratulate and applaud him, and to love him.

    In just the same way, although some of the lamps of the stars in the roof of the palace of the world in the city of the universe –if they are considered in the way that astronomy says– are a thousand times larger than the earth and move seventy times faster than a cannon-ball, they do not spoil their order, nor collide with one another, nor become extinguished, nor is their fuel exhausted.

    According to astronomy, which you study, for our sun to continue burning, which is a million times larger than the earth and a million times older and is a lamp and stove in one guest-house of the Most Merciful One, as much oil as the seas of the earth and as much coal as its mountains or as many logs and much wood as ten earths are necessary for it not to be extinguished.

    And however much greater and more perfect than this example are the electric lamps of the palace of the world in the majestic city of the universe, which point with their fingers of light to an infinite power and sovereignty which illuminates the sun and other lofty stars like it without oil, wood, or coal, not allowing them to be extinguished or to collide with one another, though travelling together at speed, to that degree – by means of the measure of the science of electricity which you either study or will study – they testify to and make known the Monarch, Illuminator, Director, and Maker of the mighty exhibition of the universe; they make Him loved, glorified, and worshipped.

    “And, for example, take a book in every line of which a whole book is finely written, and in every word of which a sura of the Qur’an is inscribed with a fine pen. Being most meaningful with all of its matters corroborating one another, and a wondrous collection showing its writer and author to be extraordinarily skilful and capable, it undoubtedly shows its writer and author together with all his perfections and arts as clearly as daylight, and makes him known. It makes him appreciated with phrases like, “What wonders God has willed!” and, “Blessed be God!”

    Just the same is the mighty book of the universe; we see with our eyes a pen at work which writes on the face of the earth, which is a single of its pages, and on the spring, which is a single folio, the three hundred thousand plant and animal species, which are like three hundred thousand different books, all together, one within the other, without fault or error, without mixing them up or confusing them, perfectly and with complete order, and sometimes writes an ode in a word like a tree, and the complete index of a book in a point like a seed. However much vaster and more perfect and meaningful than the book in the example mentioned above is this compendium of the universe and mighty embodied Qur’an of the world, which is infinitely full of meaning and in every word of which are numerous instances of wisdom, to that degree –in accordance with the extensive measure and far-seeing vision of the natural science that you study and the sciences of reading and writing that you have practised at school– it makes known the Inscriber and Author of the book of the universe together with His infinite perfections. Proclaiming ‘God is Most Great!’, it makes Him known. Uttering words like ‘Glory be to God!’, it describes Him. Uttering praises like ‘All praise be to God!’, it makes Him loved.

    “Thus, hundreds of other sciences like these make known the Glorious Creator of the universe together with His Names, each through its broad measure or scale, its particular mirror, its far-seeing eyes, and searching gaze; they make known His attributes and perfections.

    “It is in order to give instruction in this matter, which is a brilliant and magnificent proof of Divine unity, that the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposit ion teaches us about our Creator most often with the verses, Sustainer of the Heavens and the Earth,(*[21]) and, He created the Heavens and Earth.”(*[22]) I said this to the schoolboys, and they accepted it completely, affirming it by saying: “Endless thanks be to God, for we have received an absolutely true and sacred lesson. May God be pleased with you!” And I said:

    “Man is a living machine who is grieved with thousands of different sorrows and receives pleasure in thousands of different ways; and despite his utter impotence has innumerable enemies, physical and spiritual; and despite his infinite poverty, has countless needs, external and inner; and is a wretched creature continuously suffering the blows of death and separation. Yet, through belief and worship, he at once becomes connected to a Monarch so Glorious he finds a point of support against all his enemies and a source of help for all his needs, and like everyone takes pride at the honour and rank of the lord to whom he is attached, you can compare for yourselves how pleased and grateful and thankful and full of pride man becomes at being connected through belief to an infinitely Powerful and Compassionate Monarch, at entering His service through worship, and transforming for himself the announcement of the execution of the appointed hour into the papers releasing him from duty.”

