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On Altıncı Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

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("To attain to a shadow or a ray of this reality of the prayers either in fact, or by intention, or with the imagination, is a great happiness." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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(Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 13 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
20. satır: 20. satır:
Since comparison is a most brilliant mirror to the Qur’an’s miraculousness, we too shall look at this mystery by means of a comparison. It is as follows:
Since comparison is a most brilliant mirror to the Qur’an’s miraculousness, we too shall look at this mystery by means of a comparison. It is as follows:

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A single person may gain universality by means of various mirrors. While being a single individual, he becomes like a universal possessing general qualities. For example, while the sun is a  single individual, by means of transparent objects, it  becomes so universal it fills the face of the earth with its images and reflections. It even has as many manifestations as the number of droplets and shining  motes. Although the sun’s heat, light, and the seven colours in its light comprehend, encompass, and  embrace all the things which confront them, all transparent things also hold in the pupils of their eyes the sun’s heat, and its light and seven colours, together with its image. And they make a throne for them in their hearts.
Bir tek zat, muhtelif meraya vasıtasıyla külliyet kesbeder. Cüz’î-yi hakiki iken umumî şuunata mâlik bir küllî hükmüne geçer. Mesela, şems bir cüz’î-yi müşahhas iken eşya-yı şeffafe vasıtasıyla öyle bir küllî hükmüne geçer ki rûy-i zemini timsalleriyle, akisleriyle dolduruyor. Hattâ katarat ve parlak zerrat adedince cilveleri bulunuyor. Güneşin harareti ve ziyası ve ziyanın içinde olan yedi renkli elvan-ı seb’ası, her birisi mukabilindeki eşyaya muhit, âmm ve şâmil oldukları halde; her bir şeffaf şey dahi güneşin timsaliyle beraber harareti hem ziyayı hem elvan-ı seb’ayı göz bebeğinde saklıyor. Ve safi kalbini ona bir taht yapıyor.

That is to say, with regard to Unity, the sun encompasses all the things which confront it, while with regard to Oneness, the sun is present together with many of its attributes in everything through a sort of manifestation of its essence.
That is to say, with regard to Unity, the sun encompasses all the things which confront it, while with regard to Oneness, the sun is present together with many of its attributes in everything through a sort of manifestation of its essence.
113. satır: 111. satır:
To attain to a shadow or a ray of this reality of the prayers either in fact, or by intention, or with the imagination, is a great happiness.
To attain to a shadow or a ray of this reality of the prayers either in fact, or by intention, or with the imagination, is a great happiness.

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The frequent declaring of ‘God is Most Great!’ during the Hajj is for the above reason. For the  blessed Hajj is worship at a universal level for everyone. Just as on a special day like a festival a soldier goes to the king’s celebrations like a General in the sphere of General, and receives his favours,  in the same way, a Hajji, no matter how lowly, is turned towards his Sustainer under the title Mighty Sustainer of every region of the earth, like a saint who has traversed all the degrees. He is honoured with universal worship.
İşte hacda pek kesretli “Allahu ekber” denilmesi, şu sırdandır. Çünkü hacc-ı şerif bi’l-asale herkes için bir mertebe-i külliyede bir ubudiyettir. Nasıl ki bir nefer, bayram gibi bir yevm-i mahsusta ferik dairesinde bir ferik gibi padişahın bayramına gider ve lütfuna mazhar olur. Öyle de bir hacı, ne kadar âmî de olsa kat’-ı meratib etmiş bir veli gibi umum aktar-ı arzın Rabb-i Azîm’i unvanıyla Rabb’ine müteveccihtir. Bir ubudiyet-i külliye ile müşerreftir.

