Translations:Otuzuncu Lem'a/142/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("The Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition too, insistently, repeatedly, and sternly, indicates divine unity and rejects with severe threats the association of partners with God. Thus, the divine rulership in dominicality necessitates divine unity and indicates a most powerful motive and necessitating cause for it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    The Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition too, insistentlyrepeatedly, and sternly, indicates divine unity and  rejects with severe threats the association of partners with God. Thus, the divine rulership in dominicality necessitates divine unity and indicates a most powerful motive and necessitating cause for it.
    Thus, the divine rulership in dominicality necessitates divine unity and indicates a most powerful motive and necessitating cause for it. So too the infinitely perfect order and harmony on the face of the universe, apparent from the totality  of  the  universe  and  the  stars, and  the  plantsanimals  and  minerals  to particulars, individuals, and minute particles, form an indubitably veracious witness to and clear proof of  that singleness and unity. For if others had interfered, this most sensitive balance, order, and  regularity of the universe would have been spoilt and signs of disorder would have been apparent. In accordance with the meaning of the verse, If there were in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides God, there would have been confusion in both!,(21:22)
    this wondrous, perfect order of the universe would have been thrown into confusion and been spoilt. Whereas, according to the verse,So turn your vision again; do you see any flaw?,(67:3) from minute particles to the planets, from the ground to the divine throne, there is no sign of fault, defect, or confusion. Thus the order of the universe and of creatures and the balance of beings, demonstrate most brilliantly the greatest manifestation of the name of Single and testify to divine unity.

    11.52, 24 Eylül 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

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    İleti tanımı (Otuzuncu Lem'a)
    İşte rububiyetteki hâkimiyet-i İlahiye, tevhid ve vahdeti kat’î bir surette iktiza ettiği ve gayet kuvvetli bir dâîyi ve gayet şiddetli bir muktezîyi gösterdiği gibi, kâinat yüzündeki nihayet derecede mükemmel ve mecmu-u kâinattan, yıldızlardan tut tâ nebatat, hayvanat, maadin tâ cüz’iyat ve efrada ve zerrelere kadar görünen intizam-ı ekmel ve insicam-ı ecmel; o ferdiyete, o vahdete hiçbir cihetle şüphe getirmez bir şahid-i âdil, bir bürhan-ı bâhirdir. Çünkü gayrın müdahalesi olsa bu gayet hassas nizam ve intizam ve muvazene-i kâinat elbette bozulacaktı ve intizamsızlık eseri görünecekti. لَو۟ كَانَ فٖيهِمَٓا اٰلِهَةٌ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ لَفَسَدَتَا âyetinin sırrıyla bu hârika mükemmel nizam-ı kâinat karışacaktı ve fesada girecekti. Halbuki فَار۟جِعِ ال۟بَصَرَ هَل۟ تَرٰى مِن۟ فُطُورٍ âyetiyle zerrattan tâ seyyarata, ferşten tâ arşa kadar hiçbir cihetle kusur ve noksan ve müşevveşiyet eseri görülmediğinden, gayet parlak bir surette, bu nizam-ı kâinat ve şu intizam-ı mahlukat ve şu muvazene-i mevcudat, ism-i Ferd’in cilve-i a’zamını gösterip vahdete şehadet eder.

    Thus, the divine rulership in dominicality necessitates divine unity and indicates a most powerful motive and necessitating cause for it. So too the infinitely perfect order and harmony on the face of the universe, apparent from the totality of the universe and the stars, and the plants, animals and minerals to particulars, individuals, and minute particles, form an indubitably veracious witness to and clear proof of that singleness and unity. For if others had interfered, this most sensitive balance, order, and regularity of the universe would have been spoilt and signs of disorder would have been apparent. In accordance with the meaning of the verse, If there were in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides God, there would have been confusion in both!,(21:22) this wondrous, perfect order of the universe would have been thrown into confusion and been spoilt. Whereas, according to the verse,So turn your vision again; do you see any flaw?,(67:3) from minute particles to the planets, from the ground to the divine throne, there is no sign of fault, defect, or confusion. Thus the order of the universe and of creatures and the balance of beings, demonstrate most brilliantly the greatest manifestation of the name of Single and testify to divine unity.