On Üçüncü Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

    Risale-i Nur Tercümeleri sitesinden
    ("'''Question:''' The very great complaints and massing of forces against the people of misguidance in the All-Wise Qur’an does not appear to the reason to be conformable with its equitable and apt eloquence and the congruence and moderation of its style. It is quite simply as though it is mustering armies against a single man. It threatens him on account of one minor action as though he had committed thousands of crimes. It affords him a position and c..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
    ("Another of Satan’s cunning wiles is to prevent man admitting his faults in order to close up the way of seeking forgiveness and taking refuge with God. He also incites the egotism of the human soul, so that the soul defends itself like a lawyer, quite simply acquitting itself of all fault." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
    (Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 27 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
    49. satır: 49. satır:
    It is clear that the person will be wretched who does not take refuge in a secure stronghold in the face of terrible enemies who wreak much destruction with little action. O people of belief! Such a heavenly stronghold of steel is the Qur’an. Enter it and be saved!
    It is clear that the person will be wretched who does not take refuge in a secure stronghold in the face of terrible enemies who wreak much destruction with little action. O people of belief! Such a heavenly stronghold of steel is the Qur’an. Enter it and be saved!

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    <span id="Dördüncü_İşaret"></span>
    == Dördüncü İşaret ==

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    Investigative scholars and the people of illumination  have agreed that  non- existence is pure evil and existence, pure good. Yes, in the great majority of cases, good, virtues, and perfections are based on existence and are related to it. Even if they are superficially negative  and hint of non-existence, their basis is in existence and pertains to it. While the basis and leaven of all ugliness, such as misguidance, evil, calamities, and sins, is non-existence and denial. Their badness and ugliness arise from non-existence. Even if they appear superficially to be positive and pertaining to existence, essentially they are non-existence and denial. Also, observedly, the existence of something like a building is realized through the existence of all its parts. While its destruction, non-existence, and annihilation occur through the non-being of one of its main parts.
    Adem şerr-i mahz ve vücud hayr-ı mahz olduğunu, ehl-i tahkik ve ashab-ı keşif ittifak etmişler. Evet, ekseriyet-i mutlaka ile hayır ve mehasin ve kemalât, vücuda istinad eder ve ona râci olur. Sureten menfî ve ademî de olsa, esası sübutîdir ve vücudîdir. Dalalet ve şer ve musibetler ve masiyetler ve belalar gibi bütün çirkinliklerin esası, mâyesi; ademdir, nefiydir. Onlardaki fenalık ve çirkinlik, ademden geliyor. Çendan suret-i zâhirîde müsbet ve vücudî de görünseler, esası ademdir, nefiydir. Hem bilmüşahede sabittir ki bina gibi bir şeyin vücudu, bütün eczasının mevcudiyetiyle takarrur eder. Halbuki onun harabiyeti ve ademi ve inhidamı, bir rüknün ademiyle hasıl olur.

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    Furthermore, existence requires an existent  cause, it is based  on a cause that has an actual reality. Whereas non- existence may be based on things which pertain to non-existence. Such things may be the cause of something non-existent.
    Hem vücud, herhalde mevcud bir illet ister. Muhakkak bir sebebe istinad eder. Adem ise ademî şeylere istinad edebilir. Ademî bir şey, ma’dum bir şeye illet olur.

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    In consequence of this rule, despite the awesome destruction in the universe of devils from among jinn and men, and the varieties of unbelief, misguidance, evil, and destruction they perpetrate, they neither interfere one iota in creation, nor do they have  any  share  in  divine  sovereignty. Moreover, they do  not perform  those acts through any power  or ability; they perpetrate many of the things they do through neglect and abstaining from  action. They commit evils by not allowing good to be done, that is, they become evil. For since bad and evil are a sort of destruction, their causes  do  not  have  to  be  an  existent  power  and  active  creativity. Indeed, vast destruction is wrought due to one non-existent matter or one condition being nullified.
    İşte bu iki kaideye binaendir ki: Şeytan-ı ins ve cinnin kâinattaki müthiş âsâr-ı tahripkâraneleri ve enva-ı küfür ve dalalet ve şer ve mehaliki yaptıkları halde, zerre miktar icada ve hilkate müdahaleleri olmadığı gibi mülk-ü İlahîde bir hisse-i iştirakleri olamıyor. Ve bir iktidar ve bir kudretle o işleri yapmıyorlar, belki çok işlerinde iktidar ve fiil değil belki terk ve atalettir. Hayrı yaptırmamakla, şerleri yapıyorlar. Yani şerler oluyorlar. Çünkü mehalik ve şer, tahribat nevinden olduğu için illetleri, mevcud bir iktidar ve fâil bir icad olmak lâzım değildir. Belki bir emr-i ademî ile ve bir şartın bozulmasıyla koca bir tahribat olur.

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    It was because the Zoroastrians did not develop this mystery that they believed there was a creator of good in the universe, called Yazdan, and a creator of evil, called Ahriman.(*<ref>*See, al-Shahristani, al-Milal wa’l-Nihal, i, 232-3; al-Iji, Kitab al-Mawaqif, iii, 65; Tahir ibn Muhammad, al-Tabsir fi’l-Din, i, 91, 113, 142.</ref>)However, the imaginary god of evil they called Ahriman was Satan, who causes evil through the power of choice and the power to act, which has no ability to create.
    İşte bu sır, Mecusilerde inkişaf etmediği içindir ki kâinatta “Yezdan” namıyla bir hâlık-ı hayır, diğeri “Ehriman” namıyla bir hâlık-ı şer itikad etmişlerdir. Halbuki onların Ehriman dedikleri mevhum ilah-ı şer, bir cüz-i ihtiyarıyla ve icadsız bir kesble şerlere sebebiyet veren malûm şeytandır.

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    O people of belief! Your most effective weapon and equipment for repairs in the face of  this awesome destruction of Satan is  seeking forgiveness  from God, and declaring “I seek refuge with God,” to have recourse to Him. And your stronghold is the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices.
    '''İşte ey ehl-i iman! Şeytanların bu müthiş tahribatına karşı en mühim silahınız ve cihazat-ı tamiriyeniz, istiğfardır ve “Eûzü billah” demekle Cenab-ı Hakk’a ilticadır. Ve kaleniz sünnet-i seniyedir.'''

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    <span id="Beşinci_İşaret"></span>
    == Beşinci İşaret ==

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    In the revealed scriptures Almighty God points out to mankind great rewards like Paradise and terrible  punishments like Hell, and He gives guidance, many admonishments and reminders, and threats and  encouragement. But despite there being so many means  guiding the people of belief to the straight path, they are defeated in the face of the feeble, unrewarding, repellent stratagems of Satan’s party. At one time this caused me much thought. How is it, I wondered, that although they believe, they disregard Almighty God’s severe threats? Why isn’t their belief enough?
    Cenab-ı Hak, kütüb-ü semaviyede beşere karşı cennet gibi azîm mükâfatı ve cehennem gibi dehşetli mücazatı göstermekle beraber çok irşad, ikaz, ihtar, tehdit ve teşvik ettiği halde; ehl-i iman, bu kadar esbab-ı hidayet ve istikamet varken hizbü’ş-şeytanın mükâfatsız çirkin zayıf desiselerine karşı mağlup olmaları, bir zaman beni çok düşündürüyordu. Acaba iman varken, Cenab-ı Hakk’ın o kadar şiddetli tehdidatına ehemmiyet vermemek nasıl oluyor? Nasıl iman gitmiyor?

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    They are carried away by Satan’s baseless wiles and  rebel against God, although according to the verse, “Feeble indeed is the cunning of  Satan.”(4:76)
    اِنَّ كَي۟دَ الشَّي۟طَانِ كَانَ ضَعٖيفًا sırrıyla şeytanın gayet zayıf desiselerine kapılıp Allah’a isyan ediyor.

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    Some of my own friends, even, although they sincerely affirmed the teachings about reality they had heard from me a hundred times and had an excessively good opinion of me and relations with me, they were carried away by the trite and hypocritical compliments of a corrupt person, and took up a position in favour of him and against me. “Glory be to God!,” I exclaimed, “How can a person fall so low? What a deceitful man he was.” I slandered him and committed a sin.
    Hattâ benim arkadaşlarımdan bazıları, yüz hakikat dersini kalben tasdik ile beraber benden işittiği ve bana karşı da fazla hüsn-ü zannı ve irtibatı varken, kalpsiz ve bozuk bir adamın ehemmiyetsiz ve riyakârane iltifatına kapıldı, onun lehinde benim aleyhimde bir vaziyete geldi. “Fesübhanallah” dedim, insanda bu derece sukut olabilir mi? Ne kadar hakikatsiz bir insan idi diye o bîçareyi gıybet ettim, günaha girdim.

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    Later, the truth explained in the previous  Indications  became clear and illuminated many obscure points. Thanks be to God, through its light I understood both  that the  All-Wise Qur’an’s  powerful  encouragement  and assurances are completely in place, and that the people of belief being  deceived  by  Satanic machinations is not due to a lack of belief or weakness of faith. I understood too that someone who commits grievous sins is not an unbeliever, and that the Mu‘tazilites and some Kharijite sects are in error by stating: “The person who commits a grievous sin is either in a state of unbelief or is between belief and unbelief,”(*<ref>*See, al-Iji, Kitab al-Mawaqif, iii, 548; Ibn Abi’l-’Izz, Sharh ‘Aqida al-Tahawiyya, i, 356-62.</ref>) and that that unfortunate friend of mine sacrificing a hundred lessons in reality to win the attentions of such a scoundrel was not despicable abasement and degeneration; I thanked Almighty God and was saved from the abyss.
    Sonra sâbık işaretlerdeki hakikat inkişaf etti, karanlıklı çok noktaları aydınlattı. O nur ile lillahi’l-hamd hem Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in azîm tergibat ve teşvikatı tam yerinde olduğunu hem ehl-i imanın desais-i şeytaniyeye kapılmaları, imansızlıktan ve imanın zayıflığından olmadığını hem günah-ı kebairi işleyen küfre girmediğini hem Mutezile mezhebi ve bir kısım Hariciye mezhebi “Günah-ı kebairi irtikâb eden kâfir olur veya iman ve küfür ortasında kalır.” diye hükümlerinde hata ettiklerini hem benim o bîçare arkadaşım da yüz ders-i hakikati bir herifin iltifatına feda etmesi, düşündüğüm gibi çok sukut ve dehşetli alçaklık olmadığını anladım. Cenab-ı Hakk’a şükrettim, o vartadan kurtuldum.

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    For as I said before, Satan pushes man into serious peril because of some insignificant matter that in reality lacks existence. Moreover, man’s soul always listens to Satan; and his powers of anger and animal appetites are like both receivers and transmitters of Satan’s whisperings.
    Çünkü sâbıkan dediğimiz gibi şeytan cüz’î bir emr-i ademî ile insanı mühim tehlikelere atar. Hem insandaki nefis ise şeytanı her vakit dinler. Kuvve-i şeheviye ve gazabiye ise şeytan desiselerine hem kābile hem nâkile iki cihaz hükmündedirler.

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    It is in consequence of this that Almighty God’s names of Oft-Forgiving and All- Compassionate are turned to the people of belief with a maximum manifestation, and He points out in the All-Wise Qur’an that the greatest gift He bestows on the prophets is forgiveness and He calls on them to seek forgiveness. Repeating the blessed words, “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate” at the start of every Sura and
    İşte bunun içindir ki Cenab-ı Hakk’ın “Gafur”, “Rahîm” gibi iki ismi, tecelli-i a’zamla ehl-i imana teveccüh ediyor. Ve Kur’an-ı Hakîm’de peygamberlere en mühim ihsanı, mağfiret olduğunu gösteriyor ve onları, istiğfar etmeye davet ediyor. بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ kelime-i kudsiyesini her sure başında tekrar ile ve her mübarek işlerde zikrine emretmesiyle, kâinatı ihata eden rahmet-i vâsiasını melce ve tahassungâh gösteriyor ve فَاس۟تَعِذ۟ emriyle اَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّي۟طَانِ الرَّجٖيمِ kelimesini siper yapıyor.
    commanding that it be recited at the commencement of all good works,(*<ref>*See, Ibn Maja, Nikah, 19; Musnad, ii, 359; al-Nasa’i, al-Sunan al-Kubra, vi, 127-8; ‘Abd al- Razzaq, al-Musannaf, vi, 189; Ibn Hibban, al-Sahih, i, 173-4.</ref>) He shows that His all-encompassing mercy embraces the universe and is a stronghold and place of refuge.  And by the command, “Seek refuge with God,”(7:200, etc.) He makes a shield of the phrase, “I seek refuge with God from Satan the Accursed.”

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    <span id="Altıncı_İşaret"></span>
    == Altıncı İşaret ==

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    One of Satan’s most dangerous stratagems is this: he makes certain sensitive and ingenuous  people  confuse  imagining  unbelief  with  affirming  it. He shows  the imagining  of misguidance to be the affirmation of it. He also conjures up in their imaginations ugly thoughts about holy individuals and sacred things. He shows also things which are essentially possible together with those that are reasonably possible, thus making those things appear to be doubts opposed to the certainty of belief. Then the wretched sensitive man supposes that he has fallen into misguidance and unbelief, and that his certainty of belief has been lost; he falls  into  despair and becomes the plaything of Satan. Satan works both his despair, and that weak vein of his, and his confusion, so  that he  either  goes  mad, or  exclaiming: “All is lost,” embraces misguidance.
    Şeytanın en tehlikeli bir desisesi şudur ki: Bazı hassas ve safi-kalp insanlara tahayyül-ü küfrîyi, tasdik-i küfürle iltibas ettiriyor. Tasavvur-u dalaleti, dalaletin tasdiki suretinde gösteriyor. Ve mukaddes zatlar ve münezzeh şeyler hakkında gayet çirkin hatıraları hayaline gösteriyor. Ve imkân-ı zatîyi, imkân-ı aklî şeklinde gösterip imandaki yakînine münafî bir şek tarzını veriyor. Ve o vakit o bîçare hassas adam, kendini dalalet ve küfür içine düştüğünü tevehhüm edip imandaki yakîninin zâil olduğunu zanneder, yeise düşer, o yeisle şeytana maskara olur. Şeytan hem yeisini hem o zayıf damarını hem o iltibasını çok işlettirir, ya divane olur yahut “Herçi bâd âbâd.der, dalalete gider.

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    We have explained in some parts of the Risale-i Nur just how lacking in substance are these diabolical stratagems, so here shall discuss them only briefly, as follows: Just as a snake’s image in a mirror cannot bite, nor the similitude of fire burn, or the  reflection of filth soil; so the reflections of unbelief and association of partners with God cannot corrupt belief nor the shadows of misguidance, or  the  imaginings of ugly abuse and words in the  mirror of the imagination or of thought change faith, or damage respectful courtesy.
    Şeytanın bu desisesinin mahiyeti ne kadar esassız olduğunu, bazı risalelerde beyan ettiğimiz gibi burada icmalen bahsedeceğiz. Şöyle ki: Nasıl ki âyinede yılanın sureti ısırmaz ve ateşin misali yandırmaz ve murdarın aksi, telvis etmez. Öyle de hayal veya fikir âyinesinde küfriyatın ve şirkin akisleri ve dalaletin gölgeleri ve şetimli çirkin sözlerin hayalleri, itikadı bozmaz, imanı tağyir etmez, hürmetli edebi kırmaz.

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    For the well- known rule goes, “To imagine abuse is not abuse, to imagine unbelief is not unbelief, and to conceive of misguidance is not misguidance.
    Çünkü meşhur kaidedir ki: Tahayyül-ü şetim, şetim olmadığı gibi tahayyül-ü küfür dahi küfür değil ve tasavvur-u dalalet de dalalet değil.

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    As for the question of doubts in belief, possibilities that are essentially possible do not belie the certainty of belief and do not harm it. One of the established rules of the science of the principles of religion is:
    İmandaki şek meselesi ise imkân-ı zatîden gelen ihtimaller, o yakîne münafî değil ve o yakîni bozmaz. İlm-i usûl-ü dinde kavaid-i mukarreredendir ki:

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    “An essential impossibiblity cannot negate the certainty afforded by knowledge.”(*<ref>*See, al-Ghazzali, al-Manhul, 122; al-Mujaddidi, Qawa’id al-Fiqh, 11, 143.</ref>)
    اِنَّ ال۟اِم۟كَانَ الذَّاتِىَّ لَا يُنَافِى ال۟يَقٖينَ ال۟عِل۟مِىَّ

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    For example, we are certain that Barla Lake is
    Mesela, Barla Denizi su olarak yerinde bulunduğuna yakînimiz var. Halbuki zatında mümkündür ki o deniz, bu dakikada batmış olsun ve batması mümkinattandır. Bu imkân-ı zatî, madem bir emareden neş’et etmiyor, zihnî bir imkân olamaz ki şek olsun.
    in its place consisting of water. It is, however, essentially possible that this very moment the lake sank into the ground. It is within the bounds of possibility that it might sink. But since there  is  nothing to indicate such a possibility, it is not a reasonable possibility and cause doubt.

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    For another established rule of the principles of religion is:
    Çünkü yine ilm-i usûl-ü dinde bir kaide-i mukarreredir ki:

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    “A possibility that does not arise from any proof or evidence holds no importance.”
    لَا عِب۟رَةَ لِل۟اِح۟تِمَالِ ال۟غَي۟رِ النَّاشِئِ عَن۟ دَلٖيلٍ

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    That is, an essential possibility unsupported by any indication cannot be deemed a reasonable possibility and so cause doubts and warrant importance. Hence, the unfortunate man exposed to those Satanic whisperings supposes that due to  essential possibilities he has lost his certain belief in the truths of faith.
    Yani '''“'''Bir emareden gelmeyen bir ihtimal-i zatî ise bir imkân-ı zihnî olmaz ki şüphe verip ehemmiyeti olsun.” İşte bu desise-i şeytaniyeye maruz olan bîçare adam, hakaik-i imaniyeye yakînini, böyle zatî imkânlar ile kaybediyor zanneder.

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    For example, numerous  essential  possibilites  about  the  human  aspects of the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) may occur to him which cause no harm to his firm belief, but he imagines that they have and so suffers harm.
    Mesela, Hazret-i Peygamber aleyhissalâtü vesselâm hakkında beşeriyet itibarıyla çok imkân-ı zatiye hatırına geliyor ki imanın cezim ve yakînine zarar vermez. Fakat o, zarar verdi zanneder, zarara düşer.

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    Also, sometimes Satan suggests bad things about Almighty God in the form of whisperings in the heart. The man trembles, supposing that his heart is corrupted so that it  says such things. But his fear and trembling and lack of consent shows that those words did not come from his heart; they rather came from Satanic whisperings, and were imparted and caused to be imagined by Satan.
    Hem bazen şeytan, kalp üstündeki lümmesi cihetinde Cenab-ı Hak hakkında fena sözler söyler. O adam zanneder ki onun kalbi bozulmuş ki böyle söylüyor, titriyor. Halbuki onun titremesi ve korkması ve adem-i rızası delildir ki o sözler, kalbinden gelmiyor, belki lümme-i şeytaniyeden geliyor veya şeytan tarafından ihtar ve tahayyül ediliyor.

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    Also, among man’s subtle faculties are one or two that I have been unable to specify;  they do not heed the will and power of choice and probably should not be held  responsible. Sometimes  they govern, do  not  listen to  the  truth, and  incline towards wrong. Then Satan whispers to the man: “You’re not capable of attaining to reality and belief, so you involuntarily attempt what is futile and fruitless. That means your fate has condemned you to perdition.” The wretched man falls into despair and is ruined.
    Hem insanın letaifi içinde teşhis edemediğim bir iki latîfe var ki ihtiyar ve iradeyi dinlemezler belki de mes’uliyet altına da giremezler. Bazen o latîfeler hükmediyorlar, hakkı dinlemiyorlar, yanlış şeylere giriyorlar. O vakit şeytan o adama telkin eder ki: “Senin istidadın hakka ve imana muvafık değil ki böyle ihtiyarsız bâtıl şeylere giriyorsun. Demek senin kaderin, seni şakavete mahkûm etmiştir.” O bîçare adam, yeise düşüp, helâkete gider.

