İçeriğe atla

Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Otherwise it affects only the imagination. A criminal is then frightened only of the penalty set by the state, if it is enacted, or he shrinks from the reproaches of the public; if they occur." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''In Short:'''When the punishments are carried out in the name of the Divine commands and dominical justice, both the spirit, and the intellect, and the conscience, and man’s innate subtle faculties are affected and influenced." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Otherwise it affects only the imagination. A criminal is then frightened only of the penalty set by the state, if it is enacted, or he shrinks from the reproaches of the public; if they occur." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
(Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 84 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
477. satır: 477. satır:
[This part of the Addendum consists of newspaper articles written by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi forty-two years ago.]
[This part of the Addendum consists of newspaper articles written by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi forty-two years ago.]

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<span id="Yaşasın_Şeriat-ı_Garrâ"></span>
== Yaşasın Şeriat-ı Garrâ ==
==Long Live the Illustrious Shari‘a!==

<div lang="tr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Volkan No: 73  
29 Şubat 324<br>
21 Safer 1327/ 1 Mart 1325/ 14 March 1909
Dinî ceride: 73<br>
Mart 1909

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Deputies of the Assembly!
'''Ey mebusan!'''

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I am going to write a single sentence, which though very long, is extremely succinct. Take note of it, for in its prolixity is conciseness. It is this:
Uzunluğu ile beraber gayet mûciz bir tek cümle söyleyeceğim. Dikkat ediniz zira itnabında îcaz var. Şöyle ki:

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If you apply the title of the ILLUSTRIOUS SHARI‘A to the justice, mutual consultation, and restriction of power to the law which is the Constitution and constitutionalism, and make it the authority for your rulings and apply its principles, what will you lose?
Meşrutiyet ve kanun-u esasî denilen adalet ve meşveret ve kanunda cem’-i kuvvet, bu unvan ile beraber asıl mâlik-i hakiki ve sahib-i unvan-ı muhteşem (1)

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For it is the true and rightful owner of this glorious,
ve müessir ve adalet-i mahzayı mutazammın (2)

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effective title and comprises the following manifold benefits:
ve nokta-i istinadımızı temin eden (3)

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it is the source of absolute justice; provides us with a sure point of support;
ve meşrutiyeti bir esas-ı metine istinad ettiren (4)

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establishes constitutionalism on a firm base; saves the doubtful and anxious from the abyss of their bewilderment;
ve evham ve şükûk sahibini varta-i hayretten kurtaran (5)

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guarantees our future in this world and our lives in the next;
ve istikbal ve âhiretimizi tekeffül eden (6)

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delivers ‘Divine rights,’ that is, the rights of the public, from wrongful exploitation;
ve menafi-i umumiye olan hukukullahı izinsiz tasarruftan sizi tahlis eden (7)

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preserves our national life;
ve hayat-ı milliyemizi muhafaza eden (8)

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attracts all minds and demonstrates to westerners our constancy, maturity, and existence;
ve umum ezhanı manyetizmalandıran (9)

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saves you from being called to account in this world and the next;
ve ecanibe karşı metanetimizi ve kemalimizi ve mevcudiyetimizi gösteren (10)

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establishes unanimity of purpose and result; gives rise to public opinion, the spirit of consensus;
ve sizi muaheze-i dünyeviye ve uhreviyeden kurtaran (11)

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prohibits the corrupt evils of civilization from entering the bounds of freedom and our civilization;
ve maksat ve neticede ittihad-ı umumiyeyi tesis eden (12)

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delivers us from begging to Europe; through the mystery of miraculousness, in a short space of time makes us traverse the long distance in progress that we have lagged behind;
ve o ittihadın ruhu olan efkâr-ı âmmeyi tevlid eden (13)

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gains great value for us by in a short time uniting Arab, Turk, Persian, and Semite;
ve çürük mesavî-i medeniyeti hudud-u hürriyet ve medeniyetimize girmekten yasak eden (14)

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shows the collective personality of the government to be Muslim;
ve bizi Avrupa dilenciliğinden kurtaran (15)

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by preserving the spirit of the Constitution and Article Eleven,(*<ref>*Article 11 of the Constitution: "Every Ottoman is free to practise his religion on condition only that no breach of public order or good morals is committed." [Tr.]</ref>)saves you from perjuring yourselves;
ve geri kaldığımız uzun mesafe-i terakkide –sırr-ı i’caza binaen– bir zaman-ı kasîrede tayyettiren (16)

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gives the lie to Europe’s old false ideas about us;
ve Arap ve Turan ve İran ve Samileri tevhid ederek az zamanla bize bir büyük kıymet veren (17)

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makes it affirmed that Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) is the Seal of the Prophets
ve şahs-ı manevî-i hükûmeti Müslüman gösteren (18)

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and the Shari‘a is eternal; forms a barrier against irreligion,
ve kanun-u esasînin ruhunu ve On Birinci Madde’yi muhafaza ile ve sizi hıns-ı yeminden kurtaran (19)

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the destroyer of civilization; with its shining face, puts an end to the darkness of the conflict and
ve Avrupa’nın eski zann-ı fâsidlerini tekzip eden (20)

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confusion of ideas;unites all the religious scholars
Muhammed aleyhissalâtü vesselâm hâtem-i enbiya ve şeriatın ebedî olduğunu tasdik ettiren (21)

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and preachers and causes them to assist the nation’s happiness, and makes the government
ve muharrib-i medeniyet olan dinsizliğe karşı set çeken (22)

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and its activities serve licit constitutionalism;since its absolute justice is compassionate, reconciles
ve zulmet-i tebayün-ü efkâr ve teşettüt-ü ârâyı safha-i nuranisi ile ortadan kaldıran (23)

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and binds to a greater extent the non-Muslim minorities;
ve umum ulema ve vaizleri ittihat ve saadet-i millete ve icraat-ı hükûmeti meşruta-i meşruaya hâdim eden (24)

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inspires the most pusillanimous man with true feelings of progress, self-sacrifice, and patriotism the same as the bravest,
ve adalet-i mahzası merhametli olduğundan anâsır-ı gayr-ı müslimeyi daha ziyade telif ve rabteden (25)

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and the most common man the same as the most elevated;delivers us from vice, wastefulness,
ve en cebîn ve âmî adamı en cesur ve en has adam gibi hiss-i hakiki-i terakki ve fedakârlık ve hubb-u vatanla mütehassis eden (26)

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and inessential needs,all of which destroy civilization;
ve hēdim-i medeniyet '''(*'''<ref>'''(*):''' Hēdim-i medeniyet: Medeniyeti yıkıcı.</ref>''')''' olan sefahet ve israfat ve havaic-i gayr-ı zaruriyeden bizi halâs eden (27)

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gives a spur to endeavour by developing this world as well as saving the hereafter;
ve muhafaza-i âhiretle beraber imar-ı dünya etmekle sa’ye neşat veren (28)

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teaches the principles of good morals and elevated emotions,
ve hayat-ı medeniyet olan ahlâk-ı hasene ve hissiyat-ı ulviyenin düsturlarını öğreten (29)

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the life of civilization;acquits each of you deputies from fifty thousand people claiming their rights from you;
ve her birinizi ey mebuslar elli bin kişinin takazasını yani haklarını sizden dava etmelerini hakkınızda tebrie eden (30)

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shows you to be a small, licit sample of the consensus of the Umma;
ve sizi icma-ı ümmete küçük bir misal-i meşru gösteren (31)

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because of pure intention makes all your actions into worship;and saves you from criminal conspiracy against the spiritual lives of three hundred million Muslims;-
ve hüsn-ü niyete binaen a’malinizi ibadet gibi ettiren (32)

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since it comprises this many benefits,
ve üç yüz milyon Müslüman’ın hayat-ı maneviyesine suikast ve cinayetten sizi tahlis eden (33)

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what will you lose if you apply the title of the Shari‘a to constitutionalism?
ol şeriat-ı garra unvanıyla gösterseniz ve hükümlerinize me’haz edinseniz ve düsturlarını tatbik etseniz acaba bu kadar fevaidi ile beraber ne gibi şey kaybedeceksiniz? Vesselâm.

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Long live the Illustrious Shari‘a!
Yaşasın şeriat-ı garra!..

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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<span id="Yaşasın_Şeriat-ı_Ahmedî_(A.S.M)"></span>
== Yaşasın Şeriat-ı Ahmedî (A.S.M) ==
==Long Live the Shari‘a of Muhammad!==
(Upon whom be blessings and peace)

<div lang="tr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Volkan No. 77
5 Mart 1325<br>
25 Safar 1327/ 5 Mart 1325/ 18 March 1909
Dinî Ceride No: 77<br>
18 Mart 1909

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Since the Illustrious Shari‘a proceeds from pre-eternal Divine speech, it will continue for all eternity. Our salvation from the vile tyranny of the evil-commanding soul is through reliance on Islam, by holding fast to that ‘rope most strong.’ We may profit thoroughly from true freedom by seeking help from belief. For one who is truly a slave and servant of the world’s Maker will not stoop to worshipping His creatures. Everyone is a commander in his own world and is therefore charged with the ‘greater jihad’ in it, with assuming the morality of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace), and raising to life his practices.
Şeriat-ı garra, kelâm-ı ezelîden geldiğinden ebede gidecektir. Nefs-i emmarenin istibdad-ı rezilesinden selâmetimiz, İslâmiyet’e istinad iledir. O hablü’l-metine temessük iledir. Ve haklı hürriyetten hakkıyla istifade etmek, imandan istimdad iledir. Zira Sâni’-i âlem’e hakkıyla abd ve hizmetkâr olanın, halka ubudiyete tenezzül etmemesi gerektir. Herkes kendi âleminde bir kumandan olduğundan âlem-i asgarında cihad-ı ekber ile mükelleftir. Ve ahlâk-ı Ahmediye aleyhissalâtü vesselâm ile tahalluk ve sünnet-i Nebeviyeyi ihya ile muvazzaftır.

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Rulers of this land! If you want success, conform to the Divine laws! Otherwise you will be unsuccessful. For the fact that all the known prophets appeared in the lands of Islam and the Ottomans is a sign of Divine Determining that the steam of the engine of the progress of this country’s people is religion. The flowers of these fields of Asia, Africa, and Rumelia will grow and flourish through the light of Islam.
Ey evliya-i umûr! Tevfik isterseniz kavanin-i âdetullaha tevfik-i hareket ediniz. Yoksa tevfiksizlik ile cevab-ı red alacaksınız. Zira maruf umum enbiyanın memalik-i İslâmiye ve Osmaniye’den zuhuru, kader-i İlahînin bir işaret ve remzidir ki bu memleket insanlarının makine-i tekemmülatının buharı diyanettir. Ve bu Asya ve Afrika tarlasının ve Rumeli bostanının çiçekleri, ziya-yı İslâmiyet ile neşv ü nema bulacaktır.

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Religion may not be sacrificed for the sake of this world. At one time the matters of the Shari‘a were given as the bribe to preserve the now defunct despotism. Did anything other than harm result from giving up and sacrificing the matters of religion? This nation’s heart disease is weakness in religion; it will regain its health through strengthening it.
Dünya için din feda olunmaz. Gebermiş istibdadı muhafaza için vaktiyle mesail-i şeriat rüşvet verilirdi. Dinin meseleleri terk ve feda edilmesinden, zarardan başka ne faydası görüldü? Milletin kalp hastalığı zaaf-ı diyanettir. Bunu takviye ile sıhhat bulabilir.

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The way of our society is love for love and enmity towards enmity. That is, assisting love between Muslims and routing the soldiers of hostility.
Bizim cemaatimizin meşrebi: Muhabbete muhabbet ve husumete husumettir. Yani beyne’l-İslâm muhabbete imdat ve husumet askerini bozmaktır.

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Our way is also to adopt the morality of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) and revive his practices. Our guide is the Illustrious Shari‘a, our sword its decisive proofs, and our aim to uphold the Word of God. All believers are in meaning members of our society, while formal membership is by making determined effort to raise to life in one’s own world the Prophet’s practices. First of all, in the name of the Shari‘a, we call on the religious scholars, shaykhs, and students of the religious schools, who are the guides of the general public, to unite.
Mesleğimiz ise ahlâk-ı Ahmediye aleyhissalâtü vesselâm ile tahalluk ve sünnet-i Peygamberîyi ihya etmektir. Ve rehberimiz şeriat-ı garra ve kılıncımız da berahin-i kātıa ve maksadımız i’lâ-yı kelimetullahtır. Cemaatimize her bir mü’min manen müntesiptir. Sureten intisap ise sünnet-i Nebeviyeyi kendi âleminde ihyaya azm-i kat’î iledir. En evvel mürşid-i umumî olan ulema ve meşayih ve talebeyi, şeriat namına ittihada davet ederiz.

