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    <span id="MÜNÂCAT"></span>
    == MÜNÂCAT ==
    ==A Supplication==

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    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
    بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

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    Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of night  and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the oceans for the profit of mankind; in the rain which God sends down from the skies, and the life He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through  the earth; in the disposal of the winds and the clouds subjugated between the sky and the earth, indeed are signs for people who think.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:164.</ref>)
    اِنَّ فٖى خَل۟قِ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَال۟اَر۟ضِ وَاخ۟تِلَافِ الَّي۟لِ وَالنَّهَارِ وَال۟فُل۟كِ الَّتٖى تَج۟رٖى فِى ال۟بَح۟رِ بِمَا يَن۟فَعُ النَّاسَ وَمَٓا اَن۟زَلَ اللّٰهُ مِنَ السَّمَٓاءِ مِن۟ مَٓاءٍ فَاَح۟يَا بِهِ ال۟اَر۟ضَ بَع۟دَ مَو۟تِهَا وَبَثَّ فٖيهَا مِن۟ كُلِّ دَٓابَّةٍ وَتَص۟رٖيفِ الرِّيَاحِ وَالسَّحَابِ ال۟مُسَخَّرِ بَي۟نَ السَّمَٓاءِ وَال۟اَر۟ضِ لَاٰيَاتٍ لِقَو۟مٍ يَع۟قِلُونَ

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    O My God and Sustainer!
    '''Yâ İlahî ve yâ Rabbî!'''

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    I see through the eyes of belief, the instruction and light of the Qur’an, the teachings of God’s  Noble  Messenger (Peace and blessings  be upon him), and the indications of the Name of All-Wise, that in the heavens there are no rotations and motions but through their order and regularity they point to Your existence.
    Ben, imanın gözüyle ve Kur’an’ın talimiyle ve nuruyla ve Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın dersiyle ve ism-i Hakîm’in göstermesiyle görüyorum ki: '''Semavat'''ta hiçbir deveran ve hareket yoktur ki böyle intizamıyla senin mevcudiyetine işaret ve delâlet etmesin.

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    There is no heavenly body but through its  silently performing its duty and remaining in place without prop it testifies to Your dominicality and unity.
    Ve hiçbir ecram-ı semaviye yoktur ki sükûtuyla, gürültüsüz vazife görerek direksiz durmalarıyla, senin rububiyetine ve vahdetine şehadeti ve işareti olmasın.

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    There is no star but through its balanced creation, regular position, luminous smile,  and the stamp of its similarity to the other stars, it indicates the majesty of Your Godhead and Your unity.
    Ve hiçbir yıldız yoktur ki mevzun hilkatiyle, muntazam vaziyetiyle ve nurani tebessümüyle ve bütün yıldızlara mümaselet ve müşabehet sikkesiyle senin haşmet-i uluhiyetine ve vahdaniyetine işaret ve şehadette bulunmasın.

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    There is not one of the twelve planets but through its  wise  motion, docile subjection, orderly duties, and significant satellites, it testifies to Your necessary existence and  indicates the sovereignty of Your Godhead.
    Ve on iki seyyareden hiçbir seyyare yıldız yoktur ki hikmetli hareketiyle ve itaatli musahhariyetiyle ve intizamlı vazifesiyle ve ehemmiyetli peykleriyle senin vücub-u vücuduna şehadet ve saltanat-ı uluhiyetine işaret etmesin!

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    Yes, —O Creator of the Heavens and Earth, Who  directs  and administers  all particles together with all the orderly components they make up, and spins the planets and their  regular satellites, subjugating them to His command!— just as each of the inhabitants of the heavens testifies on its own, so in their totality they testify to Your necessary existence and unity in a way so clear and powerful that shining proofs to the number of stars in the heavens affirm that testimony.
    Evet, gökler sekeneleriyle, her biri tek başıyla şehadet ettikleri gibi heyet-i mecmuasıyla derece-i bedahette –ey zemin ve gökleri yaratan yaratıcı!– senin vücub-u vücuduna öyle zâhir şehadet –ve ey zerratı, muntazam mürekkebatıyla tedbirini gören ve idare eden ve bu seyyare yıldızları manzum peykleriyle döndüren, emrine itaat ettiren!– senin vahdetine ve birliğine öyle kuvvetli şehadet ederler ki göğün yüzünde bulunan yıldızlar sayısınca nurani bürhanlar ve parlak deliller o şehadeti tasdik ederler.

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    Also, appearing as a regular army or imperial fleet decked out with electric lights, the limpid,  beautiful, spotless heavens with their extraordinarily  huge and speedy bodies, point clearly to the splendour  of your dominicality and tremendousness of Your power, which creates all things; and to the boundless extent of Your sovereignty, which overspreads the heavens, and to Your mercy, which embraces all living things; and  testifies  indubitably to  the  comprehensiveness  of  Your  knowledge, which is concerned with all the states and circumstances of all the creatures of the heavens, and embraces them and orders them, and to Your wisdom, which encompasses all things. This testimony is so evident it is as though the  stars are the words and luminous embodiments of the skies’ testimony.
    Hem bu safi, temiz, güzel gökler; fevkalâde büyük ve fevkalâde süratli ecramıyla muntazam bir ordu ve elektrik lambalarıyla süslenmiş bir saltanat donanması vaziyetini göstermek cihetiyle, senin rububiyetinin haşmetine ve her şeyi icad eden kudretinin azametine zâhir delâlet ve hadsiz semavatı ihata eden hâkimiyetinin ve her bir zîhayatı kucağına alan rahmetinin hadsiz genişliklerine kuvvetli işaret ve bütün mahlukat-ı semaviyenin bütün işlerine ve keyfiyetlerine taalluk eden ve avucuna alan, tanzim eden ilminin her şeye ihatasına ve hikmetinin her işe şümulüne şüphesiz şehadet ederler. Ve o şehadet ve delâlet o kadar zâhirdir ki güya yıldızlar, şahit olan göklerin şehadet kelimeleri ve tecessüm etmiş nurani delilleridirler.

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    Also, like disciplined soldiers, orderly ships, wondrous aeroplanes, or marvellous lamps, the stars in the arena of the heavens, and in their seas and vast spaces, show the glittering splendour of the sovereignty of Your Godhead.
    Hem semavat meydanında, denizinde, fezasındaki yıldızlar ise mutî neferler, muntazam sefineler, hârika tayyareler, acayip lambalar gibi vaziyetiyle, senin saltanat-ı uluhiyetinin şaşaasını gösteriyorlar.

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    As is suggested by the duties of the sun —one  star among the members of that army— which are related to its planets and our earth, some of its companions, the other stars, look to the worlds of the hereafter and are not without duties; they are the suns of eternal worlds.
    Ve o ordunun efradından bir yıldız olan güneşimizin seyyarelerinde ve zeminimizdeki vazifelerinin delâlet ve ihtarıyla, güneşin sair arkadaşları olan yıldızların bir kısmı âhiret âlemlerine bakarlar ve vazifesiz değiller belki bâki olan âlemlerin güneşleridirler.

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    '''O Necessarily Existent! O Single One of Unity!'''
    '''Ey Vâcibü’l-vücud! Ey Vâhid-i Ehad!'''

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    These wondrous stars, these strange suns and moons, are subjugated, set in order, and  employed in Your dominions, in Your heavens, through Your command, power, and strength, and Your administration and direction. All those heavenly bodies glorify and exalt their single Creator, Who creates, spins, and administers them; through the tongue of disposition, they declare: “Glory be to God! God is Most Great!”
    Bu hârika yıldızlar, bu acib güneşler, aylar; senin mülkünde, senin semavatında, senin emrin ile ve kuvvetin ve kudretin ile ve senin idare ve tedbirin ile teshir ve tanzim ve tavzif edilmişlerdir. Bütün o ecram-ı ulviye, kendilerini yaratan ve döndüren ve idare eden bir tek Hâlık’a tesbih ederler, tekbir ederler; lisan-ı hal ile “Sübhanallah, Allahu ekber” derler.

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    Through all their glorifications, I too declare You holy.'''O Omnipotent One of Glory, hidden in the intensity of His manifestation and concealed in the magnificence of His grandeur!'''
    Ben dahi onların bütün tesbihatıyla, seni takdis ederim ey şiddet-i zuhurundan gizlenmiş ve ey azamet-i kibriyasından ihtifa etmiş olan Kadîr-i Zülcelal!

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    '''O One of Absolute Power!'''
    '''Ey Kādir-i Mutlak!'''

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    I have understood through the teaching of the All-Wise Qur’an and instruction of Your Most Noble Messenger  (Peace  and blessings be upon him) that just as the heavens and stars testify to your existence and unity, so with its clouds, lightning, thunder, winds, and rain, does the atmosphere testify to Your necessary existence and unity.
    Kur’an-ı Hakîm’inin dersiyle ve Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın talimiyle anladım: Nasıl ki gökler, yıldızlar, senin mevcudiyetine ve vahdetine şehadet ederler. Öyle de '''cevv-i sema''' bulutlarıyla ve şimşekleri ve ra’dları ve rüzgârları ve yağmurlarıyla, senin vücub-u vücuduna ve vahdetine şehadet ederler.

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    Yes, the lifeless, unconscious clouds sending the  water of life, rain, to the assistance of needy living beings is only through Your mercy and wisdom; confused chance  could in no way interfere.
    Evet camid, şuursuz bulut, âb-ı hayat olan yağmuru, muhtaç olan zîhayatların imdadına göndermesi ancak senin rahmetin ve hikmetin iledir; karışık tesadüf karışamaz.

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    The most powerful of electricity, lightning, which alluding to its potentiality for lighting, encourages  man to benefit from it and spectacularly lights up  Your power in space.
    Hem elektriğin en büyüğü bulunan ve fevaid-i tenviriyesine işaret ederek ondan istifadeye teşvik eden şimşek ise senin fezadaki kudretini güzelce tenvir eder.

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    The thunder announces the coming of rain, causing  boundless space to speak, and makes the heavens ring  out with the reverberations of its glorifying; it hallows You verbally, testifying to Your dominicality.
    Hem yağmurun gelmesini müjdeleyen ve koca fezayı konuşturan ve tesbihatının gürültüsüyle gökleri çınlatan ra’dat dahi lisan-ı kāl ile konuşarak seni takdis edip, rububiyetine şehadet eder.

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    The winds, which are charged with numerous duties like providing the sustenance  most  vital  for  animate  creatures, and  the  easiest  to  benefit  from, and ensuring  and  facilitating  respiration, for  some purpose turn the  atmosphere  into  a ‘tablet  for  writing  and  erasing,’  thus  pointing  to  the  activity  of Your  power  and testifying to Your existence. Similarly,  the mercy milked through Your compassion from the clouds and sent to living beings, testifies through the words of its balanced, orderly droplets, to the breadth of Your mercy and compassion.
    Hem zîhayatların yaşamasına en lüzumlu rızkı ve istifadece en kolayı ve nefesleri vermek, nüfusları rahatlandırmak gibi çok vazifeler ile tavzif edilen rüzgârlar dahi cevvi, âdeta bir hikmete binaen “levh-i mahv ve ispat” ve “yazar, ifade eder, sonra bozar tahtası” suretine çevirmekle, senin faaliyet-i kudretine işaret ve senin vücuduna şehadet ettiği gibi senin merhametinle bulutlardan sağıp zîhayatlara gönderilen rahmet dahi mevzun, muntazam katreleri kelimeleriyle, senin vüs’at-i rahmetine ve geniş şefkatine şehadet eder.

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    '''O Potent and Active Disposer! O Sublime and Bountiful Bestower!'''
    '''Ey Mutasarrıf-ı Faal ve ey Feyyaz-ı Müteâl!'''

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    The clouds, lightning, thunder, wind, and rain each testify on their own to Your necessary existence, so too as a whole, being one within the other and assisting each other in their duties, although they are by nature dissimilar and opposed to each other, they indicate most powerfully Your unity.
    Senin vücub-u vücuduna şehadet eden bulut, berk, ra’d, rüzgâr, yağmur birer birer şehadet ettikleri gibi heyet-i mecmuasıyla, keyfiyetçe birbirinden uzak, mahiyetçe birbirine muhalif olmakla beraber; birlik, beraberlik, birbiri içine girmek ve birbirinin vazifesine yardım etmek haysiyetiyle, senin vahdetine ve birliğine gayet kuvvetli işaret ederler.

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    They point too to the magnificence of Your dominicality, which makes the vast atmosphere into an exhibition of wonders, on some days filling and emptying it several times; and to the immensity and all-pervasiveness of Your power, which makes it resemble a slate which is written on then rubbed clean, and wrings  it  out  like a  sponge and waters  the  garden of the earth; and to  your unbounded mercy and limitless rule, which under the veil of the atmosphere administer all the earth and all creatures.
    Hem koca fezayı mahşer-i acayip yapan ve bazı günlerde birkaç defa doldurup boşaltan rububiyetinin haşmetine ve o geniş cevvi, yazar değiştirir bir levha gibi ve sıkar ve onunla zemin bahçesini sulattırır bir sünger gibi tasarruf eden kudretinin azametine ve her bir şeye şümulüne şehadet ettikleri gibi, umum zemine ve bütün mahlukatına cevv perdesi altında bakan ve idare eden rahmetinin ve hâkimiyetinin hadsiz genişliklerine ve her şeye yetişmelerine delâlet eder.

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    Moreover, the air is employed in duties so wise and the clouds and rain utilized in benefits so percipient that if it was not for a knowledge and wisdom that encompass all things, they could not be thus employed.
    Hem fezadaki hava, o kadar hakîmane vazifelerde istihdam ve bulut ve yağmur, o kadar alîmane faydalarda istimal olunur ki her şeye ihata eden bir ilim ve her şeye şâmil bir hikmet olmazsa o istimal, o istihdam olamaz.

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    '''O You Who acts as He wishes!'''
    '''Ey Fa’alün limâ yürîd!'''

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    Through Your activity in the atmosphere, Your power, which continuously displays examples of the resurrection of the dead and Great Gathering and transforms the summer into winter and winter into summer and similar acts, gives the sign that it will transform this world into the hereafter and there display its everlasting acts.
    Cevv-i fezadaki faaliyetinle her vakit bir numune-i haşir ve kıyamet göstermek, bir saatte yazı kışa ve kışı yaza döndürmek, bir âlem getirmek, bir âlem gayba göndermek misillü şuunatta bulunan kudretin; dünyayı âhirete çevirecek ve âhirette şuunat-ı sermediyeyi gösterecek işaretini veriyor.