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    The believer’s stronghold in the face of the former stratagems of Satan are the truths of belief and incontestable matters of the Qur’an, the limits of which have been defined by the principles of the purified exacting scholars. And in the face of the latter  stratagems, the believer’s stronghold is to seek refuge with God and to attach no importance  to them. For the more importance is given them, the more it attracts attention to  them, and  they grow  and  swell. The  believer’s  antidote  and remedy for such spiritual wounds is adhering to the practices of the Prophet (UWBP).
    İşte şeytanın evvelki desiselerine karşı mü’minin tahassungâhı: Muhakkikîn-i asfiyanın düsturlarıyla hudutları taayyün eden hakaik-i imaniye ve muhkemat-ı Kur’aniyedir. Ve âhirdeki desiselerine karşı, istiaze ile ehemmiyet vermemektir. Çünkü ehemmiyet verdikçe, nazar-ı dikkati celbettirip büyür, şişer. Mü’minin böyle manevî yaralarına tiryak ve merhem, sünnet-i seniyedir.

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    <span id="Yedinci_İşaret"></span>
    == Yedinci İşaret ==

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    '''Question:''' The Mu‘tazilite authorities considered the creation of evil to be evil, and therefore did not attribute the creation of unbelief and misguidance to God, as if by so doing they were exonerating Him. They misguidedly said: “Man creates his own actions.”(*<ref>*See, al-Maturidi, al-Tawhid, i, 92, 169, 314, 315; Ibn Hazm, al-Fasl fi’-Milal, ii, 121; iii, 57, 59. </ref>)
    '''Sual:''' Mutezile imamları, şerrin icadını şer telakki ettikleri için küfür ve dalaletin hilkatini Allah’a vermiyorlar. Güya onunla Allah’ı takdis ediyorlar. “Beşer kendi ef’alinin hâlıkıdır.” diye dalalete gidiyorlar.

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    They also said: “A believer who commits a grievous sin loses his belief,(*<ref>*See, al-Iji, Kitab al-Mawaqif, iii, 548; Ibn Abi’l-’Izz, Sharh ‘Aqida al-Tahawiyya, i, 356-62.</ref>) for believing in God and affirming Hell is incompatible with such acts. Out of fear at a minor prison sentence in this  world, a man restrains himself from acting contrarily to the law, so if he commits serious sins, which infers disregard of divine wrath, it certainly points to his lack of belief.”
    Hem derler: “Bir günah-ı kebireyi işleyen bir mü’minin imanı gider. Çünkü Cenab-ı Hakk’a itikad ve cehennemi tasdik etmek, öyle günahı işlemekle kabil-i tevfik olamaz. Çünkü dünyada gayet cüz’î bir hapis korkusuyla kendini hilaf-ı kanun her şeyden muhafaza eden adam, ebedî bir azab-ı cehennemi ve Hâlık’ın gazabını nazar-ı ehemmiyete almayacak derecede büyük günahları işlerse, elbette imansızlığa delâlet eder.

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    '''The Answer'''

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    to the first part of the question: as is elucidated in the treatise on divine determining,(*<ref>*The Twenty-Sixth Word. See, The Words (Istanbul: Sözler Publications, 2008), 477-90. (Tr.)</ref>) the creation of evil is not evil; it is the inclination to do evil that is evil. For creation and bringing into being look to all the results. Since the existence of one evil is preliminary to numerous good  results, by virtue of those results, the creation of the evil becomes good, and is as though good.
    '''Birinci şıkkın cevabı şudur ki''' Kader Risalesi’nde izah edildiği gibi: Halk-ı şer, şer değil; belki kesb-i şer, şerdir. Çünkü halk ve icad, umum neticelere bakar. Bir şerrin vücudu, çok hayırlı neticelere mukaddime olduğu için o şerrin icadı, neticeler itibarıyla hayır olur, hayır hükmüne geçer.

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    For example, fire has a hundred good results, but if because they misuse their wills people make the fire evil for themselves, they cannot say that the creation of evil is evil.
    Mesela, ateşin yüz hayırlı neticeleri var. Fakat bazı insanlar sû-i ihtiyarıyla ateşi kendilerine şer yapmakla “Ateşin icadı şerdir.” diyemezler.

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    In the same way, the creation of devils has numerous wise results such as human progress; so if a person is defeated by Satan due to his misuse of his will and misguided inclinations, he cannot say that the creation of Satan is evil. For he did evil to himself because he was himself disposed to it. Yes, since the tendency is a particular relation, it has a particular evil result and becomes evil. But since creation looks to all the results, the creation of evil is not evil; it  is  good. The  Mu‘tazilites  did  not  understand  this  mystery, so  they said:  “The creation of evil is evil, and the creation of bad, bad.
    Öyle de şeytanların icadı, terakkiyat-ı insaniye gibi çok hikmetli neticeleri olmakla beraber, sû-i ihtiyarıyla ve yanlış kesbiyle şeytanlara mağlup olmakla “Şeytanın hilkati şerdir.” diyemez. Belki o, kendi kesbiyle kendine şer yaptı. Evet, kesb ise mübaşeret-i cüz’iye olduğu için hususi bir netice-i şerriyenin mazharı olur; o kesb-i şer, şer olur. Fakat icad, umum neticelere baktığı için icad-ı şer, şer değil belki hayırdır.

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    And to exonerate Almight y God of all fault, they did not ascribe the creation of evil  to  Him;  they fell  into  misguidance,  wrongly interpreting  the  pillar  of belief “belief in divine determining, both the good of it and the evil of it are from God.”(*<ref>*Muslim, Iman, 39; Tirmidhi, Iman, 4; Abu Da’ud, Sunna, 17; Nasa’i, Iman, 6; Ibn Maja, Muqaddima, 63.</ref>)
    İşte Mutezile bu sırrı anlamadıkları için “Halk-ı şer şerdir ve çirkinin icadı çirkindir.” diye Cenab-ı Hakk’ı takdis için şerrin icadını ona vermemişler, dalalete düşmüşler. وَ بِال۟قَدَرِ خَي۟رِهٖ وَ شَرِّهٖ olan bir rükn-ü imanîyi tevil etmişler.

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    '''The Answer to the second part of the question''' “How can someone who commits  grievous sins remain a believer?”:
    '''İkinci şık ki''' “Günah-ı kebireyi işleyen, nasıl mü’min kalabilir?” diye suallerine cevap ise:

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    Firstly, their error may be understood clearly from the previous Indications, so there is no need to repeat it.
    '''Evvela:''' Sâbık işaretlerde onların hatası kat’î bir surette anlaşılmıştır ki tekrara hâcet kalmamıştır.

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    Secondly, the man’s evil-commanding soul prefers an ounce of immediate, present pleasure to a ton of postponed, hidden pleasure; similarly, he shrinks at the fear of an immediate slap more than at a year’s torment in the future. Furthermore, if the emotions dominate a person, they do not heed the reason and mind. Desires and delusions govern in him, and he prefers the slightest, most trivial present pleasure to huge reward in the future, and  he  shrinks  from  some  minor  present  distress  more  than  from  some  terrible postponed torment. For desire, illusions, and emotions do not see the future, indeed, they deny it. And if the soul assists them, the heart, which is the seat of belief, and the mind, fall silent and are defeated.
    '''Sâniyen:''' Nefs-i insaniye, muaccel ve hazır bir dirhem lezzeti; müeccel, gaib bir batman lezzete tercih ettiği gibi hazır bir tokat korkusundan, ileride bir sene azaptan daha ziyade çekinir. Hem insanda hissiyat galip olsa aklın muhakemesini dinlemez. Heves ve vehmi hükmedip en az ve ehemmiyetsiz bir lezzet-i hazırayı, ileride gayet büyük bir mükâfata tercih eder. Ve az bir hazır sıkıntıdan, ileride büyük bir azab-ı müecceleden ziyade çekinir. Çünkü tevehhüm ve heves ve his, ileriyi görmüyor belki inkâr ediyorlar. Nefis dahi yardım etse mahall-i iman olan kalp ve akıl susarlar, mağlup oluyorlar.

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    In which case, committing grievous sins does not arise from lack of belief, but from the defeat of the heart and mind by the predominant emotions, desires, and illusions.
    Şu halde kebairi işlemek, imansızlıktan gelmiyor, belki his ve hevesin ve vehmin galebesiyle akıl ve kalbin mağlubiyetinden ileri gelir.

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    Moreover, as is understood from the previous Indications, since the way the passions and evil work is through destruction, they are extremely easy. Satans from among jinn and men quickly drive people down  that road. It is an astonishing situation, for according to a Hadith, a light to the extent of a fly’s wing from the World of Eternity(*<ref>*Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 13; Ibn Maja, Zuhd, 3; Musnad, v, 154, 177.</ref>) is comparable to the pleasure and bounties a person receives in his entire life in this world,(*<ref>*See, al-Qurtubi, al-Jami‘ al-Ahkam al-Qur’an, xiii, 7.</ref>) yet following Satan, certain unfortunates prefer the pleasures of this fleeting world, which are a mere fly’s wing in comparison with the pleasures of that eternal world, which are worth all this world.
    Hem sâbık işaretlerde anlaşıldığı gibi fenalık ve hevesat yolu, tahribat olduğu için gayet kolaydır. Şeytan-ı ins ve cinnî çabuk insanları o yola sevk ediyor. Gayet cây-ı hayret bir haldir ki: '''Âlem-i bekanın nass-ı hadîsle sinek kanadı kadar bir nuru, ebedî olduğu için bir insanın müddet-i ömründe dünyadan aldığı lezzet ve nimete mukabil geldiği halde; bazı bîçare insanlar, bir sinek kanadı kadar bu fâni dünyanın lezzetini, o bâki âlemin, bu fâni dünyasına değer lezzetlerine tercih edip şeytanın arkasında gider.'''

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    It is for these reasons that the All-Wise Qur’an repeatedly and insistently, and with  encouragement and threats, restrains believers from sin and urges them to do good.
    İşte bu sırlar içindir ki Kur’an-ı Hakîm, mü’minleri pek çok tekrar ve ısrar ile tehdit ve teşvik ile günahtan zecir ve hayra sevk ediyor.

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    One time this severe guidance of the All-Wise Qur’an gave me the idea that these continual warnings and reminders imply that believers are inconstant and faulty. They suggest a situation inconsistent with man’s integrity. For  although a  single  order  from  his  superior  is  sufficient  to  exact  an official’s obedience, if  the  superior  repeats  the  same  order  ten  times, the  official  will  be seriously offended. He will say: “You are insulting me. I am not disloyal.” However, the  All-Wise  Qur’an  insistently  repeats  the  same  command  to  the  most  sincere believers.
    Bir zaman Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in bu tekrar ile şiddetli irşadatı bana bu fikri verdi ki bu kadar mütemadî ihtarlar ve ikazlar, mü’min insanları sebatsız ve hakikatsiz gösteriyorlar. İnsanın şerefine yakışmayacak bir vaziyet veriyorlar. Çünkü bir memur, âmirinden aldığı bir tek emri itaatine kâfi iken, aynı emri on defa söylese o memur cidden gücenecek. Beni ittiham ediyorsun, ben hain değilim, der. Halbuki en hâlis mü’minlere Kur’an-ı Hakîm musırrane mükerrer emrediyor.

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    At the time I was puzzling over this idea, I had two or three loyal friends. I frequently used to warn and remind them lest they be deceived by the machinations of satanic humans. They were not offended at me, nor said I was insulting them. However I used to tell  myself that I was offending them with these  continual admonitions and that I was accusing them of disloyalty  and inconstancy.
    Bu fikir benim zihnimi kurcaladığı bir zamanda iki üç sadık arkadaşlarım vardı. Onları şeytan-ı insînin desiselerine kapılmamak için pek çok defa ihtar ve ikaz ediyordum. “Bizi ittiham ediyorsun.” diye gücenmiyorlardı. Fakat ben kalben diyordum ki: “Bu mütemadiyen ihtarlarımla bunları gücendiriyorum, sadakatsizlikle ve sebatsızlıkla ittiham ediyorum.

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    Then suddenly the truth explained and  proved in the above Indications became clear. I understood that the All-Wise Qur’an’s  insistent repetitions were apt and exactly as required by the situation, and wise and not  excessive or accusing; they were pure wisdom and pure eloquence. I understood too the reason those loyal friends of mine were not offended.
    Sonra birden sâbık işaretlerde izah ve ispat edilen hakikat inkişaf etti. O vakit o hakikatle hem Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in tam mutabık-ı mukteza-yı hal ve yerinde ve israfsız ve hikmetli ve ittihamsız bir surette ısrar ve tekraratı yaptığını ve ayn-ı hikmet ve mahz-ı belâgat olduğunu bildim. Ve o sadık arkadaşlarımın gücenmediklerinin sırrını anladım.

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    A summary of the truth is this: Since evil spirits provoke people in respect of destruction, they commit much evil with few actions. People who take the path of truth and guidance, therefore, are in need of  much caution and great care and repeated warnings and various assistance. For this reason  Almighty God offers assistance to the people of belief through His thousand and one names by way of those repetitions, and stretches out thousands of compassionate hands to help them. He does not slight their integrity, but upholds it. He does not belittle man, but shows Satan’s evil to be great.
    O hakikatin hülâsası şudur ki: Şeytanlar, tahribat cihetinde sevk ettikleri için az bir amel ile çok şerleri yaparlar. Onun için tarîk-i hakta ve hidayette gidenler, pek çok ihtiyat ve şiddetli sakınmaya ve mükerrer ihtarata ve kesretli muavenete muhtaç olduklarındandır ki Cenab-ı Hak, o tekrarat cihetinde bin bir ismi ile ehl-i imana muavenetini takdim ediyor ve binler merhamet ellerini imdadına uzatıyor. Şerefini kırmıyor, belki vikaye ediyor. İnsanın kıymetini küçük düşürtmüyor, belki şeytanın şerrini büyük gösteriyor.

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    O people of truth and people of guidance! The way to be saved from the above- mentioned wiles of satanic jinn and men is this: make your headquarters the school of the people of the truth, the Sunnis; enter the stronghold of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition’s incontestable matters; and take the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices as your guide; find safety and salvation!
    '''İşte ey ehl-i hak ve ehl-i hidayet! Şeytan-ı ins ve cinnînin mezkûr desiselerinden kurtulmak çaresi: Ehl-i Sünnet ve Cemaat olan ehl-i hak mezhebini karargâh yap ve Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın muhkemat kalesine gir ve sünnet-i seniyeyi rehber yap, selâmeti bul!..'''

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    <span id="Sekizinci_İşaret"></span>
    == Sekizinci İşaret ==

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    '''Question:''' You have proved in the above Indications that the way of misguidance is easy, and is destruction and aggression, so that many take it. Whereas in other parts of the Risale-i Nur you have proved decisively that the way of unbelief and misguidance is so fraught with difficulties and problems that no one should take it; that it is not possible to follow it. And you have shown that the path of belief and guidance is so easy and clear that everyone should take it.
    '''Sual:''' Sâbık işaretlerde ispat ettiniz ki dalalet yolu, kolay ve tahrip ve tecavüz olduğu için çoklar o yola sülûk ediyorlar. Halbuki sair risalelerde kat’î deliller ile ispat etmişsiniz ki küfür ve dalalet yolu o kadar müşkülatlı ve suubetlidir ki hiç kimse ona girmemek gerekti ve kabil-i sülûk değil. Ve iman ve hidayet yolu o kadar kolay ve zâhirdir ki herkes ona girmeli idi.

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    '''The Answer:''' There are two sorts of unbelief and misguidance. One pertains to actions and secondary matters, and is also denial and rejection of the  matters of belief. This kind is misguidance is easy. It is a non- acceptance of the truth, an abdication, non-existence, and the absence of acceptance. In the Risale-i Nur, this sort has been shown to be easy.
    '''Elcevap:''' Küfür ve dalalet iki kısımdır. Bir kısmı amelî ve fer’î olmakla beraber, iman hükümlerini nefyetmek ve inkâr etmektir ki bu tarz dalalet kolaydır. Hakkı kabul etmemektir, bir terktir, bir ademdir, bir adem-i kabuldür. İşte bu kısımdır ki risalelerde kolay gösterilmiş.

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    As for the second sort, it pertains not to actions and secondary matters, but is a judgement of the mind and pertains to belief. It does not only deny belief, but opens up a way that is the opposite of it. It is the acceptance of what is false and invalid, the proof of the reverse of truth. This is not only the denial and refutation of belief, it is its opposite. It is not non-acceptance so that it should be easy, but the acceptance of non-being, and can only be accepted through proving non-existence. In accordance
    İkinci kısım ise amelî ve fer’î olmayıp belki itikadî ve fikrî bir hükümdür. Yalnız imanın nefyini değil belki imanın zıddına gidip bir yol açmaktır. Bu ise bâtılı kabuldür, hakkın aksini ispattır. Bu kısım, imanın yalnız nefyi ve nakîzi değil, imanın zıddıdır. Adem-i kabul değil ki kolay olsun, belki kabul-ü ademdir. Ve o ademi ispat etmekle kabul edilebilir. اَل۟عَدَمُ لَا يُث۟بَتُ kaidesiyle: Ademin ispatı elbette kolay değildir.
    with the rule “Non-existence cannot be proved,”(*<ref>*Ibn Qayyim, al-Sawa’iq al-Mursala, iv, 1310; al-Ruh fi’l-Kalam, i, 198.</ref>) it is certainly not easy to prove it.

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    Thus, the unbelief and misguidance shown in other parts of the Risale-i Nur to be so difficult and problematic as to be impossible is this sort. Anyone with even a grain of intelligence would not take this way. Moreover, as is demonstrated, it imparts such grievous pains and suffocating darkness that anyone reasonable to the tiniest degree would not follow it.
    İşte sair risalelerde imtina derecesinde suubetli ve müşkülatlı gösterilen küfür ve dalalet bu kısımdır ki zerre miktar şuuru bulunan, bu yola sâlik olmamak lâzımdır. Hem bu yol, risalelerde kat’î ispat edildiği gibi o kadar dehşetli elemleri var ve boğucu karanlıkları var ki zerre miktar aklı bulunan, o yola talip olmaz.

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    '''If it is asked:''' Why do most people take it, seeing that it is so grievous, dark, and difficult?
    '''Eğer denilse:''' Bu kadar elîm ve karanlıklı, müşkülatlı yola nasıl ekser insanlar gidiyorlar?

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    '''The Answer:''' They have fallen into it and cannot extricate themselves. And because the animal and vegetable powers in man do not see the consequences and do not think of them, and come to dominate man’s subtle faculties, such people do not want to extricate  themselves, so console themselves with immediate, temporary pleasure.
    '''Elcevap:''' İçine düşmüş bulunuyorlar, çıkamıyorlar. Hem insandaki nebatî ve hayvanî kuvveleri, âkıbeti görmedikleri, düşünemedikleri ve o insandaki letaif-i insaniyeye galebe ettikleri için çıkmak istemiyorlar ve hazır ve muvakkat bir lezzetle müteselli oluyorlar.