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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<span id="İhtar-ı_Mahsus"></span>
== İhtar-ı Mahsus ==
==A Warning==

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With two false comparisons, journalists, the public orators, have plunged this nation into a bog.
Gazeteci denilen huteba-i umumî, iki kıyas-ı fâsidle milleti bataklığa düşürtmüştür.

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The First is by comparing the provinces with Istanbul. But if philosophy is taught to children who cannot yet read, what is taught will be superficial...
Birincisi: Vilayatı, İstanbul’a kıyas ederek… Halbuki elifbayı okumayan çocuklara felsefe dersi verilse sathî olur.

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The Second: They have compared Istanbul to Europe. But if a man dresses in a garment deemed suitable to women, he becomes ridiculous and the object of scorn.
İkincisi: İstanbul’u Avrupa’ya kıyas etmişler. Halbuki bir erkek, kadının kametinden istihsan ettiği libası giyinse maskara ve rezil olur.

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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<span id="Hakikat"></span>
== Hakikat ==

<div lang="tr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Volkan No: 70
26 Şubat 1324<br>
18 Safar 1327/ 26 Şubat 1324/ 11 March 1909
Dinî Ceride: 70<br>
Mart 1909

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We have been members of the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (The Muhammadan Union) (Upon whom be blessings and peace) since man undertook the trust in pre-eternity.(*<ref>*. "Qalu bala." See, Qur'an, 7:172. [Tr.]</ref>)The reason for our unity is Divine Unity; our oath and pledge is belief; we are united because we affirm Divine Unity. All believers are charged with upholding the Word of God, and at this time the most effective means of doing this is material progress. For the Europeans are crushing us under their tyranny with the weapons of science and industry. We shall therefore wage jihad with the weapons of science and industry on ignorance, poverty, and conflicting ideas, the worst enemies of upholding the Word of God.
Biz Kalû Belâ’dan Cemiyet-i Muhammedî’de –aleyhissalâtü vesselâm– dâhiliz. Cihetü’l-vahdet-i ittihadımız tevhiddir. Peyman ve yeminimiz imandır. Mademki muvahhidiz, müttehidiz. Her bir mü’min i’lâ-yı kelimetullah ile mükelleftir. Bu zamanda en büyük sebebi, maddeten terakki etmektir. Zira ecnebiler, fünun ve sanayi silahıyla bizi istibdad-ı manevîleri altında eziyorlar. Biz de fen ve sanat silahıyla i’lâ-yı kelimetullahın en müthiş düşmanı olan cehil ve fakr ve ihtilaf-ı efkâra cihad edeceğiz.

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As for external jihad, we shall refer it to the decisive proofs of the Illustrious Shari‘a. For conquering the civilized is through persuasion, not through force as though they were savages who understand nothing. We are devotees of love, we do not have time for enmity. Republicanism(*<ref>*At that time it was 'constitutionalism,' now it is 'republicanism.'</ref>)consists of justice, mutual consultation, and the restriction of power to the law. The Illustrious Shari‘a was founded thirteen centuries ago, so to go begging to Europe in the question of laws is a great crime towards the religion of Islam. It is like facing the north while praying. Power must reside in the law, otherwise arbitrary rule spreads. The saying “It is Allah Who is the Strong, the Most Firm” must govern the conscience. That is possible through general education and widespread civilization, or in the name of the religion of Islam. Otherwise absolutism will always prevail.
Amma cihad-ı haricîyi şeriat-ı garranın berahin-i kātıasının elmas kılınçlarına havale edeceğiz. Zira medenilere galebe çalmak ikna iledir, söz anlamayan vahşiler gibi icbar ile değildir. Biz muhabbet fedaileriyiz, husumete vaktimiz yoktur. Cumhuriyet ki '''(Hâşiye'''<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' O zaman “meşrutiyet”, şimdi o kelime yerine “cumhuriyet” konulmuş.</ref>''')''' adalet ve meşveret ve kanunda inhisar-ı kuvvetten ibarettir. On üç asır evvel şeriat-ı garra teessüs ettiğinden, ahkâmda Avrupa’ya dilencilik etmek, din-i İslâm’a büyük bir cinayettir ve şimale müteveccihen namaz kılmak gibidir. Kuvvet kanunda olmalı. Yoksa istibdat tevzi olunmuş olur. اِنَّ اللّٰهَ هُوَ ال۟قَوِىُّ ال۟مَتٖينُ hâkim ve âmir-i vicdanî olmalı. O da marifet-i tam ve medeniyet-i âmm veyahut din-i İslâm namıyla olmalı. Yoksa istibdat daima hüküm-ferma olacaktır.

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Unity may be achieved through Divine Guidance, not through personal whims and desires.
İttifak hüdadadır, heva ve heveste değil.

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People are free, but they are still slaves of God. Everything is free now; the Shari‘a is free, constitutionalism is free. We shall not give the matters of the Shari‘a as a bribe. One may not make the faults of others the basis of and excuse for one’s own faults.
İnsanlar hür oldular amma yine abdullahtırlar. Her şey hür oldu, şeriat da hürdür, meşrutiyet de. Mesail-i şeriatı rüşvet vermeyeceğiz. Başkasının kusuru, insanın kusuruna senet ve özür olamaz.

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Despair is an obstacle to all achievement. The saying: “What is it to me, let other’s think” is a souvenir of absolutism.
Yeis, mani-i herkemaldir. “Neme lâzım, başkası düşünsün.” istibdadın yadigârıdır.

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I do not know what should be interposed to tie together these sentences since I do not know Turkish, and leave it for the readers to work it out.
Bu cümlelerin mabeynini rabtedecek olan mukaddimatı, Türkçe bilmediğim için mütaliînin fikirlerine havale ediyorum.

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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<span id="Sadâ-yı_Hakikat"></span>
== Sadâ-yı Hakikat ==
==The Voice of Truth==

<div lang="tr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
5 Rebîülevvel 1327/ 14 Mart 1325/ 27 March 1909
27 Mart 1909

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The way of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) is free of all doubts and trickery, and therefore does not condescend to concealing things, which is suggestive of doubt and trickery. Anyway, such a mighty, extensive, all-embracing truth could in no way be hidden, especially from the people of this time. How could an ocean be concealed in a pitcher?
Tarîk-i Muhammedî aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, şüphe ve hileden münezzeh olduğundan, şüphe ve hileyi îma eden gizlemekten de müstağnidir. Hem o derece azîm ve geniş ve muhit bir hakikat, bâhusus bu zaman ehline karşı hiçbir cihetle saklanmaz. Bahr-i umman nasıl bir testide saklanacak?

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I repeat: the means of unity of the İttihad-ı Muham-medî (Muhammadan Union), which in reality is Islamic Unity, is Divine Unity. Its oath and pledge is belief. Its associations and councils are the mosques, religious schools, and Sufi meeting-places. Its membership consists of all believers. It code of rules are the practices of the Prophet (PBUH). Its laws are the commands and prohibitions of the Shari‘a. This Union consists not of numbers but of worship.
Tekraren söylüyorum ki: İttihad-ı İslâm hakikatinde olan İttihad-ı Muhammedî’nin (aleyhissalâtü vesselâm) cihet-i vahdeti tevhid-i İlahîdir. Peyman ve yemini de imandır. Encümen ve cemiyetleri, mesacid ve medaris ve zevayadır. Müntesibîni umum mü’minlerdir. Nizamnamesi sünen-i Ahmediyedir aleyhissalâtü vesselâm. Kanunu, evamir ve nevahi-i şer’iyedir. Bu ittihat, âdetten değil, ibadettir.

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Fear and causing fear are both hypocrisy, but there is no hypocrisy in performing the obligatory acts of religion. The obligatory act of greatest importance at the present time is Islamic Unity. While the aim and goal of Unity [or the Muhammadan Union] is to stir into life the long, many-branched, far-reaching luminous chain which binds together the centres of Islam and their places of worship, to arouse those bound to it, and through the wishes and promptings of their consciences drive them to the way of progress.
İhfa ve havf riyadandır. Farzda riya yoktur. Bu zamanın en büyük farz vazifesi, ittihad-ı İslâm’dır. İttihadın hedef ve maksadı; o kadar uzun, münşaib ve muhit ve merakiz ve meâbid-i İslâmiyeyi birbirine rabtettiren bir silsile-i nuraniyi ihtizaza getirmekle, onunla merbut olanları ikaz ve tarîk-i terakkiye bir hâhiş ve emr-i vicdanî ile sevk etmektir.

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The way of this Union is love; its enmity is only for ignorance, poverty, and strife. Non-Muslims should feel sure that this Union attacks only those three facts. Our actions towards non-Muslims consist only of persuasion, for we know them to be civilized. And we suppose them to be fair-minded, so we should demonstrate that Islam is lovable and elevated. The lax and negligent should know that they cannot ingratiate themselves with the Europeans by being irreligious, for they only show that they are unprincipled. And no one likes unprincipledness and anarchy. Those who join this Union after due investigation, will not leave it by blindly imitating such people.
Bu ittihadın meşrebi, muhabbettir. Husumeti ise cehalet ve zaruret ve nifakadır. Gayr-ı müslimler emin olsunlar ki bu ittihadımız, bu üç sıfata hücumdur. Gayr-ı müslime karşı hareketimiz iknadır. Zira onları medeni biliriz. Ve İslâmiyet’i mahbub ve ulvi göstermektir. Zira onları munsif zannediyoruz. Lâübaliler iyi bilsinler ki dinsizlikle kendilerini hiçbir ecnebiye sevdiremezler. Zira mesleksizliklerini göstermiş olurlar. Mesleksizlik, anarşilik sevilmez. Ve bu ittihada tahkik ile dâhil olanlar, onları taklit edip çıkmazlar.

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We present to public opinion the ideas, way, and reality of the Muhammadan Union, which is Islamic Unity. If anyone has any objections, let him voice them; we are ready to answer them.
İttihad-ı Muhammedî –aleyhissalâtü vesselâm– olan ittihad-ı İslâm’ın efkâr ve meslek ve hakikatini efkâr-ı umumiyeye arz ederiz. Kimin bir itirazı varsa etsin, cevaba hazırız.

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All the lions of the world are bound to this chain;
جُم۟لَه شٖيرَانِ جِهَان۟ بَس۟تَۀِ اٖين۟ سِل۟سِلَه اَن۟د رُوبَه اَز۟ حٖيلَه چِه سَان۟ بِگُسَلَد۟ اٖين۟ سِل۟سِلَه رَا
Could the fox chew through it by trickery?

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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A part I left out of the Programme of My Aims, which I published(*<ref>*See, Volkan, Nos: 83, 84. [Tr.]</ref>)
Neşrettiğim fihriste-i makasıddan terk ettiğim bir fıkradır. Şöyle ki:

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One channel of modern education, which flows in from outside, should consist of some of the members of the religious schools, so that it may be purified of rancour and hatred.
Zâhiren hariçten cereyan eden maarif-i cedidenin bir mecrası da bir kısım ehl-i medrese olmalı. Tâ gıll ü gıştan tasaffi etsin.

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For coming from another channel it is polluted and cloudy. It has had a negative effect on some minds oppressed by the tyranny which arises from the swamp of idleness and breathes through the poison of despotism; it must therefore pass through the filter of the Shari‘a. It will be transformed through the efforts of the religious scholars.
Zira bulanıklığıyla başka mecradan taaffün ile gelmiş ve atalet bataklığından neş’et ve istibdat sümumu ile teneffüs eden, zulüm tazyiki ile ezilen efkâra bu müteaffin su, bazı aksü’l-amel yaptığından, misfat-ı şeriat ile süzdürmek zarurîdir. Bu da ehl-i medresenin dûş-u himmetine muhavveldir.

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Peace on those who follow right-guidance.
وَالسَّلَامُ عَلٰى مَنِ اتَّبَعَ ال۟هُدٰى

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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<span id="Reddü&#039;l-Evham"></span>
== Reddü'l-Evham ==
==To Dispel Any Fears==

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9 Rebîülevvel 1327/ 18 Mart 1325/ 31 March 1909
31 Mart 1909

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I shall reply to nine groundless fears voiced about the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (Muhammadan Union).
İttihad-ı Muhammedî –aleyhissalâtü vesselâm– cemaatine isnad ettikleri dokuz evham-ı fâsideyi reddedeceğim.

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'''First Groundless Fear:'''It is inappropriate to put forward the question of religion at a sensitive time such as the present.
'''Birinci Vehim:''' Böyle nazik bir zamanda din meselesini ortaya atmak münasip görülmüyor.