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    '''O All-Powerful One of Glory!'''
    Ey Kadîr-i Zülcelal! Cevv-i fezadaki hava, bulut ve yağmur, berk ve ra’d; senin mülkünde, senin emrin ve havlin ile senin kuvvet ve kudretinle musahhar ve vazifedardırlar. Mahiyetçe birbirinden uzak olan bu feza mahlukatı, gayet süratli ve âni emirlere ve çabuk ve acele kumandalara itaat ettiren âmir ve hâkimlerini takdis ederek, rahmetini medh ü sena ederler.
    The air, clouds, rain, and thunder and lightning in the atmosphere are subjugated and  employed in Your dominions, through Your command and power and strength. These creatures, which by nature are so different to each other, sanctify their ruler and commander, who makes them submit instanteously to his swift commands; they praise and extol His mercy.

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    '''O Glorious Creator of the Heavens and Earth!'''
    '''Ey arz ve semavatın Hâlık-ı Zülcelali!'''

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    Through the instruction of the All-Wise Qur’an and teaching of God’s Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him), I believe and know that just as the heavens testify to Your necessary existence and unity through its stars and the atmosphere testifies through all it contains, so the earth testifies to Your existence and unity through all its creatures and states.
    Senin Kur’an-ı Hakîm’inin talimiyle ve Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın dersiyle iman ettim ve bildim ki: Nasıl semavat yıldızlarıyla ve cevv-i feza müştemilatıyla senin vücub-u vücuduna ve senin birliğine ve vahdetine şehadet ediyorlar. Öyle de '''arz''', bütün mahlukatıyla ve ahvaliyle senin mevcudiyetine ve vahdetine, mevcudatı adedince şehadetler ve işaretler eder.

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    Indeed, there is no change on the earth, such as that of the trees and animals changing their garb every year, but through its orderliness it indicates Your existence and unity.
    Evet, zeminde hiçbir tahavvül ve ağaç ve hayvanlarında her senede urbasını değiştirmek gibi hiçbir tebeddül cüz’î olsun küllî olsun yoktur ki intizamıyla, senin vücuduna ve vahdetine işaret etmesin.

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    There is no animal but through  its sustenance being compassionately provided in relation to its need and weakness, and its being given all the members and faculties necessary to pursue its life, it testifies to Your existence and unity.
    Hem hiçbir hayvan yoktur ki zafiyet ve ihtiyacının derecesine göre verilen rahîmane rızkıyla ve yaşamasına lüzumu bulunan cihazatın hakîmane verilmesiyle, senin varlığına ve birliğine şehadeti olmasın.

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    There is not a plant or animal created before our eyes in the spring that through its wondrous art, its  subtle adornment, its being distinguished from all other creatures, and through its order and balance, it makes you known.
    Hem her baharda gözümüz önünde icad edilen nebatat ve hayvanattan hiçbir tanesi yoktur ki sanat-ı acibesiyle ve latîf ziynetiyle ve tam temeyyüzüyle ve intizamıyla ve mevzuniyetiyle seni bildirmesin.

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    The marvels of Your power which fill the earth and are known as plants and animals, and their creation from seeds and grains and droplets of fluid, perfectly, without error, in adorned fashion, each with its distinguishing features, form a testimony more brilliant  and  powerful than the sun to the existence, unity, wisdom, and endless power of their All-Wise Maker.
    Ve zemin yüzünü dolduran ve nebatat ve hayvanat denilen kudretinin hârikaları ve mu’cizeleri; mahdud ve maddeleri bir ve müteşabih olan yumurta ve yumurtacıklardan ve katrelerden ve habbe ve habbeciklerden ve çekirdeklerden; yanlışsız, mükemmel, süslü, alâmet-i farikalı olarak yaratılışları, Sâni’-i Hakîm’lerinin vücuduna ve vahdetine ve hikmetine ve hadsiz kudretine öyle bir şehadettir ki ziyanın güneşe şehadetinden daha kuvvetli ve parlaktır.

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    Also, there is no element, such as air, water, light, fire, and earth, but through its performing functions consciously and perfectly despite its lack of consciousness, and being the means for the arrival of various well-ordered fruits from the treasury of the Unseen despite being simple, without order, and overrunning and spreading everywhere, it testifies to Your existence and unity.
    Hem hava, su, nur, ateş, toprak gibi hiçbir unsur yoktur ki şuursuzluklarıyla beraber, şuurkârane, mükemmel vazifeleri görmesiyle, basit ve istila edici, intizamsız, her yere dağılmakla beraber, gayet muntazam ve mütenevvi meyveleri ve mahsulleri hazine-i gaybdan getirmesiyle, senin birliğine ve varlığına şehadeti bulunmasın.

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    '''O Omnipotent Creator! O Omniscient Opener Up Of Forms! O Active Creator!'''
    '''Ey Fâtır-ı Kadîr! Ey Fettah-ı Allâm! Ey Fa’al-i Hallak!'''

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    Just as together with all its inhabitants the earth testifies to the necessary existence of its  Creator, so too, O Single One of Unity! O Clement and Kind One! O Most Bounteous Provider!, through the stamp on its face and the stamps on the faces of all its inhabitants and their unity and being one within the other and assisting each other, and through all the Names and acts of dominicality that look to them being the same, it testifies with the utmost clarity to  Your unity and oneness; indeed it offers testimony to the number of its creatures.
    Nasıl arz, bütün sekenesiyle Hâlık’ının Vâcibü’l-vücud olduğuna şehadet eder. Öyle de senin –Ey Vâhid-i Ehad! Ey Hannan-ı Mennan! Ey Vehhab-ı Rezzak!– vahdetine ve ehadiyetine, yüzündeki sikkesiyle ve sekenesinin yüzlerindeki sikkeleriyle ve birlik ve beraberlik ve birbiri içine girmek ve birbirine yardım etmek ve onlara bakan rububiyet isimlerinin ve fiillerinin bir olmak cihetinde, bedahet derecesinde senin vahdetine ve ehadiyetine şehadet, belki mevcudat adedince şehadetler eder.

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    Similarly, through its being an army encampment, an  exhibition, a place of instruction, and through all the four hundred thousand different nations present in the divisions of its plants and animals regularly being given all their necessary equipment, the earth points to  the magnificence of Your dominicality and to the fact that Your power penetrates all things. Also, all the different sustenance of innumerable living beings, and its being given to them compassionately, generously, at exactly the right time from simple, dry earth, and the  complete  subjugation  and obedience  to  the dominical commands of those innumerable individuals, demonstrates that Your mercy embraces all things and that your sovereignty encompasses them.
    Hem nasıl zemin bir ordugâh, bir meşher, bir talimgâh vaziyetiyle ve nebatat ve hayvanat fırkalarında bulunan dört yüz bin muhtelif milletlerin ayrı ayrı cihazatları muntazaman verilmesiyle, senin rububiyetinin haşmetine ve kudretinin her şeye yetişmesine delâlet eder. Öyle de hadsiz bütün zîhayatın ayrı ayrı rızıklarını, vakti vaktine kuru ve basit bir topraktan, rahîmane, kerîmane verilmesi ve hadsiz o efradın kemal-i musahhariyetle evamir-i Rabbaniyeye itaatleri, rahmetinin her şeye şümulünü ve hâkimiyetinin her şeye ihatasını gösteriyor.

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    Also, the despatch of the caravans of creatures, which are in a state of constant change on the earth, and the alternations of life and death, and the administration and management of the plants and animals, and this being possible only through a knowledge that is concerned with all things  and an infinite wisdom governing in all things, points to Your comprehensive knowledge and wisdom.
    Hem zeminde değişmekte bulunan mahlukat kafilelerinin sevk ve idareleri, mevt ve hayat münavebeleri ve hayvan ve nebatatın idare ve tedbirleri dahi her şeye taalluk eden bir ilim ile ve her şeyde hükmeden nihayetsiz bir hikmetle olabilmesi, senin ihata-i ilmine ve hikmetine delâlet eder.

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    Also, the supreme importance given to man, who in a brief span performs infinite duties, has been equiped with abilities and faculties which suggest he is to live for all eternity, and has disposal over all the beings of the earth; and the infinite outlay made for him in this training-ground of the world, this temporary military encampment of the earth, this  transient exhibition; and  the boundless  manifestations of dominicality, innumerable Divine addresses, and incalculable Divine gifts, which look to him, surely cannot be contained in this fleeting, sorry, confused life, this transitory world so full of tribulation. Since they could be only for another, eternal, life and an everlasting abode of bliss, they point to, even testify to, the bestowals of the hereafter in the everlasting realm.
    Hem zeminde kısa bir zamanda hadsiz vazifeler gören ve hadsiz bir zaman yaşayacak gibi istidat ve manevî cihazat ile teçhiz edilen ve zemin mevcudatına tasarruf eden insan için bu talimgâh-ı dünyada ve bu muvakkat ordugâh-ı zeminde ve bu muvakkat meşherde; bu kadar ehemmiyet, bu hadsiz masraf, bu nihayetsiz tecelliyat-ı rububiyet, bu hadsiz hitabat-ı Sübhaniye ve bu gayetsiz ihsanat-ı İlahiye, elbette ve herhalde bu kısacık ve hüzünlü ömre ve bu karışık, kederli hayata; bu belalı ve fâni dünyaya sığışmaz. Belki ancak başka ve ebedî bir ömür ve bâki bir dâr-ı saadet için olabildiği cihetinden, âlem-i bekada bulunan ihsanat-ı uhreviyeye işaret, belki şehadet eder.

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    '''O Creator of All Things!'''
    '''Ey Hâlık-ı külli şey!'''

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    All the creatures of the earth are administered and subjugated in Your dominions, in Your  earth, through Your strength and power and will, and Your knowledge and wisdom. The dominicality whose activity is observed on the face of the earth is so comprehensive  and  all-embracing, and its  administration  and  management are so perfect  and precise, and it is carried  out with such sameness that it shows it is a dominicality, a disposal, which is a whole that cannot be broken into  parts and a universal that cannot be divided  up.
    Zeminin bütün mahlukatı, senin mülkünde, senin arzında, senin havl ve kuvvetinle ve senin kudretin ve iradetin ile ve ilmin ve hikmetin ile idare olunuyorlar ve musahhardırlar. Ve zemin yüzünde faaliyeti müşahede edilen bir rububiyet, öyle ihata ve şümul gösteriyor. Ve onun idaresi ve tedbiri ve terbiyesi öyle mükemmel ve öyle hassastır. Ve her taraftaki icraatı öyle birlik ve beraberlik ve benzemeklik içindedir ki tecezzi kabul etmeyen bir küll ve inkısamı imkânsız bulunan bir küllî hükmünde bir tasarruf, bir rububiyet olduğunu bildiriyor.

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    Together  with  all  its  inhabitants, the  earth sanctifies and glorifies its Maker with innumerable tongues far clearer than the spoken word; they praise and extol their Glorious Provider for His infinite bounties with the tongues of their beings.
    Hem zemin bütün sekenesiyle beraber, lisan-ı kālden daha zâhir hadsiz lisanlarla Hâlık’ını takdis ve tesbih ve nihayetsiz nimetlerinin lisan-ı halleriyle Rezzak-ı Zülcelal’inin hamd ve medh ü senasını ediyorlar.

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    O Most Pure and Holy One, hidden in the intensity of His manifestation and concealed in the magnificence of His grandeur! Through all the sanctifications and glorifications of the earth I sanctify you and declare You to be free of all fault, impotence, and partners; and through all its praise and extolling, I offer You praise and thanks.
    Ey şiddet-i zuhurundan gizlenmiş ve ey azamet-i kibriyasından istitar etmiş olan Zat-ı Akdes! Zeminin bütün takdisat ve tesbihatıyla seni kusurdan, aczden, şerikten takdis ve bütün tahmidat ve senalarıyla sana hamd ve şükrederim.

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    '''O Sustainer of the Land and the Seas!'''
    '''Ey Rabbü’l-berri ve’l-bahr!'''

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    I have understood from the teaching of the Qur’an and instruction of Your Most Noble Messenger (Peace  and  blessings  be upon  him) that just as the skies, the atmosphere and the earth testify to Your unity and necessary existence, so do the seas, rivers, streams, and springs testify to them most clearly.
    Kur’an’ın dersiyle ve Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmının talimiyle anladım ki: Nasıl gökler ve feza ve zemin senin birliğine ve varlığına şehadet ederler. Öyle de '''bahirler, nehirler ve çeşmeler ve ırmaklar''', senin vücub-u vücuduna ve vahdetine bedahet derecesinde şehadet ederler.

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    Yes, there is no being in the seas, which are like the strange boilers of our world producing steam —there is not a drop of them even— but through its well-ordered being, its benefits and state, it makes known its Creator.
    Evet, bu dünyamızın menba-ı acayip buhar kazanları hükmünde olan denizlerde hiçbir mevcud, hattâ hiçbir katre su yoktur ki vücuduyla, intizamıyla, menfaatiyle ve vaziyetiyle Hâlık’ını bildirmesin.

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    And of the strange creatures whose splendid sustenance is given them out of simple sand and water, and the living creatures of the seas with their well-ordered  beings, especially of the fishes who populate the seas with  one fish producing a million eggs, there is not one but through its creation and its duties, its being sustained and administered, nurtured and superintended, it indicates its Creator and testifies to its Provider.
    Ve basit bir kumda ve basit bir suda rızıkları mükemmel bir surette verilen garib mahluklardan ve hilkatleri gayet muntazam hayvanat-ı bahriyeden, hususan bir tanesi, bir milyon yumurtacıkları ile denizleri şenlendiren balıklardan hiçbirisi yoktur ki hilkatiyle ve vazifesiyle ve idare ve iaşesiyle ve tedbir ve terbiyesiyle yaratanına işaret ve Rezzak’ına şehadet etmesin.

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    Also, of the precious, decorated jewels in the seas, there is not one but through its attractive creation and beneficial qualities it recognizes You and makes You known.
    Hem denizde kıymettar, hâsiyetli, ziynetli cevherlerden hiçbirisi yoktur ki güzel hilkatiyle ve cazibedar fıtratıyla ve menfaatli hâsiyetiyle seni tanımasın, bildirmesin.