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    '''Question:''' Since misguidance gives rise to such dreadful suffering and fear, the unbeliever should not be able to live, let alone receiving pleasure from life. He should be crushed by the pain and be absolutely terrified. For although by reason of his humanity he desires innumerable things and loves life, because of his unbelief, he constantly sees death confronting him as eternal extinction and everlasting separation, and the passing of beings and deaths of his friends and those he loves as annihilation and eternal parting, so how can such a man live? How can he receive pleasure from life?
    '''Sual:''' Eğer denilse: Dalalette öyle dehşetli bir elem ve bir korku var ki kâfir, değil hayattan lezzet alması, hiç yaşamaması lâzım geliyor. Belki o elemden ezilmeli ve o korkudan ödü patlamalı idi. Çünkü insaniyet itibarıyla hadsiz eşyaya müştak ve hayata âşık olduğu halde, küfür vasıtasıyla mevtini bir idam-ı ebedî ve bir firak-ı lâyezalî ve zeval-i mevcudatı ve ahbabının vefatlarını ve bütün sevdiklerini idam ve müfarakat-ı ebediye suretinde gözü önünde daima küfür vasıtasıyla gören insan, nasıl yaşayabilir? Nasıl hayattan lezzet alabilir?

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    '''The Answer:''' He deceives himself through an extraordinary sophistry of Satan, and lives. He supposes he receives a superficial pleasure. We shall allude to the true nature of this with a well-known comparison.
    '''Elcevap:''' Acib bir mağlata-i şeytaniye ile kendini aldatır, yaşar. Surî bir lezzet alır zanneder. Meşhur bir temsil ile onun mahiyetine işaret edeceğiz. Şöyle ki:

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    It is related that they said to the ostrich: “You’ve got wings, so fly!” But it folded its wings and said: “I’m a camel,” and didn’t fly. So it fell into the hunter’s trap, and not wanting the hunter to see it, stuck its head in the sand. However, it left its huge body exposed, as prey for the hunter. They later said to it: “You say you’re a camel, so you should carry loads.” Whereupon it opened its wings and declared: “I’m a bird,” and so avoided being a beast of burden. But then it had neither protector nor food, and was pursued by the hunters.
    Deniliyor: Deve kuşuna demişler “Kanatların var, !” O da kanatlarını kısıp “Ben deveyim.” demiş, uçmamış. Fakat avcının tuzağına düşmüş. Avcı beni görmesin diye başını kuma sokmuş. Halbuki koca gövdesini dışarıda bırakmış, avcıya hedef etmiş. Sonra ona demişler: “Madem deveyim diyorsun, yük götür!O zaman kanatlarını açıvermiş “Ben kuşum.” demiş, yükün zahmetinden kurtulmuş. Fakat hâmisiz ve yemsiz olarak avcıların hücumuna hedef olmuş.

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    In exactly the same way, the unbeliever gave up absolute disbelief in the face of the  Qur’an’s heavenly proclamations and fell into scepticism. If he is asked: “You think death is  eternal extinction. How can a person live when he perpetually sees before him the gallows on which he is to be hanged? How can he be happy?” Thanks to the portion he has received of the Qur’an’s universal mercy and all-encompassing light, the man replies: “Death doesn’t mean going to nothingness; perhaps there is life after death.” Or else he plunges his head in the sand of heedlessness like the ostrich so that the appointed hour will not spot him and the grave will not watch him and the transience of things will not let fly their arrows at him!
    Aynen onun gibi; kâfir, Kur’an’ın semavî ilanatına karşı küfr-ü mutlakı bırakıp meşkuk bir küfre inmiş. Ona denilse: “Madem mevt ve zevali, bir idam-ı ebedî biliyorsun; kendini asacak olan darağacı göz önünde… Ona her vakit bakan, nasıl yaşar? Nasıl lezzet alır?” O adam, Kur’an’ın umumî vech-i rahmet ve şümullü nurundan aldığı bir hisse ile der: “Mevt idam değil, ihtimal beka var.” Veyahut deve kuşu gibi başını gaflet kumuna sokar, tâ ki ecel onu görmesin ve kabir ona bakmasın ve zeval-i eşya ona ok atmasın!

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    '''In Short :''' When like the ostrich the unbeliever looks on death and decline as extinction, his  scepticism  makes him consider possible the certain tidings of the Qur’an and revealed  scriptures  concerning belief in the hereafter afford  him  a possibility. He grasps the possibility and does not suffer that ghastly pain. If he is then told: “Since one will go to an everlasting realm, to have a good life there, here one has to put up with the difficulties of performing the religious obligations,”
    '''Elhasıl:''' O meşkuk küfür vasıtasıyla deve kuşu gibi mevt ve zevali idam manasında gördüğü vakit Kur’an ve semavî kitapların iman-ı bi’l-âhirete dair kat’î ihbaratı ona bir ihtimal verir. O kâfir, o ihtimale yapışır, o dehşetli elemi üzerine almaz. O vakit ona denilse: “Madem bâki bir âleme gidilecek, o âlemde güzel yaşamak için tekâlif-i diniye meşakkatini çekmek gerektir.

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    his scepticism leads him  to  reply: “Perhaps there  is  no  such world, so  why should  I work  for something that doesn’t exist?” That is to say, he is  saved from the pain of eternal nothingness by the possibility of immortalit y afforded by that decree of the Qur’an, and clinging onto the possibility of unbelief, he is saved from the  hardship of the religious obligations by the possibility of non-existence afforded by his  scepticism.
    O adam şekk-i küfrî cihetiyle der: “Belki yoktur, yok için neden çalışayım?” Yani vaktâ ki o hükm-ü Kur’an’ın verdiği ihtimal-i beka cihetiyle idam-ı ebedî âlâmından kurtulur ve meşkuk küfrün verdiği ihtimal-i adem cihetiyle tekâlif-i diniye meşakkati ona müteveccih olur, ona karşı küfür ihtimaline yapışır, o zahmetten kurtulur.

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    That is to say, from this point of view, he supposes he receives more pleasure from this life than the believers, for due to the possibility afforded by unbelief he is saved from the hardship of the religious obligations, and due to the possibility afforded by belief, he  does  not  expose  himself  to  everlasting  pains.
    Demek, bu nokta-i nazarda, mü’minden ziyade bu hayatta lezzet alır zannediyor. Çünkü tekâlif-i diniyenin zahmetinden ihtimal-i küfrî ile kurtuluyor ve âlâm-ı ebediyeden ise ihtimal-i imanî cihetiyle kendi üzerine almaz. Halbuki bu mağlata-i şeytaniyenin hükmü, gayet sathî ve faydasız ve muvakkattır.

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    However, this  satanic sophistry is extremely superficial, temporary, and without benefit.
    İşte Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in küffarlar hakkında da bir nevi cihet-i rahmeti vardır ki hayat-ı dünyeviyeyi onlara cehennem olmaktan bir derece kurtarıp bir nevi şek vererek, şek ile yaşıyorlar. Yoksa âhiret cehennemini andıracak bu dünyada dahi manevî bir cehennem azabı çekeceklerdi ve intihara mecbur olacaklardı.
    Thus, the All-Wise Qur’an produces a sort of manifestation of mercy for the unbelievers too that to an extent saves their lives in this world from being Hell; it induces doubt in them, so they live through doubt. Otherwise, by recalling the Hell of the hereafter they would have suffered the torments of a sort of Hell in this world too, and they would have been compelled to commit suicide.

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    O people of belief! Fully confident in your belief enter under the protection of the Qur’an, which will save you from eternal extinction and the hells of this world and the hereafter. Submissively and appreciatively remain within the bounds of the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices, and so be saved from both misery in this world and torment in the next!
    '''İşte ey ehl-i iman! Sizi idam-ı ebedîden ve dünyevî ve uhrevî cehennemlerden kurtaran Kur’an’ın himayeti altına mü’minane ve mutemidane giriniz ve sünnet-i seniyesinin dairesine teslimkârane ve müstahsinane dâhil olunuz, dünya şakavetinden ve âhirette azaptan kurtulunuz!'''

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    <span id="Dokuzuncu_İşaret"></span>
    == Dokuzuncu İşaret ==

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    '''Question:''' Why is it that the people of guidance, who are God’s party, are so often defeated by the people of misguidance, who are Satan’s party, despite the Glory of the World (Upon whom be blessings and peace) being at their head  and their receiving so much divine mercy and assistance and so many favours?
    '''Sual:''' Hizbullah olan ehl-i hidayet, başta enbiya ve onların başında Fahr-i Âlem aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, o kadar inayet ve rahmet-i İlahiye ve imdad-ı Sübhaniyeye mazhar oldukları halde, neden çok defa hizbü’ş-şeytan olan ehl-i dalalete mağlup olmuşlar?

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    What was the reason  for  the  dissemblers  of  Medina  insisting  on  misguidance  and  their  not embracing guidance, despite being  close to the brilliant sun-like prophethood  and messengerhood of the Seal of the Prophets (UWBP) and the Qur’anic truths, which are more captivating than the universal laws of attraction?
    Hem Hâtemü’l-enbiya’nın güneş gibi parlak nübüvvet ve risaleti ve iksir-i a’zam gibi tesirli i’caz-ı Kur’anî vasıtasıyla irşadı ve cazibe-i umumiye-i kâinattan daha cazibedar hakaik-i Kur’aniyenin komşuluğunda ve yakınında olan Medine münafıklarının dalalette ısrarları ve hidayete girmemeleri ne içindir ve hikmeti nedir?

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    '''The Answer:''' To solve the two parts of this awesome question, a profound principle must be explained. It is like this:
    '''Elcevap:''' Bu iki şık müthiş sualin halli için derince bir esas beyan etmek lâzım gelir. Şöyle ki:

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    The All-Glorious Creator of the universe has two sort of names, those pertaining to  His  glory  and  those  pertaining  to  His  beauty.  Since  the  names  require  to demonstrate  their  decrees  through  different  manifestations,  the  Glorious  Creator blended together opposites in the universe. Bringing them face to face, he gave them aggressive and  defensive positions,  in the form  of a wise and beneficial contest. Making  the  opposites  transgress  one  another’s  bounds,  He  brought  conflict  and change  into  being, and  made  the  universe  subject  to  the  law  of  change  and transformation and the principles of progress and  advancement. In humankind, the comprehensive  fruit  of the  tree  of creation, he  gave  the  law  of  contest  an even stranger form, and opening the door to striving, which would be  the means to all human progress, He  gave  Satan’s party certain faculties  with which to  challenge God’s party.
    Şu kâinat Hâlık-ı Zülcelal’inin hem cemalî hem celalî iki kısım esması bulunduğundan ve o cemalî ve celalî isimler, hükümlerini ayrı ayrı cilvelerle göstermek iktiza ettiklerinden, Hâlık-ı Zülcelal kâinatta ezdadı birbirine mezcedip birbirine mukabil getirip ve birbirine mütecaviz ve müdafi bir vaziyet verip, hikmetli ve menfaattar bir nevi mübareze suretine getirip, ondan zıtları birbirinin hududuna geçirip ihtilafat ve tagayyürat meydana getirmekle kâinatı kanun-u tagayyür ve tahavvül ve düstur-u terakki ve tekâmüle tabi kıldığı için o şecere-i hilkatin câmi’ bir semeresi olan insan nevinde, o kanun-u mübarezeyi daha acib bir şekle getirip bütün terakkiyat-ı insaniyeye medar bir mücahede kapısını açıp, hizbullaha karşı meydana çıkabilmek için hizbü’ş-şeytana bazı cihazat vermiş.

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    It is because of this subtle mystery that the prophets were often defeated by the people of misguidance. And the people of misguidance, who are extremely weak and impotent, temporarily triumph over the people of truth, who in reality are extremely strong, and struggle against them. The wisdom in this strange opposition is as follows:
    İşte bu sırr-ı dakik içindir ki enbiyalar çok defa ehl-i dalalete karşı mağlup oluyor. Ve gayet zaaf ve aczde olan dalalet ehli, manen gayet kuvvetli olan ehl-i hakka muvakkaten galip oluyorlar ve mukavemet ediyorlar. Bu acib mukavemetin sırr-ı hikmeti şudur ki:

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    Misguidance and unbelief comprise both non-existence and omission, so that they are extremely easy and do not require action. They also give rise to destruction, which is also  easy, and need little action. They are also a source of aggression, which may cause much harm  to many with little action, and by way of intimidating others and satisfying the soul’s  desire for power, may secure rank and position for a person. There is also freedom in misguidance and unbelief, which gratifies man’s vegetable and animal powers, which  are  blind  to  consequences  and  obsessed  by present  pleasure,  and induces such subtle faculties as the heart and reason to give up their humane and far- sighted duties.
    Dalalette ve küfürde hem adem ve terk var ki pek kolaydır, hareket istemez. Hem tahrip var ki çok sehildir ve âsandır, az bir hareket yeter. Hem tecavüz var ki az bir amel ile çoklarına zarar verip, ihafe noktasında ve firavuniyet cihetinden onlara bir makam kazandırır. Hem âkıbeti görmeyen ve hazır zevke müptela olan insandaki nebatî ve hayvanî kuvvelerin tatmini, telezzüzü, hürriyeti vardır ki akıl ve kalp gibi letaif-i insaniyeyi insaniyetkârane ve âkıbet-endişane olan vazifelerinden vazgeçiriyorlar.

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    However, the sacred way of foremost the Noble Messenger  (Upon whom  be blessings and peace), the Beloved of the Sustainer of All the Worlds, and of the people of prophethood and the people of guidance, both pertains to existence, and is firmly established,  and is constructive, and is based on the important principles of action, moderation, prudence  and foresight, worship, and smashing the domination and  independence  of  the  evil-commanding  soul.(*<ref>*See, al-Bayhaqi, al-Zuhd, 157; al-Ghazzali, Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din, iii, 4; al-Daylami, al-Musnad, iii, 408; Ibn Rajab, Jami‘ al-‘lum wa’l-Hikam, i, 196; al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, v, 538; al-‘Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa’, i, 160; ii, 222.</ref>) It is  because of this that  the dissemblers of the  Prophet’s (UWBP) time in Medina closed their  eyes  to  that refulgent sun like bats, and surrendering themselves to a satanic force of repulsion in the face of that huge attraction, remained in misguidance.
    Ehl-i hidayet ve başta ehl-i nübüvvet ve başta Habib-i Rabbü’l-âlemîn olan Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın meslek-i kudsîsi; hem vücudî hem sübutî hem tamir hem hareket hem hudutta istikamet hem âkıbeti düşünmek hem ubudiyet hem nefs-i emmarenin firavuniyetini, serbestliğini kırmak gibi esasat-ı mühimme bulunduğundandır ki Medine-i Münevvere’de bulunan o zamanın münafıkları, o parlak güneşe karşı yarasa kuşu gibi gözlerini yumup, o cazibe-i azîmeye karşı şeytanî bir kuvve-i dâfiaya kapılıp dalalette kalmışlar.

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    '''Eğer denilirse:''' Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâm madem Habib-i Rabbü’l-âlemîn’dir. Hem elindeki hak ve lisanındaki hakikattir. Ve ordusundaki askerlerin bir kısmı melâikedir. Ve bir avuç su ile bir orduyu sular. Ve dört avuç buğday ve bir oğlağın etiyle bin adamı doyuracak bir ziyafet verir. Ve küffar ordusunun gözlerine bir avuç toprak atmakla o bir avuç topraktan her küffarın gözüne bir avuç toprak girmesiyle onları kaçırır. Ve daha bunun gibi bin mu’cizat sahibi olan bir Kumandan-ı Rabbanî, nasıl oluyor Uhud’un nihayetinde ve Huneyn’in bidayetinde mağlup oluyor?
    '''If it is said:''' The Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was the Beloved of the Sustainer of All the Worlds;(*<ref>*See, Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 1; al-Daylami, Muqadddima, 8.</ref>)and he held truth in his hand and  spoke the  truth with his tongue;(*<ref>*See, Qur’an, 17:105.</ref>)and  among the soldiers of his army were angels;(*<ref>*See, Qur’an, 3:123-5. Also, Bukhari, Maghazi, 11.</ref>)and he watered a whole army with one handful of water;(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Wudu’, 32; Manaqib, 25; Maghazi, 35; Muslim, ‘Imara, 72, 73; Fada’il, 5-6; Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 6; Nasa’i, Tahara, 61; Musnad, iii, 329.</ref>)and provided a feast for a thousand men with four handfuls of wheat and the meat of one kid;(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Hiba, 28; At‘ima, 6; Maghazi, 29; Manaqib, 25; Muslim, Ashriba, 141-2, 175;Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 6; Ibn Maja, At‘ima, 47; Muwatta’, Sifat al-Nabi, 19; Musnad, i, 197-8.</ref>)and caused the unbelievers’ army to flee by throwing a handful of dust at them, which entered  all  their See, Muslim, Jihad, 81; Darimi, Siyar, 16; Musnad, i, 103, 368; v, 286, 310.</ref>)so how was that dominical commander who performed a thousand miracles similar to these, defeated at the end of Uhud(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Jihad, 65; Bad’u’l-Khalq, 11; Manaqib al-Ansar, 22; Maghazi, 18; Ayman, 15; Diyat, 16; Abu Da’ud, Jihad, 106; Musnad, iv, 293-4</ref>)and at the beginning of Hunayn?(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Maghazi, 54; Jihad, 52, 61, 97, 167; Muslim, Jihad, 79; Tirmidhi, Jihad, 15.</ref>)

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    '''The Answer:''' God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was sent to mankind as an exemplary guide and leader so that men might learn from him the rules of social and personal life, become accustomed to obeying the laws of the All-Wise One of Perfection, and act in conformity with the principles of His wisdom. If the Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) had always relied on wonders  and miracles, he could not have been absolute guide and leader.
    '''Elcevap:''' Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, nev-i beşere mukteda ve imam ve rehber olarak gönderilmiştir. Tâ ki o nev-i insanî, hayat-ı içtimaiye ve şahsiyedeki düsturları ondan öğrensin ve Hakîm-i Zülkemal’in kavanin-i meşietine itaate alışsınlar ve desatir-i hikmetine tevfik-i hareket etsinler. Eğer Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, hayat-ı içtimaiye ve şahsiyesinde daima hârikulâdelere ve mu’cizelere istinad etseydi, o vakit imam-ı mutlak ve rehber-i ekber olamazdı.

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    He therefore displayed miracles from time to time, in answer to need, solely to make them affirm his claim to prophethood and to nullify the unbelievers’ denial. At other times he obeyed the  divine  commands  more  than  anyone, and  more than everyone acted in  conformity with the divine laws in creation, established through dominical wisdom and will,  and submitted to them. He used to wear armour when confronting the enemy,(*<ref>*See, Abu Da’ud, Jihad, 75; Ibn Maja, Jihad, 18; Musnad, iii, 449.</ref>)and would order his troops to enter their trenches.(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Maghazi, 29; Jihad, 34, 161; Qadar, 16; Tamanni, 7; Muslim, Jihad, 125.</ref>)He received wounds and suffered hardship.(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Jihad, 80, 85, 163; Wudu’, 72; Maghazi, 24; Nikah, 123; Tibb, 27; Muslim, Jihad,
    İşte bu sır içindir ki yalnız davasını tasdik ettirmek için ara sıra inde’l-hace, münkirlerin inkârını kırmak için mu’cizeler gösterirdi. Sair vakitlerde nasıl ki herkesten ziyade evamir-i İlahiyeye itaat etmiştir. Öyle de hikmet-i Rabbaniye ile ve meşiet-i Sübhaniye ile tesis edilen âdetullah kavaninine herkesten ziyade müraat ve itaat ederdi. Düşmana karşı zırh giyerdi “Sipere giriniz!” emrederdi. Yara alırdı, zahmet çekerdi. Tâ tamamıyla hikmet-i İlahiye kanununa ve kâinattaki şeriat-ı fıtriye-i kübraya müraat ve itaati göstersin.
    101; Tirmidhi, Tibb, 34; Ibn Maja, Tibb, 15.
    </ref>)In this way he obeyed and observed to the letter the laws of divine wisdom and the Greater Shari‘a of Creation.