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'''The Answer:'''We love religion, and we love this world for the sake of religion. “There is no good in this world without religion.
'''Elcevap:''' Biz dini severiz. Dünyayı da yine din için severiz.

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لَا خَي۟رَ فِى الدُّن۟يَا بِلَا دٖينٍ
لَا خَي۟رَ فِى الدُّن۟يَا بِلَا دٖينٍ

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'''Secondly:'''Since in constitutionalism sovereignity belongs to the nation, the nation’s existence has to be demonstrated, and our nation is only Islam. For the strongest bond of Arab, Turk, Kurd, Albanian, Circassian, and Laz, and their firmest nationhood, is nothing other than Islam. The foundations of an array of states are being laid, due to negligence and strife incited through the revival of the partisanship and tribalism of the Age of Ignorance, which died one thousand three hundred years ago. We have seen this.
'''Sâniyen:''' Mademki meşrutiyette hâkimiyet millettedir. Mevcudiyet-i milleti göstermek lâzımdır. Milletimiz de yalnız İslâmiyet’tir. Zira Arap, Türk, Kürt, Arnavut, Çerkez ve Lazların en kuvvetli ve hakikatli revabıt ve milliyetleri, İslâmiyet’ten başka bir şey değildir. Nasıl ki az ihmal ile tavaif-i mülûk temelleri atılmakta ve on üç asır evvel ölmüş olan asabiyet-i cahiliyeyi ihya ile fitne ikaz olunmaktadır. Ve oldu gördük…

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'''Second Groundless Fear:'''By using this name specifically you make non-members feel alarm and anxiety?
'''İkinci Vehim:''' Bu unvan tahsisiyle, müntesip olmayanları vehim ve telaşa düşürüyor?

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'''The Answer:'''I have explained this before, but because it has not been read or has been misunderstood, I am obliged to repeat it. It is like this:
'''Elcevap:''' Evvel de söylemiştim. Ya mütalaa olunmamış veya sû-i tefehhüme uğramış olduğundan tekrarına mecbur oldum. Şöyle ki:

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What is meant when we say the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (Muhammad Union), which is Islamic Unity, is the unity between all believers, whether potential or actual. It does not refer to the society in Istanbul and Anatolia. A single drop of water is still water. The word cannot be thought of as specific. Its true definition is as follows:
İttihad-ı İslâm olan İttihad-ı Muhammedî –aleyhissalâtü vesselâm– dediğimiz vakit, umum mü’minlerin mabeyninde bi’l-kuvve veya bilfiil sabit olan ittihat muraddır. Yoksa İstanbul ve Anadolu’daki cemaat murad değildir. Amma bir katre su da sudur. Bu unvandan tahsis çıkmaz. Tarif-i hakikisi şöyledir:

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Its foundations stretch from east to west and from north to south; its centre are the holy places of Mecca and Medina; its point of unity is Divine Unity; its oath and pledge is belief; its code of regulations, the practices of the Prophet (PBUH); its code of laws, the commands and prohibitions of the Shari‘a; its clubs and councils, all the religious schools, mosques, and Sufi meeting-houses; the society’s eternal press organ are all Islamic books, and its constant one is foremost the Qur’an and all Qur’anic commentaries (and at this time, the Risale-i Nur, which is a Qur’anic commentary), as well as all moderate religious papers and journals whose aim is to uphold the Word of God; its membership consists of all believers; and its leader is the Glory of the World (PBUH).
Esas temeli, şarktan garba cenuptan şimale mümted ve merkezi Haremeyn-i Şerifeyn ve cihet-i vahdeti tevhid-i İlahî; peyman ve yemini iman; nizamnamesi, sünnet-i Ahmediye aleyhissalâtü vesselâm; kanunnamesi, evamir ve nevahi-i şer’iye; kulüp ve encümenleri, umum medaris, mesacid ve zevaya; o cemaatin ile’l-ebed ve muhalled nâşir-i efkârı, umum kütüb-ü İslâmiye ve her vakit nâşir-i efkârı başta Kur’an ve tefsirleri (ve bu zamanda bir tefsiri, Risale-i Nur) ve i’lâ-yı kelimetullahı hedef ve maksat eden umum dinî ve müstakim ceraiddir. Müntesibîni, umum mü’minlerdir. Reisi de Fahr-i Âlem’dir aleyhissalâtü vesselâm.

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What we want now is the awakening and attention of believers, for the effect of public attention is undeniable. The aim of the Union and its purpose is to uphold the Word of God, and its way is to wage the ‘greater jihad’ with one’s own soul, and to guide others. Ninety-nine per cent of the endeavours of this blessed society are not political. They are rather turned towards good morals and moderation, which are the opposite of politics, and other lawful aims. For very few societies have adopted this as their function, although its value and importance is immense. Only one out of a hundred of its members will be connected with politics by way of offering guidance to politicians. Their swords are decisive proofs. And just as their way is love, so will they encourage the love included in the seed of the brotherhood between believers to grow, like a tree of Tuba.
Şimdi istediğimiz nokta, mü’minlerin teveccühleri ve teyakkuzlarıdır. Teveccüh-ü umumînin tesiri inkâr edilmez. İttihadın hedefi ve maksadı i’lâ-yı kelimetullah ve mesleği de kendi nefsiyle cihad-ı ekber ve başkalarını irşaddır. Bu mübarek heyetin yüzde doksan dokuz himmeti siyaset değildir. Siyasetin gayrı olan hüsn-ü ahlâk ve istikamet vesaire gibi makasıd-ı meşruaya masruftur. Zira bu vazifeye müteveccih olan cemiyetler pek az, kıymet ve ehemmiyeti ise pek çoktur. Ancak yüzde biri, siyasiyyunu irşad tarîkiyle siyasete taalluk edecektir. Kılınçları, berahin-i kat’iyedir. Meşrepleri de muhabbet olduğu gibi beyne’l-mü’minîn uhuvvet çekirdeğinde mündemic olan muhabbete şecere-i tûba gibi neşv ü nema vermektir.

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'''Fifth Groundless Fear:'''Is there not the possibility that the Europeans will be perturbed by it?
'''Beşinci Vehim:''' Ecnebilerin bundan tevahhuş etmek ihtimali var?

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'''The Answer:'''Those who consider this to be a possibility are themselves perturbed. For it is refuted by the Europeans praising Islam in lectures(*<ref>*This alludes to lectures given by Bismarck, Carlyle, and others.</ref>)and describing its elevatedness, in the very centres of their bigotry. Also, it is not they who are our enemies; what has in reality brought us this low is opposition to the Shari‘a, which is the result of ignorance, thus preventing us from upholding the Word of God; and poverty and its fruits of immorality and bad conduct; and conflict and its products of strife and hatred; the attacks of our Union are directed at these three enemies.
'''Elcevap:''' Bu ihtimale ihtimal verenler mütevahhiştir. Zira merkez-i taassuplarında İslâmiyet’in ulviyetine dair konferanslarla '''(Hâşiye'''<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Bismark ve Mister Karlayl gibilerin malûm beyanatlarına işaret eder.</ref>''')''' takdis etmeleri bu ihtimali reddeder. Hem de düşmanlarımız onlar değil; asıl bizi bu kadar düşürüp i’lâ-yı kelimetullaha mani olan ve cehalet neticesi olan muhalefet-i şeriattır. Ve zaruret ve onun semeresi olan sû-i ahlâk ve harekettir ve ihtilaf ve onun mahsulü olan ağraz ve nifaktır ki ittihadımız bu üç insafsız düşmana hücumdur.

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In the Middle Ages, Islam was compelled to be bigoted and hostile in the face of the Europeans’ savagery, but it nevertheless maintained its justice and moderation. It never instituted inquisitions and such like. In this time of modern civilization, the Europeans are civilized and powerful, and harmful hostility and bigotry have therefore disappeared. For in respect of religion, the civilized are to be conquered through persuasion, not through force, and through showing by conforming to its commands in actions and conduct that Islam is elevated and lovable. Force and enmity are only to combat the barbarity of savages.
Amma ecnebilerin vahşi oldukları kurûn-u vustâda; İslâmiyet, vahşete karşı husumet ve taassuba mecbur olduğu halde, adalet ve itidalini muhafaza etmiş. Hiçbir vakit engizisyon gibi etmemiş. Ve zaman-ı medeniyette ecnebiler medeni ve kuvvetli olduklarından, zararlı olan husumet ve taassup zâil olmuştur. Zira din nokta-i nazarından medenilere galebe çalmak ikna iledir, icbar ile değildir. Ve İslâmiyet’i, mahbub ve ulvi olduğunu, evamirine imtisalen ef’al ve ahlâk ile göstermek iledir. İcbar ve husumet, vahşilerin vahşetine karşıdır.

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'''Sixth Groundless Fear:'''Some people say that Islamic Unity, which aims to implement the practices of the Prophet (PBUH), limits freedom and is opposed to the requirements of civilization.
'''Altıncı Vehim:''' Bazıları “Sünnet-i Nebeviyeyi hedef-i maksat eden ittihad-ı İslâm, hürriyeti tahdid eder ve levazım-ı medeniyeye münafîdir.” diyorlar.

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'''The Answer:'''The true believer is truly free. One who is the slave and servant of the Maker of the world will not condescend to lower himself before His creatures. That is to say, freedom is increased to the degree belief is strengthened.
'''Elcevap:''' Asıl mü’min, hakkıyla hürdür. Sâni’-i âlem’e abd ve hizmetkâr olan, halka tezellüle tenezzül etmemek gerektir. Demek ne kadar imana kuvvet verilse hürriyet de o kadar kuvvet bulur.

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Absolute freedom, however, is absolute savagery; indeed, it is animality. From the point of view of humanity, too, freedom has to be restricted.
Amma hürriyet-i mutlak ise vahşet-i mutlakadır belki hayvanlıktır. Tahdid-i hürriyet dahi insaniyet nokta-i nazarından zarurîdir.

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'''Secondly:'''Some lax and dissolute individuals want not to be free, but to be the vile slaves of their evil-comman-ding souls.
'''Sâlisen:''' Bazı sefih ve lâübaliler, hür yaşamak istemediklerinden nefs-i emmarenin esaret-i rezilesi altına girmek istiyorlar.

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'''In Short:'''The freedom outside the bounds of the Shari‘a is either despotism, or slavery to the soul, or animality, or savagery. The heedless and atheists who want such freedom should know that they will never make any European with a conscience love them through vice and irreligion, nor will they resemble them. For no one loves the dissolute and the unprincipled. And if a man wears a woman’s dress, he merely becomes ridiculous.
'''Elhasıl:''' Şeriat dairesinden hariç olan hürriyet, ya istibdat veya esaret-i nefis veya canavarcasına hayvanlık veya vahşettir. Böyle lâübaliler ve zındıklar iyi bilsinler ki dinsizlikle ve sefahetle sahib-i vicdan hiçbir ecnebiye kendilerini sevdiremezler ve benzetemezler. Zira mesleksiz ve sefih sevilmez. Ve bir kadına yakışır –istihsan ettiği– libası erkek giyse maskara olur.

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'''Seventh Groundless Fear:'''The Muhammadan Union has split away from the other religious groups, and this leads to rivalry and mutual aversion.
'''Yedinci Vehim:''' İttihad-ı İslâm cemaati, sair cemiyet-i diniye ile şakku’l-asâdır. Rekabet ve münaferatı intac eder.

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'''The Answer:'''Firstly, there can be no jealousy, contention, and conflict in the matters of the hereafter, so if any of those societies attempts to compete or strive against another it will be as though it is hypocritical and dissembling in worship.
'''Elcevap: Evvela:''' Umûr-u uhreviyede hased ve müzahamet ve münakaşa olmadığından bu cemiyetlerden hangisi münakaşaya, rekabete kalkışsa ibadette riya ve nifak etmiş gibidir.

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'''Secondly:'''We congratulate all societies founded out of love of religion and we unite with them, on two conditions:
'''Sâniyen:''' Muhabbet-i din sâikasıyla teşekkül eden cemaatlerin iki şart ile umumunu tebrik ve onlarla ittihat ederiz.

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'''First Condition:'''That they preserve the freedom which is in accordance with the Shari‘a and public order.
Birinci şart: Hürriyet-i şer’iyeyi ve asayişi muhafaza etmektir.

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'''Second Condition:'''That they act out of love, and do not smear other groups for self-advantage. If any are in error, they should refer it to the religious authorities, who collectively constitute the Mufti of the Umma.
İkinci şart: Muhabbet üzerinde hareket etmek, başka cemiyete leke sürmekle kendisine kıymet vermeye çalışmamak. Birinde hata bulunsa müfti-i ümmet cemiyet-i ulemaya havale etmektir.