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    Yes, just  as they testify to  You singly,  so too  in so  far as they are all mixed up together, bear the  same stamp in their natures, are created with great ease, and are found in great numbers, they altogether testify to Your unity. Also, through the seas, which surround the globe with its land masses, being held suspended without spilling over or dispersing or overrunning the land as the earth voyages around the sun; and creating the multifarious ornamented living creatures and jewels out of simple sand and water, and all their sustenance and other needs being supplied  in  general and complete fashion; and through  their  administration, and through none of the inevitable innumerable corpses of their dead fellows being found on the surface of the seas; they testify indirectly to their number to Your existence and its necessity.
    Evet, onlar birer birer şehadet ettikleri gibi; heyet-i mecmuasıyla, beraberlik ve birbiri içinde karışmak ve sikke-i hilkatte birlik ve icadca gayet kolay ve efradca gayet çokluk noktalarından, senin vahdetine şehadet ettikleri gibi; arzı, toprağıyla beraber bu küre-i arzı kuşatan muhit denizlerini muallakta durdurmak ve dökmeden, dağıtmadan güneşin etrafında gezdirmek ve toprağı istila ettirmemek ve basit kumundan ve suyundan, mütenevvi ve muntazam hayvanatını ve cevherlerini halk etmek ve erzak ve sair umûrlarını küllî ve tam bir surette idare etmek ve tedbirlerini görmek ve yüzünde bulunmak lâzım gelen hadsiz cenazelerinden hiçbirisi bulunmamak noktalarından, senin varlığına ve Vâcibü’l-vücud olduğuna mevcudatı adedince işaretler ederek şehadet eder.

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    Also, just as they point clearly to the splendid sovereignty of Your dominicality and to  the magnificence of Your power, which encompasses all things; so do they indicate the limitless breadth of Your mercy and rule, which govern all things from the huge yet orderly  stars  beyond the skies to the tiny fishes at the bottom of the sea, which are nurtured in regular fashion. They point too to Your knowledge and wisdom, which as demonstrated by the  order, benefits, instances of wisdom, and the balance and equilibrium of all things,  encompass  and comprehend them.
    Ve senin saltanat-ı rububiyetinin haşmetine ve her şeye muhit olan kudretinin azametine pek zâhir delâlet ettikleri gibi göklerin fevkindeki gayet büyük ve muntazam yıldızlardan, tâ denizlerin dibinde bulunan gayet küçücük ve intizamla iaşe edilen balıklara kadar her şeye yetişen ve hükmeden rahmetinin ve hâkimiyetinin hadsiz genişliklerine delâlet ve intizamatıyla ve faydalarıyla ve hikmetleriyle ve mizan ve mevzuniyetleriyle, senin her şeye muhit ilmine ve her şeye şâmil hikmetine işaret ederler.

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    There being such reservoirs of mercy for the travellers in this guest-house of the world and their being utilized for man’s journeying, and for his ship, and his benefit shows that the One Who bestows such a profusion of gifts  out  of the seas on his  guests of one night in a wayside inn, must surely have eternal seas of mercy at the seat of His everlasting rule, and those here are merely their small and transitory samples.
    Ve senin, bu misafirhane-i dünyada, yolcular için böyle rahmet havuzların bulunması ve insanın seyr ü seyahatine ve gemisine ve istifadesine musahhar olması işaret eder ki yolda yapılmış bir handa, bir gece misafirlerine bu kadar deniz hediyeleriyle ikram eden zat, elbette makarr-ı saltanat-ı ebediyesinde öyle ebedî rahmet denizleri bulundurmuş ki bunlar onların fâni ve küçük numuneleridirler.

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    Thus, the truly wondrous situation of the seas around  the earth and the exceedingly orderly administration and nurturing of their creatures demonstrate self- evidently that it is only through Your power, will, and administration that they are subjugated to Your command in Your dominions; and through the tongues of their beings they sanctify their Creator, declaring: “God is Most Great!”
    İşte denizlerin böyle gayet hârika bir tarzda arzın etrafında vaziyet-i acibesiyle bulunması ve denizlerin mahlukatı dahi gayet muntazam idare ve terbiye edilmesi bilbedahe gösterir ki yalnız senin kuvvetin ve kudretin ile ve senin irade ve tedbirin ile senin mülkünde, senin emrine musahhardırlar. Ve lisan-ı halleriyle Hâlık’ını takdis edip “Allahu ekber” derler.

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    '''O All-Powerful One of Glory, Who makes the mountains masts and holds of treasure for the ship of the earth!'''
    '''Ey dağları zemin sefinesine hazineli direkler yapan Kadîr-i Zülcelal!'''

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    Through the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the teaching of the Wise Qur’an, I have understood that just as the seas with their strange  creatures recognize You and make You known, so do the mountains through the wise services they perform. For they ensure that the earth is released from the effects of earthquakes  and internal upheavals; save it from being overrun by the seas; purify the air of poisonous gases; are tanks for the saving and storage of water; and treasuries for the minerals and metals necessary for living beings.
    Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın talimiyle ve Kur’an-ı Hakîm’inin dersiyle anladım ki: Nasıl denizler, acayipleriyle seni tanıyorlar ve tanıttırıyorlar. Öyle de '''dağlar''' dahi zelzele tesiratından zeminin sükûnetine ve içindeki dâhilî inkılabat fırtınalarından sükûtuna ve denizlerin istilasından kurtulmasına ve havanın gazat-ı muzırradan tasfiyesine ve suyun muhafaza ve iddiharlarına ve zîhayatlara lâzım olan madenlerin hazinedarlığına ettiği hizmetleriyle ve hikmetleriyle seni tanıyorlar ve tanıttırıyorlar.

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    Yes, there is not one of the stones to be found in mountains, or the various substances used as remedies for illness, or the varieties of metals and minerals, which are essential for living beings and especially man, or the species of plants that adorn the mountains and plains with their flowers and fruits, but through the wisdom, order, and fine creation it displays, which is impossible to ascribe to chance, it testifies to the necessary existence of an infinitely Powerful, Wise, Compassionate, and Munificent Maker. This is especially true of substances found in the mountains like salt, potassium oxalate, quinine sulphate, and alum, which  superficially resemble  each  other, but whose tastes are totally dissimilar; and particularly of all the varieties of plants, and the great diversity of their flowers and fruits. Moreover, through their being administered and managed as a totality, and their  origins, situations, creation, and art all being similar, and the ease, speed, and cheapness in their making, they testify to the unity and oneness of their Maker.
    Evet, dağlardaki taşların envaından ve muhtelif hastalıklara ilaç olan maddelerin aksamından ve zîhayata, hususan insanlara çok lâzım ve çok mütenevvi olan madeniyatın ecnasından ve dağları, sahraları çiçekleriyle süslendiren ve meyveleriyle şenlendiren nebatatın esnafından hiçbirisi yoktur ki tesadüfe havalesi mümkün olmayan hikmetleriyle, intizamıyla, hüsn-ü hilkatiyle, faydalarıyla hususan madeniyatın tuz, limon tuzu, sulfato ve şap gibi sureten birbirine benzemekle beraber, tatlarının şiddet-i muhalefetiyle ve bilhassa nebatatın basit bir topraktan çeşit çeşit envalarıyla, ayrı ayrı çiçek ve meyveleriyle, nihayetsiz Kadîr, nihayetsiz Hakîm, nihayetsiz Rahîm ve Kerîm bir Sâni’in vücub-u vücuduna bedahetle şehadet ettikleri gibi heyet-i mecmuasındaki vahdet-i idare ve vahdet-i tedbir ve menşe ve mesken ve hilkat ve sanatça beraberlik ve birlik ve ucuzluk ve kolaylık ve çokluk ve yapılmakta çabukluk noktalarından, o Sâni’in vahdetine ve ehadiyetine şehadet ederler.

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    Also, the creatures on the surface of the mountains and inside them being made everywhere on the earth at the same time in the same fashion, perfectly and without error, with none impeding others, and their being created without confusion despite being intermingled with all the other sorts of other creatures, all point to the splendour of Your dominicality and the immensity of Your power, for which nothing is difficult.
    Hem nasıl ki dağların yüzünde ve karnındaki masnûlar, zeminin her tarafında, her bir nevi aynı zamanda, aynı tarzda, yanlışsız, gayet mükemmel ve çabuk yapılmaları ve bir iş bir işe mani olmadan, sair neviler ile beraber karışık iken, karıştırmaksızın icadları; senin rububiyetinin haşmetine ve hiçbir şey ona ağır gelmeyen kudretinin azametine delâlet eder.

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    Also, the mountains —both their surfaces and their  interiors—  being filled in orderly fashion with trees, plants, and minerals to meet the innumerable needs of all the living creatures on the earth, and even to  supply the remedies for their many different  illnesses, and gratify their various appetites and  tastes, and these being displayed for those who  need  them, indicates the infinite breadth of Your mercy and infinite extent of Your sovereignty. While their being prepared percipiently, knowingly, without confusion, in orderly fashion according to need, despite being all mixed up and concealed in the darkness of the soil layer, indicates Your all-embracing knowledge, which encompasses all things, and  the comprehensiveness of Your wisdom, which sets all things in order. Then the storing up of medicinal substances, minerals, and metals points clearly to the compassionate, generous, planned processes of Your dominicality and the subtle precautions of Your grace.
    Öyle de zeminin yüzündeki bütün zîhayat mahlukların hadsiz hâcetlerini, hattâ mütenevvi hastalıklarını, hattâ muhtelif zevklerini ve ayrı ayrı iştihalarını tatmin edecek bir surette, dağların yüzlerini ve içlerini muntazam eşcar ve nebatat ve madeniyatla doldurmak ve muhtaçlara teshir etmek cihetiyle, senin rahmetinin hadsiz genişliğine ve hâkimiyetinin nihayetsiz vüs’atine delâlet ve toprak tabakatı içinde, gizli ve karanlık ve karışık bulunduğu halde; bilerek, görerek, şaşırmayarak, intizamla, hâcetlere göre ihzar edilmeleriyle, senin her şeye taalluk eden ilminin ihatasına ve her bir şeyi tanzim eden hikmetinin bütün eşyaya şümulüne ve ilaçların ihzaratı ve madenî maddelerin iddiharatıyla rububiyetinin rahîmane ve kerîmane olan tedabirinin mehasinine ve inayetinin ihtiyatlı letaifine pek zâhir bir surette işaret ve delâlet ederler.

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    Also, the lofty mountains holding stored up in orderly fashion the reserves to meet the  future  needs of the travellers in the guest-house of this world, and their being stores stocked up with all the treasures necessary for life, indicates, indeed, testifies, that the Maker Who is thus Munificent and hospitable, All-Wise and Compassionate, Powerful  and  nurturing, surely  possesses  eternal  treasuries  for  His  never-ending bestowal in an everlasting realm, for  His guests Whom He clearly loves. There the stars will perform the function the mountains perform here.
    Hem bu dünya hanında misafir yolcular için koca dağları levazımatlarına ve istikbaldeki ihtiyaçlarına muntazam ihtiyat deposu ve cihazat ambarı ve hayata lüzumlu olan çok definelerin mükemmel mahzeni olmak cihetinde işaret, belki delâlet, belki şehadet eder ki bu kadar Kerîm ve misafirperver ve bu kadar Hakîm ve şefkat-perver ve bu kadar Kadîr ve rububiyet-perver bir Sâni’in, elbette ve herhalde, çok sevdiği o misafirleri için ebedî bir âlemde, ebedî ihsanatının ebedî hazineleri vardır. Buradaki dağlara bedel, orada yıldızlar o vazifeyi görürler.

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    O One Powerful Over All Things!
    Ey Kādir-i külli şey! Dağlar ve içindeki mahluklar senin mülkünde ve senin kuvvet ve kudretinle ve ilim ve hikmetinle musahhar ve müddehardırlar. Onları bu tarzda tavzif ve teshir eden Hâlık’ını takdis ve tesbih ederler.
    The mountains and the creatures within them are subjugated and stored up in Your dominions through Your power and strength, Your knowledge and wisdom! They sanctify and glorify their Creator, Who subjugates and employs them in this way.

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    '''O Merciful Creator, Compassionate Sustainer!'''
    '''Ey Hâlık-ı Rahman! Ve ey Rabb-i Rahîm!'''

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    Through the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the teaching of the Wise Qur’an I have understood that just as the heavens, atmosphere, earth, seas, and mountains, together with their creatures and all they contain, recognize You and  make You known; so too do all the trees and plants, together with all their leaves and flowers and fruits.
    Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın talimiyle ve Kur’an-ı Hakîm’inin dersiyle anladım: Nasıl ki sema ve feza ve arz ve deniz ve dağ, müştemilat ve mahluklarıyla beraber seni tanıyorlar ve tanıttırıyorlar. Öyle de zemindeki bütün '''ağaç ve nebatat''', yaprakları ve çiçekleri ve meyveleriyle, seni bedahet derecesinde tanıttırıyorlar ve tanıyorlar.

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    All their leaves, with their ecstatic movements and recitations; all their  flowers, which describe through their decoration the Names of their Maker; and all their fruits, which smile with their agreeableness and the  manifestation of Your compassion, testify  —through  the  order within their wondrous art, which is utterly impossible to ascribe to chance, and the balance within the order, and the adornment within  the balance, and the  embroideries  within the adornment, and the fine and various scents within the embroideries, and the varying tastes of the fruits within the scents— so clearly as to be self-evident to the necessary existence of an infinitely Compassionate and Munificent  Maker. At the same time, their similarity and mutual resemblance throughout the earth, and their bearing the same stamps on their  creation, and their being  related in their administration  and organization, and the coincidence of the creative acts and dominical Names connected with them, and the innumerable members of their one  hundred thousand species being raised one within the other without confusion, forms a testimony through them as a whole to the  unity and oneness of their Necessarily Existent Maker.
    Ve umum eşcarın ve nebatatın cezbedarane hareket-i zikriyede bulunan yapraklarından ve ziynetleriyle Sâni’inin isimlerini tavsif ve tarif eden çiçeklerinden ve letafet ve cilve-i merhametinden tebessüm eden meyvelerinden her birisi, tesadüfe havalesi hiçbir cihet-i imkânı olmayan hârika sanat içindeki nizam ve nizam içindeki mizan ve mizan içindeki ziynet ve ziynet içindeki nakışlar ve nakışlar içindeki güzel ve ayrı ayrı kokular ve kokular içindeki meyvelerin muhtelif tatlarıyla, nihayetsiz Rahîm ve Kerîm bir Sâni’in vücub-u vücuduna bedahet derecesinde şehadet ettikleri gibi heyet-i mecmuasıyla, bütün zemin yüzünde birlik ve beraberlik, birbirine benzemeklik ve sikke-i hilkatte müşabehet ve tedbir ve idarede münasebet ve onlara taalluk eden icad fiilleri ve Rabbanî isimlerde muvafakat ve o yüz bin envaın hadsiz efradlarını birbiri içinde şaşırmayarak birden idareleri gibi noktalarıyla, o Vâcibü’l-vücud Sâni’in bilbedahe vahdetine ve ehadiyetine dahi şehadet ederler.