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For sure, the universal degrees of dominicality opened with the key of the Hajj, and the horizons of the tremendousness of Godhead which are visible to his eye through its  telescope,  and  the  spheres  of  worship  which  gradually  unfold  to  his  heart  and imagination  through  its  observances,  and  the  heat,  wonder,  awe,  and  dread  of dominicality caused by the levels of sublimity and last stage of manifestation, can only be quietened by ‘God is Most Great! God is Most Great!’, and those observed or imagined unfolded degrees can only be proclaimed by it.
Elbette hac miftahıyla açılan meratib-i külliye-i rububiyet ve dürbünüyle nazarına görünen âfak-ı azamet-i uluhiyet ve şeairiyle kalbine ve hayaline gittikçe genişlenen devair-i ubudiyet ve meratib-i kibriya ve ufk-u tecelliyatın verdiği hararet, hayret ve dehşet ve heybet-i rububiyet “Allahu ekber, Allahu ekber” ile teskin edilebilir ve onunla o meratib-i münkeşife-i meşhude veya mutasavvire ilan edilebilir.

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After the Hajj, this meaning is found in various exalted and universal degrees in the Festival (‘Eid) Prayers, the prayers for rain, and those recited at solar and lunar eclipses, and in prayers performed as a congregation. Thus, the importance of the marks and observances of Islam, also even if of the category of Sunna, lies in this reason.
Hacdan sonra şu manayı, ulvi ve küllî muhtelif derecelerde bayram namazında, yağmur namazında, husuf küsuf namazında, cemaatle kılınan namazda bulunur. '''İşte şeair-i İslâmiyenin velev sünnet kabîlinden dahi olsa ehemmiyeti şu sırdandır.'''

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Glory be unto the One Who has placed His treasuries between the Kaf and the Nun.
سُب۟حَانَ مَن۟ جَعَلَ خَزَائِنُهُ بَي۟نَ ال۟كَافِ وَ النُّونِ

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So glory be unto Him in Whose hand is the dominion of all things, and to Him will you all be brought back.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 36:83.</ref>)
فَسُب۟حَانَ الَّذٖى بِيَدِهٖ مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَى۟ءٍ وَاِلَي۟هِ تُر۟جَعُونَ

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Glory be unto You, we have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:32.</ref>)
سُب۟حَانَكَ لَا عِل۟مَ لَنَٓا اِلَّا مَا عَلَّم۟تَنَٓا اِنَّكَ اَن۟تَ ال۟عَلٖيمُ ال۟حَكٖيمُ

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O our Sustainer! Do not take us to task if we forget or unwittingly do wrong!(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:286.</ref>)
رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذ۟نَٓا اِن۟ نَسٖينَٓا اَو۟ اَخ۟طَا۟نَا

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O our Sustainer! Let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us, and grant us Mercy from Your  presence, for You are the Granter of bounties without measure.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 3:8.</ref>) And grant blessings and peace to Your Most Noble Messenger, the manifester of Your Greatest  Name, and to his Family, and Companions, and brothers, and followers.
رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغ۟ قُلُوبَنَا بَع۟دَ اِذ۟ هَدَي۟تَنَا وَهَب۟ لَنَا مِن۟ لَدُن۟كَ رَح۟مَةً اِنَّكَ اَن۟تَ ال۟وَهَّابُ وَصَلِّ وَ سَلِّم۟ عَلٰى رَسُولِكَ ال۟اَك۟رَمِ مَظ۟هَرِ اِس۟مِكَ ال۟اَع۟ظَمِ وَ عَلٰى اٰلِهٖ وَ اَص۟حَابِهٖ وَ اِخ۟وَانِهٖ وَ اَت۟بَاعِهٖ

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Amen. O Most Merciful of the Merciful!
اٰمٖينَ يَا اَر۟حَمَ الرَّاحِمٖينَ

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<span id="Küçük_Bir_Zeyl"></span>
== Küçük Bir Zeyl ==
==A Short Addendum==