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'''Thirdly:'''Any society whose aim is upholding the Word of God cannot in any way be the means of animosity and serving its own ends. Even if it wants to, it will not be successful, because to do so is duplicity. The truth is exalted, and may not by sacrificed for anything. Can the Pleiades be swept with a brush or eaten like a bunch of grapes? Anyone who puffs at the sun of reality to extinguish it merely advertises his lunacy.
'''Sâlisen:''' İ’lâ-yı kelimetullahı hedef-i maksat eden cemaat, hiçbir garaza vasıta olamaz. İsterse de muvaffak olamaz. Zira nifaktır. Hakkın hatırı âlîdir, hiçbir şeye feda olunmaz. Nasıl Süreyya yıldızları süpürge olur veya üzüm salkımı gibi yenilir? Şems-i hakikate “Püf, üf!” eden, divaneliğini ilan eder.

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Newspapers and periodicals which support religion! We say that religious groups and societies should have a common goal. But it is neither possible for them to unite in their ways and methods, nor is it permissible. For it opens up the way blind imitation and causes people to say: “What is it to me? Let others do the thinking.”
Ey dinî cerideler! Maksadımız: Dinî cemaatler maksatta ittihat etmelidirler. Mesalikte ve meşreplerde ittihat mümkün olmadığı gibi caiz de değildir. Zira taklit yolunu açar ve “Neme lâzım, başkası düşünsün.” sözünü de söylettirir.

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'''Eighth Groundless Fear:'''The majority of the people who have joined the Union here, both in fact and in spirit, supporters of Islamic Unity, are ordinary people, and some are an unknown quantity; this hints of conflict and dissension.
'''Sekizinci Vehim:''' Ehl-i ittihad-ı İslâm olan buradaki cemaate, manen gibi sureten de intisap edenlerin ekserisi avam, bir kısmı da meçhulü’l-hal olduğundan fitne ve ihtilafı îma ediyor.

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'''The Answer:'''It is rather as a consequence of enmity not being permitted. Also, since its aim is unity and upholding the Word of God, all its activities and endeavours are worship. In the mosque of worship king and beggar are equal. True equality is its principle; there is no privilege. The best is the one most fearing of God. And the one most fearing of God is the most humble.
'''Elcevap:''' Belki ağraza adem-i müsaadesine binaendir. Hem de madem maksadı, ittihat ve i’lâ-yı kelimetullahtır. Teşebbüsat ve harekâtı da ibadettir. İbadet camiinde şah ve geda birdir. Müsavat hakiki düsturdur. İmtiyaz yoktur. Zira en ekrem, en müttakidir. Ve en müttaki, en mütevazidir.

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As a consequence, together with joining in meaning the true Union,(*<ref>*That is, Islamic Unity. [Tr.]</ref>)
Binaenaleyh manen asıl hakikat-i ittihada intisap ile beraber sureten onun numunesi olan bu uhrevî ve sırf dinî cemaate intisap ile teşerrüf edecek, yoksa şeref vermeyecektir. Bir katre, bahr-i ummanı tezyid edemez. Hem de bir günah-ı kebire ile imandan çıkmadığı gibi şems garptan tulû etmediğinden tövbenin kapısı da açıktır. Bir testi müteneccis su, bir denizi tencis etmediği gibi kendi de temizlendiğinden şimdi bu numune-i ittihada intisap eden adama şartımız olan sünnet-i Nebeviyeyi aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, ihya ve evamirine imtisal ve nevahiden içtinab ve asayişe ilişmemek –elinden gelse– azm-i kat’î ile dâhil olan bazı meçhulü’l-hal olanlar bu hakikat-i âliyeyi lekedar etmez. Zira kendi lekedar olsa da imanı mukaddestir. Rabıta da imandır. Bu unvan-ı mukaddese böyle bahane ile leke sürmek; İslâmiyet’in kıymet ve ulviyetini bilmemekle beraber, kendini ahmaku’n-nâs ilan etmektir.
he will be honoured by joining this Union, which is a physical sample of it. A single droplet does not increase the ocean. And just as one grievous sin does not cause a person to cease being a believer, so the door of repentance is open till the sun rises in the west. And in the same way that a flagon of impure water does not make the ocean unclean, a number of persons of unknown origins -now that they have purified themselves- who have joined this sample of Islamic Unity with the firm intention, as far as they can, to revive the practices of the Prophet (PBUH), obey his commands and refrain from what he prohibited, and not disturb public order, will not stain this elevated reality. For even if they themselves are tainted, their belief is sacred. The bond too is belief. One who smears this sacred name with such pretexts, is unaware of Islam’s worth and elevatedness, and simply proclaims himself to be an idiot.

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We strenuously reject any innuendoes made against our society, which is a sample of Islamic Unity, by analogies made with worldly societies, and efforts to smear it. If anyone offers objections by way of asking for information, we are ready to reply to them. The field is open...!
Numune-i ittihat olan cemaatimize –sair cem’iyat-ı dünyeviyeye kıyasen– leke sürmeyi, ta’riz etmeyi cemi’ kuvvetimizle reddederiz. İstifsar tarîkiyle bir itirazları olursa cevaba hazırız. İşte meydan!

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The society of which I am a member is Islamic Unity, which I have here described in detail. It is not the imaginary organization that critics have falsely described. The members of this religious association are together whether in the north, south, east or west.
Benim dâhil olduğum cemaat, burada tafsil ettiğim ittihad-ı İslâm’dır. Yoksa muterizlerin bâtıl tevehhüm ettikleri cemiyet-i mütehayyile değildir. Bu dinî heyet efradı, şarkta olsa garpta olsa cenupta olsa şimalde olsa beraberiz.

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'''Question:'''You sometimes sign yourself as Bediuzzaman (the Wonder of the Age). Does this not infer self-praise?
'''Sual:''' Sen imzanı bazen Bediüzzaman yazıyorsun. Lakap medhi îma eder?

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'''The Answer:''' It is not for praise; I declare my faults, excuses, and apologies with this title. Because ‘Bedi‘’means strange. And like my form, my conduct, my manner of address, and my attire are all strange and different. Through the tongue of this manner and title I request that the current reasoning and styles based on customary practice are not made the measure and criterion for my style and reasoning. Also my aims are strange and unusual.
'''Cevap:''' Medih için değildir. Kusurlarımı, sened-i özrümü, mazeretimi bu unvan ile ibraz ediyorum. Zira bedî’, garib demektir. Benim ahlâkım suretim gibi üslub-u beyanım elbisem gibi garibdir, muhaliftir. Görenekle revaçta olan muhakemat ve esalibi, benim üslup ve muhakematımla mikyas ve mihenk itibar yapmamayı bu unvanın lisan-ı haliyle rica ediyorum. Hem de muradım bedî’, acib demektir.

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I have illustrated the lines: I have become the target of every weird person;For I am weird in the eyes of the weird! An example is this: I have been in Istanbul one year and have seen a hundred years’ worth of revolutions.
اِلَىَّ لَعَم۟رٖى قَص۟دُ كُلِّ عَجٖيبَةٍ ۝ كَاَنّٖى عَجٖيبٌ فٖى عُيُونِ ال۟عَجَائِبِ mâsadak oldum. Bir misali budur: Bir senedir İstanbul’a geldim, yüz senenin inkılabatını gördüm.

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Peace be on those who follow right-guidance!
وَالسَّلَامُ عَلٰى مَنِ اتَّبَعَ ال۟هُدٰى

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We say in the name of all believers: Long live the Shari‘a of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace)!
Cemi’ mü’minlerin lisanıyla insanların adedi kadar deriz: Yaşasın şeriat-ı Ahmedî! (aleyhissalâtü vesselâm).

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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My Brother, the Editor!
'''Biraderim Başmuharrir Bey’e!'''

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Writers should be mannerly, and their manners should be moulded by the manners of Islam. Let the sense of religion in the conscience order the Press Regulations, for this Islamic revolution has shown that what governs all consciences is Islamic zeal, the light of lights. Also, it has been understood that Islamic Unity includes all the people of Islam; there is no one outside it.
Edibler edepli olmalıdırlar. Hem de edeb-i İslâmiye ile müteeddib olmalıdırlar. Matbuat nizamnamesini vicdanlarındaki hiss-i diyanet tanzim etsin. Zira bu inkılab-ı şer’iye gösterdi ki vicdanlarda hüküm-ferma, nure’n-nur olan hamiyet-i İslâmiyedir. Hem de anlaşıldı ki ittihad-ı İslâm umum askere ve umum ehl-i imana şâmildir. Hariç kimse yoktur.

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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<span id="Hutbe-i_Şâmiye&#039;nin_Birinci_Zeylinin_Zeylinden_Son_Parçası"></span>
== Hutbe-i Şâmiye'nin Birinci Zeylinin Zeylinden Son Parçası ==
Last Part

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[This piece and the next one, parts of an address to the army during the events in April 1909 known as the 31st March Incident, induced eight mutinying regiments to obey their officers and return to barracks, greatly lessening the harm of the calamity.]
(31 Mart Hâdisesi’nde isyan eden sekiz taburu itaate getiren ve musibeti yüzden bire indiren iki derstir ki dinî ceridelerde 1325’te neşredilmiştir. Miladî: 1909)

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Address to Our Heroic Soldiers
Kahraman Askerlerimize

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Noble soldiers of Islam! Mighty heroes who have twice saved this oppressed nation and sacred Islam from a terrible abyss!
Ey şanlı asakir-i muvahhidîn! Ve ey bu millet-i mazlumeyi ve mukaddes İslâmiyet’i iki defa büyük vartadan tahlis eden muhteşem kahramanlar!

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Your beauty and perfection lie in order and discipline. You demonstrated this perfectly at the time of greatest confusion. Yes, your life and strength lie in obedience. Display this sacred virtue before even your least officer. The honour of thirty million Ottomans and three hundred million Muslims is tied to your obedience. The banner of Divine Unity is in the hand of your courage, while the strength of those blessed hands of yours is obedience.
Cemal ve kemaliniz, intizam ve inzibattır. Bunu da hakkıyla en müşevveş bir zamanda gösterdiniz. Ve hayatınız ve kuvvetiniz itaattir. Bu meziyet-i mukaddeseyi en ufak âmirinize karşı bile irae ediniz. Otuz milyon Osmanlı ve üç yüz milyon İslâm’ın namusu artık sizin itaatinize bağlıdır. Sancak ve tevhid-i İlahî sizin yed-i şecaatinizdedir.

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Your officers are your compassionate fathers. Both the Qur’an, and Hadith, and wisdom and experience state that obedience to those in command who are rightful is obligatory.
Sizin o mübarek elinizin kuvveti de itaattir. Sizin zabitleriniz, müşfik pederlerinizdir. Kur’an ve hadîs ve hikmet ve tecrübe ile sabittir ki: Haklı âmire itaat farzdır.

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You know that thirty million could not bring about two such revolutions in a hundred years. The true strength resulting from your obedience made the whole Islamic nation grateful to you. This honour may be confirmed now through obedience to your officers. The honour of Islam is also dependent on that obedience. I know that you did not get mixed up with it in order to save your officers -who are like your kind fathers- from responsibility. But the matter is finished now, so you should throw yourselves into their compassionate embrace. The Illustrious Shari‘a orders you to do this. For your officers have been charged with authority over you; for the benefit of the country and nation, and particularly to maintain discipline in the army, obedience to those charged with authority is obligatory. The Shari‘a of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) will also be preserved through your obedience.
Malûmunuzdur ki otuz üç milyon nüfus yüz sene zarfında böyle iki inkılabı yapamadı. Sizin o itaatten neş’et eden hakiki kuvvetiniz, umum millet-i İslâmiyeyi medyun-u şükran etti. Bu şerefi hakkıyla teyid etmek, zabitlerinize itaatledir. İslâmiyet’in namusu da o itaattedir. Biliyorum ki müşfik pederleriniz olan zabitlerinizi mes’ul etmemek için işe karıştırmadınız. Şimdi ise iş bitti. Zabitlerinizin âğuş-u şefkatlerine atılınız. Şeriat-ı garra böyle emrediyor. Zira zabitler ulü’l-emrdirler. Vatan ve millet menfaatinde, hususan nizam-ı askerîde ulü’l-emre itaat farzdır. Şeriat-ı Muhammedî’nin –aleyhissalâtü vesselâm– muhafazası da itaat iledir.