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    Also, just as they testify to Your necessary  existence  and unity, so too the nurturing and administration in hundreds of ways of the innumerable members of the army of living creatures on the face of the earth, which is formed of four hundred thousand  different  nations,  perfectly, with no confusion or difficulty,  point  to  the majesty of Your dominicality within Your unity and to the immensity of Your power, which creates a flower as easily as the spring, and its comprehending all things. They point also to the unlimited breadth  of  Your mercy, which  prepares innumerable varieties of foods for animals and men all over the earth; and through all those works and bestowals, administering and nurturing, being carried out with perfect regularity, and everything, even minute particles,  being  obedient and subjugated  to those commands, they indicate certainly the infinite extent of Your rule; and through every part of those trees and plants, like their leaves, blossoms, fruits, roots, branches, and twigs,  being made with every aspect of them being known and seen, in accordance with useful  purposes,  instances of wisdom, and benefits, they point  clearly with innumerable fingers to Your knowledge, which  embraces  all things, and  to  the comprehensiveness of Your wisdom. With innumerable tongues, they praise and extol the utterly perfect beauty of Your art and the sheer beauty of Your perfect bestowal.
    Hem nasıl ki onlar senin vücub-u vücuduna ve vahdetine şehadet ediyorlar. Öyle de rûy-i zeminde dört yüz bin milletlerden teşekkül eden zîhayat ordusundaki hadsiz efradın yüz binler tarzda iaşe ve idareleri; şaşırmayarak, karıştırmayarak mükemmel yapılmasıyla, senin rububiyetinin vahdaniyetteki haşmetine ve bir baharı, bir çiçek kadar kolay icad eden kudretinin azametine ve her şeye taallukuna delâlet ettikleri gibi; koca zeminin her tarafında, hadsiz hayvanatına ve insanlara, hadsiz taamların çeşit çeşit aksamını ihzar eden rahmetinin hadsiz genişliğine ve o hadsiz işler ve in’amlar ve idareler ve iaşeler ve icraatlar kemal-i intizamla cereyanları ve her şey, hattâ zerreler o emirlere ve icraata itaat ve musahhariyetleriyle, hâkimiyetinin hadsiz vüs’atine kat’î delâlet etmekle beraber o ağaçların ve nebatların ve her bir yaprak ve çiçek ve meyve ve kök ve dal ve budak gibi her birisinin her bir şeyini, her bir işini bilerek, görerek; faydalara, maslahatlara, hikmetlere göre yapılmakla, senin ilminin her şeye ihatasına ve hikmetinin her şeye şümulüne pek zâhir bir surette delâlet ve hadsiz parmaklarıyla işaret ederler. Ve senin gayet kemaldeki cemal-i sanatına ve nihayet cemaldeki kemal-i nimetine hadsiz dilleriyle sena ve medhederler.

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    Also, these precious gifts and bounties and this extraordinary outlay and bestowal, in this temporary hostel and transitory guest-house, for this brief time and fleeting life, indicate through the hands of the trees and plants, indeed, testify, that in order not to make all creatures say,
    Hem bu muvakkat handa ve fâni misafirhanede ve kısa bir zamanda ve az bir ömürde, eşcar ve nebatatın elleriyle, bu kadar kıymettar ihsanlar ve nimetler ve bu kadar fevkalâde masraflar ve ikramlar işaret belki şehadet eder ki:

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    contrary to the necessary result of all His expense and bestowal which is to make Himself loved and known: “You gave us a taste, but then executed us without permitting us to eat;” and not to nullify the sovereignty of His Godhead, and not deny His infinite mercy and make  it  denied, and in order not to turn all his yearning  friends  into  enemies  through  depriving  them  thus, the  munificent  All- Compassionate One has of a certainty prepared for His servants whom He will send to an  everlasting  realm, an  eternal  world, fruit-bearing  trees,   and  flowering  plants appropriate to Paradise out of the treasuries of His mercy, in His  eternal Paradises. Those here are merely samples to show the customers.
    Misafirlerine burada böyle merhametler yapan kudretli, keremkâr Zat-ı Rahîm, bütün ettiği masrafı ve ihsanı, kendini sevdirmek ve tanıttırmak neticesinin aksiyle, yani bütün mahlukat tarafından “Bize tattırdı fakat yedirmeden bizi idam etti.” dememek ve dedirmemek ve saltanat-ı uluhiyetini ıskat etmemek ve nihayetsiz rahmetini inkâr etmemek ve ettirmemek ve bütün müştak dostlarını mahrumiyet cihetinde düşmanlara çevirmemek noktalarından, elbette ve herhalde ebedî bir âlemde, ebedî bir memlekette, ebedî bırakacağı abdlerine, ebedî rahmet hazinelerinden, ebedî cennetlerinde, ebedî ve cennete lâyık bir surette meyvedar eşcar ve çiçekli nebatlar ihzar etmiştir. Buradakiler ise müşterilere göstermek için numunelerdir.

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    Also, just as through the words of their leaves, flowers and fruits, the trees and plants praise, sanctify, and glorify You, so each one of those words singly declare You to be holy. The glorifications of fruits in particular through the tongue of disposition —with the great variety of their original flesh, their  wondrous art, and extraordinary seeds, and those trays of food being given to hands of the trees  and  placed on them, and sent to Your living guests—  their glorifications are so evident they are almost  verbal. All these are subjugated and submissive to Your command in Your dominions through Your power and strength, and Your wisdom and bestowal!
    Hem ağaçlar ve nebatlar, umumen yaprak ve çiçek ve meyvelerinin kelimeleriyle seni takdis ve tesbih ve tahmid ettikleri gibi o kelimelerden her birisi dahi ayrıca seni takdis eder. Hususan meyvelerin bedî’ bir surette, etleri çok muhtelif, sanatları çok acib, çekirdekleri çok hârika olarak yapılarak o yemek tablalarını ağaçların ellerine verip ve nebatların başlarına koyarak zîhayat misafirlerine göndermek cihetinde, lisan-ı hal olan tesbihatları, zuhurca lisan-ı kāl derecesine çıkar. Bütün onlar senin mülkünde, senin kuvvet ve kudretinle, senin irade ve ihsanatınla, senin rahmet ve hikmetinle musahhardırlar ve senin her bir emrine mutîdirler.

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    '''O Wise Maker and Compassionate Creator, hidden in  the intensity of His manifestation and concealed within the magnificence of His grandeur!'''
    Ey şiddet-i zuhurundan gizlenmiş ve ey kibriya-yı azametinden tesettür etmiş olan Sâni’-i Hakîm ve Hâlık-ı Rahîm! Bütün eşcar ve nebatatın, bütün yaprak ve çiçek ve meyvelerin dilleriyle ve adediyle; seni kusurdan, aczden, şerikten takdis ederek hamd ü sena ederim.
    Through the tongues of all trees and plants, and their leaves, flowers, and fruits, and to their number, I  praise and extol You and declare You free of all defect, impotence, and partners!

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    '''O All-Powerful Creator! All-Wise Planner! Compassionate Nurturer!'''
    '''Ey Fâtır-ı Kadîr! Ey Müdebbir-i Hakîm! Ey Mürebbi-i Rahîm!'''

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    Through the instruction of Your Most Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him)  and the teaching of the Wise Qur’an, I have understood and believed that just as plants  and trees recognize You and make known Your sacred attributes and Beautiful  Names;  so  too  among  men  and  the  animals,  which  are  those  living creatures which have spirits,  there is not one that through its internal and external members, which work as regularly as  clockwork, and the extremely fine order and balance of their bodies, and the significant  benefits and purposes of their senses and faculties,  and the great art in their making, and  their  being decked out with much wisdom, and the precise equilibrium of their physical systems, but it testifies to Your necessary existence and the reality of Your attributes.
    Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın talimiyle ve Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in dersiyle anladım ve iman ettim ki: Nasıl nebatat ve eşcar seni tanıyorlar, senin sıfât-ı kudsiyeni ve esma-i hüsnanı bildiriyorlar. Öyle de zîhayatlardan ruhlu kısmı olan '''insan ve hayvanat'''tan hiçbirisi yoktur ki cisminde gayet muntazam saatler gibi işleyen ve işlettirilen dâhilî ve haricî azalarıyla ve bedeninde gayet ince bir nizam ve gayet hassas bir mizan ve gayet mühim faydalar ile yerleştirilen âlât ve duygularıyla ve cesedinde gayet sanatlı bir yapılış ve gayet hikmetli bir tefriş ve gayet dikkatli bir muvazene içinde konulan cihazat-ı bedeniyesiyle, senin vücub-u vücuduna ve sıfatlarının tahakkukuna şehadet etmesin.

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    For blind force, unconscious nature, and aimless chance could in no way interfere in such percipient, delicate art, and conscious subtle wisdom, and perfect providential balance; they could not be their work;  it  is  impossible. It is also utterly impossible that  living  creatures made themselves, for then  each of their  particles would have to  possess  comprehensive knowledge and wisdom like a god, to be able to know, see, and make all the parts of their bodies and form it, indeed, it would have to be able to know, see, and make everything in the world connected with it, then the body’s formation could be referred to it, and it could be said that “it makes itself.”
    Çünkü bu kadar basîrane nazik sanat ve şuurkârane ince hikmet ve müdebbirane tam muvazeneye, elbette kör kuvvet ve şuursuz tabiat ve serseri tesadüf karışamazlar ve onların işi olamaz ve mümkün değildir. Ve kendi kendine teşekkül edip öyle olması ise yüz derece muhal içinde muhaldir. Çünkü o halde her bir zerresi; her bir şeyini ve cesedinin teşekkülünü, belki dünyada alâkadar olduğu her şeyini bilecek, görecek, yapabilecek âdeta ilah gibi ihatalı bir ilmi ve kudreti bulunacak. Sonra teşkil-i ceset ona havale edilir ve “Kendi kendine oluyor.” denilebilir.

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    Also, their being subject to the same administration, and the same planning, and their all being the same  kind, and their bearing the same stamp, such as the resemblance in features like the eye, ear, and mouth, and the unity in the stamp of wisdom observed on the faces of members of the same species, and the resemblance in livelihood and creation, and their all being one within the other; there is not one of these circumstances but it testifies categorically to Your unity, and, by the manifestations of all Your Names which look to the universe being on each individual, to Your oneness within unity.
    Ve heyet-i mecmuasındaki vahdet-i tedbir ve vahdet-i idare ve vahdet-i neviye ve vahdet-i cinsiye ve umumun yüzlerinde göz, kulak, ağız gibi noktalarda ittifak cihetinde müşahede edilen sikke-i fıtratta birlik ve her bir nev’in efradı simalarında görülen sikke-i hikmette ittihat ve iaşede ve icadda beraberlik ve birbirinin içinde bulunmak gibi keyfiyetlerinden hiçbirisi yoktur ki senin vahdetine kat’î şehadette bulunmasın. Ve her bir ferdinde, kâinata bakan bütün isimlerin cilveleri bulunmakla, vâhidiyet içinde senin ehadiyetine işareti olmasın.

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    Also, through being equipped, trained, and subservient like a regular army and from the smallest to the largest, their conforming in orderly fashion to the commands of dominicality, man and the hundred thousand animal species on the face of the earth point to the  degree of splendour of that dominicality; and through their great value despite their great  multitude, and their perfection despite the speed of their making, and their great art despite the ease of their making, to the degree of grandeur of Your power. Also, they point decisively to  the boundless expanse of Your mercy, which sends their sustenance to all of them, from the  microbe to the rhinoceros, and the tiniest  fly to the largest  bird, dispersed from east to  west  and north to south; and through all of them performing their natural functions like soldiers  under command, and every spring the face of the earth being the encampment of an army newly taken under arms in place of those discharged the previous autumn, to the infinite extent of Your sovereignty.
    Hem nasıl ki insan ile beraber hayvanatın, zeminin bütün yüzünde yayılan yüz bin envaı, muntazam bir ordu gibi teçhiz ve talimat ve itaat ve musahhariyetle ve en küçükten tâ en büyüğe kadar, rububiyetin emirleri intizamla cereyanlarıyla o rububiyetinin derece-i haşmetine ve gayet çoklukla beraber gayet kıymetli ve gayet mükemmel olmakla beraber gayet çabuk yapılmaları ve gayet sanatlı olmakla beraber gayet kolay yapılışlarıyla, kudretinin derece-i azametine delâlet ettikleri gibi; şarktan garba, şimalden cenuba kadar yayılan mikroptan tâ gergedana kadar, en küçücük sinekten tâ en büyük kuşa kadar bütün onların rızıklarını yetiştiren rahmetinin hadsiz vüs’atine ve her biri emirber nefer gibi vazife-i fıtriyesini yapmak ve zemin yüzü her baharda, güz mevsiminde terhis edilenler yerinde yeniden taht-ı silaha alınmış bir orduya ordugâh olmak cihetiyle, hâkimiyetinin nihayetsiz genişliğine kat’î delâlet ederler.

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    Also, through a profound knowledge and precise wisdom all living creatures being miniature  copies of the universe, and their being made faultlessly, with none of their parts being  confused or any of their  different  forms mixed  up, they point  to their number  to  Your  knowledge, which  embraces  all things, and Your wisdom, which comprehends all things;
    Hem nasıl ki hayvanattan her birisi, kâinatın bir küçük nüshası ve bir misal-i musağğarı hükmünde gayet derin bir ilim ve gayet dakik bir hikmetle, karışık eczaları karıştırmayarak ve bütün hayvanların ayrı ayrı suretlerini şaşırmayarak, hatasız, sehivsiz, noksansız yapılmalarıyla, ilminin her şeye ihatasına ve hikmetinin her şeye şümulüne, adetlerince işaretler ederler.

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    while by their all being made so beautiful and fine as to be miracles of art and wonders of wisdom, they indicate in innumerable ways the utterly perfect beauty of Your dominical art, which You greatly love and want to exhibit; and through all of them, and particularly their  young, being nourished in the finest way, with their wishes and desires being satisfied, to the sweet beauty of Your grace.
    Öyle de her biri birer mu’cize-i sanat ve birer hârika-i hikmet olacak kadar sanatlı ve güzel yapılmasıyla, çok sevdiğin ve teşhirini istediğin sanat-ı Rabbaniyenin kemal-i hüsnüne ve gayet derecede güzelliğine işaret ve her birisi, hususan yavrular, gayet nazdar, nâzenin bir surette beslenmeleriyle ve heveslerinin ve arzularının tatmini cihetiyle, senin inayetinin gayet şirin cemaline hadsiz işaretler ederler.

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    '''O Most Merciful and Compassionate! O One Most True to  His Promise! Owner of the Day of Judgement!'''
    '''Ey Rahmanu’r-Rahîm! Ey Sadıku’l-Va’di’l-Emin! Ey Mâlik-i Yevmi’d-din!'''

