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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Otherwise it affects only the imagination. A criminal is then frightened only of the penalty set by the state, if it is enacted, or he shrinks from the reproaches of the public; if they occur." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("That is to say, modern civilization greatly impoverishes man. Because of the needs, it drives man to wrongdoing and illicit gain. It perpetually encourages the wretched lower classes to challenge the upper classes. It has abandoned the Qur’an’s sacred fundamental law making the payment of zakat obligatory and prohibiting usury and interest, which ensured that the lower classes were obedient towards the upper classes and the upper classes were sympath..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Otherwise it affects only the imagination. A criminal is then frightened only of the penalty set by the state, if it is enacted, or he shrinks from the reproaches of the public; if they occur." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
(Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 3 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
961. satır: 961. satır:
For example, as it says in A Key to the World of the Risale-i Nur, although the radio is a great bounty and demands thanks in the form of being used for the good of mankind, since four fifths of it are used on unnecessary, meaningless trivia, it has encouraged idleness and depravity, and destroyed the eagerness for work. I myself even have seen that of a number of most beneficial marvels, which should be used for endeavour and work and man’s true benefits and needs, eight out of ten are urging man to indulge in pleasure and amusement, to satisfy his desires, and to be lazy, and only one of two of them being spent on essential needs. There are thousands of examples like these two small ones.
For example, as it says in A Key to the World of the Risale-i Nur, although the radio is a great bounty and demands thanks in the form of being used for the good of mankind, since four fifths of it are used on unnecessary, meaningless trivia, it has encouraged idleness and depravity, and destroyed the eagerness for work. I myself even have seen that of a number of most beneficial marvels, which should be used for endeavour and work and man’s true benefits and needs, eight out of ten are urging man to indulge in pleasure and amusement, to satisfy his desires, and to be lazy, and only one of two of them being spent on essential needs. There are thousands of examples like these two small ones.

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'''In Short:'''Since modern Western civilization has not truly heeded the revealed religions, it has both impoverished man and increased his needs. It has destroyed the principle of frugality and contentment, and increased wastefulness, greed, and covetousness. It has opened up the way to tyranny and what is unlawful.
'''Elhasıl:''' Medeniyet-i Garbiye-i hazıra, semavî dinleri tam dinlemediği için beşeri hem fakir edip ihtiyacatı ziyadeleştirmiş. İktisat ve kanaat esasını bozup israf ve hırs ve tama’ı ziyadeleştirmeye, zulüm ve harama yol açmış.

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Through encouraging people to take advantage of the means of dissipation, it has also cast those needy unfortunates into total laziness. It has destroyed the desire for effort and work. It has encouraged depravity and dissipation, and wasted their lives on useless things.
Hem beşeri vesait-i sefahete teşvik etmekle o bîçare muhtaç beşeri tam tembelliğe atmış. Sa’y ve amelin şevkini kırıyor. Hevesata, sefahete sevk edip ömrünü faydasız zayi ediyor.

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Furthermore, it has made those needy and lazy people ill. Through abuse and prodigality, it has been the means of spreading a hundred sorts of diseases.
Hem o muhtaç ve tembelleşmiş beşeri hasta etmiş. Sû-i istimal ve israfat ile yüz nevi hastalığın sirayetine, intişarına vesile olmuş.

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Mankind is constantly threatened by three awesome matters: severe needs, the desire for vice and dissipation, and death -and numerous illnesses, which perpetually remind him of death- which the atheistic currents that have awakened mankind through their infiltrating civilization show to be eternal extinction.
Hem üç şiddetli ihtiyaç ve meyl-i sefahet ve ölümü her vakit hatıra getiren kesretli hastalıklar ve dinsizlik cereyanlarının o medeniyetin içlerine yayılmasıyla, intibaha gelip uyanmış beşerin gözü önünde ölümü idam-ı ebedî suretinde gösterip her vakit beşeri tehdit ediyor. Bir nevi cehennem azabı veriyor.

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All these cause mankind a Hell-like torment.In the face of this ghastly calamity of mankind’s, it is understood from signs and allusions of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition that with the awakening of its four hundred million students and its sacred, revealed fundamental laws, it will heal those three awesome wounds -as it did one thousand three hundred years ago; and if doomsday does not soon break loose, with its showing that rather than being external extinction, death resembles the despatch papers for the world of light, it will gain for mankind the happiness both of worldly life and of the life of the hereafter; and in the civilization that will grow out of the All-Wise Qur’an, the virtues of civilization will prevail over its evils; and unlike has happened up to the present, a part of religion will not be given as the bribe for part of civilization, but civilization will serve and assist those heavenly laws. As the All-Wise Qur’an indicates this, so awakened mankind awaits it from Divine mercy, and seeks it, and beseeches Divine mercy for it.
İşte bu dehşetli musibet-i beşeriyeye karşı Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in dört yüz milyon talebesinin intibahıyla ve içinde semavî, kudsî kanun-u esasîleriyle bin üç yüz sene evvel gösterdiği gibi yine bu dört yüz milyonun kendi kudsî, esasî kanunlarıyla beşerin bu üç dehşetli yarasını tedavi etmesini ve eğer yakında kıyamet kopmazsa beşerin hem saadet-i hayat-ı dünyeviyesini hem saadet-i hayat-ı uhreviyesini kazandıracağını ve ölümü, idam-ı ebedîden çıkarıp âlem-i nura bir terhis tezkeresi göstermesini ve ondan çıkan medeniyetin mehasini, seyyiatına tam galebe edeceğini ve şimdiye kadar olduğu gibi dinin bir kısmını, medeniyetin bir kısmını kazanmak için rüşvet vermek değil belki medeniyeti ona, o semavî kanunlara bir hizmetkâr, bir yardımcı edeceğini Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın işarat ve rumuzundan anlaşıldığı gibi rahmet-i İlahiyeden şimdiki uyanmış beşer bekliyor, yalvarıyor, arıyor!

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The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One!
اَل۟بَاقٖى هُوَ ال۟بَاقٖى

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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