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    <span id="Onuncu_İşaret"></span>
    == Onuncu İşaret ==

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    One of the most cunning of Iblis’s wiles is to make those who follow him deny himself.  Since at  this  time people  whose  minds  have  been  tainted  by materialist philosophy in particular have been hesitant in these self-evident matters, we shall say one or two things in the face of this stratagem of Satan. They are as follows:
    '''İblisin en mühim bir desisesi: Kendini, kendine tabi olanlara inkâr ettirmektir.''' Şu zamanda, hususan maddiyyunların felsefeleriyle zihni bulananlar, bu bedihî meselede tereddüt gösterdikleri için şeytanın bu desisesine karşı bir iki söz söyleyeceğiz. Şöyle ki:

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    There are self-evidently corporeal evil spirits who perform Satan’s functions. It is also certain to the same degree that there are evil spirits without bodies from the jinns. If they were clothed in physical bodies, they would be the same as those evil human beings. Also, if those evil spirits in human form were able to leave aside their bodies, they would be those jinn-satans. Indeed, in consequence of this terrible relationship one deviant school  pronounced: “After they have died, excessively evil spirits  in human form become devils.”
    İnsanlarda şeytan vazifesini gören cesetli ervah-ı habîse bilmüşahede bulunduğu gibi cinnîden cesetsiz ervah-ı habîse dahi bulunduğu, o kat’iyettedir. Eğer onlar maddî ceset giyseydiler, bu şerir insanların aynı olacaktılar. Hem eğer bu insan suretindeki insî şeytanlar cesetlerini çıkarabilse idiler o cinnî iblisler olacaktılar. Hattâ bu şiddetli münasebete binaendir ki bir mezheb-i bâtıl hükmetmiş ki: “İnsan suretindeki gayet şerir ervah-ı habîse, öldükten sonra şeytan olur.”

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    It is well-known that when something of high quality is corrupted it becomes more corrupted than something of less quality. For example, if yoghurt and milk go bad they may still be eaten, but if oil goes bad it becomes inedible, and poisonous even. Similarly, if the most noble, indeed the highest of creatures, man, is corrupted, he becomes more corrupt than a depraved animal. Like vermin who enjoy the stink of putrifying matter and snakes who take pleasure at biting and poisoning, they take pride and pleasure at the evils and  wicked  immorality of the swamp of misguidance, being gratified at the harms and crimes of the darkness of evil-doing; quite simply they take on the nature of Satan. Yes, a decisive  indication of the existence of devils from the jinn, is the existence of human satans.
    Malûmdur ki a’lâ bir şey bozulsa, edna bir şeyin bozulmasından daha ziyade bozuk olur. Mesela, nasıl ki süt ve yoğurt bozulsalar yine yenilebilir. Yağ bozulsa yenilmez, bazen zehir gibi olur. Öyle de mahlukatın en mükerremi, belki en a’lâsı olan insan, eğer bozulsa bozuk hayvandan daha ziyade bozuk olur. Müteaffin maddelerin kokusuyla telezzüz eden haşerat gibi ve ısırmakla zehirlendirmekten lezzet alan yılanlar gibi dalalet bataklığındaki şerler ve habîs ahlâklar ile telezzüz ve iftihar eder ve zulmün zulümatındaki zararlardan ve cinayetlerden lezzet alırlar, âdeta şeytanın mahiyetine girerler. Evet, cinnî şeytanın vücuduna kat’î bir delili, insî şeytanın vücududur.

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    '''Secondly:''' All the hundreds of decisive evidences proving the existence of angels and spirit beings in the Twenty-Ninth Word prove also the existence of evils spirits. We refer this aspect to that Word.
    '''Sâniyen:''' Yirmi Dokuzuncu Söz’de yüzer delil-i kat’î ile ruhanî ve meleklerin vücudunu ispat eden umum o deliller, şeytanların dahi vücudunu ispat ederler. Bu ciheti o Söz’e havale ediyoruz.

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    '''Thirdly:''' The existence of the angels, the representatives and supervisors of the laws of the good matters in the universe, is established and agreed upon by all the religions. So too, the existence of evil and satanic spirits, who are the representatives and ushers of evil matters and the means of the laws of such matters, is required by wisdom and reality, and is certain. Indeed, in evil matters, a conscious screen is more necessary. For as is stated at the beginning  of  the  Twenty-Second  Word,
    '''Sâlisen:''' Kâinattaki umûr-u hayriyedeki kanunların mümessili, nâzırı hükmünde olan meleklerin vücudu, ittifak-ı edyan ile sabit olduğu gibi umûr-u şerriyenin mümessilleri ve mübaşirleri ve o umûrdaki kavaninin medarları olan ervah-ı habîse ve şeytaniye bulunması, hikmet ve hakikat noktasında kat’îdir; belki umûr-u şerriyede zîşuur bir perdenin bulunması daha ziyade lâzımdır. Çünkü Yirmi İkinci Söz’ün başında denildiği gibi:

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    since everyone cannot see the true good of everything, the All-Glorious Creator has made apparent  intermediaries a screen to apparent evils  and  defects, so that objections should not be levelled at Him, nor His mercy be accused, nor his wisdom criticized or unjustly complained about, and so that objections, criticisms, and complaints should be directed at the screen, and not turned to the Generous Creator, the Absolutely Wise One. Just as He made illness a screen to the appointed hour of death in order to save Azra’il from the complaints(*<ref>*See, Abu Nu’aym, Hilya al-Awliya’, v, 51; al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi, Nawadir al-Usul, i, 177-8; al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, vi, 543.</ref>)of His servants who die, so too He made Azra’il a screen to the seizing of the spirits of the dying so that the complaints at that situation, which is  fancied to be lacking in compassion, should not be directed at Almighty God.
    Herkes, her şeyin hüsn-ü hakikisini göremediği için zâhirî şerriyet ve noksaniyet cihetinde Hâlık-ı Zülcelal’e karşı itiraz etmemek ve rahmetini ittiham etmemek ve hikmetini tenkit etmemek ve haksız şekva etmemek için zâhirî bir vasıtayı perde ederek tâ itiraz ve tenkit ve şekva, o perdelere gidip Hâlık-ı Kerîm ve Hakîm-i Mutlak’a teveccüh etmesin. Nasıl ki vefat eden ibadın küsmesinden Hazret-i Azrail’i kurtarmak için hastalıkları ecele perde etmiş. Öyle de Hazret-i Azrail’i (as) kabz-ı ervaha perde edip, tâ merhametsiz tevehhüm edilen o haletlerden gelen şekvalar, Cenab-ı Hakk’a teveccüh etmesin.

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    And even more certainly, dominical wisdom demanded the existence of Satan, so that objections and  criticisms in the face of evils and bad things should not be directed at the All-Glorious Creator.
    Öyle de daha ziyade bir kat’iyetle '''şerlerden ve fenalıklardan gelen itiraz ve tenkit, Hâlık-ı Zülcelal’e teveccüh etmemek için hikmet-i Rabbaniye, şeytanın vücudunu iktiza etmiştir.'''

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    '''Fourthly:''' Just as man is a small world, the microcosm, so is the world a large human being,  the  macroanthropos. Small man is an  index and summary of  the macroanthropos. The large originals of the samples in man will necessarily be found in the macroanthropos. For example, the existence of man’s faculty of memory is a certain indication of the existence  of the  Preserved  Tablet  in  the  world.
    '''Râbian:''' İnsan küçük bir âlem olduğu gibi âlem dahi büyük bir insandır. Bu küçük insan, o büyük insanın bir fihristesi ve hülâsasıdır. İnsanda bulunan numunelerin büyük asılları, insan-ı ekberde bizzarure bulunacaktır. Mesela, nasıl ki insanda kuvve-i hâfızanın vücudu, âlemde Levh-i Mahfuz’un vücuduna kat’î delildir.

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    So  too everyone has experienced in himself the inner faculty situated in a corner of the heart which is the means to diabolical suggestions(*<ref>*See, Tirmidhi, Tafsir Sura 35:2; al-Nasa’i, al-Sunan al-Kubra, vi, 305; al-Bazzar, al-Musnad, v, 394; Abu Ya’la, al-Musnad, vii, 278; viii, 417.</ref>) and temptations and is a satanic tongue that speaks at the promptings of the surmising faculty and the corrupted power of imagination, which becomes like a small Satan and acts contrary to its owner’s will and opposed to his desires – these are certain evidences of the existence of great satans in the world.
    Öyle de insanda kalbin bir köşesinde lümme-i şeytaniye denilen bir âlet-i vesvese ve kuvve-i vâhimenin telkinatıyla konuşan bir şeytanî lisan ve ifsad edilen kuvve-i vâhime, küçük bir şeytan hükmüne geçtiğini ve sahiplerinin ihtiyarına zıt ve arzusuna muhalif hareket ettiklerini hissen ve hadsen herkes nefsinde görmesi, âlemde büyük şeytanların vücuduna kat’î bir delildir.

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    And since the inner faculty which is the means of diabolical suggestions and the power of imagination are an ear and a  tongue, they infer the existence of an external evil individual who blows on the one and makes the other speak.
    Ve bu lümme-i şeytaniye ve şu kuvve-i vâhime, bir kulak ve bir dil olduklarından, ona üfleyen ve bunu konuşturan haricî bir şahs-ı şerirenin vücudunu ihsas ederler.

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    <span id="On_Birinci_İşaret"></span>
    == On Birinci İşaret ==

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    The All-Wise Qur’an states in miraculous fashion that the universe grows angr y at the evil of the people of misguidance, and the universal elements becomes wrathful and beings, furious. Awesomely, it depicts the storm visited on Noah’s people and the assaults of the heavens and earth, the anger of the element air at the denial of the ‘Ad and Thamud peoples,  and the fury of the sea and element water at the people of Pharaoh, and the rage of the element earth at Qarun, and in accordance with the verse, “Almost bursting with fury,”(67:8) the vehemence and anger of Hell at the people of unbelief in the  hereafter, and the rage of  the other beings at the unbelievers and people of misguidance; in miraculous fashion it  restrains the people of misguidance and rebellion.
    Ehl-i dalaletin şerrinden kâinatın kızdıklarını ve anâsır-ı külliyenin hiddet ettiklerini ve umum mevcudatın galeyana geldiklerini, Kur’an-ı Hakîm mu’cizane ifade ediyor. Yani kavm-i Nuh’un başına gelen tufan ile semavat ve arzın hücumunu ve kavm-i Semud ve Âd’in inkârından hava unsurunun hiddetini ve kavm-i Firavun’a karşı su unsurunun ve denizin galeyanını ve Karun’a karşı toprak unsurunun gayzını ve ehl-i küfre karşı âhirette تَكَادُ تَمَيَّزُ مِنَ ال۟غَي۟ظِ sırrıyla cehennemin gayzını ve öfkesini ve sair mevcudatın ehl-i küfür ve dalalete karşı hiddetini gösterip ilan ederek gayet müthiş bir tarzda ve i’cazkârane ehl-i dalalet ve isyanı zecrediyor.

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    '''Question:''' Why do the unimportant actions and personal sins of unimportant men attract the anger of the universe in this way?
    '''Sual:''' Ne için böyle ehemmiyetsiz insanların ehemmiyetsiz amelleri ve şahsî günahları, kâinatın hiddetini celbediyor?

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    '''The Answer:''' As proved in other parts of the Risale-i Nur and in the previous Indications, unbelief and misguidance are terrible aggression and crimes that concern all beings. For one of the most important results of the universe’s creation is man’s worship and his responding to divine dominicality with belief and submission.
    '''Elcevap:''' Bazı risalelerde ve sâbık işaretlerde ispat edildiği gibi '''küfür ve dalalet, müthiş bir tecavüzdür ve umum mevcudatı alâkadar edecek bir cinayettir.''' Çünkü hilkat-i kâinatın bir netice-i a’zamı, ubudiyet-i insaniyedir ve rububiyet-i İlahiyeye karşı iman ve itaatle mukabeledir.

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    However, due to the denial which is a part of disbelief, the people of unbelief and misguidance reject that supreme result, which is the ultimate reason for the continued existence of beings, and they therefore perpetrate a sort of transgression against the beings’ rights. Moreover, since they deny the  manifestations of the divine names which are apparent in the mirrors of beings and exalt  their value, they both insult those sacred names, and by degrading the value of all beings, greatly depreciate them. Also, although beings are dominical officials charged with elevated  duties, by their unbelief, the people of misguidance cast them down, and showing them to be lifeless, transitory, meaningless creatures, they in a way violate the rights of all of them.
    Halbuki ehl-i küfür ve dalalet ise küfürdeki inkârıyla, mevcudatın ille-i gayeleri ve sebeb-i bekaları olan o netice-i a’zamı reddettikleri için umum mahlukatın hukukuna bir nevi tecavüz olduğu gibi umum masnuatın âyinelerinde cilveleri tezahür eden ve masnuatın kıymetlerini, âyinedarlık cihetinde âlî eden esma-i İlahiyenin cilvelerini inkâr ettikleri için o esma-i kudsiyeye karşı bir tezyif olduğu gibi umum masnuatın kıymetini tenzil ile o masnuata karşı bir tahkir-i azîmdir. Hem umum mevcudatın her biri birer vazife-i âliye ile muvazzaf birer memur-u Rabbanî derecesinde iken, küfür vasıtasıyla sukut ettirip camid, fâni, manasız bir mahluk menzilesinde gösterdiğinden, umum mahlukatın hukukuna karşı bir nevi tahkirdir.

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    Thus, since the varieties of misguidance impair to a greater or lesser extent the dominical wisdom in the universe’s creation and the divine purposes in the world’s continued existence, the universe becomes angry at the people of rebellion and misguidance, as do all beings and creatures.
    İşte enva-ı dalalet derecatına göre az çok kâinatın yaratılmasındaki hikmet-i Rabbaniyeye ve dünyanın bekasındaki makasıd-ı Sübhaniyeye zarar verdiği için ehl-i isyana ve ehl-i dalalete karşı kâinat hiddete geliyor, mevcudat kızıyor, mahlukat öfkeleniyor.

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    O wretched man, whose being is small but guilt great and sin grievous! If you want to  be delivered  from the wrath of the universe, the rage of beings, and  the aversion of  creatures, here is the means: enter the sacred bounds of the All-Wise Qur’an and follow the practices of God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace), who was the herald  of the Qur’an. So put yourself within its fold and adhere to the practices!
    '''Ey cirmi ve cismi küçük ve cürmü ve zulmü büyük ve ayb ve zenbi azîm bîçare insan! Kâinatın hiddetinden, mahlukatın nefretinden, mevcudatın öfkesinden kurtulmak istersen, işte kurtulmanın çaresi; Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in daire-i kudsiyesine girmektir ve Kur’an’ın mübelliği olan Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın sünnet-i seniyesine ittibadır. Gir ve tabi ol!'''

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    <span id="On_İkinci_İşaret"></span>
    == On İkinci İşaret ==

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    This consists of four questions and answers.
    Dört sual ve cevaptır.

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    <span id="Birinci_Sual:"></span>
    === Birinci Sual: ===
    ===First Question:===

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    How can infinite torment in an endless Hell in return for limited sins in a limited life be justice?
    Mahdud bir hayatta, mahdud günahlara mukabil, hadsiz bir azap ve nihayetsiz bir cehennem nasıl adalet olur?

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    '''The Answer:''' It was understood clearly in the above Indications, and particularly in the Eleventh, that unbelief and misguidance constitute an infinite crime and are transgression against innumerable rights.
    '''Elcevap:''' Sâbık işaretlerde, hususan bundan evvelki On Birinci İşaret’te kat’iyen anlaşıldı ki küfür ve dalalet cinayeti, nihayetsiz bir cinayettir ve hadsiz bir hukuka tecavüzdür.

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    <span id="İkinci_Sual:"></span>
    === İkinci Sual: ===
    ===Second Question:===

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    It is said in the Shari‘a that Hell is punishment for actions, but Paradise is a divine favour.(*<ref>*See, Qur’an, 10:58. See also, Bukhari, Riqaq, 18; Marda, 19; Muslim, Sifat al-Munafiqin, 71-3,75-6, 78.</ref>)What is the reason for this?
    Şeriatta denilmiştir ki: “Cehennem ceza-yı ameldir fakat cennet fazl-ı İlahî iledir.” Bunun sırr-ı hikmeti nedir?

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    '''The Answer:''' It is clearly shown in the above Indications that with his faculty of will and trifling wishes, man causes awesome destruction and evils by giving form and  reality to something non-existent or theoretical. Similarly, since his soul and appetites always incline towards evil and harm, he is responsible for the evils that occur as a result of his trivial wishes. For his soul wanted them and his desires gave rise to them. And since evil pertains to non-existence, the servant is the agent and Almighty God creates it. Being responsible for  the infinite crime, he certainly deserves infinite punishment.
    '''Elcevap:''' Sâbık işaretlerde tebeyyün etti ki insan, icadsız bir cüz-i ihtiyarî ile ve cüz’î bir kesb ile bir emr-i ademî veya bir emr-i itibarî teşkil ile ve sübut vermekle müthiş tahribata ve şerlere sebebiyet verdiği gibi; nefsi ve hevası daima şerlere ve zararlara meyyal olduğu için o küçük kesbin neticesinden hasıl olan seyyiatın mes’uliyetini, o çeker. Çünkü onun nefsi istedi ve kendi kesbiyle sebebiyet verdi. Ve şer ademî olduğu için abd ona fâil oldu. Cenab-ı Hak da halk etti. Elbette o hadsiz cinayetin mes’uliyetini, nihayetsiz bir azap ile çekmeye müstahak olur.

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    However, since good deeds and actions pertain  to  existence, man’s will and wishes cannot be the direct cause of their existence. Man cannot be the true agent in such  acts. Also, his evil-commanding soul does not tend towards good deeds; it is divine mercy that requires them and dominical power that creates them. Man can only lay claim to them through belief, a wish, or an intention. And having claimed them, such good works consist of thanks for the infinite divine bounties received, such as the gifts of belief and existence. Such thanks looks to past bounties, while Paradise is a favour of the Most Merciful which since it as been promised by Him will be given. Apparently it is a reward, but in reality it is a favour.
    Amma hasenat ve hayrat ise mademki vücudîdirler, kesb-i insanî ve cüz-i ihtiyarî onlara illet-i mûcide olamaz. İnsan, onda hakiki fâil olamaz. Ve nefs-i emmaresi de hasenata taraftar değildir, belki rahmet-i İlahiye onları ister ve kudret-i Rabbaniye icad eder. Yalnız insan, iman ile arzu ile niyet ile sahip olabilir. Ve sahip olduktan sonra, o hasenat ise ona evvelce verilmiş olan vücud ve iman nimetleri gibi sâbık hadsiz niam-ı İlahiyeye bir şükürdür, geçmiş nimetlere bakar. Vaad-i İlahî ile verilecek cennet ise fazl-ı Rahmanî ile verilir. Zâhirde bir mükâfattır, hakikatte fazıldır.

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    That is to say, in evils the soul is the cause and deserves the punishment, while in good deeds, both the cause and the occasion are from God. Man can only lay claim to them through belief. He may not say: “I want the reward,but he may say: “I hope for divine favour.”
    Demek seyyiatta sebep, nefistir; mücazata bizzat müstahaktır. Hasenatta ise sebep Hak’tandır, illet de Hak’tandır. Yalnız, insan iman ile tesahub eder. “Mükâfatını isterim.” diyemez “Fazlını beklerim.” diyebilir.