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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Address to the Army
'''Asakire Hitap'''

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(Dinî Ceride Numara: 110, 30 Nisan 1909)
(Dinî Ceride Numara: 110, 30 Nisan 1909)

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O Soldiers of Islam! I remind you of the decree of the Glory of the World (Upon whom be blessings and peace) that it is obligatory to obey those in command within the bounds of the Shari‘a. Your commanders and masters are your officers. The army resembles a huge and orderly factory. If one cog of the machinery departs from the order and discipline, the whole factory is thrown into confusion.
Ey asakir-i muvahhidîn! Fahr-i Âlem’in aleyhissalâtü vesselâm fermanını size tebliğ ediyorum ki şeriat dairesinde ulü’l-emre itaat farzdır. Ulü’l-emriniz ve üstadlarınız zabitlerinizdir. Askerlik ocağı cesîm ve muntazam bir fabrikaya benzer. Çarkların biri intizam ve itaatte serkeşlik etmekle, bütün fabrika herc ü merc olur.

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Your orderly and powerful factory of the army is the point of support and source of help of thirty million Ottomans and three hundred million Muslims.
Sizin o muntazam ve kuvvetli fabrika-i askeriyeniz, otuz milyon Osmanlı ve üç yüz milyon nüfus-u İslâmiyenin nokta-i istinadı ve maden-i istimdadıdır.

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Your bloodless and instantaneous killing of two awesome despotisms was wondrous; you exhibited two miracles of the Illustrious Shari‘a, offering two proofs to those weak in belief of the power of Islamic zeal and the sacredness of the Shari‘a. Had the price of these two revolutions been thousands of martyrs, we still would have considered it cheap. But if even a thousandth of your obedience is sacrificed, it will turn out extremely expensive for us. For any decrease in your obedience is the cause of death, like a drop in the life-force or in body-heat.
Sizin iki müthiş istibdadı kansız ve def’aten öldürmeniz hârikulâde olduğundan ve şeriat-ı garranın iki mu’cize-i garrasını izhar ettiğinizden zaîfü’l-akide olanlara, hamiyet-i İslâmiyenin kuvvetini ve şeriatın kudsiyetini iki bürhan ile izhar eylediniz. Bu iki inkılabın pahasına binler şehit verse idik ucuz sayacaktık. Lâkin itaatinizden binde bir cüzü feda olunsa bize pek çok pahalı düşer. Zira itaatinizin tenakusu, ukde-i hayatiye veya hararet-i gariziyenin tenakusu gibi mevti intac eder.

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History has always testified to the awesome harms to country and nation when soldiers interfere in politics. Certainly your Islamic zeal will prevent you from attempting things that will cause harm to the life of Islam. Those who will think of politics are your officers and commanders, who are like your powers of thought.
Tarih-i âlem serâpa şehadet ediyor ki asker neferatının siyasete müdahaleleri, devletçe ve milletçe müthiş zararları intac etmiştir. Elbette hamiyet-i İslâmiyeniz, böyle sizi uhdenizde olan hayat-ı İslâmiyeye zarar verecek noktalardan men’edecektir. Siyaseti düşünenler, sizin kuvve-i müfekkireniz hükmünde olan zabitleriniz ve ulü’l-emrlerinizdir.

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Sometimes, since it repels considerable harm politically, a matter you consider to be harmful is pure benefit; your officers see this due to their experience, and give you commands. It is not then permissible for you to be hesitant. Actions in personal life that are contrary to the Shari‘a do not negate skill and expertise in a craft, and do not make the craft abhorrent. The illicit private conduct of a skilful doctor or proficient engineer does not prevent their medicine and engineering being profited from. So do not fail in your obedience because of minor actions contrary to the Shari‘a of some of your officers who are experienced in the science of warfare, skilful in that art, and whose ideas are enlightened through their Islamic zeal. Because the science of warfare is an important art.
Bazen zarar zannettiğiniz şey, siyaseten büyük zararı def’ettiği için ayn-ı maslahat olduğundan, zabitleriniz tecrübeleri hasebiyle görüyor ve size emir veriyor. Sizde de tereddüt caiz değildir. Ef’al-i hususiye-i nâmeşrua, sanattaki maharet ve hazakate münafî değildir ve sanatı menfur etmez. Nasıl ki bir tabib-i hâzık ve bir mühendis-i mahirin nâmeşru harekâtı için onların tıp ve hendeselerinden mani-i istifade olamaz. Kezalik fenn-i harpte tecrübeli ve o sanatta mahir ve hamiyet-i İslâmiye ile münevverü’l-fikir zabitlerinizin bazılarının cüz’î nâmeşru harekâtı için itaatinize halel vermeyiniz. Zira fenn-i harp, mühim bir sanattır.

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Also, since your rebellion showed the Illustrious Shari‘a like the Shining Hand of Moses, you compelled those few unlawful actions to return to the fold of the Shari‘a. This licit union of yours swallowed up other societies which were the cause of division and confusion of ideas, like the Staff of Moses. It also compelled the magicians to prostrate. Your action in this revolution was like a medicine, but if excessive, it will turn into poison and head the life of Islam towards a serious illness. Also, through your endeavours the despotism with us has for the present
Hem de sizin kıyamınız; şeriat-ı garra, –yed-i beyza-i Musa gibi– sair sebeb-i tefrika ve teşettüt-ü efkâr olan cemiyetleri bel’ etti. Sahirleri de secdeye mecbur eyledi. Harekâtınız bu inkılabda ilaç gibi idi ki fazla olsa zehire münkalib olur. Ve hayat-ı İslâmiyeyi fena bir hastalığa hedef eder. Hem de himmetinizle bizdeki istibdat şimdilik mahvoldu. Lâkin terakkiler için Avrupa’nın istibdad-ı manevîsi altındayız. Nihayet derecede ihtiyat ve itidal lâzımdır.
been destroyed. But we are still oppressed by Europe in respect of progress. The utmost caution and moderation are needed.

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Long live the Illustrious Shari‘a! Long live the army!
Yaşasın şeriat-ı garra!.. Yaşasın askerler!..

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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A Important Warning to the Societies and Clubs
'''Cemiyetlere İhtar-ı Mühim'''

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Our society is now a constitutional government. The harm of having governments within the government has become apparent. The fact that there is not a uniform level of culture has resulted in enmity, bigotry, and partisanship between the parties. It has become a field favourable to those nurturing hatred, who by exploiting that natural force, meddle in politics and exercise arbitrary power -which is pleasurable- in the general administration. It is therefore extremely harmful for the groups and parties to continue in their present form, although it may be beneficial for members of a company, or intellectuals or unbiased people to criticize politics, or for people of learning to offer advice and counsel to one another. Our constitutional government now forms the society.
Şimdi cemiyetimiz bir hükûmet-i meşruta-i meşruadır. Hükûmet içinde hükûmetin zararı görüldü. Seviye-i irfan bir olmadığından fırkalarda husumet, taassup ve taraftarlık intac eder. Tabiî o kuvveti istimal ile siyasete karışacak ve umumî idarede herkesçe lezzetli olan tahakkümatı yapacak sahib-i ağraza müsait bir zemin olur. Binaenaleyh bizdeki fırkaların şimdiki hal ile devamı gayet muzırdır. Lâkin bir şirkette veya münevverü’l-fikir ve bîtaraf mabeyninde tenkidat-ı siyasetten veya ehl-i ilim mabeyninde nasihat ve irşaddan menfaat olabilir. Şimdi hükûmet-i meşruamız asıl büyük cemiyettir.

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Bediüzzaman '''Said Nursî'''
Bediüzzaman '''Said Nursî'''

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<span id="Hakikat_Çekirdekleri"></span>
== [[Hakikat Çekirdekleri]] ==
==Seeds of Reality==

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<span id="Sûre-i_İhlâs&#039;ın_Bir_Remzi"></span>
== Sûre-i İhlâs'ın Bir Remzi ==
==An Allusion of Sura al-Ikhlas==
(*<ref>*Qur'an, Sura 112.</ref>)

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Second Addendum to the Damascus Sermon Second Part
'''Hutbe-i Şamiye’nin İkinci Zeyli’nin İkinci Kısmı'''

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An Allusion of Sura al-Ikhlas
'''Sure-i İhlas’ın Bir Remzi'''

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In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ

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All praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds,
اَل۟حَم۟دُ لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ ال۟عَالَمٖينَ وَ الصَّلَاةُ وَ السَّلَامُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّدٍ سَيِّدِ ال۟مُر۟سَلٖينَ
and peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, the Chief of His Messengers.

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The specification of Say, He is is an allusion to unity of witnessing:
قُل۟ هُوَ ıtlak ile tayini, tevhid-i şuhuda işarettir.

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In the view of reality, there is nothing observed except Him.
اَى۟: لَا مَش۟هُودَ بِنَظَرِ ال۟حَقٖيقَةِ اِلَّا هُوَ

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God, The One is an explicit statement of Divine Unity:
اَللّٰهُ اَحَدٌ tevhid-i uluhiyete tasrihtir.

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There is no true object of worship save Him.
اَى۟: لَا مَع۟بُودَ اِلَّا هُوَ

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God, the Eternally Besought One alludes to the unity of Divine dominicality:
اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُ tevhid-i rububiyete remizdir.

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There is no Creator and Sustainer save Him.
اَى۟: لَا خَالِقَ وَلَا رَبَّ اِلَّا هُوَ

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It is also a sign to the unity of Divine might and power:
Ve tevhid-i ceberuta telvihtir.

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There is no Self-Subsistent and no absolutely Self-Sufficient One save Him.
اَى۟: لَا قَيُّومَ وَلَا غَنِىَّ عَلَى ال۟اِط۟لَاقِ اِلَّا هُوَ

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He begets not alludes to the unity of Divine Glory, and rejects every sort of association of partners with God. That is, one who is subject to change or division, or who reproduces, cannot be God. It rejects association of partners with God in the form of ‘the ten intellects,’ or the angels, Jesus or Uzayr being Divine offspring.
لَم۟ يَلِد۟ tevhid-i celale telmihtir. Şirkin envaını reddeder. Yani tagayyür veya tecezzi veya tenasül eden, ilah olamaz. Ukûl-ü aşere veya melâike veya İsa veya Üzeyr’in velediyetini dava eden şirkleri reddeder.

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And neither is He begotten proves the pre-eternity of God and His Unity. It rejects ascribing partners to God in the form of causality, the worship of stars, idolatry, and Naturalism. That is, something created or detached from its original, or born of some matter cannot be God.
وَلَم۟ يُولَد۟ ispat-ı ezeliyet ile tevhiddir. Esbab-perest, nücum-perest, sanem-perest, tabiat-perestin şirkini reddeder. Yani hâdis veya bir asıldan münfasıl veya bir maddeden mütevellid olan ilah olamaz.

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And there is none like unto Him is a comprehensive affirmation of Divine Unity. That is, He has no like, partner, or peer either in His essence, or in His attributes, or in His actions.
وَلَم۟ يَكُن۟ لَهُ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ câmi’ bir tevhiddir. Yani zatında, sıfatında, ef’alinde naziri, şeriki, şebihi yoktur.

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There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.(*<ref>*Qur'an, 42:11.</ref>)
لَي۟سَ كَمِث۟لِهٖ شَى۟ءٌ وَ هُوَ السَّمٖيعُ ال۟بَصٖيرُ

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This sura of the Qur’an rejects all forms of associating partners with God, and its six phrases comprise seven degrees of the affirmation of Divine Unity. Each phrase is both the result and the proof of the others.
Şu sure, bütün enva-ı şirki reddeder. Ve yedi meratib-i tevhidi tazammun eden altı cümlesi mütenaticedir. Her biri ötekinin hem neticesi hem bürhanıdır.

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Together with all its parts and members, and even its cells and all its particles, the universe, which is the supreme affirmer of Divine Unity and its greatest proof, declares “There is no god save God,” like a Mevlevi dervish mentioning God’s Names, all contributing to the resounding sound of this mighty proof, as tongues affirming Divine Unity.
Muvahhid-i ekber ve tevhidin bürhan-ı muazzamı olan kâinat, değil yalnız erkân ve azası belki bütün hüceyratı, belki bütün zerratı birer lisan-ı zâkir-i tevhid olarak bu büyük bürhanın sadâ-yı bülendine iştirak ederek hep birden لَا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللّٰهُ diye mevlevîvari zikrediyorlar.

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If you fasten your ear to the breast of the Qur’an, which is the articulate proof of Divine Unity, you will
Tevhidin bürhan-ı nâtıkı olan Kur’an’ın sinesine kulağını yapıştırırsan işiteceksin ki kalbinde derinden derine gayet ulvi, nihayet derecede ciddi, gayet samimi, nihayet derecede munis ve mukni ve bürhan ile mücehhez bir sadâ-yı semavî işiteceksin ki: اَللّٰهُ لَا اِلٰهَ اِلَّا هُوَ zikrini tekrar ediyor.
hear from the depths of its heart an utterly elevated, serious, heartfelt, familiar, convincing, heavenly voice, decked out with proofs, which continually chants: “There is no god but God.