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    Through the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the guidance of the  All-Wise Qur’an I have understood that since the choicest result of the universe is life, and the choicest essence of life is spirit, and the choicest of beings with spirits are intelligent beings, and of intelligent beings the one with the most comprehensive nature is man; and since all the universe is subjugated to life and works for life, and living beings are subjugated to beings with spirits and they are sent to this world for them, and beings with spirits  are subjugated to man and they assist him; and since by nature men earnestly love their Creator and their Creator both loves them, and by every means makes them love Him; and since  man’s  innate  capacity  and spiritual faculties look to  another, permanent world and everlasting life, and his heart and intelligence desire eternity with all their strength, and his tongue beseeches his Creator for eternity with endless prayers;
    Senin Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmının talimiyle ve Kur’an-ı Hakîm’inin irşadıyla anladım ki: Madem kâinatın en müntehab neticesi hayattır. Ve hayatın en müntehab hülâsası ruhtur. Ve zîruhun en müntehab kısmı zîşuurdur. Ve zîşuurun en câmii insandır. Ve bütün kâinat ise hayata musahhardır ve onun için çalışıyor. Ve zîhayatlar, zîruhlara musahhardır, onlar için dünyaya gönderiliyorlar. Ve zîruhlar, insanlara musahhardır, onlara yardım ediyorlar. Ve insanlar fıtraten Hâlık’ını pek ciddi severler ve Hâlık’ları onları hem sever hem kendini onlara her bir vesile ile sevdirir. Ve insanın istidadı ve cihazat-ı maneviyesi, başka bir bâki âleme ve ebedî bir hayata bakıyor. Ve insanın kalbi ve şuuru, bütün kuvvetiyle beka istiyor. Ve lisanı, hadsiz dualarıyla beka için Hâlık’ına yalvarıyor.

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    He surely would not offend men, who love Him greatly and are loved, by causing them to die then not raising them again to life, and while He created them for an eternal love, to make them feel eternal hostility; to do that would not be possible. Men were sent to work in this world in order to live happily in another, eternal world, and to win that life. The Names manifested on man in this brief and fleeting life indicate that men, who will be their mirrors in the eternal realm, will receive their eternal manifestations.
    Elbette ve herhalde, o çok seven ve sevilen ve mahbub ve muhib olan insanları dirilmemek üzere öldürmekle, ebedî bir muhabbet için yaratılmış iken, ebedî bir adâvetle gücendirmek olamaz ve kabil değildir. Belki başka bir ebedî âlemde mesudane yaşaması hikmetiyle, bu dünyada çalışmak ve onu kazanmak için gönderilmiştir. Ve insana tecelli eden isimlerin, bu fâni ve kısa hayattaki cilveleriyle âlem-i bekada onların âyinesi olan insanların, ebedî cilvelerine mazhar olacaklarına işaret ederler.

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    Yes, the true friend of the Eternal One should be eternal, and the conscious mirror of the Enduring One should be enduring.
    Evet, ebedînin sadık dostu, ebedî olacak. Ve bâkinin âyine-i zîşuuru, bâki olmak lâzım gelir.

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    It is understood from sound narrations that the  spirits of animals will live eternally, and that certain individual animals, like the Hudhud of Solomon (PUH) and his ants, Salih’s (PUH) she-camel, and the dog of the Companions of the Cave, will go to the eternal realm with both their spirits and their bodies,(*<ref>*Bursawi, Ruh al-Bayan, v, 226; Tafsir al-Qurtubi, i, 372.</ref>)and that each species will have a single body that may be utilized from time to time. This is also demanded by wisdom and reality, and mercy and dominicality.
    Hayvanların ruhları bâki kalacağı ve Hüdhüd-ü Süleymanî (as) ve Neml’i; ve Naka-i Salih (as) ve Kelb-i Ashab-ı Kehf gibi bazı efrad-ı mahsusa hem ruhu hem cesediyle bâki âleme gideceği ve her bir nev’in ara sıra istimal için bir tek cesedi bulunacağı rivayat-ı sahihadan anlaşılmakla beraber; hikmet ve hakikat hem rahmet ve rububiyet öyle iktiza ediyorlar.

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    '''O All-Powerful Self-Subsistent One!'''
    '''Ey Kādir-i Kayyum!'''

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    All living creatures, beings with spirits, and conscious beings are subjugated to the commands of Your dominicality  and employed  in their  innate duties only through Your power and strength, Your will and planning, and Your mercy and wisdom. Some have been  subjugated to man, not because of man’s power and dominance, but by Divine mercy because of his innate weakness and impotence. Through the tongues of both disposition and speech they absolve their Maker and True Object of Worship of all defect and partner, and  offering thanks and praise for His bounties, perform the worship particular to them.
    Bütün zîhayat, zîruh, zîşuur; senin mülkünde, yalnız senin kuvvet ve kudretinle ve ancak senin irade ve tedbirinle ve rahmet ve hikmetinle, rububiyetinin emirlerine teshir ve fıtrî vazifelerle tavzif edilmişler. Ve bir kısmı, insanın kuvveti ve galebesi için değil belki fıtraten zaafı ve aczi için rahmet tarafından ona musahhar olmuşlar. Ve lisan-ı hal ve lisan-ı kāl ile Sâni’lerini ve Mabud’larını kusurdan, şerikten takdis ve nimetlerine şükür ve hamdederek, her biri ibadet-i mahsusasını yapıyorlar.

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    O Most Pure and Holy One, hidden in the intensity of His manifestation and concealed within the magnificence of His grandeur! Forming the intention, I sanctify You with the glorifications  of all beings with spirits, and declare: Glory be to You Who has made from water all living things!(*<ref>*Qur’an, 21:30.</ref>)
    Ey şiddet-i zuhurundan gizlenmiş ve ey azamet-i kibriyasından perdelenmiş olan Zat-ı Akdes! Bütün zîruhların tesbihatıyla, seni takdis etmek niyet edip سُب۟حَانَكَ يَا مَن۟ جَعَلَ مِنَ ال۟مَاءِ كُلَّ شَى۟ءٍ حَىٍّ diyorum.

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    '''O Sustainer of All the Worlds! O God of the First-comers and the Last-comers!'''
    '''Yâ Rabbe’l-âlemîn! Yâ İlahe’l-evvelîne ve’l-âhirîn!'''

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    '''O Sustainer of the Heavens and the Earth!'''
    '''Yâ Rabbe’s-semavati ve’l-aradîn!'''

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    Through the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the teaching of the All-Wise Qur’an I have understood and believe that just as the heavens,  atmosphere, earth, land and sea, trees, plants, and animals, together with all their members, parts, and particles, know and recognize You and point to and testify to Your existence and unity; so too living beings, the essence of the universe, and man,  the  essence of living  creatures,  and '''the prophets,'''  '''saints,'''  and '''purified scholars,''' the essence of men, and, through their visions, unfoldings, inspirations, and the discoveries of '''their hearts''' and '''intellects,''' which form the essence of the prophets, saints, and purified scholars, testify with the certainty of a hundredfold consensus to Your necessary existence, unity and oneness, and give news of them; and through their miracles, wonder-working, and certain proofs, prove what they tell of.
    Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın talimiyle ve Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in dersiyle anladım ve iman ettim ki: Nasıl sema, feza, arz, berr ve bahir, şecer, nebat, hayvan; efradıyla, eczasıyla, zerratıyla seni biliyorlar, tanıyorlar ve varlığına ve birliğine şehadet ve delâlet ve işaret ediyorlar. Öyle de kâinatın hülâsası olan zîhayat ve zîhayatın hülâsası olan insan ve insanın hülâsası olan enbiya, evliya, asfiyanın hülâsası olan '''kalplerin'''in ve '''akılların'''ın müşahedat ve keşfiyat ve ilhamat ve istihracat ile, yüzer icma ve yüzer tevatür kuvvetinde bir kat’iyetle senin vücub-u vücuduna ve senin vahdaniyet ve ehadiyetine şehadet edip, ihbar ediyorlar. Mu’cizat ve keramat ve yakînî bürhanlarıyla haberlerini ispat ediyorlar.

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    Yes, there is nothing that occurs to the heart, which looks to one who inspires it from behind the veil of the Unseen; and there is no inspiration, which makes one look to the giver of inspiration; and there is no certain belief, which discloses in the form of
    Evet kalplerde, perde-i gaybda ihtar edici bir zata bakan hiçbir hatırat-ı gaybiye ve ilham edici bir zata baktıran hiçbir ilhamat-ı sadıka ve hakkalyakîn suretinde sıfât-ı kudsiye ve esma-i hüsnanı keşfeden hiçbir itikad-ı yakîne ve enbiya ve evliyada bir Vâcibü’l-vücud’un envarını aynelyakîn ile müşahede eden hiçbir nurani kalp ve asfiya ve sıddıkînde, bir Hâlık-ı külli şey’in âyât-ı vücubunu ve berahin-i vahdetini ilmelyakîn ile tasdik eden, ispat eden hiçbir münevver akıl yoktur ki senin vücub-u vücuduna ve sıfât-ı kudsiyene ve senin vahdetine ve ehadiyetine ve esma-i hüsnana şehadet etmesin, delâleti bulunmasın ve işareti olmasın.
    ‘absolute certainty’ Your sacred attributes and Most Beautiful Names;

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    and there is no luminous heart of the prophets and saints, which observes with ‘the vision of certainty’ the lights of the Necessary Existent; and there is no enlightened intellect of the purified scholars  and  veracious  ones,  which  confirms  and  proves  with  ‘the  knowledge  of certainty’ the signs of the existence of the Creator of All Things and the proofs of His unity; —there is not one of these that does not testify to Your necessary existence, and sacred attributes, and Your unity,  oneness,  and Most Beautiful Names, and point to them and indicate them.
    Ve bilhassa bütün enbiya ve evliya ve asfiya ve sıddıkînin imamı ve reisi ve hülâsası olan Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın ihbarını tasdik eden hiçbir mu’cizat-ı bâhiresi ve hakkaniyetini gösteren hiçbir hakikat-i âliyesi ve bütün mukaddes ve hakikatli kitapların hülâsatü’l-hülâsası olan Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın hiçbir âyet-i tevhidiye-i kātıası ve mesail-i imaniyeden hiçbir mesele-i kudsiyesi yoktur ki senin vücub-u vücuduna ve kudsî sıfatlarına ve senin vahdetine ve ehadiyetine ve esma ve sıfâtına şehadet etmesin ve delâleti olmasın ve işareti bulunmasın.

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    Also, just as relying on their miracles, wonder-working  and proofs, all those hundreds of thousands of truthful bringers of good news testify to Your existence and unity; so they unanimously give news of, proclaim, and prove the degree of majesty of Your dominicality, which governs from the administration of the totality of matters of the Sublime Throne, which encompasses all things, to knowing and hearing and administering the secret, private thoughts of the heart, and its desires and supplications. They tell of and prove too the immensity of Your power, which creates innumerable  different  things at once, and makes the  greatest  thing as easily as the smallest with no act impeding another and no matter obstructing another.
    Hem nasıl ki bütün o yüz binler muhbir-i sadıklar, mu’cizatlarına ve keramatlarına ve hüccetlerine istinad ederek, senin varlığına ve birliğine şehadet ederler. Öyle de her şeye muhit olan arş-ı a’zamın külliyat-ı umûrunu idareden, tâ kalbin gayet gizli ve cüz’î hatıratını ve arzularını ve dualarını bilmek ve işitmek ve idare etmeye kadar cereyan eden rububiyetinin derece-i haşmetini ve gözümüz önünde hadsiz muhtelif eşyayı birden icad eden hiçbir fiil, bir fiile; bir iş, bir işe mani olmadan, en büyük bir şeyi, en küçük bir sinek gibi kolayca yapan kudretinin derece-i azametini icma ile ittifak ile ilan ve ihbar ve ispat ediyorlar.

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    Also, they give news of and prove through their miracles and proofs the immense breadth of Your mercy, which makes the universe a magnificent palace for  beings with spirits, and especially man; has prepared Paradise  and everlasting happiness for  jinn and man; does not forget even the tiniest living being; and tries to satisfy and please the most impotent heart. They give news too of th infinite  extent of Your sovereignty, which makes comply with Your commands all the realms of creatures from particles to the planets, and subjugates and employs them. So also they unanimously testify to Your comprehensive knowledge, which makes the universe into  a vast book containing  treatises to the numbers of its parts, and records the life-stories of all beings in the Clear Record and Clear Book, which are the notebooks of the Preserved Tablet, and inscribes completely and without error in their seeds the indexes and programmes of all trees and the biographies of conscious beings in the memories in their heads. They testify too to the comprehensiveness of Your sacred wisdom, which attaches numerous purposes to all beings, causing even trees to produce results to the number of their fruits, and follows benefits in all living beings to the number of their members, and even their parts and cells, and employing man’s tongue in numerous duties, equips it with the ability to weigh up tastes to the number of foods. They also unanimously testify that  the manifestations of the Names related to Your Beauty and Glory, samples of which are to be seen in this world, will continue in more brilliant fashion for all eternity, and that your bounties, samples of which are to be observed in  this transitory world, will persist in the abode of bliss in even more glittering fashion, and that those who long for them in this world will accompany them and be together with them for all eternity.
    Hem nasıl ki bu kâinatı, zîruha hususan insana mükemmel bir saray hükmüne getiren ve cenneti ve saadet-i ebediyeyi cin ve inse ihzar eden ve en küçük bir zîhayatı unutmayan ve en âciz bir kalbin tatminine ve taltifine çalışan rahmetinin hadsiz genişliğini ve zerrattan tâ seyyarata kadar bütün enva-ı mahlukatı emirlerine itaat ettiren ve teshir ve tavzif eden hâkimiyetinin nihayetsiz vüs’atini haber vererek, mu’cizat ve hüccetleriyle ispat ederler. Öyle de kâinatı, eczaları adedince risaleler içinde bulunan bir kitab-ı kebir hükmüne getiren ve Levh-i Mahfuz’un defterleri olan İmam-ı Mübin ve Kitab-ı Mübin’de bütün mevcudatın bütün sergüzeştlerini kaydedip yazan ve umum çekirdeklerde umum ağaçlarının fihristlerini ve programlarını ve zîşuurun başlarında bütün kuvve-i hâfızalarda, sahiplerinin tarihçe-i hayatlarını yanlışsız, muntazaman yazdıran ilminin her şeye ihatasına ve her bir mevcuda çok hikmetleri takan, hattâ her bir ağaçta meyveleri sayısınca neticeleri verdiren ve her bir zîhayatta azaları, belki eczaları ve hüceyratları adedince maslahatları takip eden hattâ insanın lisanını çok vazifeler ile tavzif etmekle beraber, taamların tatları adedince, zevkî olan mizancıklar ile teçhiz ettiren hikmet-i kudsiyenin her bir şeye şümulüne hem bu dünyada numuneleri görülen celalî ve cemalî isimlerinin tecellileri, daha parlak bir surette ebedü’l-âbâdda devam edeceğine ve bu fâni âlemde numuneleri müşahede edilen ihsanatının daha şaşaalı bir surette dâr-ı saadette istimrarına ve bekasına ve bu dünyada onları gören müştakların ebedde dahi refakatlerine ve beraber bulunmalarına bi’l-icma, bi’l-ittifak şehadet ve delâlet ve işaret ederler.