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    <span id="Üçüncü_Sual:"></span>
    === Üçüncü Sual: ===
    ===Third Question:===

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    It is understood from the above explanations that since evils multiply through contagion and aggression, a single evil deed should be recorded as a thousand; and  since good deeds pertain to existence, they do not multiply nor do they occur through the servant’s creative act or the desires of his soul; they therefore should not be  recorded at all or as only one. So why are evil deeds recorded as one and good deeds as ten, and sometimes as thousands?(*<ref>*See, Qur’an, 6:160. See also, Bukhari, Iman, 31; Muslim, Iman, 206.</ref>)
    Beyanat-ı sâbıkadan da anlaşılıyor ki seyyiat, intişar ve tecavüz ile taaddüd ettiğinden, bir seyyie bin yazılmalı, hasene ise vücudî olduğu için maddeten taaddüd etmediğinden ve abdin icadıyla ve nefsin arzusuyla olmadığından hiç yazılmamalı veya bir yazılmalı idi. Neden seyyie bir yazılır, hasene on ve bazen bin yazılır?

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    '''The Answer:''' In this way Almighty God demonstrates His perfect mercy and the beauty of His compassionateness.
    '''Elcevap:''' Cenab-ı Hak, kemal-i rahmet ve cemal-i rahîmiyetini o suretle gösteriyor.

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    <span id="Dördüncü_Sual:"></span>
    === Dördüncü Sual: ===
    ===Fourth Question:===

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    The successes the people of misguidance have achieved  and the power they display and their victories over the people of guidance show that they rely on some power and truth. This means either that the people of guidance possess some weakness, or that the misguided possess some truth?
    Ehl-i dalaletin kazandıkları muvaffakiyet ve gösterdikleri kuvvet ve ehl-i hidayete galebeleri gösteriyor ki onlar bir kuvvete ve bir hakikate istinad ediyorlar. Demek, ya ehl-i hidayette zaaf var ya onlarda bir hakikat var?

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    '''The Answer:''' God forbid, neither do they possess any truth, nor do the people of truth have any weakness. But regretably some of the ordinary people who are short-sighted and unreasoning become doubtful and hesitant, and harm comes to their belief.
    '''Elcevap:''' Hâşâ! Ne onlarda hakikat var, ne ehl-i hakta zaaf vardır. Fakat maatteessüf kāsıru’n-nazar muhakemesiz bir kısım avam tereddüde düşüp vesvese ediyorlar, akidelerine halel geliyor.

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    For they say: If the people of truth had possessed complete truth and reality, they should not have  suffered defeat and abasement to this degree. For the truth is powerful. According to the fundamental principle “Truth is exalted and shall not be overcome,”(*<ref>*See, Bukhari, Jana’iz, 79: “al-Islam ya’lu wa la yu’la.”</ref>) power  lies  in  truth.  If  the  people of misguidance had not possessed a true power and point of support, they could not have predominated over the people of truth and triumphed to this extent.
    Çünkü diyorlar: “Eğer ehl-i hakta tam hak ve hakikat olsaydı bu derece mağlubiyet ve zillet olmamak gerekti. Çünkü hakikat kuvvetlidir. اَل۟حَقُّ يَع۟لُو وَلَا يُع۟لٰى عَلَي۟هِ olan kaide-i esasiye ile kuvvet haktadır. Eğer o ehl-i hakka mukabil galibane gelen ehl-i dalaletin hakiki bir kuvveti ve bir nokta-i istinadı olmasaydı bu derece galibiyet ve muvaffakiyet olmamak lâzım gelecekti?

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    '''The Answer:''' As is proven in the above Indications, the defeat of the people of truth does not arise from lack of power and absence of truth, and as is also proven, the people of  misguidance’s victory does not spring from their power and capacity and their having some source of support. Hence, the answer to this question is all the above Indications; here we shall only point out a number of the tricks and weapons they employ, as follows:
    '''Elcevap:''' Ehl-i hakkın mağlubiyeti kuvvetsizlikten, hakikatsizlikten gelmediği, sâbık işaretlerle kat’î ispat edildiği gibi; ehl-i dalaletin galebesi kuvvetlerinden ve iktidarlarından ve nokta-i istinad bulmalarından gelmediği, yine o işaretlerle kat’î ispat edildiğinden bu sualin cevabı, sâbık işaretlerin heyet-i mecmuasıdır. Yalnız burada desiselerinden ve istimal ettikleri bir kısım silahlarına işaret edeceğiz. Şöyle ki:

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    I myself have frequently observed that mischief-makers, who form ten per cent, defeat the righteous, who form ninety per cent. I used to be astonished and curious. Investigating, I understood certainly that their victory  results not from power, but from corruption, baseness, destruction, taking advantage of differences among the people of truth, sowing conflict among them, from playing on their weak traits of character and grafting them with such traits, and exciting the emotions of the soul and personal hatred, and through working the evil capacities in human nature which are like mines of corruption, and through hypocritically flattering the soul’s tyranny in the name of fame and glory, and through everyone fearing their unfeeling  destruction. By means of diabolical machinations like  these, they temporarily triumph over the people of truth.
    Ben kendim mükerreren müşahede etmişim ki: Yüzde on ehl-i fesat, yüzde doksan ehl-i salahı mağlup ediyordu. Hayretle merak ettim, tetkik ederek kat’iyen anladım ki o galebe kuvvetten, kudretten gelmiyor, belki fesattan ve alçaklıktan ve tahripten ve ehl-i hakkın ihtilafından istifade etmesinden ve içlerine ihtilaf atmaktan ve zayıf damarları tutmaktan ve aşılamaktan ve hissiyat-ı nefsaniyeyi ve ağraz-ı şahsiyeyi tahrik etmekten ve insanın mahiyetinde muzır madenler hükmünde bulunan fena istidatları işlettirmekten ve şan ve şeref namıyla riyakârane nefsin firavuniyetini okşamaktan ve vicdansızca tahribatlarından herkes korkmasından geliyor. Ve o misillü şeytanî desiseler vasıtasıyla muvakkaten ehl-i hakka galebe ederler.

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    But in accordance with the verse, And the end is [best] for the righteous,(7:128) and the rule, “Truth is exalted and shall not be overcome,” in addition to its  not yielding  any significant benefit for them, their temporary triumph will lead to their earning Hell for themselves and Paradise for the people of truth.
    Fakat وَال۟عَاقِبَةُ لِل۟مُتَّقٖينَ sırrıyla اَل۟حَقُّ يَع۟لُو وَلَا يُع۟لٰى عَلَي۟هِ düsturuyla onların o muvakkat galebeleri, menfaat cihetinden onlar için ehemmiyetsiz olmakla beraber, cehennemi kendilerine ve cenneti ehl-i hakka kazandırmalarına sebeptir.

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    Thus, because  in misguidance  those  without  power  appear  powerful and  the insignificant win fame, they take up a position opposed to the people of truth. In this way conceited, fame-seeking, hypocritical people demonstrate their power although it has little substance and win a position for themselves through intimidating others and causing harm; they are seen and attention is drawn to them, and the destruction of which they are the cause, not  through power and ability, but through omission and failure to act, is attributed to them and they become talked about. Just like the person obsessed with fame who defiled a place of worship so that everyone would talk about him. Even if it meant being execrated, so long as he was talked about, his worship of fame made it appear desirable to him. The case became proverbial.
    İşte dalalette, iktidarsızlar muktedir görünmeleri ve ehemmiyetsizler şöhret kazanmaları içindir ki hodfüruş, şöhret-perest, riyakâr insanlar ve az bir şeyle iktidarlarını göstermek ve ihafe ve ızrar cihetinden bir mevki kazanmak için ehl-i hakka muhalefet vaziyetine girerler. Tâ görünsün ve nazar-ı dikkat ona celbolunsun. Ve iktidar ve kudretle değil belki terk ve ataletle sebebiyet verdiği tahribat ona isnad edilip ondan bahsedilsin. Nasıl ki böyle şöhret divanelerinden birisi, namazgâhı telvis etmiş tâ herkes ondan bahsetsin. Hattâ ondan lanetle de bahsedilmiş de şöhret-perestlik damarı kendisine bu lanetli şöhreti hoş göstermiş diye darb-ı mesel olmuş.

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    O wretched man created for the eternal realm and enamoured of this transient world! Study closely the meaning of the verse, And neither heaven nor earth shed a tear over them,(44:29) and heed it. Look, what does it say? With its explicit meaning it says: “When the people of misguidance die, the heavens and earth, which are connected with man, do not weep over them, that is, they are pleased at their deaths.”
    Ey âlem-i beka için yaratılan ve fâni âleme müptela olan bîçare insan! فَمَا بَكَت۟ عَلَي۟هِمُ السَّمَٓاءُ وَ ال۟اَر۟ضُ âyetinin sırrına dikkat et, kulak ver! Bak ne diyor? Mefhum-u sarîhiyle ferman ediyor ki: “Ehl-i dalaletin ölmesiyle insan ile alâkadar olan semavat ve arz, onların cenazeleri üstünde ağlamıyorlar, yani onların ölmesiyle memnun oluyorlar.”

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    While with its implied meaning, it  says: “The  heavens and  earth weep  over the bodies of the people of guidance when they die; they do  not want them to depart.” For all the universe is connected with the people of belief and its beings are happy with them. For by virtue of their belief they know the Creator of the  Universe, so appreciate the universe’s value, and respect and love it. They do not nurture implicit enmity and contempt for it like the people of misguidance.
    Ve mefhum-u işarîsiyle ifade ediyor ki: “Ehl-i hidayetin ölmesiyle semavat ve arz, onların cenazeleri üstünde ağlıyorlar, firaklarını istemiyorlar.” Çünkü ehl-i iman ile bütün kâinat alâkadardır, ondan memnundur. Zira iman ile Hâlık-ı kâinat’ı bildikleri için kâinatın kıymetini takdir edip hürmet ve muhabbet ederler. Ehl-i dalalet gibi tahkir ve zımnî adâvet etmezler.

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    O man, think! You are bound to die. If you follow your soul and Satan, your neighbours, and even your relations, will be happy at being delivered from you. But if saying, “I seek refuge with God from Satan the Accursed,” you follow the Qur’an and the  Merciful  One’s  Beloved  (UWBP),  then  in  accordance  with  your  degree  the heavens and earth and all beings will be sorry at your parting, and in effect weep. Mourning in elevated fashion and  giving you a splendid send-off, they will indicate that you will have a good welcome in the world of eternity according to your degree, when you enter it through the door of the grave.(*<ref>*See, Tirmidhi, Qiyama, 26 (2460); Ibn Maja, Zuhd, 31; Musnad, ii, 364; vi, 140.</ref>)
    Ey insan, düşün! Sen alâküllihal öleceksin. Eğer nefis ve şeytana tabi isen senin komşuların, belki akrabaların senin şerrinden kurtulmak için mesrur olacaklar. Eğer اَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّي۟طَانِ الرَّجٖيمِ deyip Kur’an’a ve Habib-i Rahman’a tabi isen o vakit semavat ve arz ve mevcudat, herkesin derecesine nisbeten, senin derecene göre senin firakından müteessir olup manen ağlarlar. Ulvi bir matem ile ve haşmetli bir teşyi ile kabir kapısıyla girdiğin beka âleminde senin derecene nisbeten senin için bir hüsn-ü istikbal var olduğuna işaret ederler.

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    <span id="On_Üçüncü_İşaret"></span>
    == On Üçüncü İşaret ==

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    This consists of three points.
    Üç noktadır.

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    <span id="Birinci_Nokta:"></span>
    === Birinci Nokta: ===
    ===First Point:===

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    One of Satan’s most cunning wiles is to deceive people with narrow  minds, short views, and constricted hearts concerning the immensity of the truths of belief. He says: “It is said that a single Being directs and administers within His dominicality all particles and planets and stars and all the other beings and all their states. How can a person believe in such an immense and extraordinary matter? How can it be contained in the heart? How can the mind accept it?” He awakens a feeling of denial in respect of human impotence.
    Şeytanın en büyük bir desisesi: Hakaik-i imaniyenin azameti cihetinde dar kalpli ve kısa akıllı ve kāsır fikirli insanları aldatır, der ki: “Bir tek zat, umum zerrat ve seyyarat ve nücumu ve sair mevcudatı bütün ahvaliyle tedbir-i rububiyetinde çeviriyor, idare ediyor deniliyor. Böyle hadsiz acib büyük meseleye nasıl inanılabilir? Nasıl kalbe yerleşir? Nasıl fikir kabul edebilir?” der. Acz-i insanî noktasında bir hiss-i inkârî uyandırıyor.

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    '''The Answer:''' The way to silence this wile of Satan’s is “God is Most Great!” And its true answer is “God is Most Great!” Yes, the reason “God is Most Great!” is the most frequently repeated of all the marks of Islam is to eliminate this wile. For it is through  the light of “God is Most Great!” that man’s impotence and lack of power, weakness and lack of strength, and narrow thought see such infinitely vast truths and affirm them. It is through the strength of “God is Most Great!” that man sustains those truths, and situates them within the sphere of “God is Most Great!” And he says to his heart which starts to doubt:
    '''Elcevap:''' Şeytanın bu desisesini susturan sır: “Allahu ekber”dir. Ve cevab-ı hakikisi de “Allahu ekber”dir. Evet “Allahu ekber”in ziyade kesretle şeair-i İslâmiyede tekrarı, bu desiseyi mahvetmek içindir. Çünkü insanın âciz kuvveti ve zayıf kudreti ve dar fikri, böyle hadsiz büyük hakikatleri “Allahu ekber” nuruyla görüp tasdik ediyor ve “Allahu ekber” kuvvetiyle o hakikatleri taşıyor ve “Allahu ekber” dairesinde yerleştiriyor ve vesveseye düşen kalbine diyor ki: Bu kâinatın gayet muntazamca tedbir ve tedviri bilmüşahede görünüyor. Bunda '''iki yol''' var:
    It is self-evident that the universe is administered and directed in most orderly fashion. There are two ways in which this may occur:

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    '''The First Way:''' It is possible that  despite its  wondrous immensity, such an astonishing work comes about through wondrous art in a wondrous way. So this first way is that the universe exists through the dominicality, will, and power of a Single and  Eternally Besought  One, to  whose existence are witnesses to the number of beings, indeed, of minute particles.
    '''Birinci yol:''' Mümkündür fakat gayet azîmdir ve hârikadır. Zaten böyle hârika bir eser, bir hârika sanat ile çok acib bir yol ile olur. O yol ise mevcudat belki zerrat adedince vücudunun şahitleri bulunan bir Zat-ı Ehad ve Samed’in rububiyetiyle ve irade ve kudretiyle olmasıdır.

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    '''The Second Way:''' This is the way of unbelief and associating partners with God, which is in no way possible and is so difficult as to be impossible and is in no  respect reasonable. For as is proved decisively in many parts of the Risale-i Nur such as the Twentieth Letter and Twenty-Second Word, there would have to be present in all the beings in the universe and even in every single particle absolute divinity and all-encompassing knowledge and infinite power so that the total order and regularity, the  sensitive balance and distinction, and the perfect, adorned embroideries of art to be observed in beings could come into existence.
    '''İkinci yol:''' Hiçbir cihet-i imkânı olmayan ve imtina derecesinde müşkülatlı ve hiçbir cihette makul olmayan şirk ve küfür yoludur. Çünkü Yirminci Mektup ve Yirmi İkinci Söz gibi çok risalelerde gayet kat’î ispat edildiği üzere: O vakit kâinatın her bir mevcudunda ve hattâ her bir zerresinde bir uluhiyet-i mutlaka ve bir ilm-i muhit ve hadsiz bir kudret bulunmak lâzım geliyor. Tâ ki mevcudatta bilmüşahede görünen nihayet derecede nizam ve intizam ve gayet hassas mizan ve imtiyaz ile mükemmel ve müzeyyen olan nukuş-u sanat vücud bulabilsin.

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    '''In Short:'''  If there were no immense and  tremendous dominicality, which is completely appropriate and fitting, it would necessitate following a way that is in every respect unreasonable and precluded. Even Satan cannot propose fleeing from such necessary immensity, and suggest accepting impossibility.
    Elhasıl, eğer tam lâyık ve tam yerinde olan azametli ve kibriyalı rububiyet olmazsa, o vakit her cihetçe gayr-ı makul ve mümteni bir yol takip etmek lâzım gelecek. Lâyık ve lâzım olan azametten kaçmakla, muhal ve imtinaa girmeyi, şeytan dahi teklif edemez.

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    <span id="İkinci_Nokta:"></span>
    === İkinci Nokta: ===
    ===Second Point:===

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    Another of Satan’s cunning wiles is to prevent man admitting  his faults in order to close up the way of seeking forgiveness and taking refuge  with God. He also incites the egotism of the human soul, so that the soul defends itself like a lawyer, quite simply acquitting itself of all fault.
    Şeytanın mühim bir desisesi: '''İnsana kusurunu itiraf ettirmemektir.''' Tâ ki istiğfar ve istiaze yolunu kapasın. Hem nefs-i insaniyenin enaniyetini tahrik edip tâ ki nefis kendini avukat gibi müdafaa etsin âdeta taksirattan takdis etsin.

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    Yes, a soul that listens to Satan does not want to see its own faults. Even if it does see them, it explains them away in a hundred ways. According to the saying: “The eye of contentment is blind to faults,”(*<ref>*Ibn ‘Asakir, Tarikh Dimashq, xxxiii, 219; xxxvi, 319; al-Ghazzali, Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din, iii, 36;al-Qalqashandi, Subh al-A’sha’, ix, 196.</ref>)when a person looks with pleasure on his soul, he does not see its errors. And because he does not see them, he does not admit to them or  seek forgiveness, or seek refuge with God from them, so becomes the plaything of Satan. How can the soul be relied on when a noble prophet like Joseph (UWP) said: “Nor do I absolve my own self [of blame]; the [human] soul is certainly prone to evil, unless my Sustainer do bestow His mercy.”?(12:53)
    Evet şeytanı dinleyen bir nefis, kusurunu görmek istemez; görse de yüz tevil ile tevil ettirir. وَ عَي۟نُ الرِّضَا عَن۟ كُلِّ عَي۟بٍ كَلٖيلَةٌ sırrıyla: Nefsine nazar-ı rıza ile baktığı için ayıbını görmez. Ayıbını görmediği için itiraf etmez, istiğfar etmez, istiaze etmez; şeytana maskara olur. Hazret-i Yusuf aleyhisselâm gibi bir Peygamber-i Âlîşan وَمَٓا اُبَرِّئُ نَف۟سٖٓى اِنَّ النَّف۟سَ لَاَمَّارَةٌ بِالسُّٓوءِ اِلَّا مَا رَحِمَ رَبّٖى dediği halde, nasıl nefse itimat edilebilir?

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    The person who accuses his soul, sees its faults. And he who admits his faults, seeks forgiveness for them. And he who seeks forgiveness, takes refuge with God. And he who  takes refuge with God, is saved from Satan’s evil. Not to see one’s faults is a greater fault than the first fault. And not to admit to one’s faults is a serious defect. If one sees the fault, it  ceases to be a fault. If one admits it, one becomes worthy of forgiveness.(*<ref>*See, al-Daylami, al-Musnad, v, 199; al-Quda’i, Musnad al-Shihab, ii, 44.</ref>)
    Nefsini ittiham eden, kusurunu görür. Kusurunu itiraf eden, istiğfar eder. İstiğfar eden, istiaze eder. İstiaze eden, şeytanın şerrinden kurtulur. Kusurunu görmemek o kusurdan daha büyük bir kusurdur. Ve kusurunu itiraf etmemek, büyük bir noksanlıktır. Ve kusurunu görse o kusur, kusurluktan çıkar; itiraf etse affa müstahak olur.