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The six aspects of this illumined proof are all transparent. Above it is the stamp of miraculousness; within it are the lights of guidance; beneath it are proof and logic; on its right is its calling the intellect to investigate; on its left is its calling the conscience to testify; before it is good; its goal is the happiness of both worlds; and its point of support is pure revelation. How can doubts and delusions penetrate it?
Evet, şu bürhan-ı münevverin altı ciheti de şeffaftır. Üstünde sikke-i i’caz, içinde nur-u hidayet, altında mantık ve delil, sağında aklı istintak; solunda vicdanı istişhad; önünde hayır, hedefinde saadet-i dâreyn, nokta-i istinadı vahy-i mahzdır. Vehmin ne haddi var, girebilsin!

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Will, mind, emotion, and the subtle inner faculties, which constitute the four elements of the conscience and four faculties of the spirit, each have an ultimate aim.
Vicdanın anâsır-ı erbaası ve ruhun dört havassı olan irade, zihin, his, latîfe-i Rabbaniye, her birinin bir gayatü’l-gayatı var:

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The ultimate aim of the will is worship of God;
İradenin ibadetullahtır.

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that of the mind is knowledge of God;
Zihnin marifetullahtır.

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that of the emotions is love of God;
Hissin muhabbetullahtır.

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and that of the inner faculties is the vision of God.
Latîfenin müşahedetullahtır.

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The perfect worship known as taqwa comprises the four. The Shari‘a both cultivates these, and corrects them, and takes them towards their ultimate goals.
Takva denilen ibadet-i kâmile, dördünü tazammun eder. Şeriat şunları hem tenmiye hem tehzib hem bu gayatü’l-gayata sevk eder.

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If the means and causes in creation had been given an actual effect, they should also have been given universal consciousness, and this would have been opposed to the perfect art in things. However, the excellence of the art in things, from the lowest to the highest and from the smallest to the greatest, is proportionate to the innate stature of each. Thus, some are not close to the True Causer and some far from Him, and some of them are not created through intermediaries and some without. The lack of perfection in man’s voluntary works rejects the ideas of compulsion and proves will.
Eğer icaddaki vasıta hakiki olsaydı ve hakiki tesir verilseydi hem bir şuur-u küllî verilmek lâzım idi hem de bizzarure eserde itkan-ı kemal-i sanat muhtelif olacaktı. Halbuki en âdiden en âlîye, en küçükten en büyüğe itkan; derece-i kemalde, mahiyetin kameti nisbetindedir. Demek Müessir-i Hakiki’den bazı karib, bazı baîd, kısmen vasıtasız, kısmen vasıta ile kısmen vesait ile değildir. İnsanın ihtiyarî eserindeki adem-i kemal; cebri nefiy, ihtiyarı ispat eder.

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It is worthy of notice that in respect of order, a city built by men as the work of their intellects through the intervention of their wills is inferior to the bee community in their hive, which is the fruit of inspiration. While the city of cells of the honeycomb, the bees’ exhibition of art, is inferior as regards order to the fruit of the pomegranate and its flower. This means that from whichever pen the general attraction in the universe flows, the miniscule attraction in the most minute indivisible particles are that pen’s points.
Cây-ı dikkattir ki: Cüz’î bir ihtiyarın tavassutu ile eser-i akıl bir insan şehri, intizamca semere-i vahiy bir arı kovanındaki cemaate yetişmez. Ve arıların meşher-i sanatı bir petek hüceyrat şehri; bir nar ve (cilnar) gülnardan intizamca geridir. Demek, kâinattaki cazibe-i umumiye hangi kalemden akmışsa cüz-i lâyetecezzadaki küçücük cazibeler o kalemin noktalarıdır.

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Islam says: There is no god but God, and does not accept that causes and intermediaries have an actual effect. It looks on intermediaries as signifying the meaning of one other than themselves. Belief in Divine Unity and the duties of submission to it demand this. However, because it has been corrupted, present-day Christianity considers causes and intermediaries to have an effect, and looks on them as signifying themselves. Their belief in Jesus as the son of God and in the priesthood demands this, and urges it. They look on their saints for their own sakes as though they do not signify another, as the source of effulgence, like the light of a lamp -according to one view- transformed from the sunlight. We look on the saints as signifying the meaning of another, that is, as a place of reflection and manifestation, like a mirror spreads the sunlight.(*<ref>* The Naqshbandis' method is based on this mystery.</ref>)
İslâmiyet der: لَا خَالِقَ اِلَّا هُوَ Hem vesait ve esbabı, müessir-i hakiki olarak kabul etmez. Vasıtaya mana-yı harfî nazarıyla bakar. Akide-i tevhid ve vazife-i teslim ve tefviz öyle ister. Tahrif sebebiyle şimdiki Hristiyanlık esbab ve vesaiti müessir bilir, mana-yı ismî nazarıyla bakar. Akide-i velediyet ve fikr-i ruhbaniyet öyle ister, öyle sevk eder. Onlar azizlerine mana-yı ismiyle birer menba-ı feyz ve –güneşin ziyasından bir fikre göre istihale etmiş lambanın nuru gibi– birer maden-i nur nazarıyla bakıyorlar. Biz ise evliyaya mana-yı harfiyle yani âyine güneşin ziyasını neşrettiği gibi birer ma’kes-i tecelli nazarıyla bakıyoruz. '''(Hâşiye'''<ref>'''Hâşiye:''' Nakşibendî rabıtası bu sırra bina edilmiştir.</ref>''')'''

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It is because of this that spiritual journeying begins from humility, passes through self-abasement, and reaches the station of annihilation in God. It begins to journey through infinite stations. Such journeying is extinguished by the arrogant pride of the ego and evil-commanding soul. However, not true Christianity, but the corrupted Christianity which has been shaken by philosophy, strengthens the ego. If a person of high rank and station with a powerful ego is a Christian, he becomes more determined in his religion, whereas a Muslim in a similar position becomes lax in religion.
Bu sırdandır ki bizde sülûk tevazudan başlar, mahviyetten geçer, fenafillah makamını görür. Gayr-ı mütenahî makamatta sülûka başlar. Ene ve nefs-i emmare kibriyle, gururuyla söner. Hakiki Hristiyanlık değil belki tahrif ve felsefe ile sarsılmış Hristiyan’da, ene levazımatıyla kuvvetleşir. Enesi kuvvetli, müteşahhıs, rütbeli, makam sahibi bir adam, Hristiyan olsa mütesallib olur. Fakat Müslüman olsa lâkayt olur.

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The intense and varying pleasure in activity as it passes from the potential to the actual is the leaven of change in the universe and the nucleus of the law through which all things are perfected. Stepping out of prison into a garden, and passing from a seed to a shoot is the same pleasure. If activity incorporates change, the pleasure increases immeasurably. It is this that causes the hardship in duties to be borne. However attractive for intelligent creatures is absolute perfection, for unintelligent creatures activity is attractive to the same degree and encourages effort. It is for this reason that ease is hardship and hardship, ease.
Kuvveden fiile geçmek olan faaliyetteki şedit ve mütenevvi lezzet, tagayyür-ü âlemin mâyesi ve kanun-u tekâmülün nüvesidir. Zindandan bostana çıkmak, daneden sümbüle geçmek ayn-ı lezzettir. Faaliyet istihaleyi tazammun etse lezzet tezayüd ederek taşar. Vazifedeki külfeti taşıttıran o tattır. Zîşuura nisbeten gayetteki kemal, ne kadar cazibedarsa “Lâmüdrike”ye nisbeten nefs-i faaliyet öyle de cazibedardır, sa’ye sevk eder. Bu sırdandır ki rahat zahmettir, zahmet rahattır.

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Greed and precipitancy are the cause of loss. For the greedy and hasty person will not act in accordance with the successive causes in creation, like the steps of a staircase, and therefore will not be successful. Even if he is, since he skips some of the steps of the natural progression, he falls into despair, and then, when overcome by heedlessness, the door is opened to him.
Hırs ile acûliyet, sebeb-i haybettir. Zira müretteb basamaklar gibi fıtrattaki tertibe, teselsüle tatbik-i hareket etmediğinden harîs muvaffak olamaz. Olsa da tertib-i ca’lîsi bir basamak kadar seyr-i fıtrîden kısa olduğundan yeise düşüp gaflet bastıktan sonra kapı açılır.

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God Almighty created the inner heart for belief and for knowledge and love of Himself, while the outer heart He designed for other things. Criminal greed pierces the heart, and introduces idols into it. God is displeased and punishes the greedy person with the opposite of his purpose.
Allah, kalbin bâtınını iman ve marifet ve muhabbeti için yaratmıştır. Kalbin zâhirini, sair şeylere müheyya etmiştir. Cinayetkâr hırs kalbi deler, sanemleri içine idhal eder. Allah darılır, maksudunun aksiyle mücazat eder.

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The scoundrels who because of ambition took political thought to the places of Islamic beliefs did not receive honour and glory, but were execrated and reviled. The frustration and despair of sensual love arise from this same greed and ambition. All the poetry about this sort of love are the lamentations of mourning.
Hırs cihetiyle siyaset efkârını, İslâmiyet akaidinin yerlerine kadar îsal eden herifler şan ve şeref değil belki şeyn ü şenaate mazhar oldular. Nefsanî aşklardaki felaketler, haybetler bu sırdandır. O çeşit âşıkların bütün divanları birer feryad-ı matemdir.

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If you anxiously try to sleep at night, you will chase sleep away and remain awake.
Gece kalben nevmi merak edersin, bakiyyesini de kaçırıp uyanık kalırsın.

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There are two beggars, one persistently importunate, the other reserved and self-contained. A further example of this extensive law is that one would rather give to the latter.
İki dilenci: Biri musırr-ı muhteris, biri müstağni-i muhteriz… İkincisine vermeyi daha ziyade arzu etmekliğin, şu geniş kanunun bir numunesidir.

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Our worst calamity and sickness is that criticism which is based on pride and deception. If fairness utilizes criticism, it pares the truth. Whereas if it is pride that employs it, it mutilates and destroys it. The very worst sort is that which is levelled at the tenets of belief and questions of religion. For belief comprises both affirmation, and exercise of the mind, and commitment, and surrender, and compliance. Criticism of this sort destroys the compliance, commitment, and mental exercise. Rather than affirming, the person feels uncommitted.
En müthiş maraz ve musibetimiz, cerbeze ve gurura istinad eden tenkittir. Tenkidi eğer insaf işletirse hakikati rendeçler. Eğer gurur istihdam etse tahrip eder, parçalar. O müthişin en müthişidir ki akaid-i imaniyeye ve mesail-i diniyeye girse. Zira iman hem tasdik hem iz’an hem iltizam hem teslim hem manevî imtisaldir. Şu tenkit; imtisali, iltizamı, iz’anı kırar. Tasdikte de bîtaraf kalır.

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At this time of doubts and hesitation, it is necessary to look favourably on the positive ideas and encouraging statements that emerge from luminous, warm hearts, and to foster and strengthen the exercise of the mind and commitment. What they call “unbiased, objective reasoning” is temporary unbelief. Novices and those new to the truth do it.
Şu zaman-ı tereddüt ve evhamda, iz’an ve iltizamı tenmiye ve takviye eden nurani sıcak kalplerden çıkan müsbet efkârı ve müşevvik beyanatı, hüsn-ü zan ile temaşa etmek gerektir. “Bîtarafane muhakeme” dedikleri şey, muvakkat bir dinsizliktir. Yeniden mühtedi ve müşteri olan yapar.

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The view of the one who taught the Miraculous Qur’an -that Warner and Bringer of Good News- and his critical insight, were too accurate, sublime, clear, and penetrating to confuse and obscure reality with his imagination; and his way of truth is too scupulous, self-sufficient, and elevated to deceive and cheat people.
وَالَّذٖى عَلَّمَ ال۟قُر۟اٰنَ ال۟مُع۟جِزَ اِنَّ نَظَرَ ال۟بَشٖيرِ النَّذٖيرِ وَبَصٖيرَتَهُ النَّقَّادَةَ اَدَقُّ وَاَجَلُّ وَاَج۟لٰى وَاَن۟فَذُ مِن۟ اَن۟ يَل۟تَبِسَ اَو۟ تَش۟تَبِهَ عَلَي۟هِ ال۟حَقٖيقَةُ بِال۟خَيَالِ وَاِنَّ مَس۟لَكَهُ ال۟حَقَّ اَغ۟نٰى وَاَن۟زَهُ وَاَر۟فَعُ مِن۟ اَن۟ يُدَلِّسَ اَو۟ يُغَالِطَ عَلَى النَّاسِ

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For the perceptive eye is not deceived, and a truth-seeking heart will not deceive.
Zira hakikatbîn göz aldanmaz, hakperest kalp aldatmaz.