    I repeat to the calamity-stricken prisoners what I said to the schoolboys: “One who recognizes Him and obeys Him is fortunate even if he is in prison. While one who forgets Him is wretched and a prisoner even if he resides in a palace.” Even, one wronged but fortunate man said to the wretched tyrants who were executing him: “I am not being executed but being demobilized and departing for where I shall find happiness. But I see that you are being condemned to eternal execution and am therefore taking perfect revenge on you.” And declaring: “There is no god but God!”, he happily surrendered his spirit.

    Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(*[23])

    THE AIR:

    A Window onto Divine Unity

    In His Name, be He glorified! And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.

    God's mercy and abundance be with you

    My very dear and loyal brothers!

    My brothers, I observed in a subtle point concerning God’s unit y, which suddenly became clear while studying the page of the air on a journey of the imagination and mind, that is, in the word HE (HU) in the phrases THERE IS NO GOD BUT HE, and, SAY HE IS GOD, (and that was only in its material aspect) that the way of belief is infinitely easy, easy to the point of being necessary, and that the way of misguidance and associating partners with God is infinitely difficult, so difficult as to be impossible. I shall explain that long and extensive point with an extremely brief indication.

    Yes, if soil, one handful of which can act as a flower-pot for hundreds of plants in turn, is attributed to nature or causes, it becomes necessary either for there to be present in such a handful hundreds of immaterial machines, indeed, machines and factories to the number of the plants, or for each particle of that small amount of soil to know how to make all those different plants together with their different characteristics and living organs; quite simply, each would have to possess infinite knowledge and limitless power like a god.

    The same is true for the air, which is a place of maximum manifestation of the Divine will and command; either there would have to be present on a minute scale in each of its molecules, in each waft of wind, each breath, and in the tiny amount air expended with the word HE, the innumerable different exchanges, centres, receivers and transmitters of all the telephones, telegraphs and radios in the world so that each could perform those innumerable acts at the same time; or else, each particle of each molecule of air exhaled with HE, and indeed of the element air, would have to possess abilities and personalities to the number of all the different telephone users, telegraphers, and those who speak on the radio, and know all their different languages, and broadcast them to the other particles at the same time. For such a situation is actually apparent, and every bit of air possesses that ability.

    Thus, in the ways of the unbelievers, Naturalists, and Materialists not one impossibility, but impossibilities and difficulties are clearly apparent to the number of molecules of air.

    If attributed to the All-Glorious Maker, however, the air together with all its particles becomes a soldier under His command. With its Creator’s permission and through His power, and through being connected to its Creator and relying on Him, and through the manifestation of its Maker’s Power, in an instant with the speed of lightning, and with the ease of uttering the word HE and the movement of the air in waves, its innumerable universal duties are performed as easily as an orderly, single duty of a single particle. That is to say, the air becomes a page for the endless, wonderful, and orderly writings of the pen of power, and its particles become the nibs of the pen, and their duties the points inscribed by it. The air functions as easily as the movement of a single particle.

    Thus, while on my journey of contemplation prompted by the phrases THERE IS NO GOD BUT HE, and, SAY, HE IS GOD, and while observing the world of the air and studying the page of that element, I witnessed this brief truth with utter certainty and clarity, and in detail. And I understood with ‘knowledge of certainty’ that it was because there is in the word HE, in the air of its utterance, such a brilliant proof and flash of Divine unity, and also in its meaning and allusions such a luminous manifestation of Divine oneness and powerful proof of Divine unity, and in that proof an indication that since the pronoun HE is unconditional and indefinite, it suggests the question, “Who does it refer to?” that both the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition and those who constantly recite the Divine Names frequently repeat this sacred word in the station of unity.