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    <span id="Üçüncü_Nokta:"></span>
    === Üçüncü Nokta: ===
    ===Third Point:===

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    A satanic wile corrupting the life of society is this: not to see all the virtues of a believer on account of a single bad point. Those unjust people who heed this wile of Satan are in this way inimical to believers. However, when Almighty God weighs up deeds with absolute justice on the supreme  scales  at  the  Last  Judgement, He  will  judge  in  accordance  with  the predominance of good deeds over evils and vice versa. Seeing that the causes of evil deeds are numerous and  their existence is easy, sometimes He veils numerous bad deeds with a single good deed. That is to say, dealings in this world should be in accordance with divine justice. If a  person’s good points are greater in regard to quality or quantity than his bad points, he is deserving of love and respect. Indeed, one should forgive numerous bad points on account of a single laudable virtue.
    İnsanın hayat-ı içtimaiyesini ifsad eden bir desise-i şeytaniye şudur ki: '''Bir mü’minin bir tek seyyiesiyle, bütün hasenatını örter.''' Şeytanın bu desisesini dinleyen insafsızlar, mü’mine adâvet ederler. Halbuki Cenab-ı Hak haşirde adalet-i mutlaka ile mizan-ı ekberinde a’mal-i mükellefîni tarttığı zaman, hasenatı seyyiata galibiyeti, mağlubiyeti noktasında hükmeyler. Hem seyyiatın esbabı çok ve vücudları kolay olduğundan, bazen bir tek hasene ile çok seyyiatını örter. Demek bu dünyada, o adalet-i İlahiye noktasında muamele gerektir. '''Eğer bir adamın iyilikleri fenalıklarına kemiyeten veya keyfiyeten ziyade gelse o adam muhabbete ve hürmete müstahaktır.''' Belki kıymettar bir tek hasene ile çok seyyiatına nazar-ı af ile bakmak lâzımdır.

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    However, due to the vein of tyranny in his nature, at the promptings of Satan, the person forgets the hundred virtues of others because of a single bad point; he is hostile towards his believing brother, and commits sins. Just as a fly’s wing covering the eye  conceals a mountain, so too, the veil of hatred  makes  man  conceal  virtues  as  great  as  a  mountain  due  to  a  single  evil resembling a fly’s wing; he forgets them, is hostile towards his brother believer, and becomes a tool of corruption in the life of society.
    Halbuki insan, fıtratındaki zulüm damarıyla, şeytanın telkiniyle, bir zatın yüz hasenatını bir tek seyyie yüzünden unutur, mü’min kardeşine adâvet eder, günahlara girer. Nasıl bir sinek kanadı göz üstüne bırakılsa bir dağı setreder, göstermez. Öyle de insan garaz damarıyla, sinek kanadı kadar bir seyyie ile dağ gibi hasenatı örter, unutur; mü’min kardeşine adâvet eder, insanların hayat-ı içtimaiyesinde bir fesat âleti olur.

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    By means of another wile resembling this one, Satan corrupts the integrity of peoples’ thoughts. He impairs sound judgement concerning the truths of belief and damages integrity and correctness of thought. It is like this:
    Şeytanın bu desisesine benzer diğer bir desise ile insanın selâmet-i fikrini ifsad ediyor, hakaik-i imaniyeye karşı sıhhat-i muhakemeyi bozuyor ve istikamet-i fikriyeyi ihlâl ediyor. Şöyle ki:

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    He desires to destroy hundreds of evidences proving the truths of belief with a slight hint refuting them. Whereas it is an established principle that “a single proof is superior to a hundred denials.” The statement of a witness proving a claim  is preferable to a hundred people denying it. Consider this truth  by means of the following comparison:
    Bir hakikat-i imaniyeye dair yüzer delail-i ispatiyenin hükmünü, nefyine delâlet eden bir emare ile kırmak ister. Halbuki kaide-i mukarreredir ki: “Bir ispat edici, çok nefyedicilere tereccuh ediyor.” Bir davaya müsbit bir şahidin hükmü, yüz nâfîlere râcih olur. Bu hakikate bu temsil ile bak. Şöyle ki:

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    There is a palace with a hundred doors all closed. If one of its doors is opened, the palace may be entered and all the doors opened. If all the doors are open and one or two are closed, it may not be said that the palace cannot not be entered.
    Bir saray, yüzer kapalı kapıları var. Bir tek kapı açılmasıyla o saraya girilebilir, öteki kapılar da açılır. Eğer bütün kapılar açık olsa, bir iki tanesi kapansa o saraya girilemeyeceği söylenemez.

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    Thus, the truths of belief are the palace. Each evidence is a key; it proves the truths and opens a door. If one of the doors remains closed, the truths of belief cannot be abandoned and  denied. Satan however, in consequence of certain things or by means of heedlessness or ignorance, points out a door that has remained closed, thus causing a person to disregard  all  the positive evidences. He deceives  the person, saying: “See, this palace cannot be entered.  Perhaps it isn’t a palace and perhaps there’s nothing inside it.”
    İşte hakaik-i imaniye o saraydır. Her bir delil, bir anahtardır, ispat ediyor, kapıyı açıyor. Bir tek kapının kapalı kalmasıyla o hakaik-i imaniyeden vazgeçilmez ve inkâr edilemez. Şeytan ise bazı esbaba binaen ya gaflet veya cehalet vasıtasıyla kapalı kalmış olan bir kapıyı gösterir, ispat edici bütün delilleri nazardan ıskat ediyor. “İşte bu saraya girilmez, belki saray değildir, içinde bir şey yoktur.” der kandırır.

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    O wretched man afflicted by Satan and his wiles! If you want the life of religion and of society and personal life all to be healthy, and if you want integrity of thought, a sound view, and a sincere heart, weigh up your actions and thoughts on the scales of the incontestable matters of the Qur’an and the balance of the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices. Always take the Qur’an and the practices as your guide. Say: “I take refuge with God from Satan the Accursed,” and seek refuge with God Almighty!
    '''İşte ey şeytanın desiselerine müptela olan bîçare insan! Hayat-ı diniye, hayat-ı şahsiye ve hayat-ı içtimaiyenin selâmetini dilersen ve sıhhat-i fikir ve istikamet-i nazar ve selâmet-i kalp istersen; muhkemat-ı Kur’aniyenin mizanlarıyla ve sünnet-i seniyenin terazileriyle a’mal ve hatıratını tart ve Kur’an’ı ve sünnet-i seniyeyi daima rehber yap ve''' '''اَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّي۟طَانِ الرَّجٖيمِ''' '''de, Cenab-ı Hakk’a ilticada bulun.'''

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    The above thirteen Indications are thirteen keys. Use them to open the door of the fortified stronghold of the Sura,
    İşte bu on üç işaret, on üç anahtardır. Kur’an-ı Mu’cizü’l-Beyan’ın en âhirki suresi ve اَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الشَّي۟طَانِ الرَّجٖيمِ in mufassalı ve madeni olan

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    Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of mankind * The Ruler of mankind
    اَس۟تَعٖيذُ بِاللّٰهِ بِس۟مِ اللّٰهِ الرَّح۟مٰنِ الرَّحٖيمِ

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    * The God of mankind * From the mischief of the Whisperer [of evil], who  withdraws [after his whisper]–  * [The same] who whispers into the hearts of mankind–  * Among jinns and among men;(114:1-6)
    قُل۟ اَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ ۝ مَلِكِ النَّاسِ ۝ اِلٰهِ النَّاسِ ۝ مِن۟ شَرِّ ال۟وَس۟وَاسِ ال۟خَنَّاسِ ۝ اَلَّذٖى يُوَس۟وِسُ فٖى صُدُورِ النَّاسِ ۝ مِنَ ال۟جِنَّةِ وَ النَّاسِ

    <div lang="tr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    enter this secure citadel and find safety!
    suresinin hısn-ı hasîni ve kale-i metininin kapısını o on üç anahtarla aç, gir, selâmeti bul!

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    Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)
    سُب۟حَانَكَ لَا عِل۟مَ لَنَٓا اِلَّا مَا عَلَّم۟تَنَٓا اِنَّكَ اَن۟تَ ال۟عَلٖيمُ ال۟حَكٖيمُ

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    And say: O My Sustainer, I seek refuge with You from the whisperings of the Evil Ones, * and I seek refuge with you, my Sustainer lest they should come near me.(23:97-8)
    رَبِّ اَعُوذُ بِكَ مِن۟ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطٖينِ ۝ وَاَعُوذُ بِكَ رَبِّ اَن۟ يَح۟ضُرُونِ

    <div lang="tr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    <center> [[On İkinci Lem'a]] ⇐ [[Lem'alar]] | ⇒ [[On Dördüncü Lem'a]] </center>
    <center> [[On İkinci Lem'a/en|The Twelfth Flash]] ⇐ | [[Lem'alar/en|The Flashes]] | ⇒ [[On Dördüncü Lem'a/en|The Fourteenth Flash]] </center>

    12.32, 12 Eylül 2024 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

    This, the Thirteenth Flash, explains the meaning of “I seek refuge with God from Satan the Accursed”

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

    And say: O My Sustainer, I seek refuge with You from the whisperings of the Evil Ones, * And I seek refuge with you, my Sustainer, lest they should come near me.(23:97-8)

    [This is about seeking refuge with God from Satan. Thirteen indications will be written. Some of them have been explained and proved in various places in the Twenty-Sixth Word and other parts of the Risale-i Nur so here will be discussed only briefly.]


    Question: Although evil spirits do not interfere in the universe in any way in regard to creation; and through His mercy and favour Almighty God takes the part of the people of truth; and the attractive beauties and virtues of truth and reality strengthen and encourage the people of truth, and the repulsive ugliness of misguidance revolts the people of misguidance; what is the reason for Satan’s party very often gaining the upper hand; what is the wisdom in it? And why should the people of truth always seek refuge with God from Satan’s evil?

    The Answer: The wisdom and purpose is this: for the most part, misguidance and evil are negative, destructive, and pertain to non-existence. While in the great majority of cases, guidance and good are positive, constructive, repairing, and pertain to existence.

    Everyone knows that one man can destroy in one day a building constructed by twenty men in twenty days. Yes, a person continues to live due to the existence of all the basic members and conditions of life, life being particular to the All-Glorious Creator’s power; yet, by severing a member a tyrant may make the person manifest death, which is non-being in relation to life. Therefore, the saying “Destruction is easy” has become proverbial.

    In consequence, the people of misguidance sometimes triumph over the people of truth, who are very powerful, with what is in reality a weak force. But the people of truth possess a stronghold so unassailable that when they take refuge in it, those fearsome enemies cannot draw close; they can do nothing. If they cause some temporary harm, according to the verse, And the end is [best] for the righteous,(7:128, etc.) everlasting reward and profit make up for the damage. That impregnable stronghold, that fortified citadel, is the Shari‘a of Muhammad (UWBP) and his practices.


    Question: The creation of devils, who are pure evil, and their harassing the people of belief, and many people not believing and going to Hell because of them, appears to be terrible and ugly. How does the mercy and beauty of the Absolutely Beauteous One, the Absolutely Compassionate One, the Truly Merciful One, permit this infinite ugliness and awesome calamity?

    Many people have asked about this question, and it occurs to many people.

    The Answer: In addition to the minor evils, there are numerous universal good purposes in the existence of Satan, and human attainments and perfections. Yes, however many the degrees from a seed to the huge tree, the degrees in the abilities lodged in human nature are more numerous. They range from a minute particle to the sun. For these abilities and potentialities to develop, action is required, a transaction is necessary. In such a transaction the action of the mechanism of progress is triggered through striving. And striving occurs due to the existence of evil spirits and harmful things. Otherwise man’s station would have been constant like that of the angels; there would have been no classes in humankind, which resembles thousands of species.

    It is contrary to wisdom and justice to abandon a thousand instances of good so as to avoid one minor evil. For sure the majority of people embrace misguidance due to Satan, but importance and value look mostly to quality; they look to quantity little or not at all. If someone has a thousand and ten seeds which he buries, and under the earth the seeds undergo a chemical reaction as a result of which ten become trees and a thousand rot, the profit the man receives from the ten seeds which have become trees certainly eliminates the loss he suffers from the thousand rotted ones.

    In exactly the same way, through the struggle against the soul and Satan, the profit, honour, enlightenment, and value for humankind gained by ten perfect men, who are like stars, certainly reduce to nothing the harm caused to mankind through the people of misguidance embracing unbelief, who are so base as to be considered vermin. Since this is so, divine mercy, wisdom, and justice have permitted the existence of Satan, and allowed him to molest men.

    O people of belief! Your armour against this awesome enemy is the fear of God fashioned on the workbench of the Qur’an, and your shield is the Noble Messenger’s (UWBP) practices, and your weapon, seeking refuge with God from Satan, and seeking forgiveness, and taking refuge in divine protection.


    Question: The very great complaints and massing of forces against the people of misguidance in the All-Wise Qur’an does not appear to the reason to be conformable with its equitable and apt eloquence and the congruence and moderation of its style. It is quite simply as though it is mustering armies against a single man. It threatens him on account of one minor action as though he had committed thousands of crimes. It affords him a position and complains about him as though he were an aggressive partner, despite his being bankrupt and having no share of the property. What is the reason for this and the wisdom in it?

    The Answer: The reason for it is this: because the evil spirits and those who follow them take the path of misguidance, they can cause great destruction with a small act, and they can violate the rights of many creatures and cause much harm with a small deed.

    For example, by some small action or neglecting a small duty, a man on a king’s large merchant ship can be the cause of all the efforts of those employed on it and all the fruits of their labour being lost and going for nothing. The illustrious owner of the ship therefore complains about and threatens the rebellious man in awesome fashion on account of all his subjects who are connected with the ship. And he inflicts a terrible punishment on him, taking into account not his insignificant action but its dreadful results, not in his own name but in that of the rights of his subjects.

    In exactly the same way, through their apparently insignificant mistakes and sins, the people of misguidance, Satan’s party, who are on the ship of the earth together with the people of guidance, transgress against the rights of numerous creatures and nullify the results of their elevated duties. The Monarch of Pre-Eternity and Post- Eternity’s awesome threats and complaints about them, therefore, and His mobilization of forces against them are pure wisdom within perfect eloquence, and are most apt and appropriate. It is in conformity with the requirements of the situation, which is the definition of eloquence and its basis.(*[1])And it is free of exaggeration, which is wastefulness in words.

    It is clear that the person will be wretched who does not take refuge in a secure stronghold in the face of terrible enemies who wreak much destruction with little action. O people of belief! Such a heavenly stronghold of steel is the Qur’an. Enter it and be saved!


    Investigative scholars and the people of illumination have agreed that non- existence is pure evil and existence, pure good. Yes, in the great majority of cases, good, virtues, and perfections are based on existence and are related to it. Even if they are superficially negative and hint of non-existence, their basis is in existence and pertains to it. While the basis and leaven of all ugliness, such as misguidance, evil, calamities, and sins, is non-existence and denial. Their badness and ugliness arise from non-existence. Even if they appear superficially to be positive and pertaining to existence, essentially they are non-existence and denial. Also, observedly, the existence of something like a building is realized through the existence of all its parts. While its destruction, non-existence, and annihilation occur through the non-being of one of its main parts.

    Furthermore, existence requires an existent cause, it is based on a cause that has an actual reality. Whereas non- existence may be based on things which pertain to non-existence. Such things may be the cause of something non-existent.

    In consequence of this rule, despite the awesome destruction in the universe of devils from among jinn and men, and the varieties of unbelief, misguidance, evil, and destruction they perpetrate, they neither interfere one iota in creation, nor do they have any share in divine sovereignty. Moreover, they do not perform those acts through any power or ability; they perpetrate many of the things they do through neglect and abstaining from action. They commit evils by not allowing good to be done, that is, they become evil. For since bad and evil are a sort of destruction, their causes do not have to be an existent power and active creativity. Indeed, vast destruction is wrought due to one non-existent matter or one condition being nullified.

    It was because the Zoroastrians did not develop this mystery that they believed there was a creator of good in the universe, called Yazdan, and a creator of evil, called Ahriman.(*[2])However, the imaginary god of evil they called Ahriman was Satan, who causes evil through the power of choice and the power to act, which has no ability to create.

    O people of belief! Your most effective weapon and equipment for repairs in the face of this awesome destruction of Satan is seeking forgiveness from God, and declaring “I seek refuge with God,” to have recourse to Him. And your stronghold is the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices.


    In the revealed scriptures Almighty God points out to mankind great rewards like Paradise and terrible punishments like Hell, and He gives guidance, many admonishments and reminders, and threats and encouragement. But despite there being so many means guiding the people of belief to the straight path, they are defeated in the face of the feeble, unrewarding, repellent stratagems of Satan’s party. At one time this caused me much thought. How is it, I wondered, that although they believe, they disregard Almighty God’s severe threats? Why isn’t their belief enough?

    They are carried away by Satan’s baseless wiles and rebel against God, although according to the verse, “Feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.”(4:76)

    Some of my own friends, even, although they sincerely affirmed the teachings about reality they had heard from me a hundred times and had an excessively good opinion of me and relations with me, they were carried away by the trite and hypocritical compliments of a corrupt person, and took up a position in favour of him and against me. “Glory be to God!,” I exclaimed, “How can a person fall so low? What a deceitful man he was.” I slandered him and committed a sin.

    Later, the truth explained in the previous Indications became clear and illuminated many obscure points. Thanks be to God, through its light I understood both that the All-Wise Qur’an’s powerful encouragement and assurances are completely in place, and that the people of belief being deceived by Satanic machinations is not due to a lack of belief or weakness of faith. I understood too that someone who commits grievous sins is not an unbeliever, and that the Mu‘tazilites and some Kharijite sects are in error by stating: “The person who commits a grievous sin is either in a state of unbelief or is between belief and unbelief,”(*[3]) and that that unfortunate friend of mine sacrificing a hundred lessons in reality to win the attentions of such a scoundrel was not despicable abasement and degeneration; I thanked Almighty God and was saved from the abyss.

    For as I said before, Satan pushes man into serious peril because of some insignificant matter that in reality lacks existence. Moreover, man’s soul always listens to Satan; and his powers of anger and animal appetites are like both receivers and transmitters of Satan’s whisperings.

    It is in consequence of this that Almighty God’s names of Oft-Forgiving and All- Compassionate are turned to the people of belief with a maximum manifestation, and He points out in the All-Wise Qur’an that the greatest gift He bestows on the prophets is forgiveness and He calls on them to seek forgiveness. Repeating the blessed words, “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate” at the start of every Sura and commanding that it be recited at the commencement of all good works,(*[4]) He shows that His all-encompassing mercy embraces the universe and is a stronghold and place of refuge. And by the command, “Seek refuge with God,”(7:200, etc.) He makes a shield of the phrase, “I seek refuge with God from Satan the Accursed.”


    One of Satan’s most dangerous stratagems is this: he makes certain sensitive and ingenuous people confuse imagining unbelief with affirming it. He shows the imagining of misguidance to be the affirmation of it. He also conjures up in their imaginations ugly thoughts about holy individuals and sacred things. He shows also things which are essentially possible together with those that are reasonably possible, thus making those things appear to be doubts opposed to the certainty of belief. Then the wretched sensitive man supposes that he has fallen into misguidance and unbelief, and that his certainty of belief has been lost; he falls into despair and becomes the plaything of Satan. Satan works both his despair, and that weak vein of his, and his confusion, so that he either goes mad, or exclaiming: “All is lost,” embraces misguidance.

    We have explained in some parts of the Risale-i Nur just how lacking in substance are these diabolical stratagems, so here shall discuss them only briefly, as follows: Just as a snake’s image in a mirror cannot bite, nor the similitude of fire burn, or the reflection of filth soil; so the reflections of unbelief and association of partners with God cannot corrupt belief nor the shadows of misguidance, or the imaginings of ugly abuse and words in the mirror of the imagination or of thought change faith, or damage respectful courtesy.