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the loathsomeness of backbiting with the verse
'''Gıybetin Derece-i Şenaati'''

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The Qur’an describes :
Kur’an der:

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Would any among you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother?(*<ref>*Qur'an, 49:12.</ref>)
اَيُحِبُّ اَحَدُكُم۟ اَن۟ يَا۟كُلَ لَح۟مَ اَخٖيهِ مَي۟تًا

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With six phrases, on six levels, it severely censures the backbiter. It is as follows:
Altı kelime ile altı derece şiddetle gıybeti takbih ediyor. Yani hemze ile der:

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With its interrogative form it says: “Think! Could such a thing be permitted? If your mind is not sound, look at your heart; could it love such a thing? And if your heart is not sound, examine your conscience; would it consent to destroying the life of society, as though tearing off your own flesh with your own teeth? And if you have no social conscience, examine your humanity; could it have such an appetite and such monstrous rapacity? If you have no humanity, think of fellow-feeling; could it incline towards an action that would break its own back? And if you have no humanity, is your inborn nature so completely corrupted that you tear at a corpse with your bare teeth?
Aklına bak, böyle şeye cevaz verir mi? Müstakim aklın yoksa kalbine bak! Böyle şeye muhabbet eder mi? Selim kalbin yoksa vicdanına bak, böyle dişinle kendi etini parçalamak gibi hayat-ı içtimaiyeyi bozmaya rıza gösterir mi? Vicdan-ı içtimaiyen olmazsa insaniyetine bak, böyle canavarvari iftirasa iştiha gösterir mi? Manen insaniyetin olmazsa rikkat-i cinsiye ve karabet-i rahmiyene bak! Böyle kendi belini kıracak harekete meyleder mi? Rikkat-i cinsiyen olmazsa hiç sağlam tabiatın yok mu ki ölüyü dişlerinle parçalıyorsun.

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That is to say, backbiting is repugnant to man’s mind, heart, conscience, humanity, fellow-feeling, and inborn nature, as well as to the Shari‘a, and is therefore to be utterly rejected.
Demek akıl, kalp, vicdan, insaniyet, rikkat-i cinsiye, tabiat, şeriat nazarında gıybet; merduddur, matruddur.

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The person who does not understand the true meaning of co-operation is more lifeless than a stone. For some stones arch themselves to co-operate with their brothers. Such a stone, despite being a stone, leans towards his brother in the dome when he leaves the builder’s hand and bows his head so it touches his brother’s head, and so they keep from falling.
اِنَّ ال۟اِن۟سَانَ الَّذٖى لَا يُد۟رِكُ سِرَّ التَّعَاوُنِ لَهُوَ اَج۟مَدُ مِنَ ال۟حَجَرِ اِذ۟ مِنَ ال۟حَجَرِ مَا يَتَقَوَّسُ لِمُعَاوَنَةِ اَخٖيهِ اِذِ ال۟حَجَرُ مَعَ حَجَرِيَّتِهٖ اِذَا خَرَجَ مِن۟ يَدِ ال۟مُعَقِّدِ ال۟بَانٖى فِى السَّق۟فِ ال۟مُحَدَّبِ يَمٖيلُ وَ يَخ۟ضَعُ رَا۟سَهُ لِيُمَاسَّ رَا۟سَ اَخٖيهِ لِيَتَمَاسَكَا عَنِ السُّقُوطِ

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That is, the stones of domes stand shoulder to shoulder so as not to fall.
Yani kubbelerde taşlar, baş başa vururlar tâ düşmesinler.

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The unique being at the centre of the conical successive chain from the smallest indivisible particle to man and from man to the sun of suns, is man the ennobled.
Cüz-i lâyetecezza zerresinden insana, insandan şems-i şümusa müteselsil mahrutî silsilenin vasatındaki cevher-i ferîdi, insan-ı mükerremdir.

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Man possesses senses other than the well-known ones; he has an impelling sense like the sense of taste, and a sense of longing. He possesses too numerous unconscious senses.
İnsanın meşhur havassından başka havassı vardır. Zaika gibi bir hiss-i sâika hem bir hiss-i şâika vardır. Hem insanda gayr-ı meş’ur hisler çoktur.

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Sometimes desire takes the form of thought, and the greedy person supposes an animal desire to be thought.
Bazen arzu, fikir suretini giyer. Şahs-ı muhteris, arzu-yu nefsaniyesini fikir zanneder.

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It is strange but some people fall into stinking mud, then to deceive themselves say it is musk and ambergris, and smear it over their faces.
Garibdir ki bazı adam pis bir çamura düşer, kendini aldatmak için misk ü amber diye yüzüne gözüne bulaştırır.

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The martyr is a saint. While being an obligation that if a number of the community undertake it, the rest are absolved, jihad has become incumbent on everyone. Indeed, it is now doubly incumbent. As in the Hajj and zakat, intention plays little part in jihad. However, in point of reality, the lack of intention still resembles intention. That is, if the reverse of the intention is not definitely clear, jihad results in true martyrdom. This is because the more the necessity of the jihad increases, the more definite it becomes, and the effect of intention, which comprises will, diminishes. If tens of thousands of saints suddenly appear for this sinful nation, it will not be a small reward.
Şehit velidir. Cihad farz-ı kifaye iken farz-ı ayn olmuştur. Belki muzaaf bir farz-ı ayn hükmüne geçmiştir. Hac ve zekât gibi cihadda da niyetin tasarrufu azdır. Hattâ adem-i niyet dahi asıl nokta-i nazarından niyet hükmündedir. Demek zıdd-ı niyet, yakînen tebeyyün etmezse cihad, şehadet-i hakikiyeyi intac eder. Zira vücub tezauf etse taayyün eder. İhtiyarı tazammun eden niyetin tesiri azalır. Şu günahkâr millette, birdenbire on binler evliya inkişaf ve tezahür etse az bir mükâfat değildir.

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With us, if someone has strayed from the right path, he is generally immoral and without conscience. For the desire to sin grows by silencing the voice of belief in the conscience. This means that without shaking his conscience and spiritual life, and without holding them in contempt, he cannot commit a completely voluntary evil act. It is for this reason that Islam considers the depraved to be disloyal and traitorous, and does not accept their testimony. It considers apostates to be poison, and sentences them to death. While it recognizes Christian subjects and infidel signatories of a treaty. The Hanafi School accepts the testimony of a non-Muslim subject.Justice should be executed in the name of religion so that it may be effective over the mind, heart, and spirit, and they may conform to it.
Bizde biri fâsık olsa galiben ahlâksız ve vicdansız olur. Zira arzu-yu masiyet, vicdandaki imanın sadâsını susturmakla inkişaf edebilir. Demek vicdanını ve maneviyatını sarsmadan, istihfaf etmeden tam ihtiyar ile şerri işlemez. Onun için İslâmiyet; fâsıkı hain bilir, şehadetini reddeder. Mürtedi zehir bilir, idam eder. Hristiyan bir zimmîyi ve kâfir muahidi ibka eder. Hanefî mezhebi zimmînin şehadetini kabul eder.

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Otherwise it affects only the imagination. A criminal is then frightened only of the penalty set by the state, if it is enacted, or he shrinks from the reproaches of the public; if they occur.
İcra-yı adalet, din namına olmalı tâ akıl ve kalp ve ruh müteessir olsunlar, imtisal etsinler. Yoksa yalnız vehim müteessir olur. Yalnız hükûmetin cezasından korkar eğer tahakkuk etse. Nâsın itabından çekinir eğer tebeyyün etse.

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A boat carrying numerous innocent people may not be sunk on account of one criminal. Similarly, enmity should not be nurtured towards a believer who possesses numerous innocent attributes, because of a single criminal attribute.
Bir cani yüzünden, çok masumları ihtiva eden bir gemi batırılmaz. Bir cani sıfat yüzünden, çok evsaf-ı masumeyi muhtevi bir mü’mine adâvet edilmez.

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In particular, belief and the affirmation of Divine Unity, the causes of love, are like Mount Uhud, while the causes of enmity are like pebbles. However unreasonable it is to think of pebbles being heavier than Mount Uhud, for a believer to be hostile towards another believer is lacking in heart to the same degree. Hostility between believers may only take the form of pity.
Lâsiyyema sebeb-i muhabbet olan iman ve tevhid, Cebel-i Uhud gibidir. Sebeb-i adâvet olan şeyler, çakıl taşları gibidir. Çakıl taşlarını Cebel-i Uhud’dan daha ağır telakki etmek ne kadar akılsızlıksa mü’minin mü’mine adâveti, o kadar kalpsizliktir. Mü’minlerde adâvet, yalnız acımak manasında olabilir.

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'''In Short:'''Belief demands love, and Islam demands brotherhood.
'''Elhasıl:''' İman muhabbeti, İslâmiyet uhuvveti istilzam eder.

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Words are like goods, wastefulness in them is not
اَل۟كَلَامُ كَال۟مَالِ لَا يَجُوزُ فٖيهِ ال۟اِس۟رَافُ

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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== Siyaset ve Medeniyetle İlgili Cevaplar ==
The Qur’anic principles to save awakened mankind

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My Dear, True Brothers!
Aziz, sıddık kardeşlerim!

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'''Firstly:'''I congratulate you with all my heart on all the festivals and holy nights, both those of the past and future, and the material ones and the spiritual ones, and entreat Divine mercy that your prayers and worship are acceptable, and say “Amen” to them.
'''Evvela:''' Hem geçmiş hem gelecek hem maddî hem manevî bayramlarınızı ve mübarek gecelerinizi, bütün ruh u canımla tebrik ve ettiğiniz ibadet ve duaların makbuliyetini rahmet-i İlahiyeden bütün ruh u canımızla niyaz edip isteyip o mübarek dualara âmin deriz.

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'''Secondly:'''I am compelled to answer privately two of your questions which in many ways are important, and you have frequently asked in meaning:
'''Sâniyen:''' Hem çok defa manevî hem çok cihetlerden ehemmiyetli iki suallerine mahremce cevap vermeye mecbur oldum.

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'''Your First Question:'''Why was it that in the early Second Constitutional Period you were passionately involved in politics, yet for nearly forty years now you have given it up completely?
'''Birinci Sualleri:''' Ne için eskide hürriyetin başında siyasetle hararetli meşgul oluyordun? Bu kırk seneye yakındır ki bütün bütün terk ettin?

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'''The Answer:'''I understood with complete certainty that the ghastly crimes committed by mankind up to the present sprang from the abuse of the law which is basic to politics and may be expressed as “Individuals may be sacrificed for the good of the nation and for the well-being of the community.”
'''Elcevap:''' Siyaset-i beşeriyenin en esaslı bir kanun-u esasîsi olan: “Selâmet-i millet için fertler feda edilir. Cemaatin selâmeti için eşhas kurban edilir. Vatan için her şey feda edilir.” diye bütün nev-i beşerdeki şimdiye kadar dehşetli cinayetler bu kanunun sû-i istimalinden neş’et ettiğini kat’iyen bildim.

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Since there is no specified limit to this fundamental law created by man, it has opened up the way to excessive abuse. This tyrannical law issued the fatwa for the two World Wars and overturned a thousand years of human progress. So too it permitted the annihilation of ninety innocents on account of ten criminals. On the pretext of the general good, personal hatred razed a town because of a single criminal. Since the Risale-i Nur has proved this fact in some of its collections and defence speeches, I refer you to them.
Bu kanun-u esasî-yi beşeriye, bir hadd-i muayyenesi olmadığı için çok sû-i istimale yol açılmış. İki harb-i umumî, bu gaddar kanun-u esasînin sû-i istimalinden çıkıp bin sene beşerin terakkiyatını zîr ü zeber ettiği gibi on cani yüzünden doksan masumun mahvına fetva verdi. Bir menfaat-i umumî perdesi altında şahsî garazlar, bir cani yüzünden bir kasabayı harap etti. Risale-i Nur bu hakikati bazı mecmua ve müdafaatında ispat ettiği için onlara havale ediyorum.