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    Also, relying on hundreds of evident miracles and decisive signs, foremost '''Your Most Noble Messenger  (Peace and blessings be upon him)''' and the '''All-Wise Qur’an,''' and '''the prophets''' with their luminous spirits, and the saints, who are spiritual  poles with their light-filled  hearts, and the purified scholars with their enlightened intellects, relying on Your repeated threats and promises in all the sacred scriptures, and trusting in Your sacred attributes, like power, mercy, favour, wisdom, glory, and beauty, and on Your functions, and the dignity of Your glory, and the sovereignty of Your dominicality, and in consequence of their illuminations and visions and beliefs at the degree of ‘the knowledge of certainty,’ give the glad tidings to men and jinn of eternal happiness and inform them of Hell for the people of misguidance; they believe this and testify to it.
    Hem yüzer mu’cizat-ı bâhiresine ve âyât-ı kātıasına istinaden, başta Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâm ve Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in olarak, bütün ervah-ı neyyire ashabı olan enbiyalar ve kulûb-ü nuraniye aktabı olan evliyalar ve ukûl-ü münevvere erbabı olan asfiyalar; bütün suhuf ve kütüb-ü mukaddesede, senin çok tekrar ile ettiğin vaadlerine ve tehditlerine istinaden ve senin kudret ve rahmet ve inayet ve hikmet ve celal ve cemalin gibi kudsî sıfatlarına ve şe’nlerine ve izzet-i celaline ve saltanat-ı rububiyetine itimaden ve keşfiyat ve müşahedat ve ilmelyakîn itikadlarıyla, saadet-i ebediyeyi cin ve inse müjdeliyorlar. Ve ehl-i dalalet için cehennem bulunduğunu haber verip ilan ediyorlar ve iman edip şehadet ediyorlar.

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    '''O All-Powerful and Wise One! O Most Merciful and  Compassionate! O Munificent One True to His Promise! O All-Compelling One of Glory, One of Dignity, Grandeur, and Wrath!'''
    '''Ey Kadîr-i Hakîm! Ey Rahman-ı Rahîm! Ey Sadıku’l-Va’di’l-Kerîm! Ey izzet ve azamet ve celal sahibi Kahhar-ı Zülcelal!'''

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    You are utterly exempt from and exalted above giving the lie to so many loyal friends, and so many promises, and attributes and functions, and denying the certain demands of the sovereignty of Your  dominicality and the endless  prayers and supplications of Your innumerable  acceptable  servants, whom You  love and who attract Your love by assenting to  You and obeying You; and You are exempt from confirming the denial of resurrection of the people of misguidance and unbelief, who through  their  disbelief and rebellion and denial of Your promises, offend  the magnificence of Your grandeur and affront Your dignity and glory and the honour of Your  Godhead,  and sadden the compassion of Your dominicality.
    Bu kadar sadık dostlarını ve bu kadar vaadlerini ve bu kadar sıfât ve şuunatını tekzip edip, saltanat-ı rububiyetinin kat’î mukteziyatını ve sevdiğin ve onlar dahi seni tasdik ve itaatle kendilerini sana sevdiren hadsiz makbul ibadının hadsiz dualarını ve davalarını reddederek, küfür ve isyan ile ve seni vaadinde tekzip etmekle, senin azamet-i kibriyana dokunan ve izzet-i celaline dokunduran ve uluhiyetinin haysiyetine ilişen ve şefkat-i rububiyetini müteessir eden ehl-i dalalet ve ehl-i küfrü, haşrin inkârında tasdik etmekten yüz bin derece mukaddessin ve hadsiz derece münezzeh ve âlîsin!

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    I declare Your justice, beauty, and mercy to be exempt from such infinite tyranny, such ugliness.
    Böyle nihayetsiz bir zulümden, bir çirkinlikten, senin nihayetsiz adaletini ve cemalini ve rahmetini takdis ediyorum!

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    With all the particles of my being, I want to recite the verse, Glory be to Him! He is high above all that they say! —Exalted and Great [beyond measure]!(*<ref>*Qur’an, 17:43.</ref>)
    سُب۟حَانَهُ وَ تَعَالٰى عَمَّا يَقُولُونَ عُلُوًّا كَبٖيرًا âyetini, vücudumun bütün zerratı adedince söylemek istiyorum!

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    Indeed, those truthful envoys of Yours and heralds of Your sovereignty testify with ‘absolute certainty,’ ‘knowledge of certainty,’ and ‘the vision of certainty’ to the treasuries of Your mercy in the hereafter  and  the  stores of Your bounties in the everlasting realm, and to the wondrously beautiful manifestations of Your Beautiful Names, which will be manifested totally in the abode of bliss, and they give good news of these. Believing that the supreme ray of Your Name of Truth, which is the source, sun, and protector of all realities, is this truth of the resurrection and Great Gathering, they teach it to Your servants.
    Belki senin o sadık elçilerin ve o doğru dellâl-ı saltanatının hakkalyakîn, aynelyakîn, ilmelyakîn suretinde senin uhrevî rahmet hazinelerine ve âlem-i bekada ihsanatının definelerine ve dâr-ı saadette tamamıyla zuhur eden güzel isimlerinin hârika güzel cilvelerine şehadet, işaret, beşaret ederler. Ve bütün hakikatlerin mercii ve güneşi ve hâmisi olan “Hak” isminin en büyük bir şuâı, bu hakikat-i ekber-i haşriye olduğunu iman ederek, senin ibadına ders veriyorlar.

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    O Sustainer of the Prophets and Veracious Ones!
    Ey Rabbü’l-enbiya ve’s-sıddıkîn! Bütün onlar; senin mülkünde, senin emrin ve kudretin ile senin irade ve tedbirin ile senin ilmin ve hikmetin ile musahhar ve muvazzaftırlar. Takdis, tekbir, tahmid, tehlil ile küre-i arzı bir zikirhane-i a’zam, bu kâinatı bir mescid-i ekber hükmünde göstermişler.
    They are all subservient to You and charged with their duties in Your dominions through Your command and power, Your will and planning, Your knowledge and wisdom. They demonstrate through sanctifying, exalting, and extolling You, and declaring You to be One, that the globe is a vast place for Your remembrance and the universe, a huge mosque.

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    O My Sustainer and Sustainer of the Heavens and Earth! O My Creator and Creator of All Things!
    '''Yâ Rabbî ve yâ Rabbe’s-semavati ve’l-aradîn! Yâ Hâlıkî ve yâ Hâlık-ı külli şey!'''

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    For the sake of Your power, will, wisdom, sovereignty,  and  mercy, which  subjugate the heavens and their stars, the earth and all it contains, and all creatures together with all their attributes and acts, subject my soul to me and subjugate to me my wishes! Subjugate the hearts of people to the Risale-i Nur, so they may serve  the Qur’an and belief! And grant me and my brothers perfect belief and a happy  death! As You subjugated the sea to Moses (Peace be upon him), fire to Abraham (Peace be upon him), the mountains and iron to David (Peace be upon him), jinn and men to Solomon (Peace be upon him), and the sun and moon to Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), subjugate hearts and minds to the Risale-i Nur! Preserve me and all the students of the Risale-i Nur from the evil of the soul and Satan, and the torment of the grave and Hell-fire, and grant us happiness in Paradise! Amen. Amen. Amen.
    Gökleri yıldızlarıyla, zemini müştemilatıyla ve bütün mahlukatı bütün keyfiyatıyla teshir eden kudretinin ve iradetinin ve hikmetinin ve hâkimiyetinin ve rahmetinin hakkı için nefsimi bana musahhar eyle! Ve matlubumu bana musahhar kıl! Kur’an’a ve imana hizmet için insanların kalplerini Risale-i Nur’a musahhar yap! Ve bana ve ihvanıma iman-ı kâmil ve hüsn-ü hâtime ver. Hazret-i Musa aleyhisselâma denizi ve Hazret-i İbrahim aleyhisselâma ateşi ve Hazret-i Davud aleyhisselâma dağı, demiri ve Hazret-i Süleyman aleyhisselâma cinni ve insi ve Hazret-i Muhammed aleyhissalâtü vesselâma şems ve kameri teshir ettiğin gibi Risale-i Nur’a kalpleri ve akılları musahhar kıl! Ve beni ve Risale-i Nur talebelerini, nefis ve şeytanın şerrinden ve kabir azabından ve cehennem ateşinden muhafaza eyle ve cennetü’l-firdevste mesud kıl, âmin âmin âmin!

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    Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 2:32.</ref>)
    سُب۟حَانَكَ لَا عِل۟مَ لَنَٓا اِلَّا مَا عَلَّم۟تَنَٓا اِنَّكَ اَن۟تَ ال۟عَلٖيمُ ال۟حَكٖيمُ

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    And the close of their prayer will be: All praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 10:10.</ref>)
    وَ اٰخِرُ دَع۟وٰيهُم۟ اَنِ ال۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ ال۟عَالَمٖينَ

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    If I have been at fault in offering to the Court of my Compassionate Sustainer this instructive piece which I have taken from the Qur’an and the Jawshan al-Kabir, a supplication of the Prophet (PBUH), as worship in the form of reflective thought, making  the  Qur’an and the Jawshan my intercessors, I beseech forgiveness for my fault.
    Kur’an’dan ve münâcat-ı Nebeviye olan Cevşenü’l-Kebir’den aldığım bu dersimi, bir ibadet-i tefekküriye olarak, Rabb-i Rahîm’imin dergâhına arz etmekte kusur etmişsem, kusurumun affı için Kur’an’ı ve Cevşenü’l-Kebir’i şefaatçi ederek rahmetinden affımı niyaz ediyorum.

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    '''Said Nursî'''
    '''Said Nursî'''

    <div lang="tr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    <center> [[İkinci Şuâ]] ⇐ | [[Şualar]] | ⇒ [[Dördüncü Şuâ]] </center>
    <center> [[İkinci Şuâ/en|The Second Ray]] ⇐ | [[Şualar/en|The Rays]] | ⇒ [[Dördüncü Şuâ/en|The Fourth Ray]] </center>

    19.48, 28 Eylül 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

    A Supplication

    [This treatise proves with extraordinary decisiveness, authenticity, and certainty together with a wondrous conciseness, the most important of the fundamentals of belief such as the necessary existence, unity, and oneness of God, the splendour of His dominicality, the immensity of His power, the breadth of His mercy,the universality of His sovereignty,the comprehensiveness of His knowledge, and the all-inclusiveness of His wisdom. The indications of the resurrection of the dead, and especially those emphasized at the end, are extremely powerful.]

    This Eighth Proof of the Fundamentals of Belief(*[1])offers evidence for the necessary existence and unity of God, and certain proofs of the comprehensiveness of dominicality and the immensity of Divine power. It proves too both the comprehensiveness of Divine sovereignty, and the extensiveness of Divine mercy, and the encompassment of Divine knowledge, and the fact that Divine wisdom embraces all the beings of the universe.In Short: In each of the introductory passages of this Eighth Proof are eight conclusions.(*[2]) Proving these eight conclusions through their evidences, this Eighth Proof has high value.

    Said Nursî

    A Supplication

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

    Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the oceans for the profit of mankind; in the rain which God sends down from the skies, and the life He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the disposal of the winds and the clouds subjugated between the sky and the earth, indeed are signs for people who think.(*[3])

    O My God and Sustainer!

    I see through the eyes of belief, the instruction and light of the Qur’an, the teachings of God’s Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him), and the indications of the Name of All-Wise, that in the heavens there are no rotations and motions but through their order and regularity they point to Your existence.

    There is no heavenly body but through its silently performing its duty and remaining in place without prop it testifies to Your dominicality and unity.

    There is no star but through its balanced creation, regular position, luminous smile, and the stamp of its similarity to the other stars, it indicates the majesty of Your Godhead and Your unity.

    There is not one of the twelve planets but through its wise motion, docile subjection, orderly duties, and significant satellites, it testifies to Your necessary existence and indicates the sovereignty of Your Godhead.

    Yes, —O Creator of the Heavens and Earth, Who directs and administers all particles together with all the orderly components they make up, and spins the planets and their regular satellites, subjugating them to His command!— just as each of the inhabitants of the heavens testifies on its own, so in their totality they testify to Your necessary existence and unity in a way so clear and powerful that shining proofs to the number of stars in the heavens affirm that testimony.

    Also, appearing as a regular army or imperial fleet decked out with electric lights, the limpid, beautiful, spotless heavens with their extraordinarily huge and speedy bodies, point clearly to the splendour of your dominicality and tremendousness of Your power, which creates all things; and to the boundless extent of Your sovereignty, which overspreads the heavens, and to Your mercy, which embraces all living things; and testifies indubitably to the comprehensiveness of Your knowledge, which is concerned with all the states and circumstances of all the creatures of the heavens, and embraces them and orders them, and to Your wisdom, which encompasses all things. This testimony is so evident it is as though the stars are the words and luminous embodiments of the skies’ testimony.

    Also, like disciplined soldiers, orderly ships, wondrous aeroplanes, or marvellous lamps, the stars in the arena of the heavens, and in their seas and vast spaces, show the glittering splendour of the sovereignty of Your Godhead.

    As is suggested by the duties of the sun —one star among the members of that army— which are related to its planets and our earth, some of its companions, the other stars, look to the worlds of the hereafter and are not without duties; they are the suns of eternal worlds.

    O Necessarily Existent! O Single One of Unity!

    These wondrous stars, these strange suns and moons, are subjugated, set in order, and employed in Your dominions, in Your heavens, through Your command, power, and strength, and Your administration and direction. All those heavenly bodies glorify and exalt their single Creator, Who creates, spins, and administers them; through the tongue of disposition, they declare: “Glory be to God! God is Most Great!”

    Through all their glorifications, I too declare You holy.O Omnipotent One of Glory, hidden in the intensity of His manifestation and concealed in the magnificence of His grandeur!

    O One of Absolute Power!

    I have understood through the teaching of the All-Wise Qur’an and instruction of Your Most Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) that just as the heavens and stars testify to your existence and unity, so with its clouds, lightning, thunder, winds, and rain, does the atmosphere testify to Your necessary existence and unity.