    For the well- known rule goes, “To imagine abuse is not abuse, to imagine unbelief is not unbelief, and to conceive of misguidance is not misguidance.”

    As for the question of doubts in belief, possibilities that are essentially possible do not belie the certainty of belief and do not harm it. One of the established rules of the science of the principles of religion is:

    “An essential impossibiblity cannot negate the certainty afforded by knowledge.”(*[5])

    For example, we are certain that Barla Lake is in its place consisting of water. It is, however, essentially possible that this very moment the lake sank into the ground. It is within the bounds of possibility that it might sink. But since there is nothing to indicate such a possibility, it is not a reasonable possibility and cause doubt.

    For another established rule of the principles of religion is:

    “A possibility that does not arise from any proof or evidence holds no importance.”

    That is, an essential possibility unsupported by any indication cannot be deemed a reasonable possibility and so cause doubts and warrant importance. Hence, the unfortunate man exposed to those Satanic whisperings supposes that due to essential possibilities he has lost his certain belief in the truths of faith.

    For example, numerous essential possibilites about the human aspects of the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) may occur to him which cause no harm to his firm belief, but he imagines that they have and so suffers harm.

    Also, sometimes Satan suggests bad things about Almighty God in the form of whisperings in the heart. The man trembles, supposing that his heart is corrupted so that it says such things. But his fear and trembling and lack of consent shows that those words did not come from his heart; they rather came from Satanic whisperings, and were imparted and caused to be imagined by Satan.

    Also, among man’s subtle faculties are one or two that I have been unable to specify; they do not heed the will and power of choice and probably should not be held responsible. Sometimes they govern, do not listen to the truth, and incline towards wrong. Then Satan whispers to the man: “You’re not capable of attaining to reality and belief, so you involuntarily attempt what is futile and fruitless. That means your fate has condemned you to perdition.” The wretched man falls into despair and is ruined.

    The believer’s stronghold in the face of the former stratagems of Satan are the truths of belief and incontestable matters of the Qur’an, the limits of which have been defined by the principles of the purified exacting scholars. And in the face of the latter stratagems, the believer’s stronghold is to seek refuge with God and to attach no importance to them. For the more importance is given them, the more it attracts attention to them, and they grow and swell. The believer’s antidote and remedy for such spiritual wounds is adhering to the practices of the Prophet (UWBP).


    Question: The Mu‘tazilite authorities considered the creation of evil to be evil, and therefore did not attribute the creation of unbelief and misguidance to God, as if by so doing they were exonerating Him. They misguidedly said: “Man creates his own actions.”(*[6])

    They also said: “A believer who commits a grievous sin loses his belief,(*[7]) for believing in God and affirming Hell is incompatible with such acts. Out of fear at a minor prison sentence in this world, a man restrains himself from acting contrarily to the law, so if he commits serious sins, which infers disregard of divine wrath, it certainly points to his lack of belief.”

    The Answer

    to the first part of the question: as is elucidated in the treatise on divine determining,(*[8]) the creation of evil is not evil; it is the inclination to do evil that is evil. For creation and bringing into being look to all the results. Since the existence of one evil is preliminary to numerous good results, by virtue of those results, the creation of the evil becomes good, and is as though good.

    For example, fire has a hundred good results, but if because they misuse their wills people make the fire evil for themselves, they cannot say that the creation of evil is evil.

    In the same way, the creation of devils has numerous wise results such as human progress; so if a person is defeated by Satan due to his misuse of his will and misguided inclinations, he cannot say that the creation of Satan is evil. For he did evil to himself because he was himself disposed to it. Yes, since the tendency is a particular relation, it has a particular evil result and becomes evil. But since creation looks to all the results, the creation of evil is not evil; it is good. The Mu‘tazilites did not understand this mystery, so they said: “The creation of evil is evil, and the creation of bad, bad.”

    And to exonerate Almight y God of all fault, they did not ascribe the creation of evil to Him; they fell into misguidance, wrongly interpreting the pillar of belief “belief in divine determining, both the good of it and the evil of it are from God.”(*[9])

    The Answer to the second part of the question “How can someone who commits grievous sins remain a believer?”:

    Firstly, their error may be understood clearly from the previous Indications, so there is no need to repeat it.

    Secondly, the man’s evil-commanding soul prefers an ounce of immediate, present pleasure to a ton of postponed, hidden pleasure; similarly, he shrinks at the fear of an immediate slap more than at a year’s torment in the future. Furthermore, if the emotions dominate a person, they do not heed the reason and mind. Desires and delusions govern in him, and he prefers the slightest, most trivial present pleasure to huge reward in the future, and he shrinks from some minor present distress more than from some terrible postponed torment. For desire, illusions, and emotions do not see the future, indeed, they deny it. And if the soul assists them, the heart, which is the seat of belief, and the mind, fall silent and are defeated.

    In which case, committing grievous sins does not arise from lack of belief, but from the defeat of the heart and mind by the predominant emotions, desires, and illusions.

    Moreover, as is understood from the previous Indications, since the way the passions and evil work is through destruction, they are extremely easy. Satans from among jinn and men quickly drive people down that road. It is an astonishing situation, for according to a Hadith, a light to the extent of a fly’s wing from the World of Eternity(*[10]) is comparable to the pleasure and bounties a person receives in his entire life in this world,(*[11]) yet following Satan, certain unfortunates prefer the pleasures of this fleeting world, which are a mere fly’s wing in comparison with the pleasures of that eternal world, which are worth all this world.

    It is for these reasons that the All-Wise Qur’an repeatedly and insistently, and with encouragement and threats, restrains believers from sin and urges them to do good.

    One time this severe guidance of the All-Wise Qur’an gave me the idea that these continual warnings and reminders imply that believers are inconstant and faulty. They suggest a situation inconsistent with man’s integrity. For although a single order from his superior is sufficient to exact an official’s obedience, if the superior repeats the same order ten times, the official will be seriously offended. He will say: “You are insulting me. I am not disloyal.” However, the All-Wise Qur’an insistently repeats the same command to the most sincere believers.

    At the time I was puzzling over this idea, I had two or three loyal friends. I frequently used to warn and remind them lest they be deceived by the machinations of satanic humans. They were not offended at me, nor said I was insulting them. However I used to tell myself that I was offending them with these continual admonitions and that I was accusing them of disloyalty and inconstancy.

    Then suddenly the truth explained and proved in the above Indications became clear. I understood that the All-Wise Qur’an’s insistent repetitions were apt and exactly as required by the situation, and wise and not excessive or accusing; they were pure wisdom and pure eloquence. I understood too the reason those loyal friends of mine were not offended.

    A summary of the truth is this: Since evil spirits provoke people in respect of destruction, they commit much evil with few actions. People who take the path of truth and guidance, therefore, are in need of much caution and great care and repeated warnings and various assistance. For this reason Almighty God offers assistance to the people of belief through His thousand and one names by way of those repetitions, and stretches out thousands of compassionate hands to help them. He does not slight their integrity, but upholds it. He does not belittle man, but shows Satan’s evil to be great.

    O people of truth and people of guidance! The way to be saved from the above- mentioned wiles of satanic jinn and men is this: make your headquarters the school of the people of the truth, the Sunnis; enter the stronghold of the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition’s incontestable matters; and take the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices as your guide; find safety and salvation!


    Question: You have proved in the above Indications that the way of misguidance is easy, and is destruction and aggression, so that many take it. Whereas in other parts of the Risale-i Nur you have proved decisively that the way of unbelief and misguidance is so fraught with difficulties and problems that no one should take it; that it is not possible to follow it. And you have shown that the path of belief and guidance is so easy and clear that everyone should take it.

    The Answer: There are two sorts of unbelief and misguidance. One pertains to actions and secondary matters, and is also denial and rejection of the matters of belief. This kind is misguidance is easy. It is a non- acceptance of the truth, an abdication, non-existence, and the absence of acceptance. In the Risale-i Nur, this sort has been shown to be easy.

    As for the second sort, it pertains not to actions and secondary matters, but is a judgement of the mind and pertains to belief. It does not only deny belief, but opens up a way that is the opposite of it. It is the acceptance of what is false and invalid, the proof of the reverse of truth. This is not only the denial and refutation of belief, it is its opposite. It is not non-acceptance so that it should be easy, but the acceptance of non-being, and can only be accepted through proving non-existence. In accordance with the rule “Non-existence cannot be proved,”(*[12]) it is certainly not easy to prove it.

    Thus, the unbelief and misguidance shown in other parts of the Risale-i Nur to be so difficult and problematic as to be impossible is this sort. Anyone with even a grain of intelligence would not take this way. Moreover, as is demonstrated, it imparts such grievous pains and suffocating darkness that anyone reasonable to the tiniest degree would not follow it.

    If it is asked: Why do most people take it, seeing that it is so grievous, dark, and difficult?

    The Answer: They have fallen into it and cannot extricate themselves. And because the animal and vegetable powers in man do not see the consequences and do not think of them, and come to dominate man’s subtle faculties, such people do not want to extricate themselves, so console themselves with immediate, temporary pleasure.

    Question: Since misguidance gives rise to such dreadful suffering and fear, the unbeliever should not be able to live, let alone receiving pleasure from life. He should be crushed by the pain and be absolutely terrified. For although by reason of his humanity he desires innumerable things and loves life, because of his unbelief, he constantly sees death confronting him as eternal extinction and everlasting separation, and the passing of beings and deaths of his friends and those he loves as annihilation and eternal parting, so how can such a man live? How can he receive pleasure from life?

    The Answer: He deceives himself through an extraordinary sophistry of Satan, and lives. He supposes he receives a superficial pleasure. We shall allude to the true nature of this with a well-known comparison.

    It is related that they said to the ostrich: “You’ve got wings, so fly!” But it folded its wings and said: “I’m a camel,” and didn’t fly. So it fell into the hunter’s trap, and not wanting the hunter to see it, stuck its head in the sand. However, it left its huge body exposed, as prey for the hunter. They later said to it: “You say you’re a camel, so you should carry loads.” Whereupon it opened its wings and declared: “I’m a bird,” and so avoided being a beast of burden. But then it had neither protector nor food, and was pursued by the hunters.

    In exactly the same way, the unbeliever gave up absolute disbelief in the face of the Qur’an’s heavenly proclamations and fell into scepticism. If he is asked: “You think death is eternal extinction. How can a person live when he perpetually sees before him the gallows on which he is to be hanged? How can he be happy?” Thanks to the portion he has received of the Qur’an’s universal mercy and all-encompassing light, the man replies: “Death doesn’t mean going to nothingness; perhaps there is life after death.” Or else he plunges his head in the sand of heedlessness like the ostrich so that the appointed hour will not spot him and the grave will not watch him and the transience of things will not let fly their arrows at him!

    In Short : When like the ostrich the unbeliever looks on death and decline as extinction, his scepticism makes him consider possible the certain tidings of the Qur’an and revealed scriptures concerning belief in the hereafter afford him a possibility. He grasps the possibility and does not suffer that ghastly pain. If he is then told: “Since one will go to an everlasting realm, to have a good life there, here one has to put up with the difficulties of performing the religious obligations,”

    his scepticism leads him to reply: “Perhaps there is no such world, so why should I work for something that doesn’t exist?” That is to say, he is saved from the pain of eternal nothingness by the possibility of immortalit y afforded by that decree of the Qur’an, and clinging onto the possibility of unbelief, he is saved from the hardship of the religious obligations by the possibility of non-existence afforded by his scepticism.

    That is to say, from this point of view, he supposes he receives more pleasure from this life than the believers, for due to the possibility afforded by unbelief he is saved from the hardship of the religious obligations, and due to the possibility afforded by belief, he does not expose himself to everlasting pains.

    However, this satanic sophistry is extremely superficial, temporary, and without benefit. Thus, the All-Wise Qur’an produces a sort of manifestation of mercy for the unbelievers too that to an extent saves their lives in this world from being Hell; it induces doubt in them, so they live through doubt. Otherwise, by recalling the Hell of the hereafter they would have suffered the torments of a sort of Hell in this world too, and they would have been compelled to commit suicide.

    O people of belief! Fully confident in your belief enter under the protection of the Qur’an, which will save you from eternal extinction and the hells of this world and the hereafter. Submissively and appreciatively remain within the bounds of the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices, and so be saved from both misery in this world and torment in the next!


    Question: Why is it that the people of guidance, who are God’s party, are so often defeated by the people of misguidance, who are Satan’s party, despite the Glory of the World (Upon whom be blessings and peace) being at their head and their receiving so much divine mercy and assistance and so many favours?

    What was the reason for the dissemblers of Medina insisting on misguidance and their not embracing guidance, despite being close to the brilliant sun-like prophethood and messengerhood of the Seal of the Prophets (UWBP) and the Qur’anic truths, which are more captivating than the universal laws of attraction?

    The Answer: To solve the two parts of this awesome question, a profound principle must be explained. It is like this:

    The All-Glorious Creator of the universe has two sort of names, those pertaining to His glory and those pertaining to His beauty. Since the names require to demonstrate their decrees through different manifestations, the Glorious Creator blended together opposites in the universe. Bringing them face to face, he gave them aggressive and defensive positions, in the form of a wise and beneficial contest. Making the opposites transgress one another’s bounds, He brought conflict and change into being, and made the universe subject to the law of change and transformation and the principles of progress and advancement. In humankind, the comprehensive fruit of the tree of creation, he gave the law of contest an even stranger form, and opening the door to striving, which would be the means to all human progress, He gave Satan’s party certain faculties with which to challenge God’s party.

    It is because of this subtle mystery that the prophets were often defeated by the people of misguidance. And the people of misguidance, who are extremely weak and impotent, temporarily triumph over the people of truth, who in reality are extremely strong, and struggle against them. The wisdom in this strange opposition is as follows:

    Misguidance and unbelief comprise both non-existence and omission, so that they are extremely easy and do not require action. They also give rise to destruction, which is also easy, and need little action. They are also a source of aggression, which may cause much harm to many with little action, and by way of intimidating others and satisfying the soul’s desire for power, may secure rank and position for a person. There is also freedom in misguidance and unbelief, which gratifies man’s vegetable and animal powers, which are blind to consequences and obsessed by present pleasure, and induces such subtle faculties as the heart and reason to give up their humane and far- sighted duties.

    However, the sacred way of foremost the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace), the Beloved of the Sustainer of All the Worlds, and of the people of prophethood and the people of guidance, both pertains to existence, and is firmly established, and is constructive, and is based on the important principles of action, moderation, prudence and foresight, worship, and smashing the domination and independence of the evil-commanding soul.(*[13]) It is because of this that the dissemblers of the Prophet’s (UWBP) time in Medina closed their eyes to that refulgent sun like bats, and surrendering themselves to a satanic force of repulsion in the face of that huge attraction, remained in misguidance.

    If it is said: The Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was the Beloved of the Sustainer of All the Worlds;(*[14])and he held truth in his hand and spoke the truth with his tongue;(*[15])and among the soldiers of his army were angels;(*[16])and he watered a whole army with one handful of water;(*[17])and provided a feast for a thousand men with four handfuls of wheat and the meat of one kid;(*[18])and caused the unbelievers’ army to flee by throwing a handful of dust at them, which entered all their See, Muslim, Jihad, 81; Darimi, Siyar, 16; Musnad, i, 103, 368; v, 286, 310.</ref>)so how was that dominical commander who performed a thousand miracles similar to these, defeated at the end of Uhud(*[19])and at the beginning of Hunayn?(*[20])

    The Answer: God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was sent to mankind as an exemplary guide and leader so that men might learn from him the rules of social and personal life, become accustomed to obeying the laws of the All-Wise One of Perfection, and act in conformity with the principles of His wisdom. If the Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) had always relied on wonders and miracles, he could not have been absolute guide and leader.

    He therefore displayed miracles from time to time, in answer to need, solely to make them affirm his claim to prophethood and to nullify the unbelievers’ denial. At other times he obeyed the divine commands more than anyone, and more than everyone acted in conformity with the divine laws in creation, established through dominical wisdom and will, and submitted to them. He used to wear armour when confronting the enemy,(*[21])and would order his troops to enter their trenches.(*[22])He received wounds and suffered hardship.(*[23])In this way he obeyed and observed to the letter the laws of divine wisdom and the Greater Shari‘a of Creation.


    One of the most cunning of Iblis’s wiles is to make those who follow him deny himself. Since at this time people whose minds have been tainted by materialist philosophy in particular have been hesitant in these self-evident matters, we shall say one or two things in the face of this stratagem of Satan. They are as follows:

    There are self-evidently corporeal evil spirits who perform Satan’s functions. It is also certain to the same degree that there are evil spirits without bodies from the jinns. If they were clothed in physical bodies, they would be the same as those evil human beings. Also, if those evil spirits in human form were able to leave aside their bodies, they would be those jinn-satans. Indeed, in consequence of this terrible relationship one deviant school pronounced: “After they have died, excessively evil spirits in human form become devils.”

    It is well-known that when something of high quality is corrupted it becomes more corrupted than something of less quality. For example, if yoghurt and milk go bad they may still be eaten, but if oil goes bad it becomes inedible, and poisonous even. Similarly, if the most noble, indeed the highest of creatures, man, is corrupted, he becomes more corrupt than a depraved animal. Like vermin who enjoy the stink of putrifying matter and snakes who take pleasure at biting and poisoning, they take pride and pleasure at the evils and wicked immorality of the swamp of misguidance, being gratified at the harms and crimes of the darkness of evil-doing; quite simply they take on the nature of Satan. Yes, a decisive indication of the existence of devils from the jinn, is the existence of human satans.

    Secondly: All the hundreds of decisive evidences proving the existence of angels and spirit beings in the Twenty-Ninth Word prove also the existence of evils spirits. We refer this aspect to that Word.

    Thirdly: The existence of the angels, the representatives and supervisors of the laws of the good matters in the universe, is established and agreed upon by all the religions. So too, the existence of evil and satanic spirits, who are the representatives and ushers of evil matters and the means of the laws of such matters, is required by wisdom and reality, and is certain. Indeed, in evil matters, a conscious screen is more necessary. For as is stated at the beginning of the Twenty-Second Word,

    since everyone cannot see the true good of everything, the All-Glorious Creator has made apparent intermediaries a screen to apparent evils and defects, so that objections should not be levelled at Him, nor His mercy be accused, nor his wisdom criticized or unjustly complained about, and so that objections, criticisms, and complaints should be directed at the screen, and not turned to the Generous Creator, the Absolutely Wise One. Just as He made illness a screen to the appointed hour of death in order to save Azra’il from the complaints(*[24])of His servants who die, so too He made Azra’il a screen to the seizing of the spirits of the dying so that the complaints at that situation, which is fancied to be lacking in compassion, should not be directed at Almighty God.

    And even more certainly, dominical wisdom demanded the existence of Satan, so that objections and criticisms in the face of evils and bad things should not be directed at the All-Glorious Creator.

    Fourthly: Just as man is a small world, the microcosm, so is the world a large human being, the macroanthropos. Small man is an index and summary of the macroanthropos. The large originals of the samples in man will necessarily be found in the macroanthropos. For example, the existence of man’s faculty of memory is a certain indication of the existence of the Preserved Tablet in the world.

    So too everyone has experienced in himself the inner faculty situated in a corner of the heart which is the means to diabolical suggestions(*[25]) and temptations and is a satanic tongue that speaks at the promptings of the surmising faculty and the corrupted power of imagination, which becomes like a small Satan and acts contrary to its owner’s will and opposed to his desires – these are certain evidences of the existence of great satans in the world.

    And since the inner faculty which is the means of diabolical suggestions and the power of imagination are an ear and a tongue, they infer the existence of an external evil individual who blows on the one and makes the other speak.


