Translations:Otuzuncu Lem'a/143/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("So too the infinitely perfect order and harmony on the face of the universe, apparent from the totality of the universe and the stars, and the plants, animals and minerals to particulars, individuals, and minute particles, form an indubitably veracious witness to and clear proof of that singleness and unity. For if others had interfered, this most sensitive balance, order, and regularity of the universe would have been spoilt and signs of..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
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    So too the infinitely perfect order and harmony on the face of the universe, apparent from the totality of the universe and the stars,  and  the plants, animals  and  minerals  to particulars, individuals, and minute particles, form an indubitably veracious witness to and clear proof of  that singleness and unity. For if others had interfered, this most sensitive balance, order, and  regularity of the universe would have been spoilt and signs of disorder would have been apparent.
    Moreover, since, through the mystery of the manifestation of divine oneness, the tiniest living creature is a miniature sample of the universe and a small index of it, only the One who holds the whole universe in the grasp of His power can lay claim to it. And since, in regard to creation, a seed is not inferior to a tree, and a tree is a small universe, and all living beings are like small universes and small worlds, this mystery of divine oneness has made the association of partners with God impossible.

    11.53, 24 Eylül 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

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    İleti tanımı (Otuzuncu Lem'a)
    Hem cilve-i ehadiyet sırrıyla, en küçük bir zîhayat mahluk, kâinatın bir misal-i musağğarası ve küçük bir fihristesi hükmünde olduğundan o tek zîhayata sahip çıkan, bütün kâinatı kabza-i tasarrufunda tutan zat olabilir. Ve bir çekirdek, hilkatçe bir ağaçtan geri olmadığı; ve bir ağaç, küçük bir kâinat hükmünde olduğu; her bir zîhayat dahi küçük bir kâinat ve küçük bir âlem hükmünde olduğundan bu sırr-ı ehadiyet cilvesi, şirk ve iştiraki muhal derecesine getiriyor.

    Moreover, since, through the mystery of the manifestation of divine oneness, the tiniest living creature is a miniature sample of the universe and a small index of it, only the One who holds the whole universe in the grasp of His power can lay claim to it. And since, in regard to creation, a seed is not inferior to a tree, and a tree is a small universe, and all living beings are like small universes and small worlds, this mystery of divine oneness has made the association of partners with God impossible.