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The All-Powerful and All-Knowing One, the All-Wise Maker, shows His power and His wisdom and that chance can in no way interfere in His works through the system and order His rules and practices in  the universe demonstrate in the form of laws. So too, through  exceptions  to  the  laws,  the  wonders  of  His  practices,  superficial  changes, differences in individual characteristics, and changes in the  times of appearance and descent, He shows His volition, will, choice, that He is the Agent with choice, and that He  is  under  no  restrictions  whatsoever.  Thus, rending  the  veil  of  monotony,  and proclaiming that everything is in need of Him every moment for everything in every way and is obedient to His dominicality, He dispels heedlessness, and turns the gazes of man and jinn from causes to the Producer of Causes. The statements of the Qur’an look to this principle.
Kadîr-i Alîm ve Sâni’-i Hakîm, kanuniyet şeklindeki âdâtının gösterdiği nizam ve intizamla, kudretini ve hikmetini ve hiçbir tesadüf işine karışmadığını izhar ettiği gibi; şüzuzat-ı kanuniye ile âdetinin hârikalarıyla, tagayyürat-ı suriye ile teşahhusatın ihtilafatıyla, zuhur ve nüzul zamanının tebeddülüyle meşietini, iradetini, fâil-i muhtar olduğunu ve ihtiyarını ve hiçbir kayıt altında olmadığını izhar edip yeknesak perdesini yırtarak ve her şey, her anda her şe’nde her şeyinde ona muhtaç ve rububiyetine münkad olduğunu i’lam etmekle gafleti dağıtıp, ins ve cinnin nazarlarını esbabdan Müsebbibü’l-esbab’a çevirir. Kur’an’ın beyanatı şu esasa bakıyor.

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For example, in most places some fruit-bearing trees produce fruit one year, that is, it is given to their hands from the treasury of mercy, and they offer it. Then the following year while all apparent causes are present, they do not take it and offer it; that  is, they do not produce fruit.
Mesela, ekser yerlerde bir kısım meyvedar ağaçlar bir sene meyve verir, yani rahmet hazinesinden ellerine verilir, o da verir. Öbür sene, bütün esbab-ı zâhiriye hazırken meyveyi alıp vermiyor.

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Also, for example, contrary to other necessities, the times rain falls are  so changeable that it has been included among ‘the Five Hidden Things.’(*<ref>*Bukhari, ii, 41; ix, 142; Ibn Hibban, i, 144.</ref>) For the most important  position in existence is that of life and mercy. And rain is the source of life and pure mercy. Thus, the water of life and rain of mercy does not enter under a monotonous law, which is a veil and leads to heedlessness, rather, the All-Glorious One,  Who is Most Merciful and All-Compassionate, and the Bestower of Bounties and Giver of Life, holds it in His hand directly, without veil, so that the doors of supplication and thanks will all the time be left open.
Hem mesela, sair umûr-u lâzımeye muhalif olarak yağmurun evkat-ı nüzulü o kadar mütehavvildir ki mugayyebat-ı hamsede dâhil olmuştur. Çünkü vücudda en mühim mevki, hayat ve rahmetindir. Yağmur ise menşe-i hayat ve mahz-ı rahmet olduğu için elbette o âb-ı hayat, o mâ-i rahmet, gaflet veren ve hicab olan yeknesak kaidesine girmeyecek. Belki doğrudan doğruya Cenab-ı Mün’im-i Muhyî ve Rahman ve Rahîm olan Zat-ı Zülcelal perdesiz, elinde tutacak; tâ her vakit dua ve şükür kapılarını açık bırakacak.

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And, for example, the giving of sustenance and determining of particular features are works of special favour, and their occurring in unexpected ways shows in excellent fashion the will and choice of the  Sustainer.
Hem mesela, rızık vermek ve muayyen bir sima vermek, birer ihsan-ı mahsus eseri gibi ummadığı tarzda olması; ne kadar güzel bir surette meşiet ve ihtiyar-ı Rabbaniyeyi gösteriyor.

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You  may  make  further  comparisons  with other  Divine  acts,  like  the disposals of the air and weather and the subjugation of the clouds.
Daha tasrif-i hava ve teshir-i sehab gibi şuunat-ı İlahiyeyi bunlara kıyas et.

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