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Thus, in the face of this tyrannical law of man’s politics and diplomacy I discovered the below-mentioned fundamental laws of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which comes from the Sublime Throne. They are expressed by these verses:
İşte beşeriyet siyasetlerinin bu gaddar kanun-u esasîsine karşı arş-ı a’zamdan gelen Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’daki bu gelen kanun-u esasîyi buldum. O kanunu da şu âyet ifade ediyor:

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No bearer of burdens can bear the burdens of another.(*<ref>*Qur'an, 6:164, etc.</ref>)If anyone slays a human being -unless it be [in punishment] for murder or for spreading corruption on earth- it shall be as though he had slain all mankind.(*<ref>*Qur'an, 5:32.</ref>)
وَ لَا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِز۟رَ اُخ۟رٰى ۝ مَن۟ قَتَلَ نَف۟سًا بِغَي۟رِ نَف۟سٍ اَو۟ فَسَادٍ فِى ال۟اَر۟ضِ فَكَاَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمٖيعًا

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These two verses teach the following principle: Others are not answerable for a person’s crime. And, without his consent, an innocent person may not be sacrificed, even for the whole of mankind. If he voluntarily gives his consent and sacrifices himself, his self-sacrifice is a sort of martyrdom and is another matter. This establishes true justice for man. For details I refer you to the Risale-i Nur.
Yani bu iki âyet, bu esası ders veriyor ki: “Bir adamın cinayetiyle başkalar mes’ul olmaz. Hem bir masum, rızası olmadan bütün insana da feda edilmez. Kendi ihtiyarıyla, kendi rızasıyla kendini feda etse o fedakârlık bir şehadettir ki o başka meseledir.” diye hakiki adalet-i beşeriyeyi tesis ediyor. Bunun tafsilatını da Risale-i Nur’a havale ediyorum.

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'''Second Question:'''While travelling among the nomadic tribes of the east long ago, you used to strongly urge them towards progress and modern civilization. But for nearly forty years now you have called it ‘low’ civilization, and you have withdrawn from the life of society and gone into seclusion. Why is this?
'''İkinci Sual:''' Sen eskide Şark’taki bedevî aşâirde seyahat ettiğin vakit, onları medeniyet ve terakkiyata çok teşvik ediyordun. Neden kırk seneye yakındır, medeniyet-i hazıradan “mimsiz” diyerek hayat-ı içtimaiyeden çekildin, inzivaya sokuldun?

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'''The Answer:'''Since modern Western civilization acts contrarily to the fundamental laws of the revealed religions, its evils have come to outweigh its good aspects, and its errors and harmful aspects its benefits; and general tranquillity and a happy worldly life, the true aims of civilization, have been destroyed. And since wastefulness and extravagance have taken the place of frugality and contentment, and laziness and the desire for ease have overcome endeavour and the sense of service, it has made unfortunate mankind both extremely poor and extremely lazy.
'''Elcevap:''' Medeniyet-i hazıra-i Garbiye, semavî kanun-u esasîlere muhalif olarak hareket ettiği için seyyiatı hasenatına; hataları, zararları faydalarına râcih geldi. Medeniyetteki maksud-u hakiki olan istirahat-i umumiye ve saadet-i hayat-ı dünyeviye bozuldu. İktisat, kanaat yerine israf ve sefahet ve sa’y ve hizmet yerine tembellik ve istirahat meyli galebe çaldığından, bîçare beşeri hem gayet fakir hem gayet tembel eyledi.

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In explaining the fundamental law of the revealed Qur’an: Eat and drink, but waste not in excess,(*<ref>*Qur'an, 7:31.</ref>)and, Man possesses naught save that which he strives,(*<ref>*Qur'an, 53:39</ref>)
Semavî Kur’an’ın kanun-u esasîsi لَي۟سَ لِل۟اِن۟سَانِ اِلَّا مَا سَعٰى ۝ كُلُوا وَ اش۟رَبُوا وَ لَا تُس۟رِفُوا ferman-ı esasîsiyle: “Beşerin saadet-i hayatiyesi, iktisat ve sa’ye gayrette olduğunu ve onunla beşerin havas, avam tabakası birbiriyle barışabilir.” diye Risale-i Nur bu esası izahına binaen kısa bir iki nükte söyleyeceğim:
the Risale-i Nur says: “Man’s happiness in this life lies in frugality and endeavour, and it is through them that the rich and poor will be reconciled.” I shall here make one or two brief points in accordance with this explanation.

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'''The First:'''In the nomadic stage, man needed only three or four things, and it was only two out of ten who could not obtain them. But now, through wastefulness, abuses, stimulating the appetites, and such things as custom and addiction, present-day civilization has made inessential needs seem essential, and in place of the four things of which he used to be in need, modern civilized man is now in need of twenty. And it is only two out of twenty who can satisfy those needs in a totally licit way; eighteen remain in need in some way.
'''Birincisi:''' Bedevîlikte beşer üç dört şeye muhtaç oluyordu. O üç dört hâcatını tedarik etmeyen on adette ancak ikisi idi. Şimdiki Garp medeniyet-i zalime-i hazırası, -i istimalat ve israfat ve hevesatı tehyic ve havaic-i gayr-ı zaruriyeyi, zarurî hâcatlar hükmüne getirip görenek ve tiryakilik cihetiyle şimdiki o medeni insanın tam muhtaç olduğu dört hâcatı yerine, yirmi şeye bu zamanda muhtaç oluyor. O yirmi hâcatı tam helâl bir tarzda tedarik edecek, yirmiden ancak ikisi olabilir. On sekizi muhtaç hükmünde kalır.

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That is to say, modern civilization greatly impoverishes man. Because of the needs, it drives man to wrongdoing and illicit gain. It perpetually encourages the wretched lower classes to challenge the upper classes. It has abandoned the Qur’an’s sacred fundamental law making the payment of zakat obligatory and prohibiting usury and interest, which ensured that the lower classes were obedient towards the upper classes and the upper classes were sympathetic towards the lower classes, and encouraged the bourgeousie to tyranny and the poor to revolt. It destroyed the tranquillity of mankind.
Demek, bu medeniyet-i hazıra insanı çok fakir ediyor. O ihtiyaç cihetinde beşeri zulme, başka haram kazanmaya sevk etmiş. Bîçare avam ve havas tabakasını daima mübarezeye teşvik etmiş. Kur’an’ın kanun-u esasîsi olan “vücub-u zekât ve hurmet-i riba” vasıtasıyla avamın havassa karşı itaatini ve havassın avama karşı şefkatini temin eden o kudsî kanunu bırakıp burjuvaları zulme, fukaraları isyana sevk etmeye mecbur etmiş. İstirahat-i beşeriyeyi zîr ü zeber etti!

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'''Second Point:'''Since the wonders of modern civilization are each a dominical bounty, they require real thanks and to be utililized for the benefit of mankind. But now we see that since they have encouraged a significant number of people to be lazy and indulge in vice, and have given them the wish to heed their desires in ease and comfort; they have destroyed these people’s eagerness for effort and endeavour. And by way of dissatisfaction and extravagance, they have driven them to dissipation, wastefulness, tyranny, and what is unlawful.
'''İkinci Nükte:''' Bu medeniyet-i hazıranın hârikaları, beşere birer nimet-i Rabbaniye olmasından hakiki bir şükür ve menfaat-i beşerde istimali iktiza ettiği halde, şimdi görüyoruz ki ehemmiyetli bir kısım insanı tembelliğe ve sefahete sevk ve sa’yi ve çalışmayı bırakıp istirahat içinde hevesatı dinlemek meylini verdiği için sa’yin şevkini kırıyor. Ve kanaatsizlik ve iktisatsızlık yoluyla sefahete, israfa, zulme, harama sevk ediyor.

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For example, as it says in A Key to the World of the Risale-i Nur, although the radio is a great bounty and demands thanks in the form of being used for the good of mankind, since four fifths of it are used on unnecessary, meaningless trivia, it has encouraged idleness and depravity, and destroyed the eagerness for work. I myself even have seen that of a number of most beneficial marvels, which should be used for endeavour and work and man’s true benefits and needs, eight out of ten are urging man to indulge in pleasure and amusement, to satisfy his desires, and to be lazy, and only one of two of them being spent on essential needs. There are thousands of examples like these two small ones.
Mesela, Risale-i Nur’daki “Nur Anahtarı”nın dediği gibi: Radyo; büyük bir nimet iken maslahat-ı beşeriyeye sarf edilmek ile bir manevî şükür iktiza ettiği halde, beşte dördü hevesata, lüzumsuz malayani şeylere sarf edildiğinden tembelliğe, radyo dinlemekle heveslenmeye sevk edip sa’yin şevkini kırıyor. Vazife-i hakikiyesini bırakıyor. Hattâ çok menfaatli olan bir kısım hârika vesait, sa’y ve amel ve hakiki maslahat-ı ihtiyacat-ı beşeriyeye istimali lâzım gelirken ben kendim gördüm; ondan bir ikisi zarurî ihtiyacata sarf edilmeye mukabil, ondan sekizi keyif, hevesat, tenezzüh, tembelliğe mecbur ediyor. Bu iki cüz’î misale binler misaller var.

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'''In Short:'''Since modern Western civilization has not truly heeded the revealed religions, it has both impoverished man and increased his needs. It has destroyed the principle of frugality and contentment, and increased wastefulness, greed, and covetousness. It has opened up the way to tyranny and what is unlawful.
'''Elhasıl:''' Medeniyet-i Garbiye-i hazıra, semavî dinleri tam dinlemediği için beşeri hem fakir edip ihtiyacatı ziyadeleştirmiş. İktisat ve kanaat esasını bozup israf ve hırs ve tama’ı ziyadeleştirmeye, zulüm ve harama yol açmış.

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Through encouraging people to take advantage of the means of dissipation, it has also cast those needy unfortunates into total laziness. It has destroyed the desire for effort and work. It has encouraged depravity and dissipation, and wasted their lives on useless things.
Hem beşeri vesait-i sefahete teşvik etmekle o bîçare muhtaç beşeri tam tembelliğe atmış. Sa’y ve amelin şevkini kırıyor. Hevesata, sefahete sevk edip ömrünü faydasız zayi ediyor.

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Furthermore, it has made those needy and lazy people ill. Through abuse and prodigality, it has been the means of spreading a hundred sorts of diseases.
Hem o muhtaç ve tembelleşmiş beşeri hasta etmiş. Sû-i istimal ve israfat ile yüz nevi hastalığın sirayetine, intişarına vesile olmuş.

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Mankind is constantly threatened by three awesome matters: severe needs, the desire for vice and dissipation, and death -and numerous illnesses, which perpetually remind him of death- which the atheistic currents that have awakened mankind through their infiltrating civilization show to be eternal extinction.
Hem üç şiddetli ihtiyaç ve meyl-i sefahet ve ölümü her vakit hatıra getiren kesretli hastalıklar ve dinsizlik cereyanlarının o medeniyetin içlerine yayılmasıyla, intibaha gelip uyanmış beşerin gözü önünde ölümü idam-ı ebedî suretinde gösterip her vakit beşeri tehdit ediyor. Bir nevi cehennem azabı veriyor.

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All these cause mankind a Hell-like torment.In the face of this ghastly calamity of mankind’s, it is understood from signs and allusions of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition that with the awakening of its four hundred million students and its sacred, revealed fundamental laws, it will heal those three awesome wounds -as it did one thousand three hundred years ago; and if doomsday does not soon break loose, with its showing that rather than being external extinction, death resembles the despatch papers for the world of light, it will gain for mankind the happiness both of worldly life and of the life of the hereafter; and in the civilization that will grow out of the All-Wise Qur’an, the virtues of civilization will prevail over its evils; and unlike has happened up to the present, a part of religion will not be given as the bribe for part of civilization, but civilization will serve and assist those heavenly laws. As the All-Wise Qur’an indicates this, so awakened mankind awaits it from Divine mercy, and seeks it, and beseeches Divine mercy for it.
İşte bu dehşetli musibet-i beşeriyeye karşı Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in dört yüz milyon talebesinin intibahıyla ve içinde semavî, kudsî kanun-u esasîleriyle bin üç yüz sene evvel gösterdiği gibi yine bu dört yüz milyonun kendi kudsî, esasî kanunlarıyla beşerin bu üç dehşetli yarasını tedavi etmesini ve eğer yakında kıyamet kopmazsa beşerin hem saadet-i hayat-ı dünyeviyesini hem saadet-i hayat-ı uhreviyesini kazandıracağını ve ölümü, idam-ı ebedîden çıkarıp âlem-i nura bir terhis tezkeresi göstermesini ve ondan çıkan medeniyetin mehasini, seyyiatına tam galebe edeceğini ve şimdiye kadar olduğu gibi dinin bir kısmını, medeniyetin bir kısmını kazanmak için rüşvet vermek değil belki medeniyeti ona, o semavî kanunlara bir hizmetkâr, bir yardımcı edeceğini Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın işarat ve rumuzundan anlaşıldığı gibi rahmet-i İlahiyeden şimdiki uyanmış beşer bekliyor, yalvarıyor, arıyor!

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The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One!
اَل۟بَاقٖى هُوَ ال۟بَاقٖى

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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