    The All-Wise Qur’an states in miraculous fashion that the universe grows angr y at the evil of the people of misguidance, and the universal elements becomes wrathful and beings, furious. Awesomely, it depicts the storm visited on Noah’s people and the assaults of the heavens and earth, the anger of the element air at the denial of the ‘Ad and Thamud peoples, and the fury of the sea and element water at the people of Pharaoh, and the rage of the element earth at Qarun, and in accordance with the verse, “Almost bursting with fury,”(67:8) the vehemence and anger of Hell at the people of unbelief in the hereafter, and the rage of the other beings at the unbelievers and people of misguidance; in miraculous fashion it restrains the people of misguidance and rebellion.

    Question: Why do the unimportant actions and personal sins of unimportant men attract the anger of the universe in this way?

    The Answer: As proved in other parts of the Risale-i Nur and in the previous Indications, unbelief and misguidance are terrible aggression and crimes that concern all beings. For one of the most important results of the universe’s creation is man’s worship and his responding to divine dominicality with belief and submission.

    However, due to the denial which is a part of disbelief, the people of unbelief and misguidance reject that supreme result, which is the ultimate reason for the continued existence of beings, and they therefore perpetrate a sort of transgression against the beings’ rights. Moreover, since they deny the manifestations of the divine names which are apparent in the mirrors of beings and exalt their value, they both insult those sacred names, and by degrading the value of all beings, greatly depreciate them. Also, although beings are dominical officials charged with elevated duties, by their unbelief, the people of misguidance cast them down, and showing them to be lifeless, transitory, meaningless creatures, they in a way violate the rights of all of them.

    Thus, since the varieties of misguidance impair to a greater or lesser extent the dominical wisdom in the universe’s creation and the divine purposes in the world’s continued existence, the universe becomes angry at the people of rebellion and misguidance, as do all beings and creatures.

    O wretched man, whose being is small but guilt great and sin grievous! If you want to be delivered from the wrath of the universe, the rage of beings, and the aversion of creatures, here is the means: enter the sacred bounds of the All-Wise Qur’an and follow the practices of God’s Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace), who was the herald of the Qur’an. So put yourself within its fold and adhere to the practices!


    This consists of four questions and answers.

    First Question:

    How can infinite torment in an endless Hell in return for limited sins in a limited life be justice?

    The Answer: It was understood clearly in the above Indications, and particularly in the Eleventh, that unbelief and misguidance constitute an infinite crime and are transgression against innumerable rights.

    Second Question:

    It is said in the Shari‘a that Hell is punishment for actions, but Paradise is a divine favour.(*[26])What is the reason for this?

    The Answer: It is clearly shown in the above Indications that with his faculty of will and trifling wishes, man causes awesome destruction and evils by giving form and reality to something non-existent or theoretical. Similarly, since his soul and appetites always incline towards evil and harm, he is responsible for the evils that occur as a result of his trivial wishes. For his soul wanted them and his desires gave rise to them. And since evil pertains to non-existence, the servant is the agent and Almighty God creates it. Being responsible for the infinite crime, he certainly deserves infinite punishment.

    However, since good deeds and actions pertain to existence, man’s will and wishes cannot be the direct cause of their existence. Man cannot be the true agent in such acts. Also, his evil-commanding soul does not tend towards good deeds; it is divine mercy that requires them and dominical power that creates them. Man can only lay claim to them through belief, a wish, or an intention. And having claimed them, such good works consist of thanks for the infinite divine bounties received, such as the gifts of belief and existence. Such thanks looks to past bounties, while Paradise is a favour of the Most Merciful which since it as been promised by Him will be given. Apparently it is a reward, but in reality it is a favour.

    That is to say, in evils the soul is the cause and deserves the punishment, while in good deeds, both the cause and the occasion are from God. Man can only lay claim to them through belief. He may not say: “I want the reward,” but he may say: “I hope for divine favour.”

    Third Question:

    It is understood from the above explanations that since evils multiply through contagion and aggression, a single evil deed should be recorded as a thousand; and since good deeds pertain to existence, they do not multiply nor do they occur through the servant’s creative act or the desires of his soul; they therefore should not be recorded at all or as only one. So why are evil deeds recorded as one and good deeds as ten, and sometimes as thousands?(*[27])

    The Answer: In this way Almighty God demonstrates His perfect mercy and the beauty of His compassionateness.

    Fourth Question:

    The successes the people of misguidance have achieved and the power they display and their victories over the people of guidance show that they rely on some power and truth. This means either that the people of guidance possess some weakness, or that the misguided possess some truth?

    The Answer: God forbid, neither do they possess any truth, nor do the people of truth have any weakness. But regretably some of the ordinary people who are short-sighted and unreasoning become doubtful and hesitant, and harm comes to their belief.

    For they say: If the people of truth had possessed complete truth and reality, they should not have suffered defeat and abasement to this degree. For the truth is powerful. According to the fundamental principle “Truth is exalted and shall not be overcome,”(*[28]) power lies in truth. If the people of misguidance had not possessed a true power and point of support, they could not have predominated over the people of truth and triumphed to this extent.

    The Answer: As is proven in the above Indications, the defeat of the people of truth does not arise from lack of power and absence of truth, and as is also proven, the people of misguidance’s victory does not spring from their power and capacity and their having some source of support. Hence, the answer to this question is all the above Indications; here we shall only point out a number of the tricks and weapons they employ, as follows:

    I myself have frequently observed that mischief-makers, who form ten per cent, defeat the righteous, who form ninety per cent. I used to be astonished and curious. Investigating, I understood certainly that their victory results not from power, but from corruption, baseness, destruction, taking advantage of differences among the people of truth, sowing conflict among them, from playing on their weak traits of character and grafting them with such traits, and exciting the emotions of the soul and personal hatred, and through working the evil capacities in human nature which are like mines of corruption, and through hypocritically flattering the soul’s tyranny in the name of fame and glory, and through everyone fearing their unfeeling destruction. By means of diabolical machinations like these, they temporarily triumph over the people of truth.

    But in accordance with the verse, And the end is [best] for the righteous,(7:128) and the rule, “Truth is exalted and shall not be overcome,” in addition to its not yielding any significant benefit for them, their temporary triumph will lead to their earning Hell for themselves and Paradise for the people of truth.

    Thus, because in misguidance those without power appear powerful and the insignificant win fame, they take up a position opposed to the people of truth. In this way conceited, fame-seeking, hypocritical people demonstrate their power although it has little substance and win a position for themselves through intimidating others and causing harm; they are seen and attention is drawn to them, and the destruction of which they are the cause, not through power and ability, but through omission and failure to act, is attributed to them and they become talked about. Just like the person obsessed with fame who defiled a place of worship so that everyone would talk about him. Even if it meant being execrated, so long as he was talked about, his worship of fame made it appear desirable to him. The case became proverbial.

    O wretched man created for the eternal realm and enamoured of this transient world! Study closely the meaning of the verse, And neither heaven nor earth shed a tear over them,(44:29) and heed it. Look, what does it say? With its explicit meaning it says: “When the people of misguidance die, the heavens and earth, which are connected with man, do not weep over them, that is, they are pleased at their deaths.”

    While with its implied meaning, it says: “The heavens and earth weep over the bodies of the people of guidance when they die; they do not want them to depart.” For all the universe is connected with the people of belief and its beings are happy with them. For by virtue of their belief they know the Creator of the Universe, so appreciate the universe’s value, and respect and love it. They do not nurture implicit enmity and contempt for it like the people of misguidance.

    O man, think! You are bound to die. If you follow your soul and Satan, your neighbours, and even your relations, will be happy at being delivered from you. But if saying, “I seek refuge with God from Satan the Accursed,” you follow the Qur’an and the Merciful One’s Beloved (UWBP), then in accordance with your degree the heavens and earth and all beings will be sorry at your parting, and in effect weep. Mourning in elevated fashion and giving you a splendid send-off, they will indicate that you will have a good welcome in the world of eternity according to your degree, when you enter it through the door of the grave.(*[29])


    This consists of three points.

    First Point:

    One of Satan’s most cunning wiles is to deceive people with narrow minds, short views, and constricted hearts concerning the immensity of the truths of belief. He says: “It is said that a single Being directs and administers within His dominicality all particles and planets and stars and all the other beings and all their states. How can a person believe in such an immense and extraordinary matter? How can it be contained in the heart? How can the mind accept it?” He awakens a feeling of denial in respect of human impotence.

    The Answer: The way to silence this wile of Satan’s is “God is Most Great!” And its true answer is “God is Most Great!” Yes, the reason “God is Most Great!” is the most frequently repeated of all the marks of Islam is to eliminate this wile. For it is through the light of “God is Most Great!” that man’s impotence and lack of power, weakness and lack of strength, and narrow thought see such infinitely vast truths and affirm them. It is through the strength of “God is Most Great!” that man sustains those truths, and situates them within the sphere of “God is Most Great!” And he says to his heart which starts to doubt: It is self-evident that the universe is administered and directed in most orderly fashion. There are two ways in which this may occur:

    The First Way: It is possible that despite its wondrous immensity, such an astonishing work comes about through wondrous art in a wondrous way. So this first way is that the universe exists through the dominicality, will, and power of a Single and Eternally Besought One, to whose existence are witnesses to the number of beings, indeed, of minute particles.

    The Second Way: This is the way of unbelief and associating partners with God, which is in no way possible and is so difficult as to be impossible and is in no respect reasonable. For as is proved decisively in many parts of the Risale-i Nur such as the Twentieth Letter and Twenty-Second Word, there would have to be present in all the beings in the universe and even in every single particle absolute divinity and all-encompassing knowledge and infinite power so that the total order and regularity, the sensitive balance and distinction, and the perfect, adorned embroideries of art to be observed in beings could come into existence.

    In Short: If there were no immense and tremendous dominicality, which is completely appropriate and fitting, it would necessitate following a way that is in every respect unreasonable and precluded. Even Satan cannot propose fleeing from such necessary immensity, and suggest accepting impossibility.

    Second Point:

    Another of Satan’s cunning wiles is to prevent man admitting his faults in order to close up the way of seeking forgiveness and taking refuge with God. He also incites the egotism of the human soul, so that the soul defends itself like a lawyer, quite simply acquitting itself of all fault.

    Yes, a soul that listens to Satan does not want to see its own faults. Even if it does see them, it explains them away in a hundred ways. According to the saying: “The eye of contentment is blind to faults,”(*[30])when a person looks with pleasure on his soul, he does not see its errors. And because he does not see them, he does not admit to them or seek forgiveness, or seek refuge with God from them, so becomes the plaything of Satan. How can the soul be relied on when a noble prophet like Joseph (UWP) said: “Nor do I absolve my own self [of blame]; the [human] soul is certainly prone to evil, unless my Sustainer do bestow His mercy.”?(12:53)

    The person who accuses his soul, sees its faults. And he who admits his faults, seeks forgiveness for them. And he who seeks forgiveness, takes refuge with God. And he who takes refuge with God, is saved from Satan’s evil. Not to see one’s faults is a greater fault than the first fault. And not to admit to one’s faults is a serious defect. If one sees the fault, it ceases to be a fault. If one admits it, one becomes worthy of forgiveness.(*[31])

    Third Point:

    A satanic wile corrupting the life of society is this: not to see all the virtues of a believer on account of a single bad point. Those unjust people who heed this wile of Satan are in this way inimical to believers. However, when Almighty God weighs up deeds with absolute justice on the supreme scales at the Last Judgement, He will judge in accordance with the predominance of good deeds over evils and vice versa. Seeing that the causes of evil deeds are numerous and their existence is easy, sometimes He veils numerous bad deeds with a single good deed. That is to say, dealings in this world should be in accordance with divine justice. If a person’s good points are greater in regard to quality or quantity than his bad points, he is deserving of love and respect. Indeed, one should forgive numerous bad points on account of a single laudable virtue.

    However, due to the vein of tyranny in his nature, at the promptings of Satan, the person forgets the hundred virtues of others because of a single bad point; he is hostile towards his believing brother, and commits sins. Just as a fly’s wing covering the eye conceals a mountain, so too, the veil of hatred makes man conceal virtues as great as a mountain due to a single evil resembling a fly’s wing; he forgets them, is hostile towards his brother believer, and becomes a tool of corruption in the life of society.

    By means of another wile resembling this one, Satan corrupts the integrity of peoples’ thoughts. He impairs sound judgement concerning the truths of belief and damages integrity and correctness of thought. It is like this:

    He desires to destroy hundreds of evidences proving the truths of belief with a slight hint refuting them. Whereas it is an established principle that “a single proof is superior to a hundred denials.” The statement of a witness proving a claim is preferable to a hundred people denying it. Consider this truth by means of the following comparison:

    There is a palace with a hundred doors all closed. If one of its doors is opened, the palace may be entered and all the doors opened. If all the doors are open and one or two are closed, it may not be said that the palace cannot not be entered.

    Thus, the truths of belief are the palace. Each evidence is a key; it proves the truths and opens a door. If one of the doors remains closed, the truths of belief cannot be abandoned and denied. Satan however, in consequence of certain things or by means of heedlessness or ignorance, points out a door that has remained closed, thus causing a person to disregard all the positive evidences. He deceives the person, saying: “See, this palace cannot be entered. Perhaps it isn’t a palace and perhaps there’s nothing inside it.”

    O wretched man afflicted by Satan and his wiles! If you want the life of religion and of society and personal life all to be healthy, and if you want integrity of thought, a sound view, and a sincere heart, weigh up your actions and thoughts on the scales of the incontestable matters of the Qur’an and the balance of the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices. Always take the Qur’an and the practices as your guide. Say: “I take refuge with God from Satan the Accursed,” and seek refuge with God Almighty!

    The above thirteen Indications are thirteen keys. Use them to open the door of the fortified stronghold of the Sura,

    Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of mankind * The Ruler of mankind

    • The God of mankind * From the mischief of the Whisperer [of evil], who withdraws [after his whisper]– * [The same] who whispers into the hearts of mankind– * Among jinns and among men;(114:1-6)

    enter this secure citadel and find safety!

    Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise.(2:32)

    And say: O My Sustainer, I seek refuge with You from the whisperings of the Evil Ones, * and I seek refuge with you, my Sustainer lest they should come near me.(23:97-8)

    The Twelfth Flash ⇐ | The Flashes | ⇒ The Fourteenth Flash

    1. *See, al-Khamawi, Khizana al-Adab, ii, 482; al-Qazwani, al-Idah fi ‘Ulum al-Balagha, i, 15-6.
    2. *See, al-Shahristani, al-Milal wa’l-Nihal, i, 232-3; al-Iji, Kitab al-Mawaqif, iii, 65; Tahir ibn Muhammad, al-Tabsir fi’l-Din, i, 91, 113, 142.
    3. *See, al-Iji, Kitab al-Mawaqif, iii, 548; Ibn Abi’l-’Izz, Sharh ‘Aqida al-Tahawiyya, i, 356-62.
    4. *See, Ibn Maja, Nikah, 19; Musnad, ii, 359; al-Nasa’i, al-Sunan al-Kubra, vi, 127-8; ‘Abd al- Razzaq, al-Musannaf, vi, 189; Ibn Hibban, al-Sahih, i, 173-4.
    5. *See, al-Ghazzali, al-Manhul, 122; al-Mujaddidi, Qawa’id al-Fiqh, 11, 143.
    6. *See, al-Maturidi, al-Tawhid, i, 92, 169, 314, 315; Ibn Hazm, al-Fasl fi’-Milal, ii, 121; iii, 57, 59.
    7. *See, al-Iji, Kitab al-Mawaqif, iii, 548; Ibn Abi’l-’Izz, Sharh ‘Aqida al-Tahawiyya, i, 356-62.
    8. *The Twenty-Sixth Word. See, The Words (Istanbul: Sözler Publications, 2008), 477-90. (Tr.)
    9. *Muslim, Iman, 39; Tirmidhi, Iman, 4; Abu Da’ud, Sunna, 17; Nasa’i, Iman, 6; Ibn Maja, Muqaddima, 63.
    10. *Tirmidhi, Zuhd, 13; Ibn Maja, Zuhd, 3; Musnad, v, 154, 177.
    11. *See, al-Qurtubi, al-Jami‘ al-Ahkam al-Qur’an, xiii, 7.
    12. *Ibn Qayyim, al-Sawa’iq al-Mursala, iv, 1310; al-Ruh fi’l-Kalam, i, 198.
    13. *See, al-Bayhaqi, al-Zuhd, 157; al-Ghazzali, Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din, iii, 4; al-Daylami, al-Musnad, iii, 408; Ibn Rajab, Jami‘ al-‘lum wa’l-Hikam, i, 196; al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir, v, 538; al-‘Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa’, i, 160; ii, 222.
    14. *See, Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 1; al-Daylami, Muqadddima, 8.
    15. *See, Qur’an, 17:105.
    16. *See, Qur’an, 3:123-5. Also, Bukhari, Maghazi, 11.
    17. *See, Bukhari, Wudu’, 32; Manaqib, 25; Maghazi, 35; Muslim, ‘Imara, 72, 73; Fada’il, 5-6; Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 6; Nasa’i, Tahara, 61; Musnad, iii, 329.
    18. *See, Bukhari, Hiba, 28; At‘ima, 6; Maghazi, 29; Manaqib, 25; Muslim, Ashriba, 141-2, 175;Tirmidhi, Manaqib, 6; Ibn Maja, At‘ima, 47; Muwatta’, Sifat al-Nabi, 19; Musnad, i, 197-8.
    19. *See, Bukhari, Jihad, 65; Bad’u’l-Khalq, 11; Manaqib al-Ansar, 22; Maghazi, 18; Ayman, 15; Diyat, 16; Abu Da’ud, Jihad, 106; Musnad, iv, 293-4
    20. *See, Bukhari, Maghazi, 54; Jihad, 52, 61, 97, 167; Muslim, Jihad, 79; Tirmidhi, Jihad, 15.
    21. *See, Abu Da’ud, Jihad, 75; Ibn Maja, Jihad, 18; Musnad, iii, 449.
    22. *See, Bukhari, Maghazi, 29; Jihad, 34, 161; Qadar, 16; Tamanni, 7; Muslim, Jihad, 125.
    23. *See, Bukhari, Jihad, 80, 85, 163; Wudu’, 72; Maghazi, 24; Nikah, 123; Tibb, 27; Muslim, Jihad, 101; Tirmidhi, Tibb, 34; Ibn Maja, Tibb, 15.
    24. *See, Abu Nu’aym, Hilya al-Awliya’, v, 51; al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi, Nawadir al-Usul, i, 177-8; al-Suyuti, al-Durr al-Manthur, vi, 543.
    25. *See, Tirmidhi, Tafsir Sura 35:2; al-Nasa’i, al-Sunan al-Kubra, vi, 305; al-Bazzar, al-Musnad, v, 394; Abu Ya’la, al-Musnad, vii, 278; viii, 417.
    26. *See, Qur’an, 10:58. See also, Bukhari, Riqaq, 18; Marda, 19; Muslim, Sifat al-Munafiqin, 71-3,75-6, 78.
    27. *See, Qur’an, 6:160. See also, Bukhari, Iman, 31; Muslim, Iman, 206.
    28. *See, Bukhari, Jana’iz, 79: “al-Islam ya’lu wa la yu’la.”
    29. *See, Tirmidhi, Qiyama, 26 (2460); Ibn Maja, Zuhd, 31; Musnad, ii, 364; vi, 140.
    30. *Ibn ‘Asakir, Tarikh Dimashq, xxxiii, 219; xxxvi, 319; al-Ghazzali, Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din, iii, 36;al-Qalqashandi, Subh al-A’sha’, ix, 196.
    31. *See, al-Daylami, al-Musnad, v, 199; al-Quda’i, Musnad al-Shihab, ii, 44.