    If, for example, there is one point on a piece of white paper and two or three other points are jumbled around with it and then someone who already has numerous jobs tries to distinguish them, he will be confused; and if many burdens are loaded on a small creature, it will be crushed; and if numerous words issue from one tongue and enter one ear altogether at the same time, their order will be broken and they will be a muddle.Despite this being the case, I saw with complete certainty that with the key and compass of HE,

    although thousands of different points, letters and words had been put in each molecule –and even in each particle– of the element air, through which I journeyed in my mind, neither did they become mixed up nor did they spoil their order; and although they performed a great many different duties, these were carried out without being confused in any way; and although very heavy loads were laid on each molecule and particle, they bore them in order without lagging or displaying any weakness at all. And I saw that thousands of different words of all different sorts enter and issue with perfect order from what is in effect those minute ears and tongues without being mixed up and spoilt in any way, they enter those minute ears and issue from those tiny tongues, and by performing these extraordinary duties, each particle and each molecule declares through the enraptured tongue of its being and its perfect freedom, and through the testimony and tongue of the above truth: THERE IS NO GOD BUT HE, and: SAY, HE IS GOD, THE ONE, and travels among air-clashing waves like storms and lightning and thunder without in any way spoiling their order or confusing their duties. One duty is not an obstacle to another duty. I observed this and was utterly certain.

    That is to say, either every particle and piece of the air has to possess infinite wisdom, knowledge, will, and power, and the qualities for being absolutely dominant over all the other particles so that it can be the means of those functions being carried out,

    which is absurd and impossible to the number of particles, and no devil even could imagine it, or else, and it is self-evident to the degree of ‘knowledge of certainty,’ ‘vision of certainty,’ and ‘absolute certainty’ that the page of the air functions through the boundless, infinite knowledge and wisdom of the All-Glorious One, and is the changing page for the pen of Divine Power and Determining, and like a signboard for writing and erasing, known as a Tablet of Appearance and Dissolution, which has the function of the Preserved Tablet in the world of transformation and change.

    Thus, just as the element of air demonstrates the above-mentioned wonders and manifestation of Divine unity in only the duty of transmitting sound and shows the impossibilities of misguidance, so does it perform other important duties with order and without confusing them, such as transmitting subtle forces and energy, like electricity, light, and the forces of attraction and repulsion. At the same time as conveying these, with perfect order, it carries out duties essential for the lives of plants and animals, such as respiration and pollination. It proves in decisive fashion that it is a place of maximum manifestation of the Divine will and command.

    I came to the firm conclusion that it proves that in no way is there any possibility of vagrant chance, blind force, deaf nature, confused and aimless causes, and powerless, lifeless, unknowing matter interfering in the writing and duties of the page of the air. And I understood that every particle and part of it says with the tongue of its being: SAY, HE IS GOD, THE ONE, and: THERE IS NO GOD BUT HE. Just as with the key of HE I saw these wonders in the material aspect of the air, so also, as a HE, did the element of air become a key to the World of Similitudes and the World of Meaning.

    The remaining parts were not writed.

    thousands of greetings

    The Twelfth Word ⇐ | The Words | ⇒ The Twelfth Word

    1. *Qur’an, 17:82.
    2. *Qur’an, 36:69.
    3. *Just such an event occurred in America.
    4. *Qur’an, 36:69.
    5. *Qur’an, 21:104.
    6. *Qur’an, 7:54.
    7. *Qur’an, 36:53.
    8. *Qur’an, 62:1.
    9. *Qur’an, 17:44.
    10. *Qur’an, 16:60.
    11. *Qur’an, 6:95.
    12. *Qur’an, 8:24.
    13. *Qur’an, 3:6.
    14. *Qur’an, 7:54, etc.
    15. *Qur’an, 39:67.
    16. *Qur’an, 13:2, etc.
    17. *Qur’an, 18:1.
    18. *One of these is the Risale-i Nur. And it is there for all to see.
    19. *Russia. [Tr.]
    20. *Muslim, Birr, 25.
    21. *Qur’an, 6:1.
    22. *Qur’an, 13:16.
    23. *Qur’an, 2:32.