    Yes, the lifeless, unconscious clouds sending the water of life, rain, to the assistance of needy living beings is only through Your mercy and wisdom; confused chance could in no way interfere.

    The most powerful of electricity, lightning, which alluding to its potentiality for lighting, encourages man to benefit from it and spectacularly lights up Your power in space.

    The thunder announces the coming of rain, causing boundless space to speak, and makes the heavens ring out with the reverberations of its glorifying; it hallows You verbally, testifying to Your dominicality.

    The winds, which are charged with numerous duties like providing the sustenance most vital for animate creatures, and the easiest to benefit from, and ensuring and facilitating respiration, for some purpose turn the atmosphere into a ‘tablet for writing and erasing,’ thus pointing to the activity of Your power and testifying to Your existence. Similarly, the mercy milked through Your compassion from the clouds and sent to living beings, testifies through the words of its balanced, orderly droplets, to the breadth of Your mercy and compassion.

    O Potent and Active Disposer! O Sublime and Bountiful Bestower!

    The clouds, lightning, thunder, wind, and rain each testify on their own to Your necessary existence, so too as a whole, being one within the other and assisting each other in their duties, although they are by nature dissimilar and opposed to each other, they indicate most powerfully Your unity.

    They point too to the magnificence of Your dominicality, which makes the vast atmosphere into an exhibition of wonders, on some days filling and emptying it several times; and to the immensity and all-pervasiveness of Your power, which makes it resemble a slate which is written on then rubbed clean, and wrings it out like a sponge and waters the garden of the earth; and to your unbounded mercy and limitless rule, which under the veil of the atmosphere administer all the earth and all creatures.

    Moreover, the air is employed in duties so wise and the clouds and rain utilized in benefits so percipient that if it was not for a knowledge and wisdom that encompass all things, they could not be thus employed.

    O You Who acts as He wishes!

    Through Your activity in the atmosphere, Your power, which continuously displays examples of the resurrection of the dead and Great Gathering and transforms the summer into winter and winter into summer and similar acts, gives the sign that it will transform this world into the hereafter and there display its everlasting acts.

    O All-Powerful One of Glory! The air, clouds, rain, and thunder and lightning in the atmosphere are subjugated and employed in Your dominions, through Your command and power and strength. These creatures, which by nature are so different to each other, sanctify their ruler and commander, who makes them submit instanteously to his swift commands; they praise and extol His mercy.

    O Glorious Creator of the Heavens and Earth!

    Through the instruction of the All-Wise Qur’an and teaching of God’s Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him), I believe and know that just as the heavens testify to Your necessary existence and unity through its stars and the atmosphere testifies through all it contains, so the earth testifies to Your existence and unity through all its creatures and states.

    Indeed, there is no change on the earth, such as that of the trees and animals changing their garb every year, but through its orderliness it indicates Your existence and unity.

    There is no animal but through its sustenance being compassionately provided in relation to its need and weakness, and its being given all the members and faculties necessary to pursue its life, it testifies to Your existence and unity.

    There is not a plant or animal created before our eyes in the spring that through its wondrous art, its subtle adornment, its being distinguished from all other creatures, and through its order and balance, it makes you known.

    The marvels of Your power which fill the earth and are known as plants and animals, and their creation from seeds and grains and droplets of fluid, perfectly, without error, in adorned fashion, each with its distinguishing features, form a testimony more brilliant and powerful than the sun to the existence, unity, wisdom, and endless power of their All-Wise Maker.

    Also, there is no element, such as air, water, light, fire, and earth, but through its performing functions consciously and perfectly despite its lack of consciousness, and being the means for the arrival of various well-ordered fruits from the treasury of the Unseen despite being simple, without order, and overrunning and spreading everywhere, it testifies to Your existence and unity.

    O Omnipotent Creator! O Omniscient Opener Up Of Forms! O Active Creator!

    Just as together with all its inhabitants the earth testifies to the necessary existence of its Creator, so too, O Single One of Unity! O Clement and Kind One! O Most Bounteous Provider!, through the stamp on its face and the stamps on the faces of all its inhabitants and their unity and being one within the other and assisting each other, and through all the Names and acts of dominicality that look to them being the same, it testifies with the utmost clarity to Your unity and oneness; indeed it offers testimony to the number of its creatures.

    Similarly, through its being an army encampment, an exhibition, a place of instruction, and through all the four hundred thousand different nations present in the divisions of its plants and animals regularly being given all their necessary equipment, the earth points to the magnificence of Your dominicality and to the fact that Your power penetrates all things. Also, all the different sustenance of innumerable living beings, and its being given to them compassionately, generously, at exactly the right time from simple, dry earth, and the complete subjugation and obedience to the dominical commands of those innumerable individuals, demonstrates that Your mercy embraces all things and that your sovereignty encompasses them.

    Also, the despatch of the caravans of creatures, which are in a state of constant change on the earth, and the alternations of life and death, and the administration and management of the plants and animals, and this being possible only through a knowledge that is concerned with all things and an infinite wisdom governing in all things, points to Your comprehensive knowledge and wisdom.

    Also, the supreme importance given to man, who in a brief span performs infinite duties, has been equiped with abilities and faculties which suggest he is to live for all eternity, and has disposal over all the beings of the earth; and the infinite outlay made for him in this training-ground of the world, this temporary military encampment of the earth, this transient exhibition; and the boundless manifestations of dominicality, innumerable Divine addresses, and incalculable Divine gifts, which look to him, surely cannot be contained in this fleeting, sorry, confused life, this transitory world so full of tribulation. Since they could be only for another, eternal, life and an everlasting abode of bliss, they point to, even testify to, the bestowals of the hereafter in the everlasting realm.

    O Creator of All Things!

    All the creatures of the earth are administered and subjugated in Your dominions, in Your earth, through Your strength and power and will, and Your knowledge and wisdom. The dominicality whose activity is observed on the face of the earth is so comprehensive and all-embracing, and its administration and management are so perfect and precise, and it is carried out with such sameness that it shows it is a dominicality, a disposal, which is a whole that cannot be broken into parts and a universal that cannot be divided up.

    Together with all its inhabitants, the earth sanctifies and glorifies its Maker with innumerable tongues far clearer than the spoken word; they praise and extol their Glorious Provider for His infinite bounties with the tongues of their beings.

    O Most Pure and Holy One, hidden in the intensity of His manifestation and concealed in the magnificence of His grandeur! Through all the sanctifications and glorifications of the earth I sanctify you and declare You to be free of all fault, impotence, and partners; and through all its praise and extolling, I offer You praise and thanks.

    O Sustainer of the Land and the Seas!

    I have understood from the teaching of the Qur’an and instruction of Your Most Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) that just as the skies, the atmosphere and the earth testify to Your unity and necessary existence, so do the seas, rivers, streams, and springs testify to them most clearly.

    Yes, there is no being in the seas, which are like the strange boilers of our world producing steam —there is not a drop of them even— but through its well-ordered being, its benefits and state, it makes known its Creator.

    And of the strange creatures whose splendid sustenance is given them out of simple sand and water, and the living creatures of the seas with their well-ordered beings, especially of the fishes who populate the seas with one fish producing a million eggs, there is not one but through its creation and its duties, its being sustained and administered, nurtured and superintended, it indicates its Creator and testifies to its Provider.

    Also, of the precious, decorated jewels in the seas, there is not one but through its attractive creation and beneficial qualities it recognizes You and makes You known.

    Yes, just as they testify to You singly, so too in so far as they are all mixed up together, bear the same stamp in their natures, are created with great ease, and are found in great numbers, they altogether testify to Your unity. Also, through the seas, which surround the globe with its land masses, being held suspended without spilling over or dispersing or overrunning the land as the earth voyages around the sun; and creating the multifarious ornamented living creatures and jewels out of simple sand and water, and all their sustenance and other needs being supplied in general and complete fashion; and through their administration, and through none of the inevitable innumerable corpses of their dead fellows being found on the surface of the seas; they testify indirectly to their number to Your existence and its necessity.

    Also, just as they point clearly to the splendid sovereignty of Your dominicality and to the magnificence of Your power, which encompasses all things; so do they indicate the limitless breadth of Your mercy and rule, which govern all things from the huge yet orderly stars beyond the skies to the tiny fishes at the bottom of the sea, which are nurtured in regular fashion. They point too to Your knowledge and wisdom, which as demonstrated by the order, benefits, instances of wisdom, and the balance and equilibrium of all things, encompass and comprehend them.

    There being such reservoirs of mercy for the travellers in this guest-house of the world and their being utilized for man’s journeying, and for his ship, and his benefit shows that the One Who bestows such a profusion of gifts out of the seas on his guests of one night in a wayside inn, must surely have eternal seas of mercy at the seat of His everlasting rule, and those here are merely their small and transitory samples.

    Thus, the truly wondrous situation of the seas around the earth and the exceedingly orderly administration and nurturing of their creatures demonstrate self- evidently that it is only through Your power, will, and administration that they are subjugated to Your command in Your dominions; and through the tongues of their beings they sanctify their Creator, declaring: “God is Most Great!”

    O All-Powerful One of Glory, Who makes the mountains masts and holds of treasure for the ship of the earth!

    Through the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the teaching of the Wise Qur’an, I have understood that just as the seas with their strange creatures recognize You and make You known, so do the mountains through the wise services they perform. For they ensure that the earth is released from the effects of earthquakes and internal upheavals; save it from being overrun by the seas; purify the air of poisonous gases; are tanks for the saving and storage of water; and treasuries for the minerals and metals necessary for living beings.

    Yes, there is not one of the stones to be found in mountains, or the various substances used as remedies for illness, or the varieties of metals and minerals, which are essential for living beings and especially man, or the species of plants that adorn the mountains and plains with their flowers and fruits, but through the wisdom, order, and fine creation it displays, which is impossible to ascribe to chance, it testifies to the necessary existence of an infinitely Powerful, Wise, Compassionate, and Munificent Maker. This is especially true of substances found in the mountains like salt, potassium oxalate, quinine sulphate, and alum, which superficially resemble each other, but whose tastes are totally dissimilar; and particularly of all the varieties of plants, and the great diversity of their flowers and fruits. Moreover, through their being administered and managed as a totality, and their origins, situations, creation, and art all being similar, and the ease, speed, and cheapness in their making, they testify to the unity and oneness of their Maker.

    Also, the creatures on the surface of the mountains and inside them being made everywhere on the earth at the same time in the same fashion, perfectly and without error, with none impeding others, and their being created without confusion despite being intermingled with all the other sorts of other creatures, all point to the splendour of Your dominicality and the immensity of Your power, for which nothing is difficult.

    Also, the mountains —both their surfaces and their interiors— being filled in orderly fashion with trees, plants, and minerals to meet the innumerable needs of all the living creatures on the earth, and even to supply the remedies for their many different illnesses, and gratify their various appetites and tastes, and these being displayed for those who need them, indicates the infinite breadth of Your mercy and infinite extent of Your sovereignty. While their being prepared percipiently, knowingly, without confusion, in orderly fashion according to need, despite being all mixed up and concealed in the darkness of the soil layer, indicates Your all-embracing knowledge, which encompasses all things, and the comprehensiveness of Your wisdom, which sets all things in order. Then the storing up of medicinal substances, minerals, and metals points clearly to the compassionate, generous, planned processes of Your dominicality and the subtle precautions of Your grace.

    Also, the lofty mountains holding stored up in orderly fashion the reserves to meet the future needs of the travellers in the guest-house of this world, and their being stores stocked up with all the treasures necessary for life, indicates, indeed, testifies, that the Maker Who is thus Munificent and hospitable, All-Wise and Compassionate, Powerful and nurturing, surely possesses eternal treasuries for His never-ending bestowal in an everlasting realm, for His guests Whom He clearly loves. There the stars will perform the function the mountains perform here.

    O One Powerful Over All Things! The mountains and the creatures within them are subjugated and stored up in Your dominions through Your power and strength, Your knowledge and wisdom! They sanctify and glorify their Creator, Who subjugates and employs them in this way.

    O Merciful Creator, Compassionate Sustainer!

    Through the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the teaching of the Wise Qur’an I have understood that just as the heavens, atmosphere, earth, seas, and mountains, together with their creatures and all they contain, recognize You and make You known; so too do all the trees and plants, together with all their leaves and flowers and fruits.

    All their leaves, with their ecstatic movements and recitations; all their flowers, which describe through their decoration the Names of their Maker; and all their fruits, which smile with their agreeableness and the manifestation of Your compassion, testify —through the order within their wondrous art, which is utterly impossible to ascribe to chance, and the balance within the order, and the adornment within the balance, and the embroideries within the adornment, and the fine and various scents within the embroideries, and the varying tastes of the fruits within the scents— so clearly as to be self-evident to the necessary existence of an infinitely Compassionate and Munificent Maker. At the same time, their similarity and mutual resemblance throughout the earth, and their bearing the same stamps on their creation, and their being related in their administration and organization, and the coincidence of the creative acts and dominical Names connected with them, and the innumerable members of their one hundred thousand species being raised one within the other without confusion, forms a testimony through them as a whole to the unity and oneness of their Necessarily Existent Maker.

    Also, just as they testify to Your necessary existence and unity, so too the nurturing and administration in hundreds of ways of the innumerable members of the army of living creatures on the face of the earth, which is formed of four hundred thousand different nations, perfectly, with no confusion or difficulty, point to the majesty of Your dominicality within Your unity and to the immensity of Your power, which creates a flower as easily as the spring, and its comprehending all things. They point also to the unlimited breadth of Your mercy, which prepares innumerable varieties of foods for animals and men all over the earth; and through all those works and bestowals, administering and nurturing, being carried out with perfect regularity, and everything, even minute particles, being obedient and subjugated to those commands, they indicate certainly the infinite extent of Your rule; and through every part of those trees and plants, like their leaves, blossoms, fruits, roots, branches, and twigs, being made with every aspect of them being known and seen, in accordance with useful purposes, instances of wisdom, and benefits, they point clearly with innumerable fingers to Your knowledge, which embraces all things, and to the comprehensiveness of Your wisdom. With innumerable tongues, they praise and extol the utterly perfect beauty of Your art and the sheer beauty of Your perfect bestowal.

    Also, these precious gifts and bounties and this extraordinary outlay and bestowal, in this temporary hostel and transitory guest-house, for this brief time and fleeting life, indicate through the hands of the trees and plants, indeed, testify, that in order not to make all creatures say,

    contrary to the necessary result of all His expense and bestowal which is to make Himself loved and known: “You gave us a taste, but then executed us without permitting us to eat;” and not to nullify the sovereignty of His Godhead, and not deny His infinite mercy and make it denied, and in order not to turn all his yearning friends into enemies through depriving them thus, the munificent All- Compassionate One has of a certainty prepared for His servants whom He will send to an everlasting realm, an eternal world, fruit-bearing trees, and flowering plants appropriate to Paradise out of the treasuries of His mercy, in His eternal Paradises. Those here are merely samples to show the customers.

    Also, just as through the words of their leaves, flowers and fruits, the trees and plants praise, sanctify, and glorify You, so each one of those words singly declare You to be holy. The glorifications of fruits in particular through the tongue of disposition —with the great variety of their original flesh, their wondrous art, and extraordinary seeds, and those trays of food being given to hands of the trees and placed on them, and sent to Your living guests— their glorifications are so evident they are almost verbal. All these are subjugated and submissive to Your command in Your dominions through Your power and strength, and Your wisdom and bestowal!

    O Wise Maker and Compassionate Creator, hidden in the intensity of His manifestation and concealed within the magnificence of His grandeur! Through the tongues of all trees and plants, and their leaves, flowers, and fruits, and to their number, I praise and extol You and declare You free of all defect, impotence, and partners!

    O All-Powerful Creator! All-Wise Planner! Compassionate Nurturer!

    Through the instruction of Your Most Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the teaching of the Wise Qur’an, I have understood and believed that just as plants and trees recognize You and make known Your sacred attributes and Beautiful Names; so too among men and the animals, which are those living creatures which have spirits, there is not one that through its internal and external members, which work as regularly as clockwork, and the extremely fine order and balance of their bodies, and the significant benefits and purposes of their senses and faculties, and the great art in their making, and their being decked out with much wisdom, and the precise equilibrium of their physical systems, but it testifies to Your necessary existence and the reality of Your attributes.

    For blind force, unconscious nature, and aimless chance could in no way interfere in such percipient, delicate art, and conscious subtle wisdom, and perfect providential balance; they could not be their work; it is impossible. It is also utterly impossible that living creatures made themselves, for then each of their particles would have to possess comprehensive knowledge and wisdom like a god, to be able to know, see, and make all the parts of their bodies and form it, indeed, it would have to be able to know, see, and make everything in the world connected with it, then the body’s formation could be referred to it, and it could be said that “it makes itself.”

    Also, their being subject to the same administration, and the same planning, and their all being the same kind, and their bearing the same stamp, such as the resemblance in features like the eye, ear, and mouth, and the unity in the stamp of wisdom observed on the faces of members of the same species, and the resemblance in livelihood and creation, and their all being one within the other; there is not one of these circumstances but it testifies categorically to Your unity, and, by the manifestations of all Your Names which look to the universe being on each individual, to Your oneness within unity.

    Also, through being equipped, trained, and subservient like a regular army and from the smallest to the largest, their conforming in orderly fashion to the commands of dominicality, man and the hundred thousand animal species on the face of the earth point to the degree of splendour of that dominicality; and through their great value despite their great multitude, and their perfection despite the speed of their making, and their great art despite the ease of their making, to the degree of grandeur of Your power. Also, they point decisively to the boundless expanse of Your mercy, which sends their sustenance to all of them, from the microbe to the rhinoceros, and the tiniest fly to the largest bird, dispersed from east to west and north to south; and through all of them performing their natural functions like soldiers under command, and every spring the face of the earth being the encampment of an army newly taken under arms in place of those discharged the previous autumn, to the infinite extent of Your sovereignty.

    Also, through a profound knowledge and precise wisdom all living creatures being miniature copies of the universe, and their being made faultlessly, with none of their parts being confused or any of their different forms mixed up, they point to their number to Your knowledge, which embraces all things, and Your wisdom, which comprehends all things;

    while by their all being made so beautiful and fine as to be miracles of art and wonders of wisdom, they indicate in innumerable ways the utterly perfect beauty of Your dominical art, which You greatly love and want to exhibit; and through all of them, and particularly their young, being nourished in the finest way, with their wishes and desires being satisfied, to the sweet beauty of Your grace.

    O Most Merciful and Compassionate! O One Most True to His Promise! Owner of the Day of Judgement!

    Through the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the guidance of the All-Wise Qur’an I have understood that since the choicest result of the universe is life, and the choicest essence of life is spirit, and the choicest of beings with spirits are intelligent beings, and of intelligent beings the one with the most comprehensive nature is man; and since all the universe is subjugated to life and works for life, and living beings are subjugated to beings with spirits and they are sent to this world for them, and beings with spirits are subjugated to man and they assist him; and since by nature men earnestly love their Creator and their Creator both loves them, and by every means makes them love Him; and since man’s innate capacity and spiritual faculties look to another, permanent world and everlasting life, and his heart and intelligence desire eternity with all their strength, and his tongue beseeches his Creator for eternity with endless prayers;

    He surely would not offend men, who love Him greatly and are loved, by causing them to die then not raising them again to life, and while He created them for an eternal love, to make them feel eternal hostility; to do that would not be possible. Men were sent to work in this world in order to live happily in another, eternal world, and to win that life. The Names manifested on man in this brief and fleeting life indicate that men, who will be their mirrors in the eternal realm, will receive their eternal manifestations.

    Yes, the true friend of the Eternal One should be eternal, and the conscious mirror of the Enduring One should be enduring.

    It is understood from sound narrations that the spirits of animals will live eternally, and that certain individual animals, like the Hudhud of Solomon (PUH) and his ants, Salih’s (PUH) she-camel, and the dog of the Companions of the Cave, will go to the eternal realm with both their spirits and their bodies,(*[4])and that each species will have a single body that may be utilized from time to time. This is also demanded by wisdom and reality, and mercy and dominicality.

    O All-Powerful Self-Subsistent One!

    All living creatures, beings with spirits, and conscious beings are subjugated to the commands of Your dominicality and employed in their innate duties only through Your power and strength, Your will and planning, and Your mercy and wisdom. Some have been subjugated to man, not because of man’s power and dominance, but by Divine mercy because of his innate weakness and impotence. Through the tongues of both disposition and speech they absolve their Maker and True Object of Worship of all defect and partner, and offering thanks and praise for His bounties, perform the worship particular to them.

    O Most Pure and Holy One, hidden in the intensity of His manifestation and concealed within the magnificence of His grandeur! Forming the intention, I sanctify You with the glorifications of all beings with spirits, and declare: Glory be to You Who has made from water all living things!(*[5])

    O Sustainer of All the Worlds! O God of the First-comers and the Last-comers!

    O Sustainer of the Heavens and the Earth!

    Through the instruction of Your Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the teaching of the All-Wise Qur’an I have understood and believe that just as the heavens, atmosphere, earth, land and sea, trees, plants, and animals, together with all their members, parts, and particles, know and recognize You and point to and testify to Your existence and unity; so too living beings, the essence of the universe, and man, the essence of living creatures, and the prophets, saints, and purified scholars, the essence of men, and, through their visions, unfoldings, inspirations, and the discoveries of their hearts and intellects, which form the essence of the prophets, saints, and purified scholars, testify with the certainty of a hundredfold consensus to Your necessary existence, unity and oneness, and give news of them; and through their miracles, wonder-working, and certain proofs, prove what they tell of.

    Yes, there is nothing that occurs to the heart, which looks to one who inspires it from behind the veil of the Unseen; and there is no inspiration, which makes one look to the giver of inspiration; and there is no certain belief, which discloses in the form of ‘absolute certainty’ Your sacred attributes and Most Beautiful Names;

    and there is no luminous heart of the prophets and saints, which observes with ‘the vision of certainty’ the lights of the Necessary Existent; and there is no enlightened intellect of the purified scholars and veracious ones, which confirms and proves with ‘the knowledge of certainty’ the signs of the existence of the Creator of All Things and the proofs of His unity; —there is not one of these that does not testify to Your necessary existence, and sacred attributes, and Your unity, oneness, and Most Beautiful Names, and point to them and indicate them.

    Also, just as relying on their miracles, wonder-working and proofs, all those hundreds of thousands of truthful bringers of good news testify to Your existence and unity; so they unanimously give news of, proclaim, and prove the degree of majesty of Your dominicality, which governs from the administration of the totality of matters of the Sublime Throne, which encompasses all things, to knowing and hearing and administering the secret, private thoughts of the heart, and its desires and supplications. They tell of and prove too the immensity of Your power, which creates innumerable different things at once, and makes the greatest thing as easily as the smallest with no act impeding another and no matter obstructing another.

    Also, they give news of and prove through their miracles and proofs the immense breadth of Your mercy, which makes the universe a magnificent palace for beings with spirits, and especially man; has prepared Paradise and everlasting happiness for jinn and man; does not forget even the tiniest living being; and tries to satisfy and please the most impotent heart. They give news too of th infinite extent of Your sovereignty, which makes comply with Your commands all the realms of creatures from particles to the planets, and subjugates and employs them. So also they unanimously testify to Your comprehensive knowledge, which makes the universe into a vast book containing treatises to the numbers of its parts, and records the life-stories of all beings in the Clear Record and Clear Book, which are the notebooks of the Preserved Tablet, and inscribes completely and without error in their seeds the indexes and programmes of all trees and the biographies of conscious beings in the memories in their heads. They testify too to the comprehensiveness of Your sacred wisdom, which attaches numerous purposes to all beings, causing even trees to produce results to the number of their fruits, and follows benefits in all living beings to the number of their members, and even their parts and cells, and employing man’s tongue in numerous duties, equips it with the ability to weigh up tastes to the number of foods. They also unanimously testify that the manifestations of the Names related to Your Beauty and Glory, samples of which are to be seen in this world, will continue in more brilliant fashion for all eternity, and that your bounties, samples of which are to be observed in this transitory world, will persist in the abode of bliss in even more glittering fashion, and that those who long for them in this world will accompany them and be together with them for all eternity.

    Also, relying on hundreds of evident miracles and decisive signs, foremost Your Most Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the All-Wise Qur’an, and the prophets with their luminous spirits, and the saints, who are spiritual poles with their light-filled hearts, and the purified scholars with their enlightened intellects, relying on Your repeated threats and promises in all the sacred scriptures, and trusting in Your sacred attributes, like power, mercy, favour, wisdom, glory, and beauty, and on Your functions, and the dignity of Your glory, and the sovereignty of Your dominicality, and in consequence of their illuminations and visions and beliefs at the degree of ‘the knowledge of certainty,’ give the glad tidings to men and jinn of eternal happiness and inform them of Hell for the people of misguidance; they believe this and testify to it.

    O All-Powerful and Wise One! O Most Merciful and Compassionate! O Munificent One True to His Promise! O All-Compelling One of Glory, One of Dignity, Grandeur, and Wrath!

    You are utterly exempt from and exalted above giving the lie to so many loyal friends, and so many promises, and attributes and functions, and denying the certain demands of the sovereignty of Your dominicality and the endless prayers and supplications of Your innumerable acceptable servants, whom You love and who attract Your love by assenting to You and obeying You; and You are exempt from confirming the denial of resurrection of the people of misguidance and unbelief, who through their disbelief and rebellion and denial of Your promises, offend the magnificence of Your grandeur and affront Your dignity and glory and the honour of Your Godhead, and sadden the compassion of Your dominicality.

    I declare Your justice, beauty, and mercy to be exempt from such infinite tyranny, such ugliness.

    With all the particles of my being, I want to recite the verse, Glory be to Him! He is high above all that they say! —Exalted and Great [beyond measure]!(*[6])

    Indeed, those truthful envoys of Yours and heralds of Your sovereignty testify with ‘absolute certainty,’ ‘knowledge of certainty,’ and ‘the vision of certainty’ to the treasuries of Your mercy in the hereafter and the stores of Your bounties in the everlasting realm, and to the wondrously beautiful manifestations of Your Beautiful Names, which will be manifested totally in the abode of bliss, and they give good news of these. Believing that the supreme ray of Your Name of Truth, which is the source, sun, and protector of all realities, is this truth of the resurrection and Great Gathering, they teach it to Your servants.

    O Sustainer of the Prophets and Veracious Ones! They are all subservient to You and charged with their duties in Your dominions through Your command and power, Your will and planning, Your knowledge and wisdom. They demonstrate through sanctifying, exalting, and extolling You, and declaring You to be One, that the globe is a vast place for Your remembrance and the universe, a huge mosque.

    O My Sustainer and Sustainer of the Heavens and Earth! O My Creator and Creator of All Things!

    For the sake of Your power, will, wisdom, sovereignty, and mercy, which subjugate the heavens and their stars, the earth and all it contains, and all creatures together with all their attributes and acts, subject my soul to me and subjugate to me my wishes! Subjugate the hearts of people to the Risale-i Nur, so they may serve the Qur’an and belief! And grant me and my brothers perfect belief and a happy death! As You subjugated the sea to Moses (Peace be upon him), fire to Abraham (Peace be upon him), the mountains and iron to David (Peace be upon him), jinn and men to Solomon (Peace be upon him), and the sun and moon to Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), subjugate hearts and minds to the Risale-i Nur! Preserve me and all the students of the Risale-i Nur from the evil of the soul and Satan, and the torment of the grave and Hell-fire, and grant us happiness in Paradise! Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(*[7])

    And the close of their prayer will be: All praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds.(*[8])

    If I have been at fault in offering to the Court of my Compassionate Sustainer this instructive piece which I have taken from the Qur’an and the Jawshan al-Kabir, a supplication of the Prophet (PBUH), as worship in the form of reflective thought, making the Qur’an and the Jawshan my intercessors, I beseech forgiveness for my fault.

    Said Nursî

    The Second Ray ⇐ | The Rays | ⇒ The Fourth Ray

    1. *1The Eighth Proof of the Fundamentals of Belief refers to this treatise’s position among the parts of the Risale-i Nur included in the collection called Asâ-yi Musa (The Staff of Moses). [Tr.]
    2. *All the ‘Proofs of the Fundamentals of Belief’ demonstrate the necessary existence and unity of God explicitly, and their other conclusions indirectly. In addition to proving explicitly God’s necessary existence and unity, this Eighth Proof, A Supplication, has nine conclusions. It proves: i. The majesty of dominicality; ii. The tremendousness of Divine power; iii. The comprehensiveness of Divine sovereignty; iv. The unbounded extensiveness of Divine mercy; v. The fact that Divine knowledge embraces all things; vi. The encompassment of Divine wisdom; vii. The glittering magnificence of Divine rule.
    3. *Qur’an, 2:164.
    4. *Bursawi, Ruh al-Bayan, v, 226; Tafsir al-Qurtubi, i, 372.
    5. *Qur’an, 21:30.
    6. *Qur’an, 17:43.
    7. *Qur’an, 2:32.
    8. *Qur’an